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The Nerfs, the nerfs, the nerfs are on fire....Follow

#1 Mar 13 2004 at 8:18 PM Rating: Default
I'm thrilled about the recents nerfs that have come around. Esp with the CHOS and Orb thingie (sue me for not knowing exact names :P). To me this shows that someone is finally doing something about the uber-twinking that's just getting out of hand.

Don't get me wrong...since my post about the EQuality thing, I've come to realize a thing or two. I understand "twinking" in general is a very very common thing. I even have to admit I'm twinked. And my monk, at 39, is going to become really twinked thanks to a friend of mine.

I still think there is something inherently wrong with giving outragous stuff like that to 1st lvl toons. But that's just my opinion.

Anyone elses?
#2 Mar 13 2004 at 8:29 PM Rating: Good
509 posts
So you are staing the wrongness of twinking even though you are admitting to it yourself. The thing is everyone does it so it's nothing you can do anything about. Sony approves of twinking now that's why they set up shared banking and plat slots.
#3 Mar 13 2004 at 8:36 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
But that's just my opinion.

Anyone elses?

My opinion is that you are a self accused hypocrite.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#4 Mar 13 2004 at 9:02 PM Rating: Default
Ok...apparently some ppl can't figure basic comprehension. toons are twinked. My zerker has his Rabidwolf Armor (most of the supplies to make it were bought), a decent (NOTE: decent only...nothing like a farkin Windblade or whatnot) weapon with 31% haste...and a ring that gives him serpent sight. My monk has a crystal covered shroud, fallen froglock's scepter, and a fireclaw talons....that's it....the zerker is 21, and the monk is 39...what i'm opposed to is 1st lvl toons walking around with Windblades, and equipped with armor better suited for 55th+ toons

yes...everyone has a right to play how they want...but it's because of this cheater's mentality to an extreme that SOE has done what it has done over the years...and I for one am glad that they are doing something to keep certain equipment held back for the ppl that really need to use them. What the hell is the point of having that 120 dmg weapon when all you can do is 20 at lvl 1?
#5 Mar 13 2004 at 10:01 PM Rating: Excellent
Maybe you should stop while you are only slightly behind... put down the shovel and walk away.
#6 Mar 13 2004 at 10:02 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Legend has it that George Bernard Shaw was seated next to a very flirtatious young woman. To make a point, he asked her, "Would you sleep with me for one million pounds?" to which she replied that yes, she would. He then asked, "Would you sleep with me for 10 pounds?" Offended, she exclaimed "What do you take me for, sir!"

He replied, "We have already established what you are. We are now negotiating your price."

You cannot rail against twinking if you do it yourself without being a hypocrite. Period. The degree matters not at all.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#7 Mar 13 2004 at 10:21 PM Rating: Good
710 posts
My monk has a crystal covered shroud, fallen froglock's scepter, and a fireclaw talons....that's it....

I like the "that's it" part - like its still not twinking.

what i'm opposed to is 1st lvl toons walking around with Windblades, and equipped with armor better suited for 55th+ toons

Is this because that you don't have a character who's 55+ with "junk" to spare your other characters? What if someone came on here and said they were offended by what twinking you have done?

Um, Kettle, its the Pot calling....
#8 Mar 14 2004 at 2:39 AM Rating: Default

Fine...Guess I'm just on a separate wavelength or something. To me, there is a huge difference between a helping hand and a 1st lvl wannabe-god toon.


whole point was to express my opinion. mission accomplished.

/em puts shovel down.
/em walks away.

Edited, Sun Mar 14 06:02:43 2004 by psychojester
#9 Mar 14 2004 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
531 posts
To me, there is a huge difference between a helping hand and a 1st lvl wannabe-god toon.

The key words here are "to me". Obviously people don't like the pot calling the kettle black and as stated above, the degree matters not.

Look at my magelo's, if you know your gear you know I'm WELL ahead of the curve. In fact, a LOT of lvl 65s don't have my kind of gear. Those are AUTHENTIC profiles, so it's all real and been scanned from my characters using the Magelo Update program.

