One Problem:
Diety-specific gear.
Lets say you are wearing gear only for followers of diety X.
Lets say there is a way to change your diety.
You change to diety Y.
All your equipment suddenly becomes de facto useless - but it is still equiped so a way to chage your diety would also involve unequipping all your stuff, including NoDrop-Items.
So, lets add the clever guys to the schematics - they fill all their backpacks so the now forcibly unequipped stuff would drop to the ground to be scooped up by someone else or would land on their cursors.
Then add those guys who do the quest completly clueless about the outcome - can you already hear them screaming "/petition" ? - Yes, these are the folks who give books to Priests of Discord and stuff...
DonĀ“t ask me, but a lot of trouble and fiddling with the sourcecode seems to be involved...