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#1 Feb 29 2004 at 7:14 PM Rating: Excellent
Me again, third week running! Smiley: yippee

Well Thursday was an interesting raid for "Forgotten Nemesis" as we tore through various norrath monsters.
We killed Lord Inquisitor Seru, Emperor Ssraeshza and Vyzh'dra the Cursed. It was my lucky night as I won a new choker for my ranger Smiley: smile

Friday was quest night again. Stanos was killed in HP and then we helped complete a guildies druid epic part in the swamp before completing yet another 8th shawl for our guild casters.

Saturday I was out with a friend and my sister Smiley: smile A nice meal followed by the film 'Big Fish'. A lovely fairy story tale, with such a touching end. I really enjoyed it.

Sunday was more killing. Lord Seru again followed by Terris Thule and then the HoH dragon. A guildmate posted some wonderful pictures on our recruitment thread on the FV boards!

A very tiring but rewarding weekend, seeing many guildmates upgraded, much back flagging completed and the guild grow as one.
#2 Feb 29 2004 at 7:53 PM Rating: Good
1,257 posts
see you got re-guilded Jenn, grats :)

okay second ...

Saturday - well we all know what happened Saturday, Sunday ..grrr I hate playing sundays even 52 pallys get to chain rez ../sigh

..Still no naggy still no vox

9. ..... You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction)any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

#3 Feb 29 2004 at 8:03 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Finished my mage's epic, so she's pretty happy.

Uneventful Time rotation, and playing around with some of the trials and rings in Kod'Taz.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#4 Feb 29 2004 at 8:48 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Mostly noodled around on my cleric on Morden Rasp. I won't get into details because it wasn't very exciting: mostly me killing gnolls and /ooc'ing "Looking for giant king snake skins" a lot. Though a nice druid did give me one and, with it, I was able to fashion my mighty Breastplate of the Pestilence Priest. Rrwar! Smiley: grin

I'm rather enjoying my time on Morden Rasp, it's quite the contrast from Saryrn. I'm not planning on moving my bard over, but toyed with the idea of moving my two "main" alts (31 Mage, 40 Rogue) over. Not sure it's worth the $75 though.

Oh, and I did a LDoN back on Saryrn with my mage which was one of the most annoying adventures ever. To skip the story, it boiled down to me and three others with the bard and cleric at odds with one another. Which wouldn't have been so bad, except both decided I was "on their side" and sent me tells the entire time detailing their opinion of the other. To be fair, I personally agreed more with the cleric, but really I just wanted to finish the damn adventure.

Edited, Sun Feb 29 20:48:56 2004 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#5 Feb 29 2004 at 8:51 PM Rating: Good
It was the best of weekends, it was the worst of weekends. Erh, wait that doesn't sound right...

Aesten made it to 51, which meant that he could put on his Boots of Flowing Slime that aunty Celeni and uncle Iluien had got for him (yes so he is twinked, so sue me Smiley: smile).

Did a few LDoN's on Saturday with some regular groupies, went like clockwork and we ammassed points and augs and had some cloak drop umpteen times. We all felt very smug and self satisfied.

Logged on on Sunday to find none of the usual crowd around, but being superbly confident, just clicked on LFG and headed off to Felwithe to re-stock with peridots. Sure enough a tell arrives, "want to join N Ro LDoN?" sure, just getting some dots, be right there.

Port over to N Ro to find the group leader is a Ranger. Now those of you who have known me a while, know my background and how long I persevered with Iluien, but sadly I have to say that these days when I see a Ranger joining the group my heart sinks.

Anyway the leader announces that he has a full group except someone for CC and is getting a Chanter. Someone says here's the Chanter, the sixth member joins and leader says he is getting the mission.

We all head off to Oasis to buff up and get ready. While getting ready a Shaman friend happens by and kindly buffs everyone (only mention this to add some color to what is about to unfold), we about to go in and I ask who is MA and who is pulling, a HP pissing contest breaks out for a few minutes and then the "Enchanter" says, "Erh, do you think I am an Enchanter? I'm a Wizard!".

Leader says "Oh, well no probs!"

In the meantime the warrior and ranger had sorted out that the ranger had more HP but the warrior had more AC and the ranger said he would pull and the warrior could tank. The group makeup was Ranger, Warrior, Monk, Monk, Wizzy, Cleric.

I whispered into the wind "if we do not have any CC I had better Paci for the puller" "I will assist the puller to target and paci on your request".

The only person who heard me apparently, was the wizzy.

We enter the dungeon. The first pull is a multiple and it happened before the wizzy had even cast his familiar.

