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What ever happened to being nice in EQFollow

#1 Mar 24 2004 at 8:51 AM Rating: Decent
I've been playing EQ since it's beginning. Back then people not only would help others out. But also were polite. Now a days I get folk who just login and come in and take over a spot I'm camped. They don't even ask for camp check or if I would share a camped spot. And then when you tell you are camping this spot, they get rude. When EQ was younger, I remember people would politely appogized, ask if they could have afterward, share, and/or give ya buffs. Not anymore. People were always looking for more to fill their groups. Now? I see lots of folks LFG, but rarely groups looking for more. It seems now even people only join guilds for what they can get instead of just making friends to have fun together with. Anyone else out noticed this change or is it just a change on the Veeshan Server.
#2 Mar 24 2004 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
i agree with this wholeheartedly but i do have to say one thing whenever i am in a zone and see a lot of people lfg i always suggest they should all get together levels permitting of course a lot of times people are doing other thing while spamming their lfg hotkey and dont see the other ooc's for lfg they are just waitng for that tell message to come up
#3 Mar 24 2004 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
88 posts
I remember those days. I have not seen them recently.

Not many people remember what it was like to be a low level newbie. I, personally, think that's the problem.
#4 Mar 24 2004 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
I too agree. Things just are not what they used to be. I also play on Veeshan and see what you are talking about. Players seem to not know how to be nice and are only in it for their own personal gain. Well, that was a huge over generalization. Most seem to be in it for their own personal gain. Adventuring as seem to left the game. I have been playing since per Kunark, and my main is only a lvl 53 shammy. Vacuna is only 53 because I have spent alot of time out and about exploring the world. It seems that most are just in it for the exp grinding so that they can be 65 as soon as they can be. I miss the days of just playing with friends, exploring, and yes dieing. I cannot count the places I have died, not just PC and DL. Oh well, that is just the change of the game.

PS-- I miss waiting for the Boat

Vacuna 53rd summer Shaman
Wacuna 43rd summer Bard
#5 Mar 24 2004 at 11:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,252 posts
oh well...

strange it is indeed. I mean, i am a newbie (only playing since December), but I still have those times, when somebody walks up to me and buffs me. (as I do most times with my pally when I "walk the earth")

e.g. playing with my Lvl 8 - Q-Tipped, I admit - warrior. had to portal from steamfont to PoK, as concripts kept hitting me. did bind my wounds. well, some nice person not only healed me but buffed me too. without me asking for it. prolly just seeing this ugly female warrior called for help I suppose...I bowed, said thanks and was happy :)

or, yesterday with me druid. was in east karana, met some very friendly HL froggie. talked a while, he showed his new JBoots, I showed him my new polished bracelets and off we went after 5 mins talking. total stranger :)

otoh... am in GF, announcing free SOW at POD lift with my (lvl 14) druid. some git walks up to me and says: "heal me." like that... hehe, I would have liked to ignore him, but didn't then...

I just think that if we are friendly and helpful, then others might be inclined to be friendly too. and if not, well, some pr**** you have everywhere.

Good Luck :)
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#6 Mar 24 2004 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
well i havent been playing all that long, i started when velious first came out... Dec 2001... but yes i have seen what you are talking about, that is why when stormhammer first came out it was a life saver. it was like going back in time when EQ was fun again. well now stormhammer is just like any other server cept you pay more lol. i moved to this new server im sure you have heard of, Morden Rasp... well i have to say it is interesting... when i log on and do /who all 65 lfg usually im the only one lfg. that is the only sad thing. i have been on the server for about 2 weeks and havent gotten one exp group. i am starting to miss the mean people, atleast on my old server i wasnt bored out of my mind. soloing can get real old after awhile, i havent been able to do any of the fabled mobs cause i cant seem to get a group together... im about rdy to pay 75 more dollars to move back to Prexus.
#7 Mar 24 2004 at 11:25 AM Rating: Decent
yeah, half the problem is not remembering you noob days, and half the problem is noobs thinking eveyone who isnt a noob is there to serve them (not saying all noobs, just ones like in kajolus' example.
Having said that there are some noobs that are really gratefull for a sow and a few plat to help them along the way.

The best way i saw of handling this was as follows: a noob walks up to a druid in PoK and says "sow me" and the druid straight away replies "blow me" and ported out, maybe thats the druid being impolite aswell, or maybe its someone getting angry at ungreatfull expectant stupids, i like to think it was the latter
#8 Mar 24 2004 at 11:36 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Not many people remember what it was like to be a low level newbie. I, personally, think that's the problem
From what I'm hearing, the lack of courtesy some people run into continues right into level 65. It really has nothing to do with the level of the players.

