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Inccoming - Heal - Assist - Root Whatever Messages.Follow

#77 Mar 26 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Default
Patrician wrote:
I think you need to educate yourself.....
In your case your arrogance wouldn't leave stupidity enough room to fit in the same inefficient of you to carry two big boxes around all of the time ;-)
#78 Mar 26 2004 at 11:30 AM Rating: Default
Muleassman wrote:
You're the one whose a fan of babylon 5 and deep space 9 so I'm sure you know a LOT about cr@p.
OMG - if I'd knew you can't do better then delivering such a lame line I'd NEVER begun arguing with you!

Please take my apologizes, I will never comment on anything from you again - promised!
#79 Mar 26 2004 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
Please take my apologizes, I will never comment on anything from you again - promised!

#80 Mar 26 2004 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
2,015 posts
Well at least I tried to steer it back to topic...

If you feel you are getting too much spam in your diet, let the spammer know (nicely). I'm sure they will oblige and tone down their socials.

I agree you don't need to announce your every move.

I will up frequency of heal messages if the situation warrants, i. e. multiple healers in heat of battle. Letting monk know you are healing him so he doesn't waste Mend can be very important.

I never announce debuffs unless they land.

If people are constantly breaking mez, they need to be educated not spammed to death.

Keeping people in range for buffs is important.

Situation really determines the amount of communication and 'theme'. I would dispence with wittiness if situation got dire.

You can also tell who likes your socials by the amount of 'lol'
responses you get...

More druid sayings:
Incoming Shield of Barbs for %T, Ouch thats gonna leave a mark...
Topping off %T 's tank with 100 HP...
Quit whoopin' on my favorite baby seal with that lead-filled snowshoe! %T is my PET!


#81 Mar 26 2004 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Dammit Doth it was just starting to be like OoT then i was feeling at home /em sulks.
everyone else has a perfect right to answer how they see fit.
This i believe to be the guideing premise of this forum.

The arguement as to the occasions that you should or should not use 'cute/funny' messaging is relevant to this thread. Even if i am on opposing sides to Cobra,Pat,Gbaji etc <which prolly means i am wrong btw, not that that ever stopped me> doesn't mean i don't thin they should be posting what they did.

It is also less annoying than the 5 seperate remenise threads that are currently running.
#82 Mar 26 2004 at 6:21 PM Rating: Good
285 posts
My Cleric messages are pretty standard boring stuff. I do have a couple that I use on my Chanter.

When a mob is slowed: /g %t has been slowed for your hacking pleasure.
When a mob is mezzed: /g %t has been mezzed, you break it, you buy it.

I thought they were a bit different and not too cute.

#83 Mar 26 2004 at 9:31 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
When I'm playing my main, about the only "spam" type message I use is when I park my pet or tell it to follow me.

"Park it, Puff (or Sparky, Twinkles, or Lumpy)"
pet replies; "guarding with my life, oh splendid one"

"Come along now, Puff, don't dawdle."
pet replies; "following you, master"

I do sometimes announce when my mala line is resisted to let the slower know they might want to wait a second for me to recast. This is usually only when we're fighting particularly resistant mobs.
#84 Mar 26 2004 at 9:33 PM Rating: Decent
Here u go Click Here
#85 Mar 26 2004 at 9:36 PM Rating: Decent
Mulamen wrote:
@Muleassman: you better get some coffee or your glasses - 10 posts above my own someone else complained about the lack of answers on the intentional topic in the first place - So I didn't turn anything into anything ;-)

Sorry to turn your beautiful-irony-babbling into a pile of cr@p and stuffing it down your throat where it probably feels perfectly at home....

HA! Beautiful...
Listen, If we are all sitting around as a group talking about everquest (Which is what a message forum is supposed to represent) and somebody says, Hey Let's all talk about funny hotkey comments. MORE than likely someone is going to say , you know what... I really hate those things because blah blah blah...
and some people are going to say, I LOVE those things and here are some of the funnier ones. That's the way these things work, we are bored and talking to each other, we are expressing our thoughts ERRRRRRGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOO people having conflicting opinions.
As for the piece of cr@p reference, You're the one whose a fan of babylon 5 and deep space 9 so I'm sure you know a LOT about cr@p.

