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I'm ANON Please leave me alone!Follow

#1 Mar 10 2004 at 2:12 AM Rating: Decent
OK, my favorite rant, I'm headed somewhere, usually going to meet friends for the newest fanfare GoD. When out of the clear blue sky I get a tell, "What level are you?" If I answer 58 I always get, "What Class?", if I answer, Duid, They ask, "Can you port me to (pick a ring)" or "Can I have some buffs?"

Then I have to hurt their feelings when I explain the ANON feature of the game. If I keep playing the game with them in about 20% of the times I'm asked for Platinum or spare gear.

Dragline's thought for the day,"All things being equal and one of us has to feel bad, I'd rather it be You!"

For my money these actions show a complete lack of respect for the person, just like inspecting without permission, I know accidents happen, but you can turn it off now, no excuses. I have invited many people into the bathroom to play in the pretty blue water, Root Dot Dot Blast Blast, Good Night Iren.


Just because I think I'm being followed, does not make me paranoid.

#2 Mar 10 2004 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
Then I have to hurt their feelings when I explain the ANON feature of the game. If I keep playing the game with them in about 20% of the times I'm asked for Platinum or spare gear.

When I play and I am anon or in role and they ask what level am I. I say 1 to 65 pick one, and when they ask what class I am, I say upper middle :) after that if they say anything to me its /ignore time. Works for me...

#3 Mar 10 2004 at 9:34 AM Rating: Default
I decided not to Roleplay any char on Morden Rasp because if I want that I can return to my toon on FV I said to myself - until.....

My Barbarian Shaman was in a blacksmithing frenzy 2 weeks ago and just about to be able to risk making Northman Kite Shields as she stumbled across Goblin Ice Necklaces at the Vendor she went for some water flasks. She bought of course as she had alreay 2 in her BP and it happened that she got 10 more - so after a short run to the warriors guild she dinged 9th.

Only having my TS in mind I returned to the forge and did my last molds on banded as this Barb Warrior asks me for a SOW.
- I told him I got no SOW
- He told me not to lie as he could see I was a 9th sham
- I told him I havent got the spell by now and that I was busy anyway
- he then told me what a moron I was in playing a shamy without knowing the basics about what the class was all about....

#4 Mar 10 2004 at 9:58 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
I never went anon or roleplay on Samira until she hit her mid 50s. I'm not sure what it is about that level range that makes people think druids have nothing better to do than port them around. It's kind of amazing - once she hit 60 the port requests dropped right off.

Now, of course, hardly anyone needs druid ports anymore (yay).

As for the warrior who wanted SoW, I would have told him, "Bring me the spell and I'll scribe it and cast it." It's what I used to tell people when they demanded buffs I couldn't afford at the time, including drop spells in later levels. Oddly enough no one ever did it.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#5 Mar 10 2004 at 10:16 AM Rating: Default
I am neither known for being subtle nor will I have someone spend money for nothing - but the idea is tempting =)
#6 Mar 10 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
233 posts
I must say at first I thought the anonymous thing was quite annoying too, but as I have finally reached lvl 46 druid, I am just about to turn it on. I have had people from all over (not even the zone I'm in) ask me to port them or come SOW them or whatever....Of course its not like I am playing or doing anything else...So sure I will drop what I am doing and come port you, and then you don't even donate or say thanks!......Quite annoying....Guess it takes time to figure out why people do the "anonymous" thing...Now I know!!!
However out of my own stupidity I tend to go help, but I'm not sure how much I will be doing that anymore. Also people begging for pp...what is up with that? I am fairly new and would NEVER have begged for someone just to give me money!! That is about the rudest thing I have ever encountered. I managed to make it through with my pathetic equipment I think everyone can do so also.

Ok Done ranting :)

Just my opinion

#7 Mar 10 2004 at 1:15 PM Rating: Decent
509 posts
I get the bumming for ports all the time It really irks me when somone sends me a tell from half way around the world and asks for me to port there and then port them to wherever they wanna go. It's bad in Abysmal Sea somone will beg and beg for a port out but they dont realize that if You port them out you have to run all the way back and take the boat so yes it saves them a lil time but it takes our time to get back. Or the all to common 'hey can you come to xxx zone and pl me?' My usuall reply is sure brt wait for me at the zone in. Then I type /ignore. Maybe they'll learn their lesson but I doubt it.

