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Wasup with you people on the whoel inspection thing?Follow

#52 Mar 19 2004 at 8:57 AM Rating: Good
I always ask before I inspect because I know it annoy's some people if you dont; however, I dont care if someone inspects me like others I just turn off the notification. I dont respond to beggers so if someone wants to see what I am wearing I dont care it doesnt affect my game one way or another.

As far as the whole "gay" thing goes I think that if the person had meant it as deragatory towards homosexuals then it would have been inappropriate; however, he didnt, and it is obvious that he didnt. In the context used it has nothing to do with homosexual people.

"Accepting the word gay to mean lame is the SAME as is being okay to say "He was selling the book for $5, but I "jewwed" him down to $3." It's wrong and NOT a natural evolution of the English language. It's insulting and racist and if you can't tell the difference, that says something about you" The term gay has many meanings.

The term "jewwed" evolved from a stereotype of a group of people and that is why it is offensive. The term gay meaning lame didnt evolve from a stereotype about homosexual people. The original meaning of gay was happy, then an additional meaning of lame was accepted then the homosexual community started to call themselves gay and the additional meaning has now come into common use. I think that is the diference. The word has 3 different meanings that would be used in 3 different contexts.

Since winning a million dollars Jack is gay. meaning he is happy/

Since he was 15 Jack has realized he was gay. meaning he is a homosexual.

Jack broke up with Sue because she wouldnt wash his car every week? That is gay. meaning lame.

All 3 of these sentences are a valid use of the term gay none should be taken as offensive.

I am sure that someone will use the arguement that it is not how the person meant it but how the person hearing the word took it. This arguement is totally invalid. Of course it matters how the person meant it. Using this logic anyone could be offended by anything anyone ever said.

I like to put crackers in my soup.

Noone would think that this statement is offensive. The word cracker has 2 meanings, one of them is a deragatory term for white people. So any white person could and should be offended using the above logic. It is imperitive that the use of the word be taken in context, for in context is where the meaning of the word is derived.

I am sure some will disagree with me and still be offended all the time. I am sorry for these people as I believe they spend entirely too much time looking to be offended. Take what the person said in context and if they were not intending to offend you, dont be. Isnt the intent of a person more important? Who would you be more angry at? A person who while trying to get by in a crowded area accidently steps on your foot. Painful but a reasonable person isnt going to be mad as the INTENT was not to harm you. A person walks directly up to you and stomps on your foot. Huge difference, as the INTENT was different. I dont know of any other way to put it. Flame on.

#53 Mar 19 2004 at 9:34 AM Rating: Good
514 posts
On a PVP server most anti's do not appreciate it because PK'rs usually inspect before the attack hoping to scope out decent stuff for thier time. Personally I could careless, my stuff is aug'ed and well I do not have uber equipment. I guess I always just disappoint a PK'r darn the bad luck! LOL This being said when I am inspected of course I become defensive because of the risk. As for a blue server I can't say I don't play on one.
#54 Mar 19 2004 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
Damthebitch, you clearly don't even comprehend why people are offended at people using the word "gay" to mean lame or stupid.

Thanks for playing.

Edited, Fri Mar 19 11:34:25 2004 by Yanari
#55 Mar 19 2004 at 10:34 AM Rating: Good
74 posts
I've never had anyone refuse to let me inspect them when I ask, but I've gotten my head bitten off a couple times for inspecting without asking. Why not just ask and then you're covered either way.
#56 Mar 19 2004 at 11:11 AM Rating: Good
2,015 posts
Maybe you were standing in the bloody doorway when they were trying to get through. WHY do people do that? Some of us are fat Ogre's with no shrink...Please be courteous and not block doorways or archways. Topper was the Vah Shir who went AFK in the Kelethin Bank doorway. Everyone had to jump over them to do banking.

