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Anniversary "Celebration" my footFollow

#1 Mar 17 2004 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
30 posts
I just started a new character on Morden Rasp (the new server that SOE let everyone transfer over to and ruin the economy on) and this anniversary event is a horrid idea. It totally sucks on Morden Rasp because the only people that can really participate are the hardcore players that have all day to play and could achieve a level high enough to participate since the server started, the wimps who have been twinked and PL'd to 50+, and the transfers that need girlfriends to spend their money on instead of a $75 transfer for a freakin' game!
Why would SOE put up to 40+ level mobs in newbie zones such as EC, BB, Steamfont, and most others? I don't know, does anyone? Does SOE?
I wanted to watch these cool anniversary fireworks. Could I? No. I am only level 25 and standing in BB where the guy announced there would be a grand fireworks display got me hoarded by a pack of feral skeletons that were doubling me for a quarter of my hit points at a time!
I finally singled out a skeleton footsoldier. Blue con, maybe a good fight, maybe some loot for my level, like the 30-40ish loot dropping off the commanders. Killed that one, loot: 2 bone chips, rusty short sword. Wow. As I am sitting there and the realization of the lack of thought on SOE's part sets in two more skeleton footsoldiers attack. I took one without too much trouble, how hard could two more be? About that time one of them starts casting a spell. Where'd my mouse pointer go? Did I get stunned, is that why I am moving uncontrollably? Is NumLock stuck down? No, no, and no. I've been feared and I am running wildly through butcherblock, passing troopers and lieutenants and a commander on the way! I've broken into the skeleton hoardes' back ranks and they aren't happy. So I slow down as engulfing darkness sets in. Soon the ten or so skeletons catch up and I lag for half a second.
You have been slain by skeleton commander.
Returning to home point...
Loading please wait...

So I would just like to thank for ******** all of us who don't twink, PL, and devote out entire lives and finances to their wonderful game. Although some people love this epic GM event, I hate it. Passionately.

Kannin, 25 Beastlord (Morden Rasp)
Dyvim, 26 Shaman (Morden Rasp)

Edited, Wed Mar 17 20:16:06 2004 by VonDrevon
#2 Mar 17 2004 at 8:21 PM Rating: Decent
It does seem kinda unfair. I mean I had to kill a spectre just to complete the firework staff quest with my 55 necro and he conned light blue. Some of the mobs were in the 30s in level as well. Seems like this was only for the high level people.
#3 Mar 17 2004 at 9:14 PM Rating: Decent
243 posts
Lets not forget this is a 5th year celebration (Happy Birthday EQ) and the loot that the commanders were droping was way better then any lvl 30-40 toon could get with out a guild IMO. I did kill commanders with lvl 46 CLR and 36 BST 2 boxing (great exp BTW) pulling the low lvl's to the zone wall away from the rest just like a lot of other camps in EQ the comanders were a bounus if I got one per round half the loot I couldn't use and shouted out location to zone for the rest. The thing I disagree with on this events is that they wern't propery noted on start up example, I just went and baght this sweet game (EQ) my freind has been showing me. Instaled it picked out my toon log in turned my note in to GM and run out to start killing stuff BAMB killed by skellys return to your home spot BAMB you are killed by skelly and so on. That is unfare. You getting killed in a GM event at 25 was your own bad you could find somone to get a group with or ask someone to loot the drops they don't need. Yeah risky going though the zones at night but so what you want the loot you have to take a risk and plus you can really get some good loot if you make your trip as soon as day breaks if the ppl are giving good locations and your sowed or just stick with somone that will let you and loot what they don't it's all lore and tons of it is still droping. Sorry for my ramble but my point is this is a celebration your suposed to use your head and have FUN... BTW skelly pop at 7pm GameTime (/time) will tell you want game time is not shure what despawn is though. so if you can't take the mobs or find a group that can just avoid the newbee zones at night = ) I hope this has been a help to all...
#4 Mar 18 2004 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
The point made is valid.