Edited, Wed Mar 10 13:16:28 2004 by vovin
#8 Mar 10 2004 at 1:24 PM Rating: Decent
I just started being able to port multiple people and all of the sudden BAM!! instant tells from everywhere can you pick me up can you take me here can you take me there... blah blah blah... I don't mind taking people somewhere but the other day i took someone to NK and then he asked if i would show him HHK... needless to say this all started with "will pay for port to NK for cr" .. guess what no pay nothing... Don't get me wrong though 90 % of the people I port are more than generous enough to make up for the bums that aren't. AS for the beggin thing.. WOW.. I offered some free low level gear the other day and at least 2 of the people I was GIVING gear too begged me for money can you believe it.. Like I'm not already giving you something you can use the are begging for more... I'm about ready to just say PHOEY on all of the noobs and just stay anon and only help the ones in my guild... Oh well maybe they will learn someday when it is happening to them ...
#9 Mar 10 2004 at 1:40 PM Rating: Default
I don't anon my wizard and i stopped carrying portal frags i get tells alot about getting tl's to point a or b what i have told them its either bind or nexus and any of the major port area's that port you to the moon these dont cost port frags... Once i tell em that they leave me alone besides if the need to go to any portal areas that are specifically close to an ldon area i just simply reply go to the nearest camp site and ask the magus to do it for ya...

when i am dual boxxing my berzerker and druid i never answer anything on the druid because im not there lol they can toss tells tell there blue in the face.....
#10 Mar 10 2004 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
I usually anon my cleric when I'm grouping in planes but people have apparently figured out that if you're anon you must be either a porter, a chanter or a matter which toon I'm on at the time I get asked for a rezz, port or kei. Now I anon and afk.
#11 Mar 10 2004 at 3:25 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Well. I very very rarely use anon or role. Fortunately, as a paladin, I don't have to deal too much with requests for anything (amazingly no one ever asks for rez which surprises me).

Even when I played my wiz more often, I didn't bother with it. You take the good with the bad. Sure. You get folks begging, but there are good apects to the "random tell" as well.

I'm constantly amazed at the tells I'll get out of the blue for a group. Even when I don't have my LFG tag up! I actually logged on last week, and in under less then a minute recieved a tell from a totaly random person asking if I wanted to do an LDoN. I didn't know him or anyone else in the group. I can only assume he did a /who search and just picked my name out of thin air (or maybe I did group with him at some other time and totally forgot about it).

What's really amusing are the tells for groups when you're not really looking. I pretty much never go anon, and I only go role when doing a guild raid and don't really want people knowing exactly where we are going. You'd be amazed how often I'll be in some zone in the middle of nowhere, with /role on, and have my lfg tag on so my guildleader can reshuffle the raid around (literally for less then 3 minutes), only to get a tell asking if I want to join someone's group in zoneX. Hmmm... Let me give you a hint: If I'm in a zone like ToV, VP, or ST, I'm probably not actually looking for a pickup group. Just a thought.

The only annoying ones really are the beggars. I don't get too many of those fortunately. I guess newbies tend to focus their begging on folks in robes for some reason. Go figure. What I get more often then anything else actually is newbie paladins asking for advice. I hate to brush that kind of thing off, but it can get annoying. I didn't log on so I could spend an hour explaining everything about being a paladin to a brand new player. I suppose I'd be flattered, but odds are they just did a who for high level paladins and I was probably the first one nice enough to actually answer their questions. Oh well. There are worse things I suppose.

Oh. And the requests for me to link my epic (pretty much constant). I don't mind that too much. It's the inevitable: "Aren't epics a total waste of time?" that bugs me. Depends on what you like doing and why you play the game. I also love folks who are wearing gear half as good as mine ******** at me something like: "Why the heck are you carrying that piece of crap around? You know there's better weapons, right". Um... Yeah, I do. There are weapons that have better DPS. There are weapons with more stats. There are weapons with more resists. However, even today, it's ridiculously hard to find a weapon with more of all those things even available for sale anywhere, let alone for a price under 60k or so. If not replacing my epic means I can use my money to buy other things instead then you'll just have to deal with the fact that I upgraded my armor instead...

