It still sucks.
Ok, from my persective as a chanter. I spent 14 hours in the camp, but picked a great time for it, from what I see its the lowest timeframe I've seen. Not excactly a small investment, and hardly what I would call 'easy'. I could 'easily' make 200-300 pp per hours and buy myself 600 total doses of sow potions (not exagerating, do the math), providing a total of 360 hours worth of sow usable on myself or whoever I want to had a dose to. I chose to get the boots because I do a lot of 'puttering' and tradeskills and whatnot, and I decided that in the longrun, 360 hours worth of sow is less than what I would use by the end of my characters career.
I already have access to illusion scaled wolf for 45% movement, or run 3 for 30% without even bothering to do anything. I got the boots because it was enough faster to feel useful and was handly to help friends that didnt have sow.
If people feel that Druids / shamans / rangers / beastlords / anyone with a potion were getting shafted by adding in fabled jboots, then why were they all in line with thier alts?
I do agree that they were powerful, but not nearly as overpowered as people seem to feel they are, at best they are a monetary savings or a convienience. But they did not need a triple nerf any way you slice it. If they remained fast enough to be worth something to people with full run aa and not been useable on others, I'd accept it. If they remained usable on friends but lost the big speed, I would have accepted it, but both was overkill, and no matter how they nerfed it, cutting the duration in half to 18 minutes is just malicious and unnessasary on top of the other nerfs.
-Syreisa of Nameless