Edited, Fri Mar 19 11:12:12 2004 by Dothammer
#57 Mar 19 2004 at 11:19 AM Rating: Decent
Yanari your right I dont understand it because there is no reason for them to take offense as none was meant. You clearly didnt understand the message in my previous post. By your logic anyone could be be offended by anything anyone said. By your logic a group of like minded people could arbitrarily decided to be offended by the word "is" and anyone using the word "is" should be viewed as an insensitive person who is immature and doesnt care for the feelings of others. I dont think that is valid and if you sit and think about it I dont think you will either. Clearly the word gay has several meanings. I looked it up in the dictionary and it can also mean licentious. All of the meanings are valid and a person should feel free to use them in the proper context. I personally cant remember using the word since I was a little kid in the 70's and 80's, but I still knew what the original poster meant. In my opinion if you were offended by his use of the word you were looking to be offended.
#58 Mar 19 2004 at 11:38 AM Rating: Good
5,311 posts
You're just proving me correct every time you try to defend using the term "gay" to mean "lame".

Thanks for making my argument for me.
#59 Mar 19 2004 at 12:03 PM Rating: Decent
Could you possibly miss the meaning in my posts any more??? Besides the fact that it IS one of the meanings of that word. Albeit a slang term. Though in the dictionary the term gay in reference to a homosexual is listed as slang also. You cant erase the meaning of a word because you dont like it. To be honest there really isnt a way to use the word gay as offensive, except in the tone of the statement. This will be my last post on this subject as clearly you bow at the alter of the politically correct and any rational arguement with you is pointless.

I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it -Voltaire.
#60 Mar 19 2004 at 5:55 PM Rating: Good
710 posts
Could you possibly miss the meaning in my posts any more??? Besides the fact that it IS one of the meanings of that word. Albeit a slang term. Though in the dictionary the term gay in reference to a homosexual is listed as slang also. You cant erase the meaning of a word because you dont like it. To be honest there really isnt a way to use the word gay as offensive, except in the tone of the statement. This will be my last post on this subject as clearly you bow at the alter of the politically correct and any rational arguement with you is pointless.

Do you understand the reason why people use "gay" to mean "lame" and how it came to be so? It is because of the reference to homosexual people. Most people think that homosexual people are wrong - look at the whole gay marriage thing, how gay people have been treated in history, etc. - Most heterosexuals don't like homosexuals - its a fact.

So someone saw something that seemed they didn't like and instead of saying it lame, they though it would be just as funny or whatever to say that it was gay - meaning that it was just like homosexuals - wrong or whatever, in any case something they don't like.

But even the word Lame can be offensive - "lame" is a word used to describe things that aren't as good as they should be (or is crippled or disabled) - much like people who have physical disabilities - or are "lame". Though that is no longer considered a slang term. But then again stupid used to be used to describe people with learning disabilities.

Well whatever - I'm not here to censor people - for that matter I am only here to educate on the origin of a word as I have seen it come to pass in my daily life. I neither condone nor endorse the use of the word, I do however suggest limiting its use outside of friends as some people could (and obviously do) take offense to it. It is further important to limit your use of the word in workplace or school as it is considered offensive by many and in some cases can get you suspended or get you fired.

fixed my spellingfixed my spelling

Edited, Fri Mar 19 17:56:25 2004 by Devilwind
#61 Mar 19 2004 at 7:41 PM Rating: Excellent
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Damthebitch quoting Voltaire wrote:
I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend to the death your right to say it
Nobby wrote:
Even when you're peddling offensive crap?
There's nothing funnier than seeing an intellectual dwarf trying to debate and parading their own mental inadequacy. Smiley: smile

So let me help you out here Damthebitch. "Dumbass" is not ambiguous. It does now have many meanings. And when 'Gay' or 'Jew' are used as insults, in any context, neither do they.