A player either cares about courtesy and fair play or they don't. Of course, when you're protected by the anonimity of a computer screen, you're free to act as rudely as you like with (most likely) no repurcussions except perhaps a momentarily tarnished reputation.

P.S. I still encounter many more nice people than rude ones. Whenn you encounter people who are being rude, don't prolong the encounter and don't dwell on their bad behavior. Why tarnish your play time thinking about the occasional jerk who, I assure you, isn't thinking about you?

Edited, Thu Mar 25 10:29:49 2004 by Yanari
#9 Mar 24 2004 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
Either your hunting in the wrong zones <PC, HHk or BoT> or your on a crappy server. i can count on one hand the camps that have been 'Taken' from me in the last 12 months.

I too have played since 2001 and i see very little difference in politeness of people in general. Sure there are more unskilled people than there were but thats to be expected since it's so easy to level these days.

I see lots of folks LFG, but rarely groups looking for more.

I hazzard a guess thats because people are more consentrated in particular zones now and with the LFG tool people looking for more can grab the class they want from anywhere in the world.
#10 Mar 24 2004 at 12:36 PM Rating: Decent
Actually, having played from 1999, I'd have to agree that rudeness is a little more prevelant. Okay, maybe not out and out rudeness, but a noticable lack of manners in some players.

I've noticed a sharp increase in the past year, but before that it was okay. *shrugs*
#11 Mar 24 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Excellent
248 posts
I disagree, I think EQ was significantly more rude before some of the first anti-kiting changes, before the looting informs to stop ninjalooting, and before they changed how xp was rewarded to prevent killstealing.

I saw an awful lot of griefing in early EQ, much more than I see now.
#12 Mar 24 2004 at 1:05 PM Rating: Decent
I have played since the beginning and I think over all things are not as polite as they used to be. I will say that camp fights seemed more prevelent in the early days though...but there were reasons for that(i.e. fewer places per level to fight).

Remember when you would pass someone on a road somewhere in the middle of nowhere and you would hail them. Chat about where you were going and what you were doing. Buffing each other. On numerous occasions I would end up grouping with that person and going with them to wherever they were going or the other way around. When me and my friends would group, as we boated and ran in from all over, we'd pick up a couple more for our groups on the way.

Guilding was all about making friends and having friends to group with. Raiding was so far off for most, as getting to 50, which was the cap back then, was not something that occured in the space of a couple of weeks. So a guild was to make friends and have a channel for friends to all chat on to organize groups or just BS.

Camp checks and pick up groups were much more common...and I am not including LDON...that is all about pick up groups. The difference is that in LDON you gather, head for the adventure and fight until done and then either do another or leave. The most social some groups get is trying to impress each other by linking their twinked items to each other. Not like camping a mob where you chat and get to know each other...change plans ("Hey, lets go kill Najena!" "Yeah, let's go!")

(OK, let me rant here a minute. Do you not hate it when you get into a group and there is that one guy with all twinked gear who wants to link each and every item and boast about it. Gets old. Best way to shut them up is to start asking where it dropped...or if you know ask him how he killed whatever to get it. I made a guy feel real bad about one item. I said that I heard it was a lot of fun fighting where that dropped and that it was quite a rare drop...he must have had a lot of fun doing it? He told me me, after a pause, no, bought it for 12K in the bazaar. I said Oh, what a shame. He quit lknking his uber stuff to me. incidentally he also sucked and almost got the group wiped...good thing he had all of that gear! Used to be when we looked at each other's items, we had a story as to how we got it...and it rarely included buying it.)

I believe EQ was a much more social game in the beginning. But I have managed to keep friends and find new ones who are more interested in making friends and adventuring than leveling.

**OK, I realize making that guy feel bad is an example of being rude! hehe but he was annoying everyone else in the group and everyone was private telling each other they wish he would stop. So actually what I did was a courtesy to my group! :-)

Edited, Wed Mar 24 13:06:59 2004 by lhuffman
#13 Mar 24 2004 at 1:26 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
I do see alot of rudeness on Povar, but I do my share of being polite. When ever a buff runs out, I will normally say "May I get another sow, just ran out" when I get the sow, I say "thanks". That goes for any other buff like haste, symbols, temp, virtue, what ever it may be. Then if it is a buff that takes a dot, I will donate...even to my own group members.
#14 Mar 24 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
Heh, the days of being nice are pretty much gone from the Lanys Server also. I know that camps are only player recognized and not SoE recognized. But on Lanys its pretty much you kill it now (mainly if it is a named mob mind you) or be prepared to have another group run past you and kill it themselves. Granted it is mainly one or two set groups or people who do this.
Pretty much if you are in an "uber" guild you can do what you want without much reprocussion. Especially since GM's are almost non-existent on our server.
Another prevelant problem is that there are way too many damn people who don't know how to play their class...especially too many lvl 65's. PL'ing has really hurt making someone a skilled player.
Seems like todays game is just about greed and not about having fun or helping others.