However these things are scripted and they couldn't really leave MR out of them. That would cause an outcry from the people who have transferred. There are also now people who started fresh on MR and have reached 40's and 50's by their own efforts.

I was in a newbie zone and there was great consternation caused by the Collection Quest. These people, new to the game, had only seen their own newbie quests so far. They naturally assumed that this was another one. I had to persuade one person that they didn't have to hand back the bag because they could not do the quest for another 30 odd levels. They were worried that they told the nice lady they would do her quest and now they couldn't - cute eh Smiley: smile.

Wherever I go - there I am.
#5 Mar 18 2004 at 3:56 AM Rating: Decent
5th anniversary celebrations and who better to celebrate it than the people who have been playing for 5 years? The people who had it really hard when they were newbies (unlike now) and remember when the Norrath zones were 'uber'.
#6 Mar 18 2004 at 6:57 AM Rating: Decent
781 posts
I'm already sick of the events... try and put a group together today and all anyone wanted to do was kill the skeletons at night.
Played for 3 hours today and got nothing done and no exp for my 38 Cleric... waste of an EQ play session.
#7 Mar 18 2004 at 7:30 AM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
Firework sticks are cool!

I loved the quest, it was first I did in a long time.

Admittedly, it was easy enough with a friend boxing a 65 ranger and 65 druid for porting and tracking.
#8 Mar 18 2004 at 9:53 AM Rating: Decent
I think the events are great. In the "lets get to level 40 in 2 days" game, its great to take a little time from the exp grind and enjoy something fun. It will only last a few more days. Enjoy it.
#9 Mar 18 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Firework sticks are cool!

But I'm bitter that I'm stuck with the Velious era one. I started playing in 2000, but was sharing an account. Activated my own account in early 2001 Smiley: mad

On the plus side, my bard can click it while running and the next time someone says "lost you" while following me, I'm sending up signal flares Smiley: lol

Anyone notice that Befallen got no love from the events except a gimp "fabled" weapon? Where's my fabled Bone Bladed Claymore?!

Edited, Thu Mar 18 10:43:31 2004 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#10 Mar 18 2004 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
710 posts
Lets not forget this is a 5th year celebration (Happy Birthday EQ) and the loot that the commanders were droping was way better then any lvl 30-40 toon could get with out a guild IMO.

Unfortunately, I have to say that being in a guild helps though - many guilds are PL their alts and friends by running in with 4 65 wizzies and nuking the heck out of everything.
#11 Mar 18 2004 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Not gonna comment on Rasp economy...
Not gonna comment on Rasp economy...
#12 Mar 19 2004 at 3:43 AM Rating: Default
Morden Rasp economy works fine for my 3 tradeskilling toons (no skill higher than 115 btw) I am siting right now on 3k which I can spend on boots and bracers to have the last newbie armor pieces of my main replaced.

No idea whats wrong with the Morden Rasp economy in your opininon - some nights no one is selling banded armor, silver enchanted jewelery or shade silk armor except for myself. You all who complain better get your toons earn their money as long as the economy on Rasp still works :D
#13 Mar 19 2004 at 4:20 AM Rating: Decent
4,158 posts
well heres my day........
I'm a 27 ranger, doin it the hard way. ie first toon, only toon, no cash and no twink(last 3 lvls soloing & fear kiting hoppers in marus seru). need to make some cash so I figured silk farming would be the go......
Left luclin to go to everfrost via Qeynos and the Karanas. Cruised into qeynos hills on a bright sunny afternoon and off to soulbind in qeynos. No probs so far. then being in the area and as night was falling, thought I'd bimble off to surefall to catch up with the boys, and whatchaknow? Ran straight into the bl**dy legions of the undead!!
had no idea what the h3ll was going on so ran away and hid.
Figured Camoflage was the go, and then off I went again.
lot of use that was. saw a huge pile of dead stuff and after a quick rummage came up with about a zillion bone chips and a fine steel war hammer. Got up just in time to get munted by another heap of skellies.
finally figured what was going on and tried to sneak thru to SFG. Mistake! Tw@tted again. You have LOST a level!
So after waiting for daylight, doing corpse run, killing one mammoth, in EF, getting a bit freaked when night fell again, I legged it to HHK to find the place deserted.
So now I'm hiding in a cupboard in the Keep, hoping that when I wake up i can spend a couple of hours in the relative safety of a bash'em up group at the bottom of the stairs practicing my 1hb skills with my new hammer.
I spose by the time i get back to the bazaar, bone chips will be impossible to give away and everyone will still be giggling at my kit behind my back......
Bloody Birthday celebrations, my @rse!!
And i never did get to the Glade. they were probably having a huge party and giving away wads of cash and luvly weapons for free, knowing my luck today!
"If you have selfish, ignorant citizens, you're gonna get selfish, ignorant leaders". Carlin.

