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Wasup with you people on the whoel inspection thing?Follow

#77 Mar 25 2004 at 6:37 PM Rating: Good
531 posts

I understand exactly where you are coming from. If you might be interested in meeting more people who feel like you do, might I recommend you look up the Ku Klux Klan? If you aren't already a member, you might look into it. They have a lot of activities you might enjoy and I think they also do parades. In becoming a member you might even become closer with your wife, suddenly you too will be excited about local white sales and you'll realize you can never have too many clean sheets.


It's not that you're too uneducated to get your point across, everyone knows exactly what you meant. It's that you're too uneducated to understand what everyone else has said in response to your post.

It doesn't matter if offense was meant or not! The word gay used in ANY form of negative way, is offensive to the gay community. Anyone with any reasonable amount of intelligence or sensativity will take the negative usage as a racial slur even if the usage was not aimed at the gay community.
#78 Mar 25 2004 at 8:16 PM Rating: Decent
Ok this whole "Gay" homosexual thing is rediculous. We have twits saying people who use the term "Gay" are racists and homophobes (hate that term by the way.) First off, having a problem with the homosexual lifestyle has nothing to do with race. Second, you want to talk about twisting a term to mean something, the term "Gay" was twisted from meaning something happy, and gleeful to meaning something abominable and unnatural, i.e. homosexuality.

Lets be real here a second, I know alot of people don't like to let facts get in the way, but hey, its needed sometimes. I get sick and tired of people using the terms homophobe, racist, bigot, and the list goes on, when they say they don't like homosexuality. Get a clue. I know homosexuals, I had one in my family. I loved that family member, but I hated the fact that he is a homosexual, he is dead now from AIDS and I blame his lifestyle 100% for him being dead. It is not a genetic reason why people are homosexual. Many people are mislead to thinking this because the "symptoms" and feelings of homosexuality begin very young. The reasons and causes however are developed while a child is very young due to environtmental/nurture reasons.

So please, stop with the holier than thou soapbox stuff. We do have freedom of speech in this country, freedom of religion too. If someone feels it is wrong, a sickness, or a sin to be homosexual, that is their right. So long as they don't attack that person, I don't have a problem. But it seems many of you have a severe problem in that you attack anyone who holds beliefs that may not be popular. Grow up guys, grow up.

#79 Mar 25 2004 at 9:57 PM Rating: Default
Sir KerikDaven wrote:

I understand exactly where you are coming from. If you might be interested in meeting more people who feel like you do, might I recommend you look up the Ku Klux Klan? If you aren't already a member, you might look into it. They have a lot of activities you might enjoy and I think they also do parades. In becoming a member you might even become closer with your wife, suddenly you too will be excited about local white sales and you'll realize you can never have too many clean sheets.

Hmmm, I'm not sure what you mean by this post, "Sir" KerikDaven. While I am white, my wife is black, and I take great personal offense at your "inviting" me to join the KKK. Know who your enemies are, next time, before you spout your silly mouth off. I'm sure after my post to reply to your offensive comments, that this whole thread will be removed form the EQ Forum. After references are made to the KKK and the **** party, these posts are generally removed.

Any comments that equate the gay "rights" movement to the civil rights movement are also highly offensive to people like my wife. The issues are just not the same. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, no matter what genes you were born with. All of us are born with the capablity to kill another human being, but most of us surpress those sort of feelings, the same can be said for those who choose to be homosexuals. The race issue is an unavoidable problem that must be dealt with in a compassionate manner, the homosexual's issues are not unavoidable do to personal choice.

By the way, "Sir" Kerikdaven, I am puzzled as to why several posts earlier you had evidently like what I had said about inspection and my claim that it was a roleplaying issue with some of us, yet this most recent post you personally attacked me because of my views on the "wrongness" of homosexuality. Different poster, same user name?

Edited, Thu Mar 25 22:01:09 2004 by Vaanan
#80 Mar 25 2004 at 10:05 PM Rating: Decent
kerik you said:

The word gay used in ANY form of negative way, is offensive to the gay community. Anyone with any reasonable amount of intelligence or sensativity will take the negative usage as a racial slur even if the usage was not aimed at the gay community.