Stupid Dumbass! (no offence)

/em tosses the dumbass for Yanari to take another bite Smiley: wink

PS - I can hear Voltaire spinning in his grave.
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#62 Mar 19 2004 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
531 posts
Let's put this a little further into context. I happen to live on Long Island, and where I live their are largely mixed communities of all races and religions. Because of this we tend to be more aware when things we say might offend people of another race or religion.

In MANY other parts of America their is literally NO jewish presence and many people have not ever actually met a jewish person. Some of these places also have large racist groups active in them. In those racist communities the term "jewwed" (ex. He wanted $8, but I jewwed him down to $5.) is commonly used and accepted. It's so freely used and accepted by so many that it becomes a apart of their regular vocabulary. In such places, and also lacking any real jewish presence, even people who are not racist adopt the term because no one is being offended and it is a commonly used term. They don't mean to offend anyone, it's just what people say. Usually they don't even realize what they are saying could be concidered an insult. Either that, or they care so little for the people being insulted that it makes no difference.

More educated and/or more sensative people realize the implications of the words though. If the name "DamnthebiTch" wasn't indication enough which group you feel into, your words certainly confirmed it. Why not become a little more educated or sensative? Homosexual people adopted the term "Gay" to describe themselves LONG before anyone used it to mean lame. They adopt the term gay to indicate that they were a happy people. It is the racist, and/or ignorant people who twist it to mean lame.

Read what I wrote above and substitute the word "gay" for "Jewwed" and "homosexual" for the places where it says "Jewish" and you'll realize how gay came to mean lame.
#63 Mar 19 2004 at 10:12 PM Rating: Good
531 posts

As far as the being offended by inspections and then posting Magelo's, I can think of a few different reasons....

1) Being offended by in-game inspections is often "situational", it's how it was done or what is said after the inspection....

2) I don't think ANYONE is offended by a person inspecting them if they were asked first. It's the act of violating their "personal space"(even if it is in a virtual environment) without giving any concideration that is the real issue. In posting their Magelo, they are giving you permission to view their gear by having made the link themselves and that was a decision they got to make. Those who don't want you to see their gear or characters don't post their magelo's(assuming they have one), and that is a personal choice THEY made.

3) In game you see them and their personal avatars, in the forums, this is their way of showing themselves to you.

Their are more reasons I'm sure, but it was a long work-week and that's as much thinking as I'm capable of right now, especially after my last post to this thread which didn't actually take any thought, just a little common sense. Smiley: wink2

My answer is that it's not so much about the fact that you looked at the gear they own, it's the lack of respect shown to another person. The same can be said for people who use the term gay to mean lame. It's about the lack of respect shown to other people. Sadly, in both cases people remain oblivious to the fact that they are offending people. Smiley: disappointed
#64 Mar 21 2004 at 10:05 PM Rating: Default
This post is now really so gay. Here Yanari is again beating the homosexualness into all of us heterosexuals. I know I am wrong, because I don't bow down to the gay rights movement. Gays have no rights, no more than I do as a hetero. I don't go around saying "I'm here, I'm straight, and I'm in your face!" But the gays just LOVE to thrust that crap in our faces. It's really just, to borrow a term, gay.
#65 Mar 22 2004 at 11:58 AM Rating: Decent
I guess I am just to "uneducated" to get my point across. I never said that people should use any language to disparrage others. I never said that homosexual people should be ridiculed for their way of life. I did say that people are too sensitive and that words must be taken in context to determine their meaning and/or their "offensiveness" for in context one derives the meaning of said word. To say that this or that word is offensive in any context as a blanket statement is ridiculous. Any word can be offensive if used in the proper context. Just as most words deemed offensive can be unoffensive if used in the proper context. Like I said in earlier posts I think that people look to be offended. I do not think that the original poster meant the term "gay" in an offensive manner and he was in no way refering to homosexual people. Are there alternitive words he could have used? Sure. Is the term "gay" as lame a word that I left behind as a kid? Sure. Was the use of the word in the context he used it refer to homosexuals? I just dont see it. My point was never really about the word gay so much as it was an example used here. The point is more that yes everyone has rights. Do those rights include to never be offended? No. That would infringe on the rights of others to free speech. The constitution does not say you have the right to free speech as long as no one is offended by what you are saying. If someone says something that you think was offensive instead of immediately jumping to the "racist/uneducated/dumbass conclusion take a step back and look at what was really said. I think that you will find that most people arent looking to offend anyone with what they say. And taken in context the it wasnt really offensive to begin with.

