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Some suggested changes..maybe...Follow

#1 Mar 17 2004 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
264 posts
I think that all the expansions and items up to date are great. I love the game EQ and the EQ community is very good overall. Most of the people that play it, like myself, play it to have fun and have fun doing it. But like with anything else, there are those people that eith dont have fun playing it, or enjoy being buttheads ( or the more vernacular "a" word) and either ruin the game or annoy us.

That being said, there are some things that I think can be changed or at the very least, improved upon. Instead of adding new zones and millions of new items ( all of which are great by the way, best I can tell) I think Verant ( or whomever is in charge now) should improve and update some of the already existing things in the game. Here is my list of things that I believe should be changed or improved upon.

1) I believe that the Vah Shir should be allowed to be monks. They can be Beastlords, which if you break it down, are very much monks, just that they have a pet. Limiting monks to two races, Humans and Iksar, was semi-foolish. I dont know all the stas of each race, but with the Human's lack of seeing in the dark and the Iksar's racial KOS'ness, making a Vah Shir monk would be a good middle ground if someone wanted to play a monk without the drawbacks of the Human or Iksar.

2) I also believe that being the Vah Shir are feline by their nature, that their base run-speed and agility ( if not Dexterity) should be natural higher than what they are presently. Also, there is some talk that the legs of the Vah Shir should be more "cat-like" much like the Kerrans.

3) Humans, should be allowed to be every playable class, including Beastlords, Shaman, and Beserkers...since the human was the base that all other races are compared to and from. A proper pet for a male Human Beastlord would be a Lion, and the female human's pet would be a lioness ( though the idea of having an attack bat would be cool...LOL)

4) I think that the Orc should be a playable race, with such classes as Warrior, Beserker, Necromancer, Shaman, and perhaps a healer of somekind. The starting city could be Crushbone, but being that CB is a dang good experience zone for lower levels, there could be a zone set up along the Orc Highway in Oasis or Commonlands, or somewhere of that nature.

5) At character creation you are allowed to pick the color of eyes, choose between 3 or 4 hair styles, 4 or 5 faces, beards, and colors. Try as you may to be individual, there will be someone that looks like your twin. I think they should make it so you have more "choice" in what you look like. Like on Asheron's Call, where you can scroll through many different facial features and other options. You should also be able to adjust your skin-tone ( for those serious role players whose character is half dark-elf and half could choose a lighter or deeper shade of blue.) You could even have a darker human or paler Erudite.

6) This isnt my idea,but I heard it discussed in bazaar one night and frankly, the idea is good. There should be a buyer window, for when your afk, kind of like a reverse trader window. You put in the name ( or link if possible) into the window, set your amount you will pay ( have the plat on you of course) and there ya go. If someone has the item, and are willing to sell it to you for your price or below, then you automatically make the buy. Doh. dont know how many times that certain robe or sword I been looking for has come up for auction or sale while i was in trader mode and afk.

7) I have a few friends who play Paladins who either have parts of or their complete epics who say that they arent much, that they are worth doing, and that they could use an upgrade. Personally, I think that this could be true for many of the epics. There are alot of better dropped or quested weapons and gear in game, many surpass that of the so called "epicness" of each class's highend weapon. I think that the epic weapons themselves should be upgraded, not the quests mind you, but the stats on the that they are worth doing, worth having, and even more so..worth using for something other than just show.

8) There should be more single zones where people can solo on their own. I know of alot of people who would prefer to solo, or who like to solo every once in awhile. Either modify a little used zone so that folks can do so, or make a new one altogether. ( I know it goes against what I have been talking about). Even doing something like the LDON zones, instant zones that only one person, maybe 2 peeps can be in at a time, to avoid being trained or having that rare kill being stolen. All rules to LDON would apply, time limits, etc still apply. Even making some quests that result in good items or decent plat and/or faction, that can be done easily by a soloer or a party of 2. With fairly good experience along the way. This would be for all classes of all levels, and each zone would be set according to the class and the level.