I was unaware that "gay" was a race of people. I think that I stated before that I my issue was not with the word "gay" in particular other than it was an example of how people are overly sensitive in today's society used here. You can agree or disagree with me on that point.
To those who would call me names/demean/trivialize my opinion.
I see no use in demeaning or trivializing anyones opinion. The name calling I wont justify with a response as it is just childish and shows a lack of the ability to make a valid point. I havnt demeaned anyone for their views here I would appreciate it if you didnt demean mine. Please show some of the "education and sensitivity" you speak so much of.
Personally as far as the "gay community" goes there is a segment that I can feel sorry for. Well not sorry for that is demeaining in and of itself. I can feel compassion for. Those that are going about their business living their life as everyone else but just happen to be gay, and are persecuted or discriminated against for their sexual preferance. Though I do not understand/agree with their lifestyle it's their business and they are welcome to it. And NOONE should keep them from it. There is another segment (the more "militant" segment) that are in everyones face with their sexuality. I dont think anyones sexual preferance should be pushed on anyone else. In my opinion this segment of the gay community is seeking some sort of justification of their lifestyle from "mainstream" American society, and have done more to damage their position with the average American then they have done to strengthin it. There is no reason for alot of the things that they do. Everyone knows that gay people exist. I dont need someone shoving this fact in my and my kids face. I wouldnt want heterosexual people doing this either. Are there people out there that are "bigots/homophobes/hatemongers" absolutely. Are you going to change these peoples views? I dont know. I am not sure you can. I dont think that it is worth the effort to try. I would personally write these people off. I would say they make up a very small percentage of our society. By confronting them you bring their view the the forfront and in their minds and some who are easily influenced a form of legitamacy.(sp) Are you going to push people; who would normally take your side away, by forcing your lifestyle/view/opinion on them? I would say yes you are. What's the answer? I cant say that I know for sure. I would say that the "gay" community would be better served by respecting the sensitivities of others if they want theirs respected as well. should they have to hide their sexuality like they did in the past? No Should they put it out there for all to see and flaunt it in the face of everyone. Also no. "We're here we're ***** deal with it" has not served them well. Cavot: I am not gay and have no idea what someone who is has/does experience. This is strictly someone's opinion on the outside looking in.
#81 Mar 26 2004 at 8:21 AM Rating: Good
531 posts
Yes, while it's true, homosexuality is a life style and not a race of people, you are talking about a "group" of people and I can't think of any term that better defines the insulting of an entire group of people than racist.


You are certainly entitled to your thoughts and feelings, but so am I. If you wish to voice your opinions, please do so and I'll be doing the same. Some opinions are based on ignorance and/or intollerance though. Much like being a homosexual seen as wrong, a sin, or a sickness. In the end, the person didn't CHOOSE to be born gay, they just were. In the end it comes down to differences. Many people feel being Jewish is wrong and that if they don't believe in Jesus, they are sinners of the worst kind. Many feel anyone born a color other than white is wrong. Once you hate an entire group of people for any reason, you fall into a racist catagory and you aren't any better than the KKK.


Just as I said in the above post, once you hate an entire group of people, you're no better than any racist organizations. Everyone is different and an individual and should be taken based on their individual merits. Your wife, and my best friend happen to be black, does that mean we like all black people? Absolutely not, much like any people, we will like some and dislike others based on how they act and/or talk. Especially BECAUSE of what your wife's people went through with the civil right movement, you should realize what the homosexual people are going through. Same with the Women's Rights Movement. No, Women and Gays weren't boat over from their homelands and made to work in the fields, or were they? If they happened to be black they were. The bottom line is that the Constitution of the United State of America says we are ALL created EQUAL. Currently everyone all has the same right, unless they are gay.

I'm not even saying you have to LIKE the lifestyle. I'm not even saying you have to like a single gay person you meet, if you meet any. But, it SHOULD be taken on an individual basis just like any other people you meet. If a person walks up to you and says "Hi, I'm gay" Reply with "Hi, I'm straight. What's your point? I also happen to work at such and such job, live by "X" religion and be married to a black woman. At no time when I met her did she say "Hi I'm black". If you can't greet me like a normal person, don't bother talking to me again." Unless of course by some odd chance their name happens to actually be Gay, but chances will be rare.

Also Vaanan, I researve the right to not agree with everything you say, much like you have the same right with me and any other poster. But do keep in mind that your words against and entire group of people do make you look very racist and the fact that you like one group but not another still makes you no better than any of the people in any racist organization, even if you despise such organizations for their beliefs.