I had started on Veeshan, but due to over-crowding they offered a server split right about the time Kunark came out, I took it and ended up on Saryrn server. My best friend in EQ opt for it too, but didn't make it, and my brother and a lot of friends were still on Veeshan. Some people I knew switched too. Eventually, I quit. Right after Luclin came out. I stayed away for a few years and started playing again when my brother talked me into it, right about the time of LoY. I'd lose all my gear, but my brother said he's give me some basic gear(this was before you could move with items). I switched servers with just my 39 Enchanter, and I lost everything. My old gear was seriously outdate by todays standards anyway, so it was okay. Once I got back I decided I wanted to get a 100k lizard mount!! I entered the bazaar and got to work learning the gear and prices, buy low, sell higher, but still lower than everyone else. About 3-4 months later I have my 100k Lizard mount! I kept working and now have all the nice things you see on my characters.

Now that's me, I know my characters VERY well and what they can do and how to use them to GREAT effect. People I meet in LDoN tend to mark my Enchanter as a friend and I get tells even when I'm not looking for an adventure. I feel no guilt about the items I own and earned every bit of it through my own hard work. Some people think I E-Bayed my characters or gear and think my bazaar gimp sells plats and such, but none of that is true, people can think what they want. Looking at my characters shows you where the money went. My Enchanter has over 1Mpp into it and my Ranger has well over 500Kpp!

Now lets talk about what you are talking about. The problem with Twinking is not what that lvl 1 can hit for because of the cap, or any such thing. Heck, when I start my new characters I twink them out really well. Any caster I have has 200+ Int or Wis from day 1. The PROBLEM with twinking is when the people don't know what they're doing at higher levels because the lower levels went so fast they really didn't get to learn all the little tips and tricks that make the class effective in a group or solo. What do YOU care what weapon or armor the twink can run around in? In fact, if you COULD and had the resources to spare, you'd twink the crap out of a new character you wanted to play. I've read enough of what you've written to know the truth of that. You just don't like seeing lvl 1s with gear better than yours. The ONLY way twinking is bad is when people haven't learned how to play the class correctly. Honestly, in a group and you're looking for say a Warrior, and 2 Warriors apply at the same time for the group and BOTH are the same level and you don't know either, but One is wearing really SWEET gear and the other is wearing gear you concider lame(but probably gear that level might be expected to wear), you'd take the twink. The twink(assuming they know how to play their class) will do more damage, and take more damage so will effectively be a better tank.

Bottom line is the player with the twinks paid their due in EQ already and are enjoying the fruits of their labors. The only real problem is they often don't do the class justice because they level too fast, some of them do though! Personally, dispite the fact that I twink my characters, I'm glad about the nerfs too, the items in question were too powerful. I was using the Copper Hammer of Striking myself to help PL my Shaman and Mage. The Shaman got to 30 and the Mage is currently 27, and both are beyond the point of melee fighting so I just slipped past the nerf. I just wanted my money back and was grateful the hammer sold for a reasonable amount when I sold it. :)

Edited, Sun Mar 14 09:55:50 2004 by KerikDaven
#10 Mar 14 2004 at 10:09 AM Rating: Default

You should have learned by now that on this board there are roughly only two kind of posters:

1. These who can't wait to share their opinion with others (for whatever reason)
2. These who are waiting for 1. to prove them they shouldn't have :D
#11 Mar 14 2004 at 10:22 AM Rating: Excellent
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
KerikDaven wrote:
Look at my magelo's, if you know your gear you know I'm WELL ahead of the curve. In fact, a LOT of lvl 65s don't have my kind of gear. Those are AUTHENTIC profiles, so it's all real and been scanned from my characters using the Magelo Update program.