Just my input on somethings that might make the game a little more interesting and fun.
#2 Mar 17 2004 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
Thought i would tell you this much. Your ideas are awesome and i can think of one more. Since you have cat people (vah shir DOH!) you should have dog people and they should be natural enemies. I think the perfect races would be the blackburrow gnoll OR drolvargs. Of course the drolvargs would have to be less powerful than the only ones u can really kill in game but thats just my opinion.

Another thing I thought of is to make another hybrid. This hybrid would be a mix of a rogue and monk. The class should be called a "stealthy brawler" (i know its stupid and if u think of one better tell me) The "stealthy brawler) should get a weaker backstab and a few special kicks and punches but should be limited to leather armor and 1h weapons. The class would only be able to weild one weapon (being a piercer or 1hb) and the other hand (offhand) would be a fist. Once again this is only my opinion and it prolly wont happen because my "stealthy brawler" would probably be too powerful.

Then the last one, I think either gnomes or trolls should be able to be monks. This would allow (like the vah shir monk) a little more ability in the monk class. The monk has been nerfed so much i think that the monk should get something in their favor. Iksars and humans are a bland choice for monks because of "Human's lack of seeing in the dark and the Iksar's racial KOS'ness" and i think the gnome and troll would just add more fun or "flava" to the class.
#3 Mar 17 2004 at 6:53 PM Rating: Decent
Well some of yer ideas are good but some just dun make sense like the Vahl Shir requests, Monks are meant to be average size and can strike at a fast rate. The only other race that I could see as another monk is Half elf. But Vahl Shir monks would be like a the seabisquit rider but this time he'd fail. Also about the humans being every class the reason that the human can't acess these classes because the Shaman, Bezereker, and the beastlord are meant for class that fall under the "Chaotic" race like the Ghengis Khan type these races are meant for people who have no order and follow anarchy. Now you're prolly thinkin then DE should have these classes but no because the De's follow under a queen and are civilized. The races that get these are Barb, Iskar, Vahl Shir, Ogre, Froglok, and Troll. Iksar, Vahl shir, and Froglok all represent animales Ikar lizard, Valh Shir tiger, and Froglok frog. The ogre, troll and Barbaians are considered uncivilaized people. Ogre's live in freakin huts, Trolls don't have their home anymore, and Barbaians are uncivilized folk. The other ideas in my opionion are fine.
#4 Mar 17 2004 at 11:22 PM Rating: Decent
dieselious wrote:
1) I believe that the Vah Shir should be allowed to be monks. They can be Beastlords, which if you break it down, are very much monks, just that they have a pet. Limiting monks to two races, Humans and Iksar, was semi-foolish. I dont know all the stas of each race, but with the Human's lack of seeing in the dark and the Iksar's racial KOS'ness, making a Vah Shir monk would be a good middle ground if someone wanted to play a monk without the drawbacks of the Human or Iksar.

counter point to Kat monks. both Human and Iksar monk are required to worship a 'god'. Vah-shir can not worship a 'god' as they are an agnostic race. they worship their ansetors and as such not alowed to follow the 'class' monk via the stipulation of the monk class in the EQ world. under a pure combat 'monk' i would agree with you, but the monk in EQ is an other form of pally, but only self sufficient and not for groups. thus the 'mend' skill that works very much like LoH, excet it is exclusively self only.

yes with SoL was released and i read the stats on the Vah-shir i thought the same thing. they would make awsome monks, but that is not the path SoE went down. or VI at that time still.

dieselious wrote:
2) I also believe that being the Vah Shir are feline by their nature, that their base run-speed and agility ( if not Dexterity) should be natural higher than what they are presently. Also, there is some talk that the legs of the Vah Shir should be more "cat-like" much like the Kerrans.

to have 1 race have a different base run-speed would cause major ballance issues. not to mention speed cap issues. IIRC both agi and dex are higher then average for their race as are sta and str and cha. i would not mind seeing them more 'cat-like' though i think that would be a nice change to the look of the Vah-shir.

dieselious wrote:
3) Humans, should be allowed to be every playable class, including Beastlords, Shaman, and Beserkers...since the human was the base that all other races are compared to and from. A proper pet for a male Human Beastlord would be a Lion, and the female human's pet would be a lioness ( though the idea of having an attack bat would be cool...LOL)

yes i agree 100%. Humans should be able to play any class.