OK, well, it's been said! Some people have said it over, and over, and OVER again. Now, could we all STFU and go back to what the thread was started for? Please? Smiley: disappointed
#86 Mar 26 2004 at 10:26 PM Rating: Decent
tarv wrote:
It is also less annoying than the 5 seperate remenise threads that are currently running.

Of course, if people would stick to the theme of the original post, you could ignore those threads that you are not interested in...

'Nuff said.
#87 Mar 26 2004 at 11:39 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
The One and Only aubsp wrote:
tarv wrote:
It is also less annoying than the 5 seperate remenise threads that are currently running.

Of course, if people would stick to the theme of the original post, you could ignore those threads that you are not interested in...

'Nuff said.

I still don't see how commenting on the validity of having/using those types of messages is off topic.

Look. She didn't just say: "Hey guys. List all the interesting or amusing chat/hotkey/incomming/whatever messages you've heard in game".

She instead said something about wanting to be the "best shaman (or whatever class), and so wanted to hear some good ideas for clever messages to put in her hotkeys. The implication to her post was an assumption that by putting those clever messages in her hotkeys, it would make her character look better, and people would think she was doing a great job.

I think in that context, it is *very* valid to point out that many many players dislike those kinds of messages. When I see a player with tons of clever messages, the first thought in my mind is most definately not: "Wow! That player really knows what they are doing! They've got all those clever messages set up". What I really think is: "Oh, great. Another new player who's just learned how to make hotkeys with messages in them, but hasn't yet figured out when *not* to use them...".

I'm not being an A-hole here. I'm honestly trying to help out the OP. The only people who will think you are great at playing your class because you have clever chat messages are other "new" players who don't know any better. If you want to be known as a great player, learn how to play your class. Putting clever messages in hotbuttons will do the exact opposite. It affirms in most experienced player's minds that you really don't know how to play in a group. An experienced group player knows what to tell his group members and what not to. If you haven't learned that yet, then you *aren't* a good group player. You may think you are. And other inexperienced players may even agree with you. But you really aren't.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#88 Mar 26 2004 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
Had an experience with this the other night in a LDoN. Beastie had a cool message for /assist. I can't remember the exact wording, but it was something like....

Beastie01... Beastie is helping (puller) with %T and pet is too.
Beastie01... Beastie and pet are kicking the c**p out of %T

or something to that effect. This took up about 1/2 my group chat box everytime this fellow hit his assit hot key.

The first time I saw it I thought HAHAHHHAAAAHAHA, because it was much more cleverly worded than my reproduction.

2nd mob hahahhahaa
3rd mob haha
4th mob he's not going to....
5th mob yes he is....
and that went on through a 55 slaughter. Never missed a mob.

I like the messages, but don't run it into the ground.

If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
#89 Mar 27 2004 at 3:46 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
I am in the minimalist camp myself. As a Wizard I only have a few messages that I use, most of them are situational depending on the group.

My hot keys are...

/g Incoming >>> %T <<<
/g %T is stunned-maximum duration of 8 seconds...
/g %T is rooted...
/g %T is snared...
/g Walking the dog-kiting %T. Do NOT attempt to assist me until group is ready for %O.
/g Ouch! Mob is on me.

If Exodus is down and I have to cast an Evac I have

/g EVAC! 6.8 second cast time, everyone please stay in range.

Edited, Sat Mar 27 03:46:53 2004 by TexasWizard
#90 Mar 27 2004 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent
best one i ever saw was as follows -

incoming complete heal on %t! lets see some purple bubs!!!
#91 Mar 28 2004 at 1:12 AM Rating: Decent
54 posts
I'm a member of the extreme minimalist camp -- when I'm in a group with my enchanter or my ranger, I make sure that everyone knows what I'm doing before we get going. I only announce mobs on inc and resists / immune messages - I have maybe five macros on my ranger: (i) inc, (ii) root-parking, (iii) snare resist, (iv) root resist, and (v) immunity to snare/root.

I run with pretty much the same setup on my enchanter: hotbuttons for (i) resisted mezzes, (ii) mez immunity, and (iii) a need for assistance if it takes me a few attempts to determine that something is immune to mez =x.

