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Ding 10 - First Corpse Run - No fairFollow

#1 Mar 16 2004 at 10:34 AM Rating: Decent
261 posts
Hi all,

Had some fun last night and managed to ding level 10. Then, guess what? My first proper corpse run 5 minutes later. (I've been collecting corpses prior to level 10 for practice as advised.)

Only thing is, it was a right narky way to go first time. I've been playing safe around Halas, not travelling too far, doing Black Burrow runs and the like. But then I heard (from the loverly Kristeena) that the river through Everfrost is actually frozen and I could cross it. Hurrah I thought, with about 20 mins play time left, I though I'd go take a look at the Permafrost Caverns (check name). So I crossed the frozen river, beat up a few lone orcs, dodged the groups and then sidled along the wall to the entrance to the caverns. Then bu@@er me, while backed up against the brick wall to the side of the entrance I get whacked, spin round to see what got me to catch a glimpse of a huge arm, avec huger hammer, coming through wall to whack me again......LOADING,PLEASE WAIT.

Darn it, what a way to go, either bad sprite connection, a bug or the wall was an illusion all along. (Either way, I've now lookded up Ice Giants on The Beastlords Den and found it suggests level 50+ before taking them on. So I'll not be going back there for a while.)

How about you? Got any dodgy deaths? Particularly first ones.


PS - Mucho Gracious to Runningbearr, who, after I failed my first CR when jumped by an Orc Shaman, helped me get my kit back.

PPS - Obviously wifey was not happy when my last 20 min turned into 45. LOL. Ho hum.
#2 Mar 16 2004 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
i remember dinging lvl 10 with my first char (half elf paladin) fighting willowisps and then dying on my first kill as lvl 10 hehe, other horrible death include: zonline to umbral plains, veksar, PoV and the back of a dulak boat Smiley: smile
#3 Mar 16 2004 at 10:46 AM Rating: Decent
133 posts
Worst i had was riding BB boat and getting killed while falling off boat. Body was on bottom somewhere. Think it took days to find it.

That was in the old days, when we had to cast spells uphill in the snow, both ways.
#4 Mar 16 2004 at 11:06 AM Rating: Decent
I've already told this story, but it fits here so I'll tell it again. I had also just dinged 10 and decided I was now tough enough to go exploring. I wandered over to the evil side of POK and saw a stone marked Overthere, hmmmmmm.. I thought, that's a strange name, let's have a see. So I zoned in, and now's a good time to tell you that I'm a half-elf paladin. So I head into the first populated area I see and deicde to go into a building.
Iron Sentinel hits you for xxx
You have been slain by Iron Sentinel
Loading Please wait...
That was strange, well I better go get my body then, but that's a guard right?
Zone into the Overthere
Okay were was that body, oh yeah in that building right there...
Iron Sentinel hits you for xxx
You have been slain by Iron Sentinel
Loading Please wait...
Uh oh, I had conveniently gotten my body stuck inside the bank with a level 50 guard on each door which obviously didn't care for me too much.
So I tried sneaking past the guard...
Loading, please wait...
Sneaking around to the other side to see if that door was guarded...
Loading, please wait...
Distracting the guard somehow so i could run past it...
Loading, please wait...
I tried combinations of things for about 12 more times until I was starting to get lag from all of the Mulamen's Corpse's that were lying everywhere, so I figured enough of this, I'm camping for now, I'll come back later, so I go a little ways away and camp.
Cut to a few hours later I decide to log back in and the firstr thing I see isssssss...
A Cliff Golem hits for 745 points

Finally in a panic I sent a tell to a friend who said he could just invis and drag my corpse out, which he did, leaving me feeling even dumber for not asking him earlier. And needless to say I still make a WIDE curve around the outpost anytime I go to the overthere.