#4 = i disagree. there are already to many races to pick and choose from. adding 1 more would just cause more ballance issues then the game already has. fix the exsisting content first, then think about adding more races/classes.

#5 = yeah more customization would be nice, but that is just eye candy and adds nothing to the working of the game. heck all toons could look exactly alike for all i care if the game ran smoother, with less system resources required to run a POS graphic engine that is so FUBAR its not even funny, not to mention the bugs, glitches, and ballance issues that really need to be dealt with first. yet again SoE seems to cator exclusively to eye-candy fiends so you may get them to do this one.

dieselious wrote:
6) This isnt my idea,but I heard it discussed in bazaar one night and frankly, the idea is good. There should be a buyer window, for when your afk, kind of like a reverse trader window. You put in the name ( or link if possible) into the window, set your amount you will pay ( have the plat on you of course) and there ya go. If someone has the item, and are willing to sell it to you for your price or below, then you automatically make the buy. Doh. dont know how many times that certain robe or sword I been looking for has come up for auction or sale while i was in trader mode and afk.

great idea, one that should not be to hard to set up code wise, and would make life much nicer for buying things. before SoE could do that though, the would have to completly recode the baz, recode the graphic engine(doing that now so i hear, but have yet to read any possitive response reguarding new graphic engine) and make the damn bazarr much more stable then it currently is to make it worth while.

#7 = no comment as i could care less about pallies. that is just me and not a flame.

#8 = although i like to solo as i have limited game play, solo is not what EQ is about. you want a solo game, go play a single player game and dont muck with EQ or any other MMORPG.

overall nice post.
#5 Mar 18 2004 at 3:30 AM Rating: Default
on the epic idea - i agree that epic weps should be the best wep each class can obtain, but the quest for most lvl 65 ppl is too easy to hand over a super uber item, they should instead add to the quest, ie epic quest 2 to upgrade ur current epic. this would be much better.

and yeah pallies really got the shaft epic wise. but have you seen the new zerker epic? it blows all other epics out of the water (which i think is damn unfair!)
#6 Mar 18 2004 at 3:53 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
(1) Beastlords aren't really monk-like except that they share weapons, wear leather and get Block. They lack monk skills like Intimidate, Feign Death and Safefall. They don't get special melee attacks. They don't have a weight restriction. They just get called monk/shaman hybrids because people like to catagorize new classes. Oh, and Singdall, Qeynos monks are agnostic (except on SZ where they follow Veeshan which is about the same thing).

(2) I agree that innate Run1 or whatever would be a bit much. Besides, who is to say cat-people are faster than lizard-people? Or elves? Or whatever.

(3) According to EQ Lore, humans are evolved from barbarians. The reason they can't be shamans or beastlords is because they're too civilized (as a race) and lost their communal spirital affinity. I'd say the same reason applies to why they can't be berserkers, except dwarves can be berserkers. Then again, dwarves are rude and smell funny so that might explain it.

(4) I'm more for kobolds, myself. Grrr. Bark. Bark. Grrr.

(5) Supposively this is the way EQ2 will be. I'd like to see more character customization in EQ but I don't see it happening past what we got from Luclin. If it makes you feel better, FFXI has even worse customization than EQ does.

(6) I have nothing against the idea per se, but I doubt I'd use it much. I use the Bazaar more to browse these days than to seek to buy specific items.