For the most part I agree with everything in this post, but when you use the term gay in a negative way (ex. Gay to mean lame), you are in fact putting down an entire group of people. That is the entire point of most of the threads that had to do with offense to the term gay used negatively. If after all everyone has said you don't understand that, then I don't know what else to say. Btw, calling you uneducated was your idea.

To anyone interested in this thread of posts,

From beginning to end, wheather about inspecting people or speaking in ways that might offend people, it's really ALL about concideration to other people or the lack of. Giving just a little concideration isn't such a hard thing, but unfortunately it seems to be becoming a rare thing.
#82 Mar 26 2004 at 1:19 PM Rating: Excellent
405 posts
As a gay male I would like to further discuss this topic, since there are quite a few misperceptions that need to be addressed. I also realize that this is the Main EQ forum and the topic of homesexualtiy is not directly game related.

If you feel compelled to contribute to this discussion please do so in the Out of Topic forum. Let's stick to the topic at hand of "inspection & you're feelings about it"

-corrected grammar

Edited, Fri Mar 26 13:19:22 2004 by Valzarius
#83 Mar 26 2004 at 1:20 PM Rating: Good
233 posts
OMG! I cannot even believe that I am replying to this post, but all I can say is.. I Don't recall ever deciding to be heterosexual so I cannot imagine that you would decide to be Homosexual. I do not supress feelings of homosexuality or killing people! What goes through your minds??? If you are surpressing feelings of killing someone maybe it is indeed you who needs help.
#84 Mar 26 2004 at 1:44 PM Rating: Default
Guvwenea wrote:
OMG! I cannot even believe that I am replying to this post, but all I can say is.. I Don't recall ever deciding to be heterosexual so I cannot imagine that you would decide to be Homosexual. I do not supress feelings of homosexuality or killing people! What goes through your minds??? If you are surpressing feelings of killing someone maybe it is indeed you who needs help.

Guv, if you have never had the urge to hit somebody after they have done or said something that made you just a little bit angry, then you must be from the planet Vulcan. No wait, even Vulcans have emotions and urges, they just surpress them. Hmmm, not sure what planet you are from. Not this one though, hee hee.
#85 Mar 26 2004 at 2:05 PM Rating: Default
Sir KerikDaven wrote:

But do keep in mind that your words against and entire group of people do make you look very racist and the fact that you like one group but not another still makes you no better than any of the people in any racist organization, even if you despise such organizations for their beliefs.

I am not a racist, since that would mean I have formed an unbiased opinion based on another person's race. I don't DISlike homosexuals, I just disagree with their lifestyle, and I think it is wrong. I have had to work in a place where I was sexually harrassed by homosexuals because I was the only stright guy working there; a convenience store. The gays were all bound and determined that they were going to show me my "homosexual urges" and that all men had them. I was also harrassed by a lot of customers who called me a *** and a ***** by the straight customers and other gay customers who would say things like "Ooooooo fresh meat, you look so juicy!".
So while the gay lifestyle offends me, I don't hate homosexuals, even though I feel like I have had good reason to in the past. I can empathize perfectly well with women's complaints about unwanted sexual advances in the workplace, since I have had do deal with the same problem. And my having to deal with that harrassment disgusts me to this day, and I haven't worked in that place in 15 years.
So as I said before, why don't you get to know me a little and where I am coming from before you condemn me for something you have no idea about?
A lot of you people posting things here give me the impression that you really don't know what you are talking about. You are just parroting things you have seen your parents do and say, but you have no real opinion of your own. It seems to me that some of the posters are just parroting what they think is the politically correct thing to say, in a feeble attempt to try and get some sort of site-reputation for being all wise and knowledgeable.
I have formed my opinions on my life experiences with homosexuals. The ones I knew (about a group of 50 altogether) were all drug users who shared needles and sex together. While I was still working at the store, three of them tested postive for HIV. It was a big stink because one of them had gone to Dallas and had illicit sex with an ex-lover while he was there, basically cheating on the little group he had formed locally. When he came back they all had a big love in and that is where he passed on his new-found disease to his other partners.

Edited to correct spelling errors, not that it matters.

Edited, Sat Mar 27 02:05:08 2004 by Vaanan
#86 Mar 26 2004 at 2:50 PM Rating: Excellent
564 posts
Vaanan wrote:

Any comments that equate the gay "rights" movement to the civil rights movement are also highly offensive to people like my wife. The issues are just not the same. Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, no matter what genes you were born with. All of us are born with the capablity to kill another human being, but most of us surpress those sort of feelings, the same can be said for those who choose to be homosexuals.