Mulamen 32 Paladin
#5 Mar 16 2004 at 11:22 AM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
Dodgy deaths or almost deaths:

Fell off into "hole" that did not exist in PC and had 1% health left, could gate out, no way to climb, in bottom of large well. There is NO hole in that area of PC, been over that area a lot. By the way my group was with me and they didn't fall into a hole, and they could not see me.

Fell off a small rock and died in DS. Now we are talking a little rock here not a boulder or a mountain, think it was over 2k damage.

Zoned into Oasis from the North. Ended up in the SOUTH in the MIDDLE of an orc camp, where they naturally started beating on me. Made it to the south zone of oasis. A similar thing happened when I camped once and logged on half way across map in another mob camp, can't remember where, died that time before I finished logging on, and could move.

Oh and don't forget the "magic rod" that kills newbs every time they use it. My death to it was level 3 or 4. Avoid the rod.

This is what happens when soe devs have a bad day.
#6 Mar 16 2004 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
262 posts
LOL Read my post on the Fine cut,Diamond inlaid mask...That sucked Smiley: mad

#7 Mar 16 2004 at 11:40 AM Rating: Decent
1,166 posts
I started getting "Revenge" on those Ice Giants at level 39, with my druid. Kiting them with Dots and snare until my mana ran out, luckily at the same time they hit 20% hps, and stopped chasing me. Then I could med up and finish them off at my liesure, so stay safe and then go back and get yours...:)
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#8 Mar 16 2004 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Not my first death but the most flustrating and funniest in retrospect.

I was playing my original cleric way back before Luclin came out, i was level 12 and they guy's who introduced me to the game where telling me about this cool place called Befallen in West Commons.
I had only really been to Gfay, BB CB and once by mistake to Lfay where i was eaten by a Brownie. So i said sure sounds fun How do i get thier? No problem says my friend i have a Druid i'll port you two in then log on my Warrior he's there already.
Good plan thinks I and shuffles to newbie lift to meet the bard thats grouping with me and the druid. So away we port, we arive at the druids stones in WC and the druid buffs us and logs.
The bard <My boss from work> say ok follow me and shoots away over the hill, I follow and then get a bit of lag so i lose sight of him, no problems i think i'll just keep going when all of a sudden:

Kizdan Gix hits you for 97 points of non Melee damage.

Huh i think i can't see anyone, i start to look around and as i get back to the way i was facing a dark elf rushes through the rain

Kizdan Gix slashes you for 48 damage
Kizdan gix slashes you for 33 damage

Loading please wait....

Of course i am bound in Gfay and i have no idea how to get back and the Druid couldn't get back on since his PC crashed when he logged to the Warrior. The bard died trying to pull my corpse away and was bound in Queynos for some reason.

I have had worse days but not many.

Finially got all the bodies back the next day but it was 3 months and 2 alts later before i went back to Befallen, Kizdan Gix on the other hand still feels my wrath whenever i am in WC.
#9 Mar 16 2004 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
I have a great one :) True noob all the way!

My husband started me playing 2 and a half years ago on his server...Rallos Zek.

I was a very lucky (looking back on it) newbie running through Tox zapping at spiders and rats and things. Sometimes I died (and had to get my corpse, this pre level 10 stuff now is just a great TL in my opinion ;) ) and sometimes I didn't and I learned the game slowly but surely until I was about level 6 or 7. And yeah that tooks DAYS.

Then it was the weekend and I was so excited! I was going to group with someone, my husband and his friends were breaking out some newbies just for me! The only grouping I'd done until then was with a level 3 cleric when I was level 4 who helped me by healing us both up while we meleed together. And she was so nice! And there was that level 9 lady who seemed to be waiting very patiently (chatting with me all along) for me to be "the right level" to kill me. We laughed about it. I didn't take her seriously. She left eventually because I guess I took too long.

So my husband and his friends led me the very long and dangerous way across Tox to Paineel. And then they warned me about the big hole I should not fall into no matter what. And then they took me to a DUNGEON! We stepped inside and there was more fighting going on right at that warrens entrance than I'd seen in all my newbie week by myself in Tox (pre newbie quest revamps, anyone can tell you Tox was not your best newbie zone). OH NO That guy is getting hurt and needs help! I went over and hit the mob he was hitting...and next thing I know "LOADING....."