This is for Nobby
As far as the Voltaire is spinning in his grave comment.
Who's the mental dwarf? Do you understand the quote by Voltaire? Judgeing from your response I can do nothing but infer that you do not. What he said goes against your whole arguement/childish comment. He is saying that while he may not AGREE with you, you have the RIGHT to the opinion. You dont agree with me that is fine. You have that right. I also have the right to my opinion.
Just a tip. The use of crude language is at best sophomoric and at worst shows your lack of command of the english language. Get a dictionary/thesaurus.
BTW as a 15 Veteran of the United States Marine Corps who has fought in 2 wars and spent countless months and years deployed away from his family, I have and do on a daily basis defend your right to say and think whatever you want, and I pretty sure I have earned mine. Voltaire isnt spinning in his grave he is standing up and applauding.
#66 Mar 22 2004 at 5:19 PM Rating: Good
Well, let me throw my 2cp in.

On Rallos it is usually away to con you and inspect for lootable equipement at the same thime. Not always reliable since LDoN came out. But basically it's a way to see if the person is in PvP range and has something you want or will sell well. And im not turning off the message, it can be used as an early warning system(kinda). Not to mention most people recognize accidental inspections,dont feel guilty about that, and personally I dont even care if you apologize for accidental inpections.

On other servers, it is a matter of politeness. Comparing it to looking at what someone on the street is wearing isnt really applicable for two reasons. First if you stared at someone for any length of time that'd be rude(as in if you were checkin out their close from a distance). Second, inspecting is more of the equivalent of turnin up hems, collars, waistlines(ect.) to check lables of the clothes. Simply ask, and dont be afraid to ask for links of particular pieces of equipment. I have yet to not send someone a link if they ask for one. Better than gettin inspected all the time.

On the note of begging, thats just plane annoying. My main is 55th Ranger with epics and middling gear, which i've played for over 2 years. Until 2 months ago I had never had more than 5k, and just last weekend I finally broke the 20k barrier for me. Im poor(and likely always will be). But even if I had millions of plat in the bank, I spent the time and effort to get it, I suggest others do the same. Now that being said, if I see some lowbie with crap gear and I happen to have something better, I might just give it to them, PROVIDED they havent begged me, and if they do after they wont ever get anything from me in the future.
#67 Mar 23 2004 at 12:51 AM Rating: Good
5,311 posts
I guess I am just to "uneducated" to get my point across. I never said that people should use any language to disparrage others
And some of us are saying that that is precisely what people are doing when they use the term "gay" to mean "bad", even though they may not realize it.

I'm honestly not trying to put you down here, but I don't think you understand why we're saying what we're saying.

If one wants to demean a man, one challenges his masculinity. In the past, being called a cuckhold (a man whose wife was unfaithful) was the worst insult you could level at a man. Only very weak, ineffectual men would ever allow themselves to be in this situation. This was many years ago. Once people started publicly acknowledging homosexuality that became the new ultra insult. What's the most common insult guys level at each other? ***, *****, ****, c*cksucker, etc. Why? Because that's the most demeaning thing they can come up with.

You made references to the evolution of the usage of various words. This is the basis for the evolution of equating terms that mean gay (homosexual) with that which is undesirable.

Using the word "gay" to mean bad, wrong, stupid, etc. was not a new, separate, spontaneous usage of the word.

So. Many people have told you that many people find the term offensive. I've tried (albeit badly worded) to give you one last explanation.

You've got 2 choices.