(7) Epics are mostly Kunark era quests and yield Kunark era rewards. Complaining about them is kind of like complaining that the Langseax of the Wolves quest isn't as uber as it could be. If it makes you feel better, think of them as "Kunark Era Quested Particle Weapons" instead of "epics". I do agree that the Berserker epic is a bit of a sticking point with a lot of people, especially since the quest isn't any harder than your standard epic quest and yields a much better reward. Kind of like if one class got Combine weapons for Qeynos bandit sash turn-ins were everyone else gets bronze.

(8) I disgree, simply because there's tons of soloable content. Class dependant, of course, but a warrior isn't going to have better luck soloing a LDoN than he would soloing Dragon Necropolis. Even classes that get gimped in solo ability in later expansions due to the mobs' damage and hitpoints have the option of soloing Kunark, Luclin and Velious content.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#7 Mar 18 2004 at 4:38 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
both Human and Iksar monk are required to worship a 'god'.

Not so. Human monks certainly get the option to be agnostic like the Vah Shir.

On the OP:

1) Possibly. For me a Vah Shir Monk would be a bit strange but since I love them as a race I'd probably be inclined to start a monk - something I have yet to do. What I most want is a Vah Shir Cleric

2) I agree that apart from a minor advantage in racial Safe Fall at 50 their starting stats do not really reflect their cattishness. Tampering with base run speed is a no-no. With the amount of food they consume I think higher starting STA would be the thing. And leave their legs alone - they are just fine.

3) Barbarians are the forerunners of the race we now call human so between barbarian and human you do have all possible classes. Only in your own mind is
human was the base that all other races are compared to and from

as far as I am concerned they are just a race like any other.

4) Playable Orc has been on a lot of wishlists for years. Given that they have introduced several other new races and EQ2 has ratmen I think it is so unlikely as to be irrelevant. And I'm sure Shaman everywhere loved
with such classes as Warrior, Beserker, Necromancer, Shaman, and perhaps a healer of somekind.
Smiley: smile

Actually LDoN has introduced some interesting choices. I think Sand-Elf would be a really interesting option given the range of classes they throw at us in Takish. And the Rujarkan Orcs certainly make a more credible "Orc race" than crushbone or EC.

5) Facial features are indistinguishable 99.99% of the time. spending programming time on more fiddling would be silly. I suppose if you were heavily into cyber then having the face you were staring into look somewhat different from the last one would help. They could improve some of the ones they have with a little work. Most barbarian beards look as if they have been eating seaweed messily.

6) Ah. Wonderful. So in "Buyer Mode" I am advertising that I will pay 2k for Item_X. What is vendor_01 who is tradering it for 1.5k going to do? You guessed it. You just automatically paid 500pp over the top.

This is automating the idiocies of EC tunnel with the charade of "How much", "Make me an offer", "How much can you afford" etc. etc.

7) I was with an Epic Paladin the other night and the sword looks great. She did it for the fun of it.

There was a lot of speculation on "Second Stage Epics" coming with PoP. Some people even went so far as to surmise that there might be something that you could do and get your epic upgraded. Given the concealed nature of quests in EQ they could be right but I doubt it. You cannot view an epic as "The Best" because that is drawing a line in shifting sand. It would mean that no better item could ever be introduced. And that would be silly.

8) SoE go to great lengths to encourage groping. This is because people with friends in-game play and more important pay for longer than loners. They are not going to spend resources on soloers. There is as Jophiel said an enormous amount of content that can be soloed already. I frequently find myself the only person in a zone. Just be a bit more imaginative. If they provided instanced solo zones then you might as well be playing a single player game on your PC and save the subscription.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#8 Mar 18 2004 at 4:57 AM Rating: Default
8) SoE go to great lengths to encourage groping.