My husband explained to me that the gentleman in question felt I was stealing his kill and so popped me.

On the CR, a paladin was camping the paineel newbie zone blinding and killing everyone on the way to the warrens. That guy got my husband, and then he got me. But hey there aren't many in their first week of playing that can say they know what it's like to be blind....

I never did get good at PK. I think I could go back now and kick some butt after finally learning how to actually play on a blue server. 7 months, 21 levels later, and many screaming matches related to how I didn't know what the heck I was doing because I was getting ganked all the time, we moved to The Seventh Hammer :)

And THAT was my memory of being a newbie!
#10 Mar 16 2004 at 12:18 PM Rating: Decent
1,252 posts
nice stories already up there Smiley: grin

fell into the small pond in CB, just on the way to TR, when you open the door... was scared to death (well, and died) and some orc finished me off...

didn't know about /corpse back at that time, so went in and dived. had to dive three times, as I couldn't hold my breath long enough...

about as bad was last week though, died in Lower Guk, as some water elemental aggroed on me (the froggies are dubious, so I assumed I could check this place out, hmmm)... took me three hours and the help of a very friendly lvl 65 ranger, who found my corpse and dragged it to the zone line AND didnt even want a donation, after spending almost an hour Smiley: smile

it was the first time I found my "Hammer of Striking" spell (summons a hammer) useful, you don't feel that naked...

btw, naked trolls/ogres just look so "cute", hehe

Still a noob. :-P
Characters on Drinal, Povar, EMarr, Firiona Vie.
#11 Mar 16 2004 at 1:44 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
The scariest death I had was as a little baby magician in EC. For some reason, the layout of this zone confused me for a long time. That in itself is embarassing enough considering it's just a long rectangle. But this was back in the day of no in game maps, and "sense heading" really mattered.

Griffins were the scariest creatures I'd ever seen as I hadn't yet travelled far outside of any newbie garden. I knew if I saw the griffin in EC it was time to run and start shouting to any high level player in earshot, begging them to kill it.

This day I was doing my usual thing, killing skeletons and bears. Abruptly, I skidded to a dead stop to try to avoid crashing right into the big, crabby EC Griffin. Of course I spun and took off in the opposite direction, hoping he didn't notice me (I'd gotten lucky in the past). Not this time. As I ran I could hear the slow, heavy beat of the griffin's wings just behind me. Night was beginning to fall and I was running through the trees, disoriented and terrified, still hearing the beating of the ponderous wings of my pursuer. The only thought in my mind was to keep running, outrun the sound of those wings that meant my certain death.

I seemed to be outrunning this beast! Maybe I'll be able to find the zoneline and make my escape!

Alas, this beast was simply toying with me. My zig-zagging path was allowing the winged terror to close the gap between us. It seemed like I was running forever, the guards and zoneline somehow competely evading me. The griffin's talons slashed me and I could hear it scream in delight. No! I had to escape! I see a path and I begin to follow it. Surely this will lead me to safety!

This was when I learned the lesson that impaired hp = decreased agility = decreased run speed.

Desparation urged my feet onward, but I was beginning to stumble, stunned by the blows of my merciless tormentor. Eventually my feet could carry me no further. My last vision before seeing "LOADING, PLEASE WAIT" was of my by torn and bloodied body, crumpled on the ground, the griffin majestically soaring above it, leasurely flying off to find his next tasty morsel.
#12 Mar 16 2004 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
One of the earliest deaths I can remember was by the docks in Butcherblock. I'd just found the docks, and was poking around a little bit. I think I was inside a building with a vendor, so I assumed I was safe. Then I get whacked by something...I start turning around to try to find what it was...get whacked again....still can't see anything..start running for the guards...whacked again and I'm dead...never did see the named aqua goblin (can't remember the name atm) that hit me. Still haven't figured out if he was invisible or hitting me through the walls.