Wow...This quote, while unfortunately indicative of the feelings of many americans, is so disturbing on so many levels it's scary. One of the things I enjoy about living in California is that the people here tend to have a bit more open and accepting attitude towards others than the rest of the nation does. I can only hope that there are a minimum of people living around me that feel the way you do.

Why would your wife, who I'm assuming understands what the civil rights were about, take offense at the gay rights movement? Is it equal treatment for her is okay, but equal treatment for someone else is a bad thing? Does she somehow think that Martin Luther King Jr. would turn his back on a gay man if he came up to him rather than embrace him as a brother? I would think that someone familiar with the civil rights movement might understand that equal treatment for ALL was and is the goal.

Homosexuality is a lifestyle choice? Can you prove that? Did you know that there are many studies both psychological and medical that are unable to scientifically answer whether homosexuality is a matter of choice or genetic makeup? Did you also know that there are entire societies throughout history that not only considered homosexuality to be normal and acceptable, but also a matter of who you are rather than what you choose(Try researching the berdache of the Zuni and Mojave tribes). Have you ever talked to a young man or woman in a constant state of depression, sometimes even suicidal, because they're attracted to members of the same sex and have been ridiculed and attacked for thier sexual orientation? Do you think these people enjoy being persecuted and that's why they "choose" to be attracted to the same sex?

You equating a homosexual with a murderer is just completely wrong. Whenever you make an arguement like that you justify and defend people like the ones in Wyoming who severely beat and left for dead the young gay man. To champion such intense hatred and phobia I'm sorry is unforgivable. I have to wonder what created the tremendous hate you have for someone who happens to be attracted to the same sex, and hope that one day you'll be able to see past your bigotry.
#87 Mar 26 2004 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
233 posts
Having an urge or being angry is one thing, but I can definately say I have NEVER had the urge to KILL someone....Hopefully people with this attitude are the ones from another planet. And I do not have urges for people of the same sex, which was my case in point that you do not decide to be homosexual or heterosexual as the case may be. Anyway enough of that topic.
#88 Mar 26 2004 at 3:01 PM Rating: Excellent
564 posts
Valzarius is right. This is a topic better suited for the out of topic forum than here.
#89 Mar 26 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
vanaan wrote:
I don't DISlike homosexuals, I just disagree with their lifestyle, and I think it is wrong

im sure gays all over the world care what you think about them vanaan
#90 Mar 26 2004 at 8:27 PM Rating: Default

hey everyone wasup, saw that the post was still going so i thought i might put in my opinion.

being gay is a wrong and nasty thing, nobody is ever born gay, so dont try to disprove me with stupid lame *** facts, people "become" gay by there surrondings, friends, parents and homelife, or really bad experiences with the oppisite sex so they give up and go to the other side. we were created by straight by God, Buddha or whatever religion u are (unless there is a gay religion out there?) do i hate gays? hell no, hell i even love em i guess, but i disaprove of there life style and think they should stop, but i will always be nice to them.

and if any of you ever go back to highschool go there for a day and listen to how many kids say the word "gay" for other reasons then homosexualty or happiness. i am in highschool and anyone who uses the term gay just means lame or stupid.
#91 Mar 26 2004 at 8:28 PM Rating: Default
danreynolds wrote:
Vaanan wrote:

Why would your wife, who I'm assuming understands what the civil rights were about, take offense at the gay rights movement? Is it equal treatment for her is okay, but equal treatment for someone else is a bad thing? Does she somehow think that Martin Luther King Jr. would turn his back on a gay man if he came up to him rather than embrace him as a brother? I would think that someone familiar with the civil rights movement might understand that equal treatment for ALL was and is the goal.

Why don't you read my posts and try to understand them? Being born black is not something my wife can change. Being born a homosexual with those kind of urges do NOT force someone to act on them. We are thinking, human beings, not animals. Although some of the gays I have known COULD be termed as such by their behaviour.

And you had better keep up on the news; a lot of the black clergy members are urging people not to equate the racial civil rights movement with the gay rights movement.
danreynolds wrote:

Whenever you make an arguement like that you justify and defend people like the ones in Wyoming who severely beat and left for dead the young gay man. To champion such intense hatred and phobia I'm sorry is unforgivable.

