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Your opinion on my thoughts on characters deathsFollow

#1 Mar 12 2004 at 7:32 AM Rating: Default
Leiany wrote:
As usuall I will step forward and stuff my opinion down every readers throat so you can pick it easily apart. ;-)

- Having my toon dying means "losing" the game to me.
- Having my group members dying means failure to me (I am the cleric after all....)
- Having to do a CR is an embarrassing thing to me and I HATE it!

If I die soloing I obviously did something wrong and will change my tactics or hunting ground.

If someone dies in a group obviously something went wrong and I will make my comrades think about why it did happen and how we can avoid it next time.

On FV I once was in a LDoN group with my Rogue where we all died. We picked up our corpses, proceeded and we all died a second time. Since no one seemed to have a problem with it except for myself I left the group - only to get tells later that they all died a third time because I left them.......

So what means your dead toon to you?
failure, nuisance, **** happens, part of the game, .....?

My Cleric didn't bite the dust for 13 lvls now (although I am never the first one to run) and I feel very comfortable about it. But I am very curious how others think about the theme.

EDIT: since its obviously more interesting for regular posters to tell me their opinion on my opinion instead of their opinion on the subject I decided to rephrase the threads title for convenience :)
#2 Mar 12 2004 at 8:03 AM Rating: Decent
2,453 posts
It depends on which character I'm playing.

For most of my higher level characters, I pretty much only die when someone else makes a mistake, when I get trained, or when I get hit with one of these mysterious ten second-freeze everything-lag spikes that have been plaguing me for a while. Of course there are times when a simple resist on a pacify attempt will lead to death, but there's not much you can do about those.

I currently have a low level Necromancer on Morden Rasp that I've been fiddling with. He usually dies because I'm continually seeing just how close to the envelope I can take him with regards to killing red cons. That's more of an experimental process than mistakes though.
#3 Mar 12 2004 at 8:31 AM Rating: Default
93 posts
Being a Cleric, I feel your pain.

1) I hate being naked in PoK. After all, if you die. Everyone else probably died too. Which doesn't necessarily mean you're at fault and hence should not be embarrassed.
2) Priorities. Deaths will happen. I actually keep track of my weekly death toll. Usually somewhere between 2-7 in 7 days (other PC's, not myself) is what I aim for. You're only in control of who lives or dies if the PC in reference has no reason to be getting hit on. MT's, high nukers, and chanty's, are a dangerous class to play. As well as a Cleric. Do your best to keep what is absolutely essential to the group alive and you should walk away knowing that there was nothing else that could have been done.
3) If I die soloing, I laugh. Because I always take some monstrous target on. Point in case, Cleric GM in East Commonlands. More of a "gee I wonder if I can land a root on her, one quick nuke, and run". ACCESS DENIED. Returning to home point.

Deaths do suck, especially on a Clerics mind. Hell, after all it's our job to prevent it. Unfortunately, it can't always be prevented. So don't hang your head when you're on a corpse run. Take that time while you're naked/lonely to think about what happened and how it can be prevented in the future.

Hope things are well, and you hold that streak :)

Lariatha Imperlisia
57th Cleric of Innoruuk
(1 personal death this week ~ raid oriented)
(4 PC in group deaths /shrug, wizards shouldn't melee)
cleric, maelin <retired 05>
#4 Mar 12 2004 at 8:38 AM Rating: Decent
237 posts
Interesting question that you pose.

Mostly, I'm in the stuff happens camp. 90% of the time I don't get in a twist about dying, unless it happens 3 feet from the zone line. It's entirely situational though. If I die while soloing, it is because I did something stupid and deserved it (and I've done enough stupid stuff and lived to know that the law of averages is going to catch up to me), or because I was as Deathwysh put it "pushing the envelope" and I don't mind dying to learn where my limits are or to just learn how powerful a mob is.

If I die in a good group, it's really no big deal because there are just going to be those days when everything goes wrong and the bear gets you. I get a little more upset if I am in a not-so-good group though (mostly thinking LDoN here) because I start to feel the pressure of finishing the adventure. I get more upset than I care to admit if my group fails an adventure due to being a bad group (whether deaths are involved or not).

Deaths due to training for me are quite few and far between. I think that the last time it happened I was a wee enchanter hunting in butcherblock near the GFay zone and some asshat brought several skeles from the chessboard and parked them on me. Boy I was pissed about that one. I guess I've managed to avoid the more train-prone zones, thankfully.