we like groping!
#9 Mar 18 2004 at 8:20 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
1. Sure Kitty monks would be nice.
2. Sure lets Give Kittys more i mean Dwarves get an uber sence heading of 50 at thier racial skill ... ummm wait a minute.
3. I do agree with this but sadly SoE treat erudites and Barbs as humans so you do get all classes.
4. Orc would have been better than frogs IMHO. we are short of an ebil race since there are only 4.
5. Not worth the endless patches to get it right.
6. Good idea, best on the list.
7. Epics are in serious need of an upgrade quest but i just can't see them making the effort or if they did it would require Elemental level ascess.
8. there are plenty of places people can solo, it's more of an issue that entire classes can't solo.
#10 Mar 18 2004 at 8:30 AM Rating: Decent
/em beats this thread with a stick
#11 Mar 18 2004 at 11:34 AM Rating: Decent
cobra101, thanks for the correction, for some reason i was under the impression that monks had to pick a god.
#12 Mar 18 2004 at 4:48 PM Rating: Decent
A friend of mine thinks the Halfling Monk would be cool. Smiley: boozing

Then again, make an assassin class (rogue/monk).
#13 Mar 18 2004 at 4:53 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
#6 isn't bad infact I like it...

On another note...
Did I leave a dead horse around here?
#14 Mar 18 2004 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
tarv wrote:
8. there are plenty of places people can solo, it's more of an issue that entire classes can't solo.

one of the biggest reasons i refused to play some of my favorite classes. no ability to solo post 30s and for some even lower levels.

im no power gammer and at times i might be lucky to have 1-2hrs max game time. that is not enough to travle, find a group, get to hunting grounds, and start killing before i have to find my way back to a safe place to camp until next gaming seasion.

tis why i played solo toons. if i dont have time, then i can just go kill a few things on my own and not worry about inconviencing others when i start, then 10min later have to leave.
#15 Mar 18 2004 at 5:41 PM Rating: Decent
So anyone like my monkly rogue idea? Yes,no, maybe?
#16 Mar 18 2004 at 5:43 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
normally when they make a hybrid, isn't it a combo of a caster and melee? monk-rogue would either a really powerful or really worthless class depending on the abilities they give the result. IMO.
#17 Mar 18 2004 at 5:47 PM Rating: Decent
sorry,i just love DPS classes (obviously, i play a monk,ranger,rogue, and mage)If they made a class with a hybrid part of a rogue i would still be happy. I dont care what caster but a rogue hybrid would be uberly sweet and i would really like to play one.
#18 Mar 18 2004 at 5:58 PM Rating: Decent
710 posts
1) I believe that the Vah Shir should be allowed to be monks. They can be Beastlords, which if you break it down, are very much monks, just that they have a pet. Limiting monks to two races, Humans and Iksar, was semi-foolish. I dont know all the stas of each race, but with the Human's lack of seeing in the dark and the Iksar's racial KOS'ness, making a Vah Shir monk would be a good middle ground if someone wanted to play a monk without the drawbacks of the Human or Iksar.

I somewhat agree to this, it would make more sense - but if you follow that logic, then Barbarians, Trolls, and Ogre's would also all be allowed to be monks - since they can be Beastlords.

I do agree that Vah Shir have too limited a class selection though, but being agnostic race it does make some sense.

2) I also believe that being the Vah Shir are feline by their nature, that their base run-speed and agility ( if not Dexterity) should be natural higher than what they are presently. Also, there is some talk that the legs of the Vah Shir should be more "cat-like" much like the Kerrans.

Of course - this would cause for some inbalance, and how would this increased speed be affected this sow?

Dwarves get an uber sence heading of 50 at thier racial skill

I agree with this one - Here is my suggestion - Dwarves should get a racial 50 in alcohol tolerance - since dwarves traditionally drink alot. If you agree - please do a /feedback in game - suggest it. This is not unbalancing and will at least give back the dwarves something.

3) Humans, should be allowed to be every playable class, including Beastlords, Shaman, and Beserkers...

This I guess I can agree with - personally I would like to see humans get the xp bonus that was accidently given to halflings, who really don't deserve it Smiley: smile

4) I think that the Orc should be a playable race...

