My suggestion is to spec in conjuration, as most of your nukes in later life will be conjuration based. For the most part the only mage damage spells which are evocation are the bolt spells, the rain/area spells and the banish summoned being spells. The direct damage spells are mostly conjuration, except at the lower levels (I think this is really a design screwup personally).
A mage also tends to do a lot of summoing, which is all conjuration based. While most of this is not done in the heat of battle, sometimes it is. There is a technique call pet-chaining wehre you keep summoning new pets as the old one dies - letting you kill mobs too tough for one pet to kill. Spec conjure makes a big difference here.
With the gates of discord expansion you will be able to spec in a second line, though at this point only to 100 and not 200.
** Visit **
Romen Orgi of Sojourners / Magician, Brell Serilis (Cazic Thule) server
magelo Romen of Fippy's Revenge / Magician, Fippy Darkpaw server
Fiella / Magician, Firona Vie server
Mentas of Cursed Asylum / Magician, Test Server
magelo [EQ2x]
Aphalia of The Bronze Age / Wizard
Darkaura / Warlock, Scarlet Crusade