LMAO Funny. That the best you can come up with? Alright...let's look at something here. See my name up top? It's Psychojester. Now, if you couldn't tell, it's comprised of two words; Psycho and Jester.
Let's break it down a little farther, shall we. According to Webster, the deffinitions are as follows:
Main Entry: psy·cho
Pronunciation: 'sI-(")kO
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural psychos
Etymology: short for psychopath
: a deranged or psychopathic person -- not used technically
- psycho adjective
Main Entry: jest·er
Pronunciation: 'jes-t&r
Function: noun
1 : FOOL 2a (2 a : a retainer formerly kept in great households to provide casual entertainment and commonly dressed in motley with cap, bells, and bauble)
2 : one given to jests
All this essentially means I'm one crazy **** who's a blast at parties.
Peace, Love, and Hair Grease!