My most embarassing death though was on the way to a raid with a guild I was applying to. The raid was in SSRA, so I had to cross the Grey to get there. I was a good little recruit and looked up directions and locations, so I knew how to get there...but somehow I neglected to see that the Grey is an airless zone....neglected to see the air meter when it came on....was just trying to avoid the golems long enough to get into the temple. All of a sudden I start seeing in big red letters "You have been hit by non-melee damage for 452! YOu have been hit by non-melee damage for 536! etc.etc. etc...LOADING...Please Wait..." It's really embarassing having to ask a guild recruiter to help you find and retrieve your corpse....
#13 Mar 16 2004 at 2:13 PM Rating: Good
One of the funniest deaths I had happened on Rallos Zek. It was late at night and I was half asleep.

I was kiting in the Dreadlands with my wizard near the ruins. At one point while medding I saw something off in the distance running towards me. The closer it got the more it looked like a Iksar Monk. I thought "OH NO, VELTAR". I stood up, targeted him and fired off an Ice Comet. He went down with the first hit. At about that time I see another Iksar Monk coming right at me. The next thing I know is,

Loading please wait...

When I reloaded in PoK I received a tell from one upset Iksar Monk. Apparently he was running from Veltar when I nuked him. I felt bad at first, but we both laughed when he realized I had been killed also.

I told him that he needs to change the way he looks when running through the Dreadlands. I myself need to quit playing when I'm that tired. Oh well, it's just another reason EQ is so much never know what's going to happen. If you don't know who Veltar is take a look here
#14 Mar 16 2004 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
First death pre-level 10 no loss status was a Barbarian warrior created in "99"....forget his name but he fell into the Halas well and drowned.

Scariest death was level 5 Enchanter same time frame who fell in the water from the top of Blackburrow and got killed by the fish. Had to go to wood elf form or half-elf so I could see (I was an Erudite), then invis and drag corpse to closest dry land and loot my body while not far from a red con gnoll shaman. Got my stuff and hit gate.

Funniest death was the aforementioned Enchanter hunting in North Karanas with my still to this day favorite partner...a mage...both level 16 or so when a Griffon flys by..."He is at 25 percent health" says my friend, "Lets take him!!", as he sends his beloved earth pet into battle. Earth pet lasted all of 5 we headed up the path to the West Karana zone I kept thinking that I only have to outtrun my friend (two Erudites who put nothing into agility at creation do not run very fast), needless to say the Griffon got us both despite the valiant 2 sec defense my Enchanter pet put up. We still laugh about the "25 percent" health deal.
#15 Mar 16 2004 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
So my most memorable deaths:

3. My brief foray into Rallos Zek server. Rolled a halfling cleric. When /anon, as recommended. In ooc there were people giving away free small patchwork tunics. Cool, I say, so I grab one and head off into the newbie zone (I chose Misty, but this was back when you could hunt as a newbie in Kith). Anyhow, so I am out hunting rats or bats or whatever and I see soandso begins to cast a spell...LOADING PLEASE WAIT. The guy grabs my tunic and hands it back to me, explaining I need to put it in a bag when people attack me. I say I just started and thus have nothing. He hands me a bag. I say thanks. He advises me to run everytime I hear anyone cast a spell. I follow his advice and run around for a bit. I noticed loads of people complaining about every little thing - which didn't happen on my server. Soandso KS'ed me, soandso is a PKer, soandso trained me...I never had another problem but it just seemed pointless to me so I never came back. That toon was deleted in one of those "all toons below level 5 who have not been played in a month" wipes which they used to do back in 2000.

