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Inccoming - Heal - Assist - Root Whatever Messages.Follow

#1 Mar 23 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
Hiya All ,
My boyfriend recently sold his account and my character got hijacked ! Course now i know i couldve transfered it but i regress. Im starting on a new server - no more PvP for me ! And i would like to be the best and well known shaman on Saryn. One thing ive been complimented on quite often is the heal and slow text ive come up with to accompany my macros .
Id like you all to share youres if you think their unusually dark, witty or just plain cute.
Thanks in advance. I look forward to seeing you ingame.
#2 Mar 23 2004 at 3:30 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Pulling: To arms my brethren, to arms! this %t needs to learn some respect for Brell.

Assist: Putting the might of Brell behind %t

Pulse Heal:*Sigh bleeding again? you must be a ranger, here you go, pulse heal on %t. Now maybe i can get back to my book.

Heal: Forget to put your armour on again %t? *Sigh Sup heal inc.

Train: OMG.... Get out of the Way!!!!! theres a %t on my Butt and it 'aint friendly, heading for zone!!
#3 Mar 23 2004 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
88 posts
Pulse Heal:*Sigh bleeding again? you must be a ranger, here you go, pulse heal on %t. Now maybe i can get back to my book.

That's great. I have to remember that one. Permission to modify, Tarv?

These are some of mine. Mind you, I'm a dwarf cleric and usually RPing :)

For when I get aggro: Get dis ding offa me or else I'll put da fear of God in em.

Train: I'm not healin ya all so ya betta get outta da way. (Train to zone!)

Complete Heal: I'm gonna watch ya for 10 more seconds, den I'll do sumting. (CH inc on %t - stay in range)

#4 Mar 23 2004 at 3:58 PM Rating: Decent
43 posts

Assist: Assist me on %t
Pulling: Inc %t
70 Monk
#5 Mar 23 2004 at 4:15 PM Rating: Decent
317 posts
HaHa, LOL... Everyone gives us Rangers such a hard time!!! ;) Oh well, no one can out-navigate me in the dungeons (or anywhere else in the game for that matter). And I do LOVE those weapon procs. But anyway, that's off topic.

Here's some of my macros I use to hopefully gain a little respect for my class as a whole ;P

ROOT:ROOTING a %T!! Back up if you don't want to get hit by %O
SNARE:SNARING a %T! %S won't get very far!!
HEAL:HEALING %T for 100 points. I know it's not much, but it's some. (Remember:I'm a Ranger, lol)
PANIC ANIMAL:FEAR KITING a %T, please let %O be.
HARMONY:Casting HARMONY on %T, maybe the others won't aggro, eh?

Oh yeah, the target abbreviations for these are:
%T returns the name of your target
%S returns the subjective pronoun of your target(he, she, or it).
%O returns the objective pronoun of your target(him, her, or it).
%P returns the possessive pronoun of your target(his, her, or its)
%M gives back your pets name
%R returns the race of a player character.
#6 Mar 23 2004 at 4:21 PM Rating: Good
136 posts
I tend to keep my messages short and to the point, but my cleric's heal over times is: "Pumping %t! Hope %s respects me in the morning.

Chanter, necro and bard: Mezzing %t! You spank it, you tank it!

Chanter's memwipe: "Move along %t, the aren't the droids you're looking for. --%t has been mem wiped---"

Chanter's charm: "%t is now my *****!"

The rest is pretty standard and short.

Edited, Fri Mar 26 15:27:44 2004 by plick
#7 Mar 23 2004 at 4:35 PM Rating: Good
237 posts
The one message that sticks in my mind that I saw an enchanter use in LDoN once was:

Mez: Forget all that you have seen here, %t

She also had very good messages for other spells (that I can't recall), but that one stuck in my mind as superb.

Another mez message I have seen and like is "%t has been mezzed, you break it you bought it".

At the opposite end of the spectrum, we had another enchanter whose messages made absolutely no sense. Her mez message was something like "%t makes a cute little squirrel face" and she had some other message which I never connected with an action that mentioned something about the mob "smelling like a puppy's head", or maybe it was that the mob's head smelled like a puppy. There were a few other gems but I only recall those two. I'm all about being creative with these messages, but your party should at least be able to tell what you are doing when you say these things, and had I not had experience with the very spells she was casting (having a chanter myself), I would have had no idea what she was doing. Never bothered to ask her about it, as I was somewhat afraid to hear the answer.