Nice to see you've given your Trumpet-blower the day off Kerik Smiley: jester

. . . and today's word is 'Humility'
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#12 Mar 14 2004 at 10:28 AM Rating: Decent
I agree entirely with kerik, i dont feel the need for the 3 paragraphs of background info letting us all know how great he is, but he has a really good point. Phsycojester, at the end of the day you can think that, twinking has good points, and bad points, but far be it from you or i to tell players what they can and can't, if you were in charge of SOE you could ban twinking completely, but thankfully you're not.
Have fun playing your twinked monk and berserker and keep up the good work policing the streets of norrath and making sure nobody has gear as good as yours Smiley: smile
#13 Mar 14 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
So what you are saying is that its ok to twink, just not anymore than you? Lets see if I can rephrase this post for you.


I'm really pissed off, I spent a whole bunch of time and or money twinking out my toon and just found out that other people are more twinked than me. This is totally unfair, its very important to me to be better than everyone at everything.

The only way I can really enjoy myself is by knowing that I am the best. I don't know why SOE doesn't understand that I am far more important than anyone else, its obvious that they have never met me. Other people should work very hard for their gear and toons, but I really should not have to put in that kind of effort to achieve the same results.

I would really appreciate it if all of you guys would band together behind me in letting SOE know just how important and cool I am.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#14 Mar 14 2004 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
The only effect that twinking has is to make it easier to recover from when you make a mistake because you have higher Hit points/AC or Int/Wis or DPS.
Put in the hand of an inexperianced player this can be bad because they don't learn necessary lessons. is rare to find an inexperianced twink. Power leveling is a much more serious issue than buying gear in bazaar.
#15 Mar 14 2004 at 4:12 PM Rating: Decent
531 posts

LOL, hey, I worked hard and earned it. I even help people out when I can, just never beggars. Over 100 posts and I never say anything about my gear. But you want to talk about twinking, I'm a self made man and a perfect example of a twinked toon. I take pride in it because it took a LOT of hard work.

The problem is most people just want the pay-offs without putting in the work. People think their's a secret too getting the good stuff and there IS, HARD WORK. I don't care if you earned the money or camped the items, their HAS to be some form of work invloved. Once they hear that though, they're not as interested. As a matter of fact, I've tried to help people learn to earn and 95% of the time they just end up whining that they can't do it, but I see for myself they didn't really try, they just wanted me to give them money because I can earn more. :P

I say, set a man a fire and you keep them warm for the night. Set that man ON fire and you keep them warm for the rest of their life!

Edited, Sun Mar 14 16:18:10 2004 by KerikDaven
#16 Mar 14 2004 at 4:21 PM Rating: Default
/em picks up shovel and bashes himself in the temple for good measure.

Ok...I'm not the world's most articulate I've obviously left out a couple points.

I could care less who has what. I play my toons and my game the way I choose. The ONLY time others affect me is when I'm grouping, and even then I only worry about my job in the group. What gets under my skin is when people have to show off how uber they are. I realize (esp. reading posts on this forum) that most people are arrogant and self-serving and constantly need to pat themselves on the back. But, WTF is the point of /ooc linking all your uber-gear you bought for your new toon to everyone in the zone? Are they expecting the toons to come over and start bowing and groveling? Though in retrospect, I prolly answered my own question halfway through this paragraph.

It's actually getting to the point where I wish I never posted this damn thread...the entire point of it apparently is either beneath people's notice, or way too over their heads to grasp it. The only reason I say my toons are twinked, is because I am comparing them to when EQ first started; when things such as Fireclaw Talons, having completed your newb armor quest, etc. were things that people respected. By today's standards, I'm wearing the equal to cloth armor.

I know some of you are still gonna say I'm talking out my ***, that it's the pot calling the kettle black, blah blah blah. So off the mark. I love this game. I wish I could have played it from the start, when doing something meant something. If it wasn't for my main toon, I probably would have switched to the Morden Rasp server, but I didn't want to abandon 3 months of hard playing.

Anyway, flame on you flamers...I could care less.