The story you have mentioned has been beaten to death by the liberal media. Near to where I live, two gays beat and sodomized a 13 year old boy who had befriended them. They were each sentenced with 13 counts of assault and sodomy, based on the different items they used on the boy. But you never hear stuff like that in the liberal news media.

I have to wonder what created the tremendous hate you have for someone who happens to be attracted to the same sex, and hope that one day you'll be able to see past your bigotry.

Read my post about my one-time work situation, why don't you? And I'll never see that gays are ok. The more I am challenged on that, the better I feel; the more that I know I am right.
#92 Mar 26 2004 at 9:02 PM Rating: Good
5,311 posts
Wow, Trunks and Vaanan are running neck and neck.

Katie, Empyre, move out of the way!
#93 Mar 27 2004 at 2:03 AM Rating: Default
Yanari wrote:
Wow, Trunks and Vaanan are running neck and neck.

Now, now! Trunks and I are NOT necking. That would be umm, how shall we say it, just too GAY!
Thank you, Yanari, for keeping everything in perspective! I just LOVE you! Smiley: inlove
#94 Mar 27 2004 at 5:11 PM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
Wow you guy's really need to lighten up,

Yanari: if you take offence at someones throw away remark because you choose to use a word in a different context to you then that is shallow pure and simple. Moreso you are far more guilty of the narrow mindedness and Bigotism that you accuse them.

Kerik: There is a HUGE difference between racism and Homophobia. Do not confuse the two
Rasism: discrimination because of a the way a person looks.
Homophobia: discrimination because of a lifestyle choise.
Both are bad but calling someone racist or a homophobe because they use they word 'Gay' in the context of Lame or sad is purile to say the least. In the 80's Bad was slang for good or cool also Gay was slang for Sad or lame. see opposites it was part of 80's culture it had nothing to do with the homosexual community.

Vanaan: your right your not a Racist but you do come across as a Homophobe and that rightly offends our Gay posters. in saying you don't hate them in a post followed by a detailed list of why you do is not an effective way of backing up your statement.

Dan: Yes it is a lifestyle choise, because Homophbia exsists and is very prelevant in todays communities people choose not to come 'Out of the closet' thus making it a choise to live as a homosexual. It might not be fair but it is real.

This however is the worst part of this debate:
You can acknowledge that some people find it offensive and refrain from doing so, whether or not you fully understand why
Huh? i am offended by the word Latino so people shouldn't use it ever .... No I am offended by people refering to me as 'Jack' because i am a sailor so people shouldn't use it when lifting thier cars.

What planet are you on? YOU Misunderstood the context he was using the word in not him. Why should he back down because YOU are taking things out of context.
#95 Mar 27 2004 at 9:48 PM Rating: Good
[quote=Audaeva]I'm not sure I understand rants about unauthorized inspecting, while the same people post a magelo profile, but i assume this is acceptable because it's not in-game, right? (Or am I just lost?)

LoL! That's a good point.
#96 Mar 28 2004 at 2:14 AM Rating: Excellent
5,311 posts
Tarv, please read the whole thread. If you have, please do so again.
#97 Mar 28 2004 at 2:53 AM Rating: Good
Originally had something else written here, then i realized what i thought i was starting, Val already started.

So in essence, i created yet another deah horse thread.

Check it out anyway, it's called Trunks is Gay (in OOT)

Edited, Sun Mar 28 06:18:04 2004 by psychojester
#98 Mar 28 2004 at 10:22 AM Rating: Excellent
531 posts
Tarv wrote
because Homophbia exsists and is very prelevant in todays communities people choose not to come 'Out of the closet' thus making it a choise to live as a homosexual. It might not be fair but it is real.

That's not accurate at all. They are not CHOOSING to live a homosexual life style, they didn't have a choice in that. They are CHOOSING to not admit openly that they are gay. Their choices are A) Openly admit they are gay and know that many people will not treat them fairly based on their lifestyle, Or B) Hide the fact that they are gay and not have to deal with the hatred from homophobes.

Also, hatred against Jewish people is also concidered racism among other things and that is based on a religion, not the way people look either. You can call that a lifestyle choice also.

I was a teen in school in the 80's and Gay as a term meaning lame didn't exist on Long Island NY. This is a more recent term. The fact that it is a commonly used term does not mean that it's right or acceptable.