My personal mez/pull/slow/paci messages are fairly generic, along the lines of "%t is mezzed/slowed/incoming/pacified", but when I come up with something clever, original, and most importantly, simple, I'll swap them out.
#8 Mar 23 2004 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
I am not impressed by "cute" or "witty" announcement messages; they tend to be too long and/or distracting when you're trying to actually play. I hardly even automate messages anyways and just type it out by hand (except for the cleric's CH rotation on raids)

"Complete Heal incoming to %T - Bathorey is next in 5 seconds"

"Pulling %T" (takes maybe 1 second to type)

"Mezzing %T"

Anything else is unnecessary and summarily ignored.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#9 Mar 23 2004 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
My personal favorite is wwhen I am playing my druid. I usually group with my EQ hubby, hos RL wife, and her EQ hubby, lol, so no one is offended. When casting my damage shields, i.e. shield fo thorns, it is "Making %T t-HORNY!"

And when we are in worl form, I have 2 that go together. the first is "Picking the fleas outta %T's fur..." and the 2nd is "and throwing tham at %T". Of course, the second target is the mob... Smiley: chug

#10 Mar 23 2004 at 5:30 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
I agree with Debalic 100%. While those witty messages may be cute and all, and can even be a bit fun, I think if you are creating messages just to say something clever, you're waaaaay overdoing it.

I have nothing wrong with saying a message in a clever way though. If you want your Inc message to read: "I've lit a fire under %t's pants! He's coming in and pipping mad!!!", that's all well and good. After all, the group needs to know when an mob in incomming, and this message at least gets that message out.

My problem is that most of those messages listed are completely unesessary, and only server to clutter my chat box an increase the chance that I'll miss a message that really does matter. IMO, there are very very few messages that need to be made *before* an action is done:

Inc messages Need to know before the mob gets here.

CH messages They take long enough that it's nice to know that the cleric's casting a CH and not just asleep.

Assist Me messages Note: This is *not* a message to tell people you are assisting. It's assumed you are assising the MT. Putting a message out saying this is equivalent to putting one out that says you're breathing. It's pointless. This message is for the MT to tell the rest of the group what and when to attack. And even then, in a group with a single mob in camp, it's not really needed either.

That's all of the pre-messages that are needed. There are also a few (but still very few) messages needed after something has happened:

Mob slowed Don't tell me when you're trying to slow a mob. Tell me when you're done. The healers are going to assume the mob is unslowed until you tell them otherwise. Sending out a "slowing %t" message just increases the chance that if you get a resist someone might think you got it off and not heal as hard as needed. Don't do it! Only send a message on a success.

Mob mezzed Same logic applies. I don't really need to know what mob(s) you are mezzing. I need to know when they are mezzed. In a multi-mob situation, the MT should pick a target to attack. Everyone should assist him for that target. No other mob should ever, for any reason, be hit with an effect that will prevent or break mez. Note, that others can root and stun and even taunt mobs if they wish to assist in CC, but they should not attack, nuke, or dot any mobs but the one the MT has identified (via his handy "assist me" message. There's some logic for having a "mezzing %t" message, but only if you have group members that don't now how to work with a chanter in the first place.

Mob rooted Again. Tell me after it's rooted. Even including a "step away from it if you don't want to get hit!" works (and is a message I have on my wiz).

Mob snared Same concept. Tell me when you've got it done. If I don't see a snare message, I'm going to assume one of two things. You either didn't snare it, or you did and you aren't sending a notification (which is fine if you're consistently not sending one. Again. I assume people are doing their jobs).

Other important messages There are others as well that still follow the same logic. If there is a signficant debuff that you're throwing around (I've seen messages for cripples), that may affect how fast heals should land, it's not a terrible idea to put out a message (but again, after it's done). You might also have a message for important failures: (Snared failed!, Slow failed!, etc). Um... Don't use that every time you fail a spell though. Use it if you get several resists in a row, or when the failure is going to noticably affect the group (mob's low on health and you haven't been able to get a snare to stick is a classic example). In some situations, it might also be useful to let the group know when you've dropped a dot on a mob (since that mob can no longer be mezzed).

For the most part, if another group members does not need to modify their actions based on the message you are sending, there is no reason to send it. I don't need to know if you're casting a 100 point heal on me. I'll see the heal message when it lands. I don't need to know that the rogue is attacking the mob from behind, and the ranger is firing away with archery, and the wizard is nuking the mob, and the druid is snaring the mob. All of that is assumed in a group. If you aren't doing that stuff, then why are you here? That's your job. I don't need to know if you're doing your job. I need to know *sometimes* when an important part of your job is done, and I need to know if an important part of your job didn't work. Other then that, don't spam the chat channel with useless information.