/em sticks shovel in dead horse.
#17 Mar 14 2004 at 5:05 PM Rating: Good
hmmmmm, a little sensitive aren't you!!!!! Anyway, one thing you mentioned that I do agree with 100% is people carrying on a long drawn out conversation on ooc, create yourself a bloody chat channel already. I don't give shiit about what gear you have or anything else for that manner /ooc or shouting is for asking everyone a question, or advertising, something of the nature. LFG, Tarin to zone. I quite often tell people to "get a room". This is a pet peave of mine.
#18 Mar 14 2004 at 8:06 PM Rating: Decent
531 posts
So is the thread about Nerfs, Twinking, or showing off?

I really have to wonder if you know what your own post is about.

While I was in my 40's hunting in The Overthere, some lvl 65 who was in a big raiding guild came into the zone and started linking their gear for everyone to see. Mostly everyone just made fun of him and rightly so. In general we felt he was over-compensating for other lackings, and we'll leave it at that. Yes, that is honestly truely sad and pathetic. Oddly enough your original post really didn't seem to even hint that this is what the thread was about though. Neither did the title for that matter.

BTW, I played this game from the start, and even then, doing something really didn't MEAN something. It's a game, the only things that really matter are that you had fun, and how you treat others. Once the computer's off, no one will care what kind of gear you had or if you were the first to own "item X" or kill "monster Z".

The biggest difference between then and now is that it was a LOT harder back then. Hybrids had Exp penalties that were SHARED by anyone who grouped with them. Even BRONZE armor was hard to get in the very beginning and I was a lvl 14 Ranger who still hadn't earned enough plat to finish my set of BANDED armor. You had to sit with the spellbook in your face to be concidered medding. Everyone was trying to kill the same rat you were. Level 30 and every 5 levels after that were HELL LEVELS.

The only things I thought were really better back then was originally Invis worked on ALL critters so my Ranger was invis to undead in Unrest back when I hunt there. If anyone tried to KS the mob you were fighting you could BUFF it and watch it kill the KSer. hehe

As far as you writing...
It's actually getting to the point where I wish I never posted this damn thread...the entire point of it apparently is either beneath people's notice, or way too over their heads to grasp it.

There really wasn't so much to your post that could be misunderstood.

You also wrote..
I realize (esp. reading posts on this forum) that most people are arrogant and self-serving and constantly need to pat themselves on the back.

I don't think anyone in this thread has been arrogant or self-serving. You've certainly made an @$$ of yourself, but that's about the extent of if. If anyone has behaved that way it would actually be YOU with the very words of the first quote above.

You state that soon your monk at 39 is going to become really twinked thanks to a friend of yours, so how are you any different than the people you're complaining about? I mean other than the fact that the people you're complaining about are twinking their own toons and you need to get your stuff from someone else? In fact I have more respect for them because they earned their stuff, your actions seem more self-serving than them. As I said, they're enjoying the fruits of their labor. You on the other hand are just benefitting from the generosity of someone else.
#19 Mar 15 2004 at 3:04 AM Rating: Decent
youre right kerik, you are very modest, and in the word of winston churchill, you have a great deal to be modest about
#20 Mar 15 2004 at 5:10 AM Rating: Default
Even for someone like myself who goes for extremes twinking is very hard to define. I made a fortune on TS (and trading itself *grin*) this WE and geared my cleric up to a point where I wear gear with 22nd lvl that was dropped by 40+ mobs.

But soloing in OoM taught me (once again) that +200 mana is no big deal if my damn chanelling is still under 90. Same goes for my Centi Warhammer - with 1HB of 75 I deal the damage not often enough to go after yellow mobs with my brand new shiny toy.

So it meant back to the temple where I spent 100+p and 60 of my 80 training points (I had started to save for AAs already) to push her basic skills up and went back to solo blues for an afternoon to max them out. And I have to say the Centi Warhammer started paying off his money :)

So its not the question if I was twinked or not, the question is if the better gear did have any benefits - and the answer is clearly: NO - as long as I hadn't got the skills to use it properly it did rather endanger me to overestimate my clerics surviviability.

#21 Mar 15 2004 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
531 posts
People are funny.Smiley: laugh It's not even a question of pride or modesty, it's a question of speaking on topic. In almost every post people relate their personal experiences based on whatever the topic is about, be it groups, this classes ability or that, what the best weapon is or whatever. In the case of twinking I have a lot of personal experience. Smiley: glasses Unfortunately the original poster doesn't seem to be able to stick to a topic.