I would much rather see them make Gnoll's a race - but I guess whatever - a good opposite to Vah Shir.

5) At character creation you are allowed to pick the color of eyes, choose between 3 or 4 hair styles, 4 or 5 faces, beards, and colors. Try as you may to be individual, there will be someone that looks like your twin. I think they should make it so you have more "choice" in what you look like. Like on Asheron's Call, where you can scroll through many different facial features and other options. You should also be able to adjust your skin-tone ( for those serious role players whose character is half dark-elf and half could choose a lighter or deeper shade of blue.) You could even have a darker human or paler Erudite.

This game takes up to much ram for what it does anyways :-D, I'm just going to wait for EQ 2 for this

6) This isnt my idea,but I heard it discussed in bazaar one night and frankly, the idea is good. There should be a buyer window, for when your afk,

Would love to see this, but those resellers - would love this even more.

7) I have a few friends who play Paladins who either have parts of or their complete epics who ...

Leaving this alone - no comment here

8) There should be more single zones where people can solo on their own. I know of alot of people who would prefer to solo, or who like to solo every once in awhile.

Ok, before someone flames about how this is a social game and your supposed to group - yes, its intended for you to group - however, there are times when
A. Finding a group is inefficient (you only have a short time to play)
B. Finding a group is difficult (your playing really early on a sunday or monday morning)
C. Finding a group is unwanted (your not feeling well and your not on top of your game, and you know it, you want to play for fun, but dont' want to put others at risk).

Here is what I want to see:
1. Quest Revamp - I would like sony to go back and review some of the older quests, in particular the ones that aren't completed by anyone as much anymore (i.e the secondary armor quests). They should then see if they could modify it to make it easier for players to complete or they should try to make the quest a little more soloable so players can do it when they can't find people who WANT to work on that quest with them.

I say this because for months I was trying to complete the Canni 2 quest for my shaman, I had hard times getting groups together, mainly getting a ranger to track the froglok for the quest .. finally I got the spell in abysmal sea.

2. Zone revamp - go in and make some of the zones, and towns, more exciting.
#19 Mar 18 2004 at 7:55 PM Rating: Decent
Personally, I think you should /feedback while in game and tell SoE some of your ideas. - Not all of them, but just a few that you think are the most capable of happening and most needed.

Also , as far as epics go, I have an idea how to upgrade them. I think it would be wise to add on to the quests. For example, I have my Swiftwind (ranger epic). In order to upgrade my weapon, I would have to turn in my Swiftwind to "So and So" in "This Place". They would give me something or a task to do, etc- like normal quests. That way those who have already started their quests or finished their epics would still feel their previous work was not in vain. (Of course, don't get me wrong, I think it would be great if the epics were upgraded freely with no more tasks involved.)
#20 Mar 18 2004 at 8:26 PM Rating: Good
Bah, the game is already so huge and filled with so many options, we do not really need "more".

Certainly the old zones need to be upgraded, but how this can be done and still give genuine newbies a fair go, I do not know. (I suspect the answer lies in the use of instancing).

Yeah, seeing that we "had" to have cat people, why not have dog people too, but the only new playable race that would entice me away from the elves and humans would be Drakes!

If I could play a Skyfire Drake complete as a Necro I would be suckered into starting a new character for sure.

Although I would like to have the choice of skin color, one of those red ones from ToV would be my perfect choice.

How about a Drake race, relatives of the dragons with Skyshrine as their home city?

Yes, newbie hunting area is a problem, why not have a portal to Lavastorm and have a bit of this as their newbie hunting area?

Being on good dragon faction they could be welcome in WW and ToV and tolerated in Veeshan's Peek. Maybe even neutral in Chardok. This would give plenty of opportunity to for the merchants and quest givers etc to be sprinkled around.

Yeah, I could really get interested in a red Drake Necro.
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