The return address is spoofed and is not the real sender.
Basically there are 2 precautions one should always take.
1. Have anti-virus software on your system, and keep it up-to-date.
2. Never open attachments in e-mails, even if it is from someone you know, if it contains an executable file. If you aren't sure, don't open it.
** Visit **
Romen Orgi of Sojourners / Magician, Brell Serilis (Cazic Thule) server
magelo Romen of Fippy's Revenge / Magician, Fippy Darkpaw server
Fiella / Magician, Firona Vie server
Mentas of Cursed Asylum / Magician, Test Server
magelo [EQ2x]
Aphalia of The Bronze Age / Wizard
Darkaura / Warlock, Scarlet Crusade