2. My rogue would hunt in the warrens and sell in Paineel. I picked the lock to Paineel at like level 8 or something so I could come and go as I wished. Once I picked the lock as usual and clicked the rock to bring up the elevador and I noticed I was lifted up too. It zoned me into the Hole and I fell to my death. The only time I have ever petitioned. I told them I was not on the platform. They said too bad and go find yourself a necro. So I sent a few tells and some guy in Rathe Mountains says he'll do it if I head over and meet him there. So I run all the way and he just quit when I arrived. Later a friend showed me the level one halfling brell worshiper trick and I got my stuff back...and I was happy.

1. Most memorable death was when I just started playing. I was a barbarian warrior and I was fighting in blackborrow. I fell down the pit to the elite room and died there. I think I was level 6 or so. Anyhow, I tried various things to get my corpse but I never asked for help. After a couple more deaths I gave up and my corpse rotted. As I recall, the corpse timer back then was 30 min for under level 10 characters, so one really didn't have long. I think that is the only time I ever lost all my gear.

You might ask, why didn't you just get help? Just consent someone. Well, back then consent allowed them to loot your corpse, not move it. Whole new meaning to consent, eh?
#16 Mar 16 2004 at 4:50 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
When my druid was level 22 I went to kithicor forest to help a friend find his lost the time we didn't know to stay outta kithicor at night...upon finding his body I died...and then died 10 more times trying to find the original. Had never heard of corpse rods or necros summoning or even /loc ...was the longest 8 hours of my life.
#17 Mar 17 2004 at 11:24 AM Rating: Decent
This post reminds me of a CR I did many years ago, Kunark was just released. My friend Killiad, lvl 10 rouge, and myself, a lvl 11 shammy, thought that it would be fun to run back to Halas from the Freeport area in which we were fighting. We had been having fun killing orcs and dervs. All had been great. Well, as the sun was setting accross Norath we run into Kithicor Forest. We think nothing of it. We were running along the path to High Pass when Killiad yells run!!! stupid shammy that I am I stop and say what? In 2 seconds flat I was dead, killed by some zombie thing. after I repoped at the freeport gates, I thought how anoying. so we start to run back, we get killed along the way by a wearwolf. that makes 2 bodies. repop, start running. find the dead wearwolf, someone had killed it. loot it and find 1 pp on it. woot rich now. run back into kithicor. friend and I cannot find original corps. get killed again, lost my new 1pp. well to make a long story short, this went one for like 3 hours. we did not know that kithicor becomes uber though at night time. I swore that day that I would scurge the place once my shammy getts old enough. I have forgoten about that promise untill I read this thread. I got some new work todo :)

Vacuna-- 53 Shammy
Wacuna-- 43 Bard
#18 Mar 17 2004 at 12:07 PM Rating: Good
Loooong ago before soulbinders, before Luclin and PoP I decided to do a quest. Back when your corpse would rot in 30 minutes along with all your gear (you didn't appear at your bind spot with your gear on back then like you do today).

Collect lightstones and greater lightstones, give them to a gypsy in North Karana then sell what she gives you to a merchant. Somebody was kind enough to bind me in Freeport. After filling up a few bags with GLS's and LS's I made the dangerous trek through Kith forest. Highhold Pass was a nightmare to get through, especially when my invis was variable duration. Once getting past there the looooong run down the East Karana ramp was ahead. Little did I know, the bandits on that ramp don't like gnomes.


Back in Freeport, head to East Karana and drag my corpse to a safe spot and loot. Continue through East Karana, conning everything because somebody was kind enough to tell me that some creatures see through invis.

Finally get to North Karana, gypsy camp. Turn in my first stone...