Oh. And I hate folks who get into a pickup group with you and want the group to go take out some named in a zone somewhere. Typically one that maybe isn't quite a raid mob still, but used to be. Maybe even one that requires some skill and knowhow of the zone and pulling strats. When I get those people, I always just say something like "This group can't kill that mob". Then they start going off with "But I read about a <classX> soloing him, surely we can take him, no problem...". Ok genius. That may be. And if I was with a full group of guildmates, I might even try it. But when I say "this group can't kill that mob", it's not because of class or level issues, it's because I have no idea how many people in this group are total morons who will get us killed before we even get to that mob, let alone are able to follow the directions to allow us to kill him. Um... But I'm already getting a the idea that the minimum number of morons in this group is at least 1...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#12 Mar 10 2004 at 3:37 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
gbaji wrote:

I'm constantly amazed at the tells I'll get out of the blue for a group. Even when I don't have my LFG tag up!

I'm notorious for this, if I'm in a group that lacks dps or needs a healer or tank I /who class all and ask anyone who's in pok, nexus, or obvious solo zones.
I try to use fun and interesting pick-up lines which get me the desired results 90% of the time.
Cleric or Druid: "You look bored sitting there in PoK, wanna join our <location> group and kill some nasties? I have cookies..."
Chanter or Bard: "***Tries to charm you into joining her <location> group*** If they say they can't I reply "Damn, resisted, re-casting =D" <I've actually talked someone into reconsidering with the second one>
My new hella-fun magician: ***Seusia attempts to summon you to <location> to join her group***"You wil not evade me, <person>"

Even if the desired recruit doesn't join, they at least reply with amusement.
#13 Mar 10 2004 at 3:38 PM Rating: Decent
Whether I am anon or not, if I get asked for a rez (I am not yet 44 so I do not have when asked, that is an easy answer..NO), I have a basic rule. If I am in a group, my mana belongs to them and is for their aid. When someone I do not know asks me for a rez while I am in a group I ask them if they would want the cleric that should be healing them to leave to giv a rez to someone else and then make their group wait for med?

I have been called names for telling people this, but they do not argue it. Of course friends and guilies get special consideration...I usually ask the group if they mind if I go and help someone in need at a breaking point. They rarely complain, and sometimes if offers them a good bank. reagent, whatever it is they need to do break.

I think we need a services bazaar window...kind of like the LFG window. A cleric could post themselves as being available for rez (and what %) and temp. Porters could check box what rings they have, etc. Someone is in CoM and needs a port out, they just do a find match on those who are willing to port into and out of EJ....they make contact and go wait by the port drop off. Donations could be made at that point and obviously arranged ahead of time. This allows those who want to offer their services the ability to say so and those who do not the chance to tell people to check the services bazaar and leave me alone.

#14 Mar 10 2004 at 4:06 PM Rating: Default
One of my best answers" /tell ***** Sure I will port you, but only to your bind, and It's not a good idea because you will have to find another druid to port you back for your gear anyhow"

I must say, sometimes they don't get it and I am the one coming back for my gear. :)

#15 Mar 10 2004 at 4:23 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
lhuffman, that is a super-good idea, a giving services window, and you could have a comment box for other things like PL'ing, research, high level trade skills, etc, and also a request service window, where you could post your donation for a wanted service.

That would be really nice.

#16 Mar 10 2004 at 9:44 PM Rating: Decent
Last night was my first exp at being bothered while in Roleplay
the Guild Im in prefers we dont use Anon so I dont.
I was in Shadeweavers with my Main only a 42 Clr just getting hopper hides and a few Shadows before Logging off when I get a tell asking what class/level. I thought I was just some one asking me to join a group. Nope the player asked will you PL me to lvl 20 for 50 pp he was lvl 8 I think. I tell him I have never PLed anyone but if he wants to tag along while I farm Ill get them low on health and memblur if I can have the loot No problem other than i didnt work too good, every hopper in the zone seemed to want a pece of him.

