Guvwenea wrote:
I just bought my new computer in July 2003 so I cannot believe it is out of date.
Actually, if you didn't buy a top of the line model in July 2003, then your computer probably is outdated by now. Even if you had bought one of the best computers out there a year ago, it would be at best a middle of the pack device now.
Guvwenea wrote:
I know nothing bout computers I'm a chemist for Pete's sake.
I would suggest you head to the library, grab a book about computer basics and start reading. I'm not trying to flame you, but computers are a vital part of our lives today. If you don't know anything about them you're operating at a disadvantage.
Guvwenea wrote:
So I removed my card again and went to the website and updated it. Rebooted again and got in (this all took about 5 hours btw).
If you had been reading the patch updates when you logged in over the last several months, you would have known that you needed to update your video drivers and directx as of this patch. That alone would have saved you almost all of those 5 hours.
Guvwenea wrote:
but had I know this would happen I never would have invested in the game, in the expansions, and in the montly fee. Everything was fine until this patch, never had any trouble. I know I am not the only one either. Someone in another forum said we were warned???? I knew nothing about it, not all of us are computer geniuses some just like to play EQ. I do so hope this is fixed soon, who knows when I can afford a new card :( Some of us do work for a living and have family's to support
We were warned, several times, and you didn't need to be a computer genius to see the warning. All you had to do was read the patch information that pops up each time there's a new patch in the game. And that should be done by everyone, everytime they patch. As far as the video card goes, you could probably find one that will work fine for anywhere from 50-75 dollars, depending on what sales are going on at your local computer stores.
I'm sorry you feel so cheated, and I can only say that computers are such a new science(compared to say your choosen field, chemistry), that major advances are going to happen in a very short amount of time. Expecting these gaming companies to not take advantage of new technology just doesn't make sense(How many people still do mouth pipetting after all?), and you've got to realize that if you want to take advantage of them you're going to have to make at least some investment in updating your computer every now and then.
Again, reading a book about computer basics and educating yourself on them a bit will go a long way towards helping you understand all this. You don't have to try and become a computer genius, but a little knowledge can go a long way.