You may think this is kinda overreacting. After all, how bad could a few message be? Um... It can be bad, really. Multiply the number of messages you send by the number of people in the group. That's a lot. Now imagine you're on a raid... yeah. Ugly.

Some classes need to carefully watch for various chat messages to do our jobs correctly. The healers need to know when slows and debuffs land. Patchers need to know if the CHer needs a patch to help out. As a paladin tank, I have to watch my own health and time early stuns to keep damage down until a slow lands. Then I watch for CH messages (and my health) to estimate whether I need to chain a stun or two in there to make it till that CH lands. I'm also watching for NPC cast messages so I can interrupt with either a bash or a stun. I can't see that stuff very well if I'm getting 10 pages of spam because every member of the party decided to tell me every detail of their activities.

Don't take this to mean you can't be cutsie with your messages. Just makes sure folks can figure out what your messages mean, and don't send extra uneeded messages just so you can be cute. Um... Also, keep your messages consistent. I've seen folks that literally had banks of different messages to say the exact same thing (usually pull messages, which aren't too bad). I've got one eye on chat, one eye on my health, one eye on other folks healths, one eye on my spell gems, and one eye on the mob and surroundings (good mob positioning is critical to good tanking). Um... I don't have that many eyes. I can recognize a familiar line of text very quickly if I've seen that line over and over throughout the evening, and react to it without having to stop and read the line. If you're changing your messages every few minutes to be cute, it's going to slow down the whole groups reaction time to your message (and you're only supposed to be sending messages that folks will need to react to, right?). Just because you've got an easy job in the group (sit back and nuke, or whatever) does not mean that others aren't really really really busy. Distracting them unecessarily is just a pain in the butt IMO.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#11 Mar 23 2004 at 5:37 PM Rating: Decent
Complete heal on >>> %T <<< die and youll miss it!

oh and

Oh well, no one can out-navigate me in the dungeons

druids now have a higher tracking cap then rangers =p and maps are a wonderful thing!

Edited, Tue Mar 23 17:36:33 2004 by sickseventwenty
#12 Mar 23 2004 at 6:05 PM Rating: Decent
I agree with gbaji and debalic. the first time I see a clever message I chuckle, but if I am grouping with that person it gets really old.

I am not saying that I do not like information, just not all of the witty sayings and diety names etc. I am a cleric so I will say "Healing %T" when I heal. I do not differentiate between what level of heal...except on complete heals. I say "Casting complete heal on %T, takes 10 seconds, stay in range and don;t panic." I will be changing that to leave off the warning at the end in a couple of levels...anyone over 50 should know what a complete heal is like by then.

If you are pulling say "Pulling %t"...don;t tell me you are doing it for some god or that he ticked you off. If you were being honest you would say "Pulling %t, because if we kill it we get experience"

#13 Mar 23 2004 at 6:11 PM Rating: Good
161 posts
Don't tell me when you're trying to slow a mob. Tell me when you're done.

I play a shaman with a regular group and totally agree with Gbaji. My group knows that until they see these messages, it hasn't happened and the healers know what heals they need to start casting, if necessary:

%t has been debuffed with malosini (or Insidious Decay which usually means malosini has been resisted so highly magic resistant)
%t has been slowed kicked it's *****
%t has been crippled.

If the mob has resisted my slows totally, I will type in ...

resisted slow


resisted slow ... baby slowed (meaning it's slow but not as much as usual).

If I typed anything else that's one less canni before the next fight and no one wants to ever hear a shaman say "medding" Smiley: disappointed

#14 Mar 23 2004 at 7:41 PM Rating: Decent
1,701 posts
I'll go ahead and throw my hat in with the minimalist camp. People announcing their every action in group chat can get annoying. I only use 2. 1 when I pull with my warrior the other when I'm playing my cleric. If I'm casting a heal towards the end of a fight and I'm worried that the group member will run out of range before the heal lands, I'll say something to the effect of "Heal incomming on %T. Please stay in range." Other than that I tend to do my job quietly. Except for the mindless non action related chatter =D.

If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Then find someone that life has given vodka and have party.