Then I get another tell asking for some HP buffs at the dancers I just ignored the tell oops my bad I guess. after about 15 tells the player droped the right bait (I feel so Dumb) He says I guess it's right what they say about your guild. I say "whats that?" Got me I replied. Then he proceded to tell me what he thought of me. I told him grats you just made my Ignore list and my Do not rez list.
A few minutes later I get a msg from my guild leader asking why Im in a noob zone KSing noob's mobs I ask WTF he said He had recieved a tell from the begger complaining and I better stop it I set the record strait.
What a night I logged out and never even logged on bazaar mule.
Good thing I have a good rep with my guild hehe
#17 Mar 11 2004 at 4:57 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
I have a 65 Wizard, 53 Druid and 39 Cleric. I dont bother going Anon. Now, it isn't much of a problem (yet) for the Cleric but for my higher level toons it can be at times.

With my wizard I get port/TL tells galore along with the occasional "will you come help us with raid/epic mob". With the port/TL tells I will tell them that I will TL them if they come to me, if I am busy I reply that I am busy. If I am on a CR I tell them so. 99% of people will thank you for responding and say NP. Occasionally I get the "will you come half way around the world to come pick me up and TL me to PoK (or wherever)" tells. I take Nancy Reagan's advice and just say no. With the raid/epic requests I generally say no, too. Just because I am generally busy.

For the (very) rare jerk who just won't stop pestering me and berates me for not being their port bish I ask them where they are. I will go to them, cast TL to CT on them, gate and then put them on /ignore. If they don't read the box before clicking it is not my problem. It is amazing how many people do not take the time to read the TL box...:p

With my Druid I get the usual port/buff/heal tells. And usually I will accomodate them if I can IF they are willing to come to me. My Druid is unguilded and I play her to relax so things are not so hectic. When I get the PL tells I tell that person under no circumstances will I PL a toon-I don't care how much PP they offer. If they persist I tell them that I am frankly sick and tired of PL'ed twinks who know nothing about the game or the class they are playing-and that no one likes dying because of idiots.

I would imagine that once the Cleric gets past 44 the Temp tells will start coming and soon after that the rez tells. I am guessing that more then likely I will accomodate the tells for Temp as long as they provide the Peridot-not a donation for the stone, the stone itself. No reason why I should have to go shopping for them, too. Rezzes I will take on a case by case basis. If someone is in PoK /ooc'ing for a rez they have pretty much exhausted all their other options. Have been in those shoes before with my Wizard and know it not pleasant.

#18 Mar 11 2004 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
Oh dear Lord thank you for starting this post. <rant>
Spellbook: temp, bless. of temp, cure curse, cure disease, etc etc

You can guarantee, that I will cast temperance. 99.9942% of the time it's free. If I'm /ooc'ing an advertisement then by all means PLEASE come hail me. I have no problem buffing anyone. Now comes the fun part /rant ON . When I'm the only Cleric in the zone, and you /ooc "anyone available for a rez at such and such? I'll donate etc" . Christ sakes man, send me a tell, and if I'm in an xp zone (57 in PoN is an xp group tyvm) don't expect me to drop what my group is doing, to come wading through mobs to get to your corpse for 15pp, hell for 100pp. Mana is free. Time is not free. Convenience is not. Even better, while I'm /rol (always) friends of friends who heard there is a Cleric in PoK shoot me tells asking for rezzes in zones where even I at level 57 would rather not go. Common courtesy people, that's all I ask. Bring your corpse to me (no train please), or wait patiently for me to respond. I know other Clerics feel the same way about it. Our class is to help ALL classes. That's what we are here for! To rez your decaying corpses, to heal your wounds, to cure your illnesses. Just try to understand that we too would like the opportunity to not have to worry about being non-anon/rol to get decent experience. /rant OFF </rant>

Enjoy your day :)

Lariatha Imperlisia
57th Cleric of Innoruuk
cleric, maelin <retired 05>
#19 Mar 11 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Good
My main character is a rogue and I never had much of a problem with people begging until I hit 62. When I go LFG I always state where I want to hunt and follow it with the words "XP ONLY" and "No LDON". Just about every game session I get a tell from someone wanting me to ldon with them or wanting to know if I will run to Old_Seb, COM, or Trank to open a door for them. I usually do make the trip as long as I am not in a group. However, it really yanks my chain when I am in the thick of battle and some is telling me to quit and come do whatever for them. Now a days it takes me at least an hour to get a descent xp group and I'm not going to leave until I can't keep my eyes open anymore. I would venture to guess that most classes have their own simular tale.