Edited, Wed Mar 24 14:41:57 2004 by KalailEvenstar
#15 Mar 24 2004 at 3:02 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
There has always been rudeness, and mean people. But the nice people make up for it. I had never been in half the zones for the fireworks wand quest, and people were ever so nice. I had no idea how to get to lower guk, and a really nice guy took me all through Uguk to lower, and helped me find the item. I donated nicely to him (he was actually lower level than me), but he had no way of knowing that before he was nice.

I get buffs all the time, give buffs all the time, and there are some wonderful people out there. Most people are really nice when they ask for buffs, but if they really rude, oops out of mana, so sorry. Or I ask them if they really meant to add a please onto their request, but forgot.

Now the skellies lately, yikes. I have not had a single one with a good drop, because EVERY one I started to fight with that may have had a good drop was taken away, and I didn't fight about it. That got so bad I just quit fighting the skellies.
#16 Mar 24 2004 at 3:33 PM Rating: Decent
74 posts
I think the game has become too easy for new players than when the game first started. Five years ago you had to work at things, but now everything is handed to newbies from the moment they login. Back in the day when I got a buff I thanked and thanked the person because I'm polite, but also so that they'd be more inclined to buff me again sometime. =)
Today, I've noticed that when I buff newbies, they could care less, maybe because they have high level friends that buffed them already, maybe they're twinked, or maybe they're too new to know what I did to them. Who knows. Point being that a good portion of newbies just don't care if they get buffed again because they don't seem to need it. That's only my observation and I'm sure the rude people will point out my errors. =P
#17 Mar 24 2004 at 4:05 PM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
I have to disagree. I find the typical player considerably more polite and considerate then was the case four and a half years ago when I started.

There was a time when people would KS anything, just to get the exp. There were far too few zones for everyone 15th level or higher, and the ones that were available, were packed.

I remember having to get on a waiting list to get into a group in Highkeep. And it wasn't much different anywhere else. It was very common for higher level players to come and KS any mob that dropped anything that could be sold. I can remember having the two named gnolls in HighPass repeatedly KS'd. And if you complained about it, or got help, the jerk doing the KSing would just hand his guild a **** and bull story about how you were moving in on his camp, and pretty soon you'd have an entire group of 40th level dips KSing you.

The old days sucked, and they sucked hard. Things are much better now.

#18 Mar 24 2004 at 6:23 PM Rating: Good
1,257 posts
Ahh well, can't agree.

For the most part they are still alive and kicking at least on rodcet anyway.

You always, will meet rude people, but it goes in phases, I think what with all the renewed accounts there are maybe a few around at the moment (in fact, I reported someone for the first time in two years over the weekend, then beat myself up over it), but the old and new staples of helping each other remain. I love buffing when i can, and still am amazed at the buffs help i get for no payback aceept a payforward iou .. The payforward mentality is really eq for me, pass it forward.

The MGBs in PoK, and the caster that will not take a bean.

The Virtue, someone casts on you when you grouped for KEI, and will not take a bean.

Heck .. even the calls on the aniversary stuff that drops.

The banter on a good night in any zone.

Its all still there.

ihuffman wrote:
Used to be when we looked at each other's items, we had a story as to how we got it...and it rarely included buying

that makes me smile, most people think im nuts because i want to earn everything i get ..... on the neagtive side it also has a tendency to make me group-shy, I really don't want anybody comparing my kit to what they have, I know I can and do more than hold my own, but I have always hated the "the my weapon is bigger than your weapon" mentality. FFS its what you DO with the weapon that counts. Isnt it ?

9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

#19 Mar 24 2004 at 11:16 PM Rating: Good
I've noticed two points about this issue, one is that there is a distinct cycle to it. Each time there is a very popular expansion, there seems to be an influx of new people and it seems a fair proportion of them fit the "rude" category. Enough of them to lift the general background level of rudeness to be noticeable anyway.

I noticd it particularly after SoL, LoY and LDoN. I don't know if they subsequently fade out of the game or improve their behaviour, but after a while they seem less noticeable.

Second I notice a distinct difference in time slots. In my normal time slot EST 4/5 AM to EST 8ish AM people are great, rarely ever a problem with the ocassional exception to the members of one or two non english speaking guilds.