This establishment does not serve women. You must bring your own.
#15 Mar 23 2004 at 9:00 PM Rating: Decent
Wow ! those were some really creative messages thanks to all those who replied . For the folks who like the bare neccessities i can appreciate that as well . just have soooo many macro spots i want to fill them up a variety of messages .If i can make someone smile irl it was wort it. *cheers*
#16 Mar 23 2004 at 9:52 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
My heal message dates back to when Nature's Touch was my heal of choice. I've tried to change it several times and my guild mates complain until I change it back. It is, simply, "Touching %T~".
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#17 Mar 24 2004 at 3:30 AM Rating: Default
I happen to be a dedicated Roleplayer and I got about 30 SMs just for conversation..... but for LDoN I keep it short and simple even going so far to ad the time frame when I do pacify to keep the group as informed as possible:

/g %T is pacified for 00:02:30

But on the other hand I never complained about lengthier messages by others. As long as I understand what is going on and whats requested from me I am thankfull for a laugh or two either.
#18 Mar 24 2004 at 4:29 AM Rating: Good
509 posts
Here's my train message:
/shout I thought I was Uber.....
/shout I thought I could Own.....
/shout Boy was I Wrong........
/shout TRAIN TO ZONE!!

My pulling message:
/g holy homosexual crutons batman!! a %T is incomming

My heal:
/g Healing %T WTF? Where did my spellbook go?

I usually only use the pull and heal once or twice in a group then switch to a generic message. It breaks the monotony of a camp.
#19 Mar 24 2004 at 4:36 AM Rating: Default
vovin wrote:

My pulling message:
/g holy homosexual crutons batman!! a %T is incomming
but I would complain about that one I suppose...
#20 Mar 24 2004 at 4:36 AM Rating: Good
781 posts
Funniest Incoming message I have heard of is...

/g Inc %T! Melee to the front, casters to the back... Rangers, try and look like you're doing something!

For me, I keep most of my messages short and simple. I do suggest, especially in a pickup group, that the puller uses an "Incoming" message and whoever is healer, uses a "healing" meassage.
Everyone should have an assist hotkey, with or without an "Assisting %T" message.

EDIT: Oh yes almost forgot and it's a pet hate with me...

It's: Incoming not Incomming...

Edited, Wed Mar 24 04:43:14 2004 by lagduff
#21 Mar 24 2004 at 5:55 AM Rating: Decent
1,252 posts
I agree with most of your comments, gbaji

I'm also watching for NPC cast messages so I can interrupt with either a bash or a stun. I can't see that stuff very well if I'm getting 10 pages of spam because every member of the party decided to tell me every detail of their activities.

hm, why is that though? I do have 3 chat windows (thanks to somebody who showed me a months ago here on alla).

one is group + say, one is guild and tell, one is the rest. so why should you not be able to filter it out like that too? is independent then from the spam a group might cause. or set the cast messages to a different color?

or am I just getting something wrong here?

i myself agree with soembody, who likes to say a funny one at the start, and then keeps it short and easy constantly thereafter.
Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#22 Mar 24 2004 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
this is my root and dot message

ROOT: YO! %T where do you think you are going? You've been rooted.

DOT: %T you have been dotted, now die a slow and painful death.

my favorite hotkey is this one.

Tannaruid floats a cloud of putrid stank
Tannaruid says, "Doh! too many mushrooms"
#23 Mar 24 2004 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
I'm in the camp of less is more, although I've seen very funny messages. When I'm grinding though I really don't want to hear about some goddesses blessing or how short dwarves are every 45 seconds for 2 hours. Hotkeys for trains can be really funny though because hopefully you don't have to hear the same one too many times, unless they have other issues which I think is a whole other discussion.
#24 Mar 24 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
88 posts

Edited, Wed Mar 24 11:29:50 2004 by Thorric
#25 Mar 24 2004 at 2:50 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Part of my reasoning for not using hotkeyed messages is spam. If something fails, fizzes, interrupts etc I don't want to keep repeating the message. I'm not going to try and use alt-# to recast a spell in a hurry, and I'm not wasting hotkey slots with just messages. Nor will I switch hotkey banks to use messages.

As for watching spam for NPC spells, important messages, etc; I don't have room to ad 5 different chat boxes to my screen. I use 1024x768 on a 17" monitor and it's already a bit cluttered. I may try a higher resolution but that hasn't worked well for me in the past. I have changed NPC spell text color to stand out (I think it's magenta)
#26 Mar 24 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
my inc message for my warrior is
Inc %t watch your eyes, YOUR EYES.. oh the humanity!!

a bit long but the long sentence gives everyone a heads up when Im pulling and I don't spam it I call it once.

My brother who plays a paladin is

bringing a %t for a holy beating!

63 warrior of Quellious
Moonlight Crusaders

Edited, Wed Mar 24 15:14:58 2004 by khrell
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