Losing a level when dying adds a little extra sting to it, especially if it was a new spell level, but as I said I mostly just shrug it off, nab my corpse, and get back to it.
#5 Mar 12 2004 at 8:42 AM Rating: Decent
IMHO if you get upset at dying now, maybe ya need to re think it a bit. Just wait til you get to the higher lvl zones. You WILL DIE. A LOT. Especially when exploring zones you've never been to before. Oops that mob sees invis. Ded. I personally think its part of the fun of the game. As was mentioned before, pushing the envelope and seeing just what your group might can accomplish. Ya never know til ya try. If I don't die at least once a day, I can't sleep at night.
#6 Mar 12 2004 at 9:06 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
My opinion of your opinion is that it's pretty typical for a relatively new player. :)

You can't take death too seriously in this game or you'll never get to do anything. The fear of dying an ignominious death is half the fun.

Death is just a bother, a time sink. Wiping out completely is more of a bother, true, but one you'd better learn to cope with now or you're going to be miserable later.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#7 Mar 12 2004 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
115 posts
Deathwysh, I was having the same problem with those damn lag spikes. They were coming in regular waves like every 3 minutes. I solved the problem by defragging my C-drive.

The lag spikes stopped immediatedly.
#8 Mar 12 2004 at 10:01 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Fri Mar 12 10:02:49 2004 by Staaalker
#9 Mar 12 2004 at 10:05 AM Rating: Default
Funny enough rephrasing the question brought the kind of answers I was asking for in the first place ;-)

I admit that while I played a Rogue on FV last year I died a lot (backstabbing makes the mob really hate you)and neither did I bother that much nor did I feel responsible on a single comrades death but having the complete group wiped out made me think about my perfomance.

I didn't blame the clerics either on my own deaths and even dying while soloing in OoM didn't give me a headache as Rogues are not the soloing class *lol*

But now that I have a 22nd cleric with the ability to heal and a pile of other spells too I feel I have to perform better.

And I feel of course responsible for every group member thats killed (other by their own foolishness) which I think I should be. After all a tank can only do his job properly once he's 100% sure he doesn't need to check his own health bar because the healers either keep him alive or shout for an evac if they think they cant.

Edited, Fri Mar 12 10:06:46 2004 by Leiany
#10 Mar 12 2004 at 10:14 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
part of the game

It drives me nuts when someone in my group tears into another member because there was a wipe. Its part of the game suck it up, go find our corpses, and do something differently so it doesn't happen again.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#11 Mar 12 2004 at 10:33 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Right, there's not a thing wrong with asking, "Okay, what happened there?" But it shouldn't be an accusation; it's an opportunity to get better as a player.

Besides, it's good to practice CR. You'll be doing enough of it.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#12 Mar 12 2004 at 10:58 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
How I feel about dying depends nearly completely on why I died. Dying from technical issues (lag, LD, etc) ticks me off more than anything else. It's just senseless and annoying downtime and you don't "learn" anything from it except how to swear at your monitor.

Dying in a group is usually a "Let's see what happened" thing. Of course, sometimes "what happened" was you invited someone into your group who ate paintchips as a child. But, in a group, rezzes are usually pretty easy to come by so it's not that big of a deal. This typically applies to raids as well except that hopefully your fellow raiders are of a higher caliber than the people you write pick-up horror stories about.

Dying solo is one of two things: Either I was trying something new and was learning how not to do it ("Gee, I never used my snare, but having a charm loaded would have saved me") or else I just played crappy and have no one to blame but myself. I usually just suck it up and go back in. Often I don't even look for a rez since, when I solo, I solo somewhere profitable enough that a single death isn't going to set me back much. I'll leave a corpse and just clean them up at the end of the night if no handy clerics or paladins have wandered through.

And, sometimes, dying is just funny. "Hey, let's try pulling this mob! Umm.. where'd he warp to? Uuhhh... uh oh." Again, rezzes are pretty cheap and easy to come by much of the time so lighten up and just enjoy yhe game and the absurd situations it sometimes puts you in.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#13 Mar 12 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Decent
261 posts
Cracks me up that you only get the answers you want when you ask a different question but here goes my 2cp worth.

On your opinions - I agree. It would be nice to totally role play with others who are totally role playing and so care as much as you do.