Things are complicated enough without having to wade through lengthy, although no doubt very witty, messages when the same information can be conveyed in five words or less. Sure, if you're messing around in an area where you're in no danger whatsoever it's fine to have fun with your messages but if you're in the middle of something dangerous you don't want to have to take twenty seconds to figure out that your druid is attempting to use a certain DoT on a mob.

That having been said there's nothing wrong with wit or humour (humor for all you Americans) in a group situation... but it really doesn't come across as witty or humourous (humorous for all you Americans) if it's used every thirty seconds. Then the humour (humor for all ... I hope you've caught on) just goes out of it.
#92 Mar 28 2004 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
On Clerics announcing all their heals:

I tend to announce all of my heals when I play my 58 cleric. I used to not bother with it, because I dislike group spam, but I see two pretty good reasons to do so.

1. To give me a break...
I don't need a war/pal/sk/overnuker screaming at me to heal them every few seconds when the spell is almost finished casting (and sometimes right after it hits... which opens the door for many sarcastic comments). It keeps them happily informed and everything works smooth as mashed potatoes.

2. To combat healing one person twice...
If there are two people in a group who can heal, it's nice to know what the other is doing. No one likes wasting mana on someone who is at 100 percent. More communication = less mana wasted = less downtime.

On other group announcements:

I really dislike group spam because it tends to make me stop reading the group window all together -- and I may miss something important. If you're doing something that we don't need to know (nuking, epic DoT, attack on, DS, blah blah), don't bother saying it unless the group requests it. For example, some slowers in group would request that I announce Malosinia (something I don't normally say I'm doing in group), so they know when their slow will be able to land more effectively. Just exercise discretion and question yourself on whether it is something anyone in the group needs to be informed of.

Creative Messages:

Way too uncreative to think of my own stuff... The most I've done is steal a few CoH Messages ( ) from Mage Compendium. Otherwise, it's just strictly "CH on %t. Stay in range, please." or some other mess.

SK's Inc message is "Death comes to us all. It has just come a little quicker for %t.".

Yeah, I've rambled enough.
#93 Mar 28 2004 at 5:13 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
At risk of stirring controversy (and we wouldn't want that now). I noticed one message yesterday that I think is a general no-no.

The "I am assisting" message.

Usually this is a masterpiece of %T, %R etc so it tells you who they are assisting, what race they are, what sex they are, and when they last had it.

However it is completely unnecessary. If you have an MA (and when don't you?) then we just kind of assume you assist them. having 3 or 4 melee calling out that they are assisting the MA is taking unnecessary to new heights.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#94 Mar 28 2004 at 9:39 PM Rating: Good
I used to worry about patch/support healers healing over top of me and debated with myself whether to use a message to combat this.

But eventually decided that it is the support healers problem to sort out not mine.

As main healer I am concentrating all my effort into the crazy equation of keeping everyone alive, maximising mana efficiency and managing my aggro build up. I have a certain pattern or technique that I use in the different types of group (broadly trying to deal with the two categories, groups who do a good job of assisting the MA and groups with learning deficienies), its not too hard for any support healer to figure out what I am doing. Once figured out, they can heal in conjunction with me without having to wait for my permission and the risk of wasting mana with over healing is minimal.

Generally speaking I will only ever CH the MA and always try to hit at around the same HP level each time, the support healer pretty soon figures this out and leaves the MA alone, if he/she gets twitchy because the MA's HP is in danger territory, I more than welcome a patch heal, better to blow a little mana once in a while than have dead MA because I had mistimed or been distracted in some way.

On the rare occasion that I come across a support healer who insists on healing the MA no matter what, then I will usually leave him/her to it and start nuking or stunning. When he/she inevitably runs out of mana the MA is usually smart enough to figure it out and tells the Druid (nearly always its a Druid, Shaman rarely see themselves as key healers these days) to save his/her mana for nukes and let the Cleric heal.

I have to say though, this seems a much rarer problem in the 50's, probably because Druids are getting their good nukes and feel that they are finally beginning to contribute with DPS.

I find most of my healing support comes from Paladins these days, and most welcome it is too.
#95 Mar 28 2004 at 9:40 PM Rating: Good
Proxy Error 502 !!

Edited, Sun Mar 28 21:43:30 2004 by Iluien
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