  • You can keep defending the usage of the term gay to mean bad, knowing it's offensive to many people.

  • You can acknowledge that some people find it offensive and refrain from doing so, whether or not you fully understand why

  • Edited, Tue Mar 23 00:55:09 2004 by Yanari
    #68 Mar 23 2004 at 1:44 AM Rating: Good

    I thought this was about some inspector that was gay... and then I get the idea it was more about someone not asking before they inspected someone in EQ.

    I understand both sides.. and I am guilty of use'n "gay" to mean "lame".

    But, the misusage of the words at hand were a slip... albeit one that some people might have taken offense to. It was a slip. A thing that people do.. Because noones perfect.

    Heck, I've sworn in front of my grandmother with the F-word! (and I don't mean fabeled... hehe) But, it happens.

    Sometimes, I think things get blown way off track because "everyone has the right to their opinion", and then on game MSG boards like this, people get in a PC arguement.

    it's scary, everything is about conflict, and nothing seems to be about cohabitation anymore.

    and yes, I understand that if something offends you, you shouldn't sit back and accept it. but, there's a place for those sort of things. and I'd figure a game board wouldn't be it.

    yet, it seems to have become common place, so maybe I have to accept it? or... speak my mind on it?
    #69 Mar 23 2004 at 1:50 AM Rating: Excellent
    564 posts
    DamthebiTch wrote:
    Any word can be offensive if used in the proper context. Just as most words deemed offensive can be unoffensive if used in the proper context.

    Your statement, while true when viewed in a personal context is flawed because we live in a society that defines what is offensive and inoffensive. You may not find use of the term gay to be offensive to you, however, the society in which we live has decided that gay is an offensive term.

    As far as anyone's right to free actually don't have universal right to say anything that you can or want to say. For some limitations on our right to free speech you might want to research these court decision: Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire (1942), New York Times v. Sullivan (1964), Madsen v. Women's Health Center (1994), or Shenck v. the United States (1997).

    From a cultural, societal standpoint, you can say anything you like, however, you will be judged and held accountable by the society you are a member of for the things you say. Simply put, if you insist on using a term that society has defined as offensive, then that society will view you negatively, regardless of how you feel about the term personally. To say that other people should "take a step back and look at what was really said" is essentially saying that society should change it's viewpoint to suit your ideas, as the majority of society has already decided that using the term "gay" is offensive.
    #70 Mar 23 2004 at 9:28 AM Rating: Decent
    Yanari point taken. My intent wasnt trying to defend the use of the word gay though it seemed to morph into that. Personally I dont use the word not out of fear of offending someone it's just not a word in my vocabulary that I find a whole lot of uses for. That being said. I see your point. I still contend that people have become overly sensitive. We can agree to disagree on that point if you dont agree.
    Dan exactly who decides that words are offensive? I missed my memo. I also find it hard to believe that the majority of the American society finds the word gay offensive. I took a poll in my office and not one person did. Granted this is an extremely small sampling however I find it telling that noone found the word offensive. I realize that there are some who do and I respect that however to say that we as a society define what is offensive is a misrepresentation of the truth. Lets all be honest about what really happens. A group (typically made up of a small percentage of the society) deems something to be offensive and the rest of society for fear of being labeled as insensitive modifies their behavior regardless if it is in line with their beliefs and personal morays or not. Is that a good thing? I am not sure. I can see the pros and cons on both sides. I believe that it is a double edged sword. I do believe that it has been taken a bit too far in some cases.

    Yes I am aware that I cant say anything I want ie I cant yell fire in crowded public place. However anything beyond keeping someone from endangering the public with what they say I dont think the founding fathers would approve. The language is pretty clear I have put the first amendment here for anyone who has not already read it.