We survived but I was already down to 50% mana. (I had KEI by the way, I don't usually bother chasing it, but when I saw that none of the regulars were on, the thought took me that I might strike a difficult group and the extra regen would be handy Smiley: rolleyes.

So it went like this for a few minutes, The ranger would pull, always bringing back two or three, a free for all would break out with the ranger and warrior each doing their own thing and the monks either assisting or offtanking. My mana was disappearing like the bargains from post Christmas clearance sale. My blood pressure was going through the roof and the Wizzy had privately aggreed to mem evac.

By an amazing stroke of luck, a named mob appeared in one of the first few rooms. The leader didn't think to announce it of course and suddenly we were in pitched battle with the named its pet and a couple of its guards. Somehow we killed them all and survived, the wizzy did his enchanter impersonation and managed to keep a couple rooted and although I went oom and the wizzy was oom, we survived.

The named dropped a very nice 2 hand staff (Staff of sand sculpture, or something) decent dam/delay and excellent stats.

The leader said lets roll. Some debate began about who could use it. Wizzy and I passed. (Although it had good mana and HP as well as 10 Wis, I could not ever see myself using a 2 hander.)

The debate was now really getting hot, someone had suggested NBG, the leader said he really wanted that staff, one of the monks said, "you are a Ranger you will never use it" it went on and on.

The roll took place and the warrior won it. Smiley: lol

The leader cursed and spluttered and tried to change the rules, everyone said the warrior won the roll it was his. Leader has a hissy fit and warrior loots the staff. Wizzy sends me a tell, "any more of this and I am gating".

We get back to business, ranger pulls another major multiple. I go out of mana trying to heal and the warrior dies, the leader calls run and every one runs and zones out. Wizzy gates out and quits the group.

The leader curses out the wizzy for being an idiot etc. We rez the warrior re-buff and decide to continue. (While sitting outside medding my Shaman friend happens by, asks how's it going, I told him that this was the wosrt group I had ever been with, he smiles and mumbles "bad luck" chackling as he walks away. I know I should have bailed, but I find it difficult to abandon people and some of the guys were trying to do it right.)

I now demand that if we are to continue, that the warrior tanks and everyone assists him. I asked the warrior to pull and I would pacify everything so that we got single pulls only.

We get back in and begin. Warrior then says that he has not done much pulling before. Smiley: cry

I explain to the warrior how to target and I will assist to target his mob and paci. We paci three mobs, the warrior goes into the room and pulls out five mobs. The warrior and the monks die, I run back to the zone again.

The Ranger says, "see he is worse at pulling than me!"

I rezz the others and we decide to call it.

The Ranger then begins to berate the Warrior over the staff once again. I gated back to BB feeling rather shell shocked.

No this was not a level 20 group, this was a level 50 group.

While sitting dazed in BB an old warrior friend says lets get together and form a group at the same time we both get a tell from a stranger asking us to join him, so we decide that is easier than the rigmarole of recruiting and meet up with a BL and another warrior. Beastlord has himself as leader and recruits a Necro. At the same time a Bard friend of the warrior and me turns up and we get her into the group.

My warrior friend says to me, "this should be a pretty good group" And he should have been right.

We get the mission and head to Mistmoore. My old troll mate is to be MA and our Bard is puller. We buff up and head in.

We then strike the most aggro laden dungeon I've encountered for a long time. Our Bard is a good puller, I have done many missions with her and never had any worries, but this time she was having real troubles.

But it was made many times worse by the second warrior not assisting. He constantly taunted the mob off the MA. The BL would not postion his pet properly and even though the MA would move right back into the cleared room to make it obvious where the Bard was pulling to, the mobs would never make it there because the BL and other warrior were constantly engaging the mobs in the doorway.

Needless to say I was rapidly running out of mana again.

Well we got a massive overpull, the Necro was standing in the wrong spot and went down like a sack of spuds. The Bard likewise. In both cases sup heal landed as the corpse hit the floor. I was tearing my hair out. We had to run to zone.

Went back in and rezzed the Bard and Necro.

Next few pulls went normal, except the warrior kept taking aggro and I was being driven crazy trting to keep everyone alive.

About this time I noticed that the Necro didn't have a pet. I asked him if he was out of bone chips? No reply.

Well, of course we got another horendous pull, Bard died again, Warrior died again, and this time I died as well.

Now this is the first time I have died in a very long time, it was also the first time any of my "good" group mates had ever died with me clericing. I was not feeling very happy.

I ran back from BB got in and rezzed the bard and re-equipped myself and began to med. Leader says "we can still do this" and technically he was right, there was enough time left if we did not stuff around. Then I realise that only the BL and MA had got out alive and there were four people to rez. I said we should rez after and just get on with it, but the leader insisted that I rez everyone, so the time was blown on rezzing and medding.