#14 Mar 19 2004 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
the clebrations rule! i know ya cant get a group, but id be hapy to sit around and watch firework displays all day if i had to, clickystaff is great, fireworks whenever i want them WOOT!
#15 Mar 19 2004 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
I started the celebrating the first day right after the patch and at first I had no idea why this skeleton horde was in Toxx, but then I put the pieces together. I thought it was unfair that high levels get to have all the fun and loot, but about that time I ran across a skeleton corpse with the Dark Shawl of the Lich and a bit later I got Barnacle Greaves, and then a mask, etc. I thought this is great I need to get my bard out here to loot some of these things. My bard got the Marshal Sword (not sure the exact name) and some other items. You just have to wait until near dawn and start looting all the corpses that the high levels leave behind. On my server they almost always call out the /loc of anything that is rotting away. Point is that the higher levels may get the fun of killing, but anyone can loot.
#16 Mar 19 2004 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Indeed. I was running around the Steamfonts last night killing skeletal commanders and /ooc'ing any loot. Really, all I "wanted" was the Marshall Bladecatcher and then only for the graphic Smiley: grin

I figure I "gave away" (don't know if anyone looted it all or not) six or seven bows, the fighter's rod, two shawls, three necklaces, two masks and some earring. All nice stuff for the lower-mid levels, but nothing a lvl 20 would have gotten on his own (the skeletons swarm like no one's business and even if you could kill the commander, you'd get beaten on by six others at the same time). Really, there weren't any "level appropriate" groups hunting them, just a couple lvl 65s farming for alts/guildies and a couple sub-25's looking to scavenge off people like me who were dropping the mobs just for laughs.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#17 Mar 19 2004 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Played last night for the first time this week and ran my 46 pally to BB from Rathe (which was empty except for 1 other, had to dodge around all the HGs up LOL).

I got there during day and went to WF camp to join the crowd (about 50 people in zone), night fell and I proceeded to get swarmed by green skels on path - killed 8 or 10 np but little loot. ran back along path to crossroads and got a couple more green skels and a commander (dk blue) who dropped the nice bow.

Killed a light blue skel trooper who dropped a fine steel 2 hand swd before sunrise. Ran back to Kaladim to get bag for scavenger hunt and saw lots of small groups who had set up camp for skels, including a bunch of lower levels by city. Everyone seemed to be having fun except for a few CRs. Did have a zerker who kept OOC that he would pay 300 pp to loot the zerker rod who may not have gotten one, but lots of tells about bows and such rotting for people to come get at various locs.

Didnt stay on for 2nd nightfall but sure nice change of pace along with upgrade bow for my pally. Taking the cleric tonight.
#18 Mar 19 2004 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
I'm really starting to warm up to this whole anniversary thing, so much so that I might actually miss it when it's over. At first the skele's really irritated me, but now I like the free for all that happens at nightfall. Despite having had to make a couple of Fabled Corpse Runs due to the Commanders taking offense to me, it's been good exp too. I was pretty peaved at first about the ubers totally demolishing any indoor zone I was used to using for exp, but the more I think about it, it's a lot easier to just zone into bb or tox at night and not have to run for 15 minutes trying to get to unrest, splitpaw or mistmoore.
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