Anyway, I'm a father and I'm practicing my story telling and tales of "When I was younger...". It'll be worse if I ever become a Grandfather.

Edited, Tue Mar 16 22:15:46 2004 by KerikDaven
#22 Mar 15 2004 at 8:40 AM Rating: Default
who cares what armour ur lvl 10 zerker is wearing as long as they know how to play? at the end of the day if you can get the item on one char then you worked for it and you deserve it. besides all the best gear is no drop so you can only twink out to a certain level.

Edited, Mon Mar 15 08:41:50 2004 by sickseventwenty
#23 Mar 15 2004 at 11:14 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
So it meant back to the temple where I spent 100+p and 60 of my 80 training points (I had started to save for AAs already)
FYI, maybe I misunderstand you, but training points have nothing to do with AA. You gain AA by setting your XP to feed into your AAXP bar (after lvl 50) instead of the standard levelling XP bar. If you're saving up training points for AAXP, you've misread something along the way.

So don't feel bad about spending them Smiley: wink
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#24 Mar 15 2004 at 11:44 AM Rating: Decent
What you also have to remember is how many people multi box this time around with things. Just recently my wife wanted to get another account so that brings the family total up to 4 so we made a ranger. Now with all the other characters mostly in the high sixties you really do not want to start out a character that has basic equipment so you spend some of your hard earned money to make them better than most so that you can begin the process of power leveling. Lets face it you didnt get the extra account to be like a newbie again but to get them up to level so that the group as a whole you have spent a ton of money on in the real world will benifit from yes another toon. Whats the problem with twinking many people have the money and are going to spend the money. In my opinion one should not complain about it but learn to profit from it. When the beastlords came out anything with great stats that didnt have a level restriction went through the roof on price and it was a great time to have a group that could farm and sell to those people from time that have more money than sense, that just wanted to twink out a beastlord. It is something that has been around for ages and will be around for ages to come cant beat it join in, or get left behind the first level monk that looks like it ought to be 65.
#25 Mar 15 2004 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
CHoS was out of control, didnt' mind that being nerfed even though my warrior has one.

There is nothing wrong with twinking and generally the people who whine about it do so because they can't twink like others. My rogue is as old as EQ and has money coming out of his pointy darkelven ears. If I want to twink out a warrior with a SBoD and a BoC cobalt bp, RBB or CoF or hell 2 SoD if I can find them(if they are still not lore) then I am going to do it. If you don't like it don't group with him. Sit on the side and miss out on the pile of xp he is racking up.

Ugh...rant off.
#26 Mar 15 2004 at 4:30 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Well. Psycho didn't say it very well, but I get what he's saying, and he's kinda got a point.

Yes. Sony "supports" twinking. I'd suggest that they added the shared slots to aid in trader mules in the bazaar far more then twinking, but then where's the line there anyway?

However, it's equally clear that SOE has a sense that high level items should be primarily in the hands of higher level characters. Hence, why items have recommended and required levels.

When we come down to it, everything is about degrees. So yeah, there is a difference between dropping gear you can buy in the bazaar for a few hundred plat on a new character, and buying gear that most people have to spend weeks or months accumulating to put an "uber" item on that same toon.

If you think that factor is not significant, ask yourself why there is often a dramatic price difference in similar items based solely on the recommended or (more dramatically) required levels? The fact is that not all players are as good at making plat (or as willing to just buy it) as others. SOE is effectively telling us that they'd rather that "average" plat earner with the level 60+ character be able to obtain higher level items, tben the high plat earner buying it for his new twink.

It doesn't require any "twinking is bad" approach to see that this does improve the game. Folks can still buy those higher end items for their twinks, they just wont be as useful until they gain some levels. I for one think that this is a good thing. Not because I think twinking is bad, but because I do think that a bit of sanity in terms of gear availability is prudent.

Edited, Mon Mar 15 16:34:58 2004 by gbaji
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
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