    Amendment I

    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

    #71 Mar 23 2004 at 9:42 AM Rating: Default
    Hey people i started this post on the topic of Inspecting people without permissions, so shut the hell up about gays and get back to the topic, all u others go make a new post with Title "Gay" if thats what you wanna talk about.
    #72 Mar 23 2004 at 11:29 AM Rating: Excellent
    5,311 posts
    Trunks, we're not talking about gay vs. not gay (are you listening, Vaanan?).

    We're talking about behavior and language and the different ways in which they can be interpreted. We're talking about the fact that the exact same word or action can be totally okay to one person and quite offensive to another. Sounds pretty on topic to me.

    You started the thread by defending behavior you know many people find rude and insisting that because you don't find it rude, anyone who does is wrong.

    Damthebitch said:
    I see your point. I still contend that people have become overly sensitive. We can agree to disagree on that point if you dont agree
    I can live with that. I think of the hypersensativity/insensativity as a pendulum that will swing hard to each side for a while and eventually settle somewhere in the middle. It will probably take a few more years.
    #73 Mar 23 2004 at 12:10 PM Rating: Good
    Well I play on Rallos zek. I have been inspected before and then hunted down mercilessly, followed through several different zones by the person who inspected me because he/she wanted to kill me and loot my stuff. On a pvp server it is considered rude because peeps believe if you inspect them, you are looking to loot their stuff after you kill them. So if you ask before you inspect, peeps know you are just curious and not trying to see what goodies you can loot if you kill the player.
    #74 Mar 23 2004 at 12:29 PM Rating: Good
    405 posts
    My 2cp worth. Some of this is indicative of the times we currently are living in. Gay rights issues are currently taking a beating in many of the legistlatures and some people (including myself) are on "pins and needles." In the state of Wisconsin the legislature just passed a constitutional ammendment to ban both gay marriages and civil unions. There is also talk about the state reversing all domestic partner benefits for state employees. This has contributed to an atmosphere of frustration and people feeling like second class citizens.

    I just wanted to let people know that because of the times some people may be on the defensive. It may not have to do with anything that you said, and it is quite possible that things may get taken out of context. Please be kind and patient with your fellow EQ players. Emotions are running high right now. I just wanted people to be aware that some of this emotion may get misdirected from time to time...

    Edited, Tue Mar 23 12:29:40 2004 by Valzarius
    #75 Mar 23 2004 at 1:00 PM Rating: Decent
    18 posts
    OH my lords... all this because 989 labeled something wrong? You arent "inspecting" them as in looking for labels and seeing what underwear they have on, your looking at what their outer wear is... If the game had been made so Spiked Shoulderpads looked different on a character then Braided Ivy Cords, there wouldn't be a need to right click on them. If 989 had called it "view equipment" instead of "inspect" would people be trying to put too much into what "view" means? turn off the message if you don't like to see people glancing over your equipment, or feedback the game designers and tell them to make Hollowed Bone Arms look different on a character then a Platinum Armband does.... I'm sorry but i dont equate someone inspecting me to them looking at my underwear or turning my collar inside out to see what size it is and who made it...
    #76 Mar 23 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Excellent
    5,311 posts
    I'm sorry but i dont equate someone inspecting me to them looking at my underwear or turning my collar inside out to see what size it is and who made it...
    After two pages of explanation you still don't get it? I'm not buying it.

    It's not about your feelings! It's about whether or not you are being considerate of other people's feelings.

    In some cultures, it's considered not just rude, but dirty for people to use their right hand for eating. Why should that apply to me if I visit them? They may have reasons, but those reasons certainly don't apply to me! There's nothing dirty or rude about it from my perspective.

    So which one of us is the jerk if I go to a place with this norm and I deliberately use my right hand to eat and they become offended? What if it's a simple oversight on my part? Should I simply apologize, move on and try not to repeat the error (yes, it is an error.) Or should I tell those people how ridiculous their perspective is and they should just get over it, or turn their back when I eat so they won't be offended by my behavior?

    edited to correct a grammatical error

    Edited, Tue Mar 23 14:50:44 2004 by Yanari
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