As we began what was to be the last pull, my curiosity got he better of me and I asked the Necro if he could cast a pet. He says sure and casts one. [:boggle:] At that point we get booted from the dungeon. I don't think the Necro did any CC, no pet, just nuked for the entire mission.

Two losses in a row after weeks of never missing a win Smiley: bah

Well, just to wash the bad taste out of our mouths, my troll mate and I decided to have one last go before logging off, we managed to convince our Bard mate to join us again - but she absolutely refused to pull Smiley: smile and we gathered up a SK regular another Ranger and I cannot for the life of me remember who the sixth was.

The mission went like clockwork, The SK pulled and tanked, the Bard CCed, everyone assisted properly, even the ranger managed to stay behind the mob most of the time :P

So 150 PP in dots, two losses and one regained level later I pocketed 40 PP and logged off feeling rather empty.

PS... Just to prove that she could do it, Celeni later went and kited a few cragbeast around Nitimbi, had to get that winning feeling back somehow Smiley: grin

Edited, Sun Feb 29 21:04:59 2004 by Iluien
#6 Feb 29 2004 at 9:21 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Hey Jophiel, what is your new Avatar there? looks like a crest of some sort, just wondering which one.

My weekend was interesiting. PLayed a variaety of games, helped out with the SWG scavenger hunt, played EQ a bit, messed around with Halo for PC, bumped my computer up to 2gig ram, did stuff, Was fun. Big thanks to Jennock for helping equip little Kao better, now the mobs don't fall over dead of laughing quite as easy. Yay!
#7 Feb 29 2004 at 9:21 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Edit: bandwidth excession induced overpost. please disregard.

Edited, Sun Feb 29 21:23:04 2004 by Kaolian
#8 Feb 29 2004 at 9:30 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
It's the Polish eagle off diplomatic flags from the nation. The actual Polish flag is just a white bar above a red bar and a bit less interesting.

Tomorrow is Casimir Pulaski day here in Illinois, so it's to celebrate the occassion. I'll be back to my hommage to the Commodore 64 soon enough Smiley: wink

Why do we celebrate Casimir Pulaski day? Because it's the law!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#9 Feb 29 2004 at 9:30 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Couldn't contact the server, my ***...

Edited, Sun Feb 29 21:31:55 2004 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#10 Feb 29 2004 at 9:31 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
WTF? I didn't even press send three times!

Edited, Sun Feb 29 21:31:43 2004 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#11 Mar 01 2004 at 4:08 AM Rating: Default
Since the server said NO on saturday I got a lot of RL (as soon as hubby finished another season on EA Soccer) but Sunday I was all EQ :))

I gathered 4 sisters now on Morden Rasp:

13th Human Cleric - Freeport
I blew it in choosing Erolissi Marr as I know now because Mithaniel gets better newbie and imbued armor but I am too attached to her to change now. She's a smith at 108 wearing only newbie and banded she made herself including the seafarers buckler, which is expensive to make but I am just so proud of being able to. I wanted to do the screaming mace quest also but I did stumble over a nice magic hammer at Iktar's for 60p so I couldn't resist.... Ah yes - someone sold a Purity Belt at the Harbor Inn so I couldn't say no to this 6g-bargain :)

9 th Barbarian Shaman - Halas
I just love this place. Many players behave somehow ogrish and creative names like Beezerker, Barbaar or Shami are quiet annoying but the scenery is great. Trained her on smithing too (I discovered how to make blacksmithing to 95 while EARNING money and wanted to prove it on her) and searched the whole Tundra for Karg Icebear only to nearly stumble into his KOS brother but had a lot of fun with the rest of the NPC's (If you come across the North Tower hail Megan and have a laugh).

8 th High Elf Enchanteress
sitting and chatting with 2 other enchantresses in the Shop Of All Holds while doing enchanted silver and crafting jewelery was somehow too RL comparable for my taste but my +2 stat items sold well in the Bazaar and her sisters all wear bloodstone earrings and Silvered Amber Rings now. I also had her to BB with the WORST group ever. I was not able to see more than 3-4 group members around our leader (including me) most of the time and he was more busy with "XY tells the group - where is the rest of you???" than mob-bashing. I could not convince them to taunt with DoT and NO(!) one got a bow or an appropriate spell so the Palladin was constantly running into the mobs to get them back to us and we where constantly under pressure. When I left after a horrible slaughter with just 33% health and OOM I zoned to GFay only to get trained to death by the stupid Ranger of the group who was on CR back and didn't care about him bringing some 7+ Centurions to CB entrance. First one on my