But if I happen to log in around EST 3 or 4 PM I know I will have to deal with a large variety of dood speaking ill mannered ignoramuses, who remind me a lot of the bunch of kids that used to hang around the stands at the football ground while we were practicing back in my highschool days.
#20 Mar 24 2004 at 11:28 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with the time rotation. I normaly play around 8am-5pm pst, most are ok. If I do play at night, wow what a diffrence. I still love to play though! I love helping out newbies, I think it is our moral duty to due such. I remember day one, 5 years ago. I had just crawled out of halas with no idea were I was going. I rounded the bend to the outside world, and said "holy S#$%!!" I was lost and clue less. Luckly some much older shammy, about 25, took pitty on me and hit me with a few buffs. I though that SOW was the best thing since sliced bread. Ever since that random act of kindness, I have felt the need to help others. Infact I like to think that that is the halmark of my main char. I try my best to protect my casters, they are my brothers-in-spells, I always slow my mob, and do my shammanly duty. But... it seams that new players are handed things too easily and quickly. I must have spent a week bouncing between 19 and 20. I very quickly had to learn the art of the CR. I had to know a zone without a map. I had to know how to get places without ports (naked and no money). People used to group just for doing somthing new, not just for experience. I hate hering "my exp is not going fast enough!! I am leaving." Now thing just seem to go so fast. I made an alt, did not twink him and was at lvl 43 in 2 weeks. I was amazed! Oh well, the times might change, but I still play cuz I the game is great and I still find the people I enjoy playing with.

Vacuna 53 Shammy
Wacuna 43 Bard
#21 Mar 25 2004 at 1:30 AM Rating: Decent
I agree that things have chaged a bit, but on Brell, things still seem ok depending on the time slot. (as is mentioned above).

I work the graveyard shift... so, when I play in the morning, after leave'n work, it's like 8amEST - maybe 3-4PM EST.

and on nights off, when I'm home I play at night... anywhere from 9PM-8AM EST.

there is a big difference in these time slots. but, then again, it also depends on what your class is and what not.

I've found some people just hate elves. LOL and when I say Hi or ask to group I get some realyl nasty remarks. Other times, they are like "yeah, we need a ranger" or "we can use a back up healer" (when I'm my druid).

The highest level I've even gotten is my lvl 31 ranger. kinda scary huh? but, I love the game.. and kepe come'n back to it time and time again. because you can meet some nifty people out there. :)

then again... there's always a few bad apples.
#22 Mar 25 2004 at 3:24 AM Rating: Decent
Tis True. I have played EQ for 2 years and I haven't found to many people who want to group. Then again almost everytime I do group there is never an outline of who does what. Very chaotic, and then everyone dies. I have been privileged to be in a few Excellent groups and everyone knows how to work thier character. Then the game is wonderful, (sigh) if only it was always that way. (And we all know that will never happen.)
#23 Mar 25 2004 at 7:34 AM Rating: Default
On Morden Rasp - where I started out anew since day one - people are quite polite, helpfull and thankfull too. Spotted only one real @sshole in 5 months.

As a European my personal main shift is somewhere between 10 am to 5 pm U.S. time but its usually crowded with players who are appearently native english speakers - brits i guess ;-)
#24 Mar 25 2004 at 8:26 AM Rating: Default
***** off
#25 Mar 25 2004 at 8:25 PM Rating: Decent
1,166 posts
I have had more than my share of help from people who don't know me from adam, so i guess maybe all the rude players are not on Venril. I have noticed a few players though that expect you to do silly **** for them though.
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#26 Mar 25 2004 at 9:11 PM Rating: Good
CharlotteC wrote:

Tis True. I have played EQ for 2 years and I haven't found to many people who want to group. Then again almost everytime I do group there is never an outline of who does what. Very chaotic, and then everyone dies. I have been privileged to be in a few Excellent groups and everyone knows how to work thier character. Then the game is wonderful, (sigh) if only it was always that way. (And we all know that will never happen.)

The secret is to keep a list of the names of the people in the "good" groups.

Then start your own groups and invite the people on your list.

In a full group, most of the time if you can get at least three members from your "good" list, their influence sets the tone and the strangers usually perform pretty good too. Of course you put the better ones of your "good" list, so eventually you will have a wide range of players from your time slot that you can call on to form a really good group.

When you form groups like this, and you have the misfortune of accidentally inviting a peanut, because most of the group members know you well they are more likely to help you sort the bad player out. Nothing sorts the wayward monk or ranger out quicker than having two or three of the group telling him to pull his head in and then geting a polite private tell from you as leader.
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