Also Note, I never called anyone Racist or a Homophobe for using the term gay, I merely said it was rude wheather it was intended to be or not and didn't show proper concideration to people who were gay. I did however refer to Vaanan as rasist when he wrote...
This post is now really so gay. Here Yanari is again beating the homosexualness into all of us heterosexuals. I know I am wrong, because I don't bow down to the gay rights movement. Gays have no rights, no more than I do as a hetero. I don't go around saying "I'm here, I'm straight, and I'm in your face!" But the gays just LOVE to thrust that crap in our faces. It's really just, to borrow a term, gay.

Which you might not see any longer based on filter setting which has now knocked it off my screen. His post was meant to be offensive and a slap in the face to a good portion of the posters in this thread as well as the gay community in general.

Many other people who use the term gay to mean lame obviously don't realize that it was used originally to put down gay people and while they may not mean to offend, don't realize the are offending all the same. As in my example, a lot like some people in the south who use the term "jewwed" to mean cheap or to cheapen not meaning to offend Jewish people, but it being offensive all the same. The fact that you didn't realize it was offensive or mean it to be offensive doesn't mean it should become a commonplace acceptable term.

The point in not using the term gay to mean lame is the same reason we don't used the term "colored" or "negro" to descibe a black person. While those terms were accepted and common, and I'm sure their are even people who still use the term today, it doesn't make it acceptable or right. Those terms are concidered at best inconciderate and at worst outright racist.

In the 1800's and early 1900's when people from Ireland were comming to America in droves, people hated them as bad and in a lot of cases worse that Black people because the Irish were coming to America as unskilled laborers doing things for very little money just to get by. If you were Irish, you were despised and hated. Personally, even though Irish people(such as myself) are generally all white, I still call that racist. Racism is a hatred of any group of people for just about any reason. Being Irish isn't a "race", it's a nationality, but the term still applies in my opinion.

I don't think it's a matter of people needing to lighten up, I think it's an issue of people needing to become more educated in treating people, ALL PEOPLE, with respect and sensativity. Certain terms are disrespectful to people and people should be more aware of what those terms are and how they hurt some people. Not knowing the origin of how the word took the disrespectful meaning it has is not an excuse. As people grow up and/or become more educated they realize more and more how their words and actions effect other people.

These words and actions even come into place in online games like Everquest, ANYPLACE where people are dealing with other people. Even in simple actions such as "inspecting" people. ALL that is asked is a little concideration such as asking "May I inspect your gear?" It's such a little thing and takes almost no time and shows respect for the person you wish to interact with. All ANYONE wants is just a little show of respect, in both words and actions. Too many people SAY they are respectful to others, but then their actions don't back up their words.

Btw, I can't see what being a sailor has to do with the word Jack. I served in the United States Navy myself and don't recall any references myself unless they are new. I'll assume you are just using hypebole for the sake of the post. My middle name happens to be John, but I take no offense at a restroom being referred to as a "john" or a prostitute's client being referred to as a "john". Those terms aren't meant to belittle a people. The term gay to mean lame WAS! People who use the word today may not realize that and not mean it in the context to offend gay people, but the fact of the matter is that it was created with that use for the sake of offense. Not, as a parallel evolutionary meaning that happened to coincide with the word as people defend it to be.

Edited, Sun Mar 28 14:59:31 2004 by KerikDaven
#99 Mar 28 2004 at 10:40 AM Rating: Good
I'm voting Kerik for President!
#100 Mar 28 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
Sir KerikDaven wrote:
Btw, I can't see what being a sailor has to do with the word Jack. I served in the United States Navy myself and don't recall any references myself unless they are new.

I may be wrong, but Tarv might be British. They fly the Union Jack from their masts, hence the term, Jack. Just a thought.
#101 Mar 28 2004 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
may be wrong, but Tarv might be British. They fly the Union Jack from their masts, hence the term, Jack. Just a thought.

The term gay to mean lame WAS! People who use the word today may not realize that and not mean it in the context to offend gay people, but the fact of the matter is that it was created with that use for the sake of offense.
Half right it came about in the 80's when it was fashion to use twrms in the opposite meaning.
Like 'Bad' was used for good, 'Gay' was used for sad, yes it was dirogatory but it wasn't aimed at gays and even if it was it has long since stopped being, since i would never use the prase conserned to deride Gays.
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