On dieing - Bum I hate it. But then I'm only 9th level so all it means to me really is the pride issue and the agro of having a long walk to carry on where I left off. I'm still a little embarrased about the number of times I've died by letting the 10% health mob reach help before I finish him. Then I get run over by the train. Double bum.

But then like I say, I'm only level 9 so what do I know.


PS - I'm terrified of reaching level 10.
#14 Mar 12 2004 at 12:01 PM Rating: Default
LanceValiant wrote:
PS - I'm terrified of reaching level 10.
I seldom dare to give advice on other things than tradeskilling or roleplaying but this time I will:

1. Wait until you reach 10th level +2 bulbs of expirience

2. Go to the next zone adjecant to your bind point and find a place where every mob cons green to you and you can spot a vendor/guard

3. Now **** one of the NPC's off and get killed - seriously I mean it.

4. Now you return to your bind point, an annoying "your out of food and drink" is spamming your chat box and you feel somehow shocked maybe but at least VERY uncomfortabble. You are still lvl 10 but someone bit off a chunk from your xp bubbles.

But wait - your corpse is just across the border in a place where nothing will hurt you and in front of some NPC's who already forgot you attacked them.....

5. So you run to your corpse and hope everything is still there (it is of course, but weird thoughts are crossing your mind).

6. You loot your body still counting every piece of equipment and checking the contents of each backpack (its not necessary of course but you will do it I suppose because its human)

7. Then you take a deep breath and next time you die and your corpse is 4 zones away from your bind point and in a more unconvenient place you wont panic even for 1 second - after all you know how it feels as you did it once already.

I had my first CR to the 2nd floor of BEFALLEN, i was completely unprepared and I'd rather go to the dentist than experience this feelings again ;-)

Edited, Fri Mar 12 12:01:21 2004 by Leiany
#15 Mar 12 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
You are still lvl 10 but someone bit off a chunk from your xp bubbles.

Not at level 10 they didn't. Experience loss starts at level 11.

Apart from that a dummy-run CR is not a bad idea. In fact even at any level before this going back and looting your empty corpse is a good idea. It gets you used to trying to die in identifiable places. The fear of losing your corpse is much the worst part of the CR and this test-run won't prepare you for that.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#16 Mar 12 2004 at 12:33 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Just wait til you get to the higher lvl zones. You WILL DIE. A LOT
I have to agree with this. The higher level I get, the more often I die. If we're taking on something big and strong it doesn't bother me much. Rez me up and let's keep going. Some deaths are comical, like when I wandered into some high level undead mobs in Kithicor (hmm, I guess those guys see through invis.) I was dead so fast I didn't even have time to see what killed me! Those deaths just make me laugh.

There are a couple situations where other's toon death irks me. If it's getting late and my group wipes in an inconvenient spot, it often takes the wind out of everyone's sail and ends the evening. It also irks me when groupmates die because they're being reckless (like when someone decides to "look around"). Some classes just make better scouts than others. It doesn't bother me that they get themselves killed. It bothers me that they're holding up the group.

If people die because I screwed up I feel pretty bad.
#17 Mar 12 2004 at 1:08 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Yanari wrote:
The higher level I get, the more often I die.

Funny the higher i have got the les often i die, that maybe because i group with the same people alot and we are a fairly well tuned group. I take your point though the higher mobs are less forgiving of mistakes and you do die faster.

leiany wrote:
Having my group members dying means failure to me (I am the cleric after all....)

Thats a hard one to break if indeed you can or want to for that matter. I still take it personally when one of my group dies with my cleric, On the plus side as you level you get better and better rez's to buffer the pain.

Lance wrote:
PS - I'm terrified of reaching level 10.

Don't worry buddy you have a 59 Pally on Tap and that means 90% Rez as soon as i get to you Smiley: wink
#18 Mar 12 2004 at 1:17 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
I have 2 schools of thought on this which (oddly) work together.

I hate dying. I play a pulling pally, so if someone in my group, I take it personal. That is unless they did something really stupid like pull mobs while I'm pulling.

Having said that, dying is part of the game. I am all for exploring new places solo or in a guild group. This is way more fun to me than hunting the same places every day because it's safe there. If the group gets wiped, you do your CR and get back to the fun. Hopefully you learned a lesson in the process too...
#19 Mar 12 2004 at 1:29 PM Rating: Default
Cobra101 wrote:
In fact even at any level before this going back and looting your empty corpse is a good idea. It gets you used to trying to die in identifiable places.
I never thought of that - is it also possible to drag ones corpse at lvl 1-9? If so I should have tried getting my clerics corpse out of the water just to practice /corpse as I died in the FP harbor at 6 or 7.

And sorry bout the mistake with the XP loss! But in that case lvl 10 is perfect for suicide - IF someone is really already under stress by the thought of his first CR.

Edited, Fri Mar 12 13:29:52 2004 by Leiany
#20 Mar 12 2004 at 1:38 PM Rating: Default
Yanari wrote: when someone decides to "look around"....
agreed - a halfling rogue yesterday gave me each and every time the creeps the moment he vanished from sight with just a "brb!". I begged the leader to have a word with him after the first 6 rooms but he had sent the rogue already a tell to a) stay with us and b) not to hide while we where moving....
#21 Mar 12 2004 at 1:38 PM Rating: Default
dual wield - post

Edited, Fri Mar 12 13:39:00 2004 by Leiany
#22 Mar 12 2004 at 1:39 PM Rating: Decent
54 posts
If you aint dyin you aint tryin.

You don't want to be stupid and die unnecessarily but the xp penalty for dying is really insignificant after you get rezzed.

I don't let fear of dying stop me from trying something difficult. You don't get better doing easy stuff over and over. You get better by practicing hard stuff.

In groups if you are going to do something difficult you have to be sure you have people with the same attitude. Some of the people I've met are very risk averse. As far as I'm concerned, that's their loss.
#23 Mar 12 2004 at 1:46 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
Liany, I think your opinions on death are probably pretty typical of clerics...possibly part of the personality that makes someone choose to play a cleric in the first place. =) It's good to have a cleric that're one of the kinds of clerics that will never get a group killed with a ninja AFK or other lack of attention to what's going on.

I play a warrior, and my opinions character death are a little different.
If the cleric or slower dies, I blame myself. Obviously I didn't have enough aggro. Even if the 'chanter tries to land a slow the second I engage, and I logically know that as a warrior I couldn't hold aggro on that, I still blame myself.
If any other people in the group die, I blame myself for a moment, then try to remember that aggro management is everyone's business, not just the tank.
If I die, I swear as I see the "laoding, please wait"...laugh when I land naked at my bind spot...and joke around with guildies about the naked dorf in PoK until I get rezzed. For a tank, dying is part of the job, and I just hope everyone else made it.
Now, if the deaths happen because of a train, there's really not much we could do about that. If we die because of an add and we have no crowd control, well, hopefully we learned something about which way we need to push the mob during a fight. If we die because the cheal landed a half-second too late, or because the cleric had one of those rare's part of the game. It happens. Practice will make it happen less, but it will still happen.
#24 Mar 12 2004 at 2:00 PM Rating: Default
I don't have any problems with the risk of a new zone or a new camp, that virtual "fear" is what gives me an adrealine rush aftr all =)

But I admit: If I cross a zone line and EVERYTHING connes red to me then I suddenly remember that there are so many zones in the game that there has to be one left where everything connes at least yellow to me.... ;-)

And I will surely NOT do a CR because of the "C'mon dude - just one more pull" - attitude. Exploring is worth a risk, greed or impatience is not.

If we have done LDoN and already succeded then I will not rush through the rest of the Dungeon because some lunatic wants to ding or die! If I am called a chicken on such an occasion then chicken just /waves goodbye to everybody
#25 Mar 12 2004 at 2:42 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
The strength and abilities of the mobs vs. my AC/HP changes drastically the higher I level. Smiley: yikes

I'm just a cloth wearing finger wiggler. It only takes a few hits to pummel me to jelly these days. That's one of the reasons I die more often. I also soloed pretty much exclusively for my first 50 levels so I'd usually stick to killing what I knew I'd survive. Now I almost exclusively group so hunting is a whole different ball game. Bigger mobs, bigger risks and a whole lot more factors in the equation.

It's all good though. I'm still having tons o' fun. Smiley: yippee
#26 Mar 12 2004 at 2:45 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
If you think CR is bad now, read some of the experiences of people in places like the Plane of soon as you zone in you're under attack, by mobs that can teleport you randomly in any direction...and all the people that zone in to try to drag your corpse die too... .

My guild's going to try it on Sunday, sounds like fun! Smiley: grin

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
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