Dam wolves. Start running back to North Karana. This time I go through Rivervale. Drats, nobody in the zone that can bind. Head into Misty Thicket, find somebody that can bind me which takes a few minutes but I'm grateful (especially since I have no plat to my name). Keep heading to North Karana and eventually get my corpse. Loot it and do the wide angle screen. If anything came close to me I'd invis up and run away only to come back when the hostiles were gone. It took forever to turn in those GLS's and LS but dam was I rich (this was back in the day when a robe of the oracle and a SMR was DA SCHNITZ).
#19 Mar 18 2004 at 6:03 PM Rating: Good
426 posts
Well - I guess I'll tel one on myself. My very first toon was a Halfling Druid (he's 59 now). Upon creaton in Rivervale I couldn't see anything. Back then you were created in the tunnel and had to find your guild to turn in your newbie note. My wife and sis-in-law had been playing since Beta and were chatting and not really paying any attention to what I was doing, except for the wife telling me to run out of the tunnel. We didn't know anything about infravision then. I ran out of the tunnel and somehow around Fool's Gold and down the hill into the water - still couldn't see anything and had no idea where I was. I was swimming around (blind, mind you) trying to get out of the water and got killed by a TROUT. Found out later that for some reason my gamma was turned all the way off and that was the reason that I couldn't see. My wife had a bard that she brought in and found my corpse so that my little halfling would have his note to turn in to his guild and get his newbie stuff. We wont go into all the deaths and CR's that came in Misty as we tried to get big enough to move on. Then the run through Kithicor along the wall praying that we would make it to WC before night came.

I really think we had more fun back then.
#20 Mar 18 2004 at 9:30 PM Rating: Decent
My most memorable death was about a week after i first started.
Had been playing a Halfelf war in freeport got him to lv5 or so i think.Well one day i though hmm ill make a dwarf cleric as this has been my favorite race class in all my roleplaying adventures.So Taluton was born as i realy didnt know my way around BBM i haeded to the docks with the help from people running around BBM jump on the boat and was in freeport about 30 mins later.Well after ariving into freeport i though my friends have always told me to get bound at east gate so i made my way there and shout for a bind,finly this nice halfing druid came over to me and invited to his group.He said hello and put a bag into my trade window,then he cast bind on me.To my suprise when i opened the bag was a nice shiny Fine Steel BP and a fine steel mace.I was so over joyed i thanked him probly a million times.Then he buffed me and went on his way.Well now i feel like i am unstoppable hehe and i manage to get lv 4 in what seems no time at all,then i come across this Troll fighting something at the zoneline.Beening the good hearted person i am i begin to heal him and i think im doing him some good little do i know my heals are nothing to what hitpoints this high level sk has lol.Well all of the sudden i am struck from 100+ points of damage and i see loading please wait.Well this was the last i seen of my FineSteel BP and mace,i was stuck in death loop at east gate.After that i meet a few people in RL that played on Quellious and have been playing there ever since.Taluton is now a lv 41 Cleric on Quellious along with his Brother Taluzan 65 war

Taluzan Crimsonred
Taluton Ironhammer
#21 Mar 19 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
74 posts
My very first death was 5 years ago when I played an enchanter on Xegony. I was a high elf so I started fighting in Greater Faydark. It took me a half hour just to learn how to memorize spells and then another hour to learn the best way to use them. I killed a wasp drone and was so proud, then an orc pawn walked by and clubbed me to death. I reappeared on a hill in front of Felwithe with no idea why I had to rememorize spells and where was my stuff? I searched in that zone for 2 hours trying to find my corpse (once I was told that I had to find my corpse). Days later when I reached a whoppin' level 5 I thought I could take on the world. Ahh those were the days.
#22 Mar 19 2004 at 11:29 AM Rating: Decent
LOL, some funny stories here.
I remember my first death as a lvl 10 Wizzie. Was traveling around exploring and went to Freeport. You zone in at book inside tunnel and take a left to Freeport, well i took a right and meet some really nice Drowned Citizens. They even invited me to their tea party at bottom of first sewer pool (eww). I was having a lovely time and all, getting the crap kicked outta me (lvl 10 wizzie then, now i could kill them with eyes closed, not boasting or anything, but ya ... i am that good. wink). I died about 4 more times trying to get my corpse from the bottom, until a nice Ogre rezz;d me. Forget players name , but if you are reading this , I thank you again.
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