I quit playing my cleric at level 46 do in part to non-stop begging from people. The other reason I quit my cleric is that when you have a bad day you never hear the end of it.
#20 Mar 11 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
I haven't asked for a port since Luclin came out. Now with the books if you can't be bothered to run 2 zones click run 20 feet click run two zones...You need to play Counter-Strike...
Ugh...People are stupid...Especially people who ask my warrior for SoW when he has his bladed staff out...

"d00d I know you can!"
"Jackass try /who Viante"
#21 Mar 11 2004 at 3:52 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
When I'm the only Cleric in the zone, and you /ooc "anyone available for a rez at such and such? I'll donate etc". Christ sakes man, send me a tell
Since so many people complain about receiving /tells from strangers out of the blue, is it a wonder some of us don't want to send one?
#22 Mar 11 2004 at 4:28 PM Rating: Decent
564 posts
If the people who are posting in this thread complaining sooo much about being bothered by tells asking them for help get so annoyed by interacting with other people, I suggest you switch to something besides a MMORPG. Interaction is part of the game, and it's not like it's THAT demanding a thing to type /tell soandso Sorry, I'm not available right now to port/rez/sow. And for those of you who claim that people get rude when you politely try to tell them you aren't willing or able to help them....I play on one of the most overcrowded servers around(Tunare), with a reputation for having people with bad attitudes. I play a 54 druid, 56 cleric and 54 enchanter. If I get a tell asking me for something that I'm unwilling to help with, my response is always "Sorry, I can't help right now" and NEVER, I repeat NEVER has anyone been rude to me about it. If people are being rude to you odds are YOU made a comment that put them on the defensive. If you want to play one of the support classes, realize that part of the class is helping other players. If you don't want to get any tells, go make a warrior and leave the support classes to those of us that aren't such jerks, then maybe caster classes might get a better reputation.
#23 Mar 11 2004 at 7:28 PM Rating: Decent
136 posts
I don't think most of us are complaining about random tells from strangers in general, Dan. Its , whiney, rude ones that persistantly demand you need to zone out of your LDoN to come rezz their unknown sorry *** for free even after you've told them you cant...or the hey you're level 65 give me money because you must be rich...or the "Hey, **** off your group by running over to this camp across PoV to give us free kei...I think that's the general target of this thread's gripe.

SO you've never ever encountered a rude, youngun with a potty mouth who genuinly believes the universe revolves around his level 25 ranger? Yay you...most of us don't get to claim to be so lucky. And as far as something I said to "deserve" the rudeness.... my standard reply is "Sorry hun, I can't right now. =(" Nope, dont see how that deserves rude treatment, though I get it all the same.
#24 Mar 11 2004 at 9:38 PM Rating: Decent
these stories make me glad i don't play a cleric/druid/wizzy. Smiley: laugh a good friend of mine plays a high level cleric & i've grouped with him & seen all the tells he gets. sounds like it can get to be quite annoying. the worst i've ever dealt with was people demanding sow from my teen ranger. um yeah come back in 20 levels. Smiley: oyvey
#25 Mar 11 2004 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent
1,166 posts
I have taken to spending a little time in PoK when I first Log on advertising Buffs and then again just before I log off, I do the same. This is due largely to the help I have recieved at different times from the people in PoK when I needed it.
I recieve a large amount of tells for Ldon groups, Pling, and ports (about 5-10 an hour), I accomodate when I can.
For most of the spam though I have a social made that explains "I am busy right now...sorry, thanks for the offer".
I have another that says simply "I am busy right now..."
Most of the time i get understanding answers and close the tell box out of my way.
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
Haam - 105 Sk
Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#26 Mar 12 2004 at 2:11 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Uh oh.

Now that I've hit 61 I'm getting the "can you make me some pet kits?" tells every time I go to PoK. For those who don't know, that's when magicians can summon the first belt and decent weapons for pets.

I don't really mind if I'm just sitting around and I have the bag space available. People have been quite generous with their donations, even though I never ask for one. I really appreciate that.

Honestly though, the request tells are what has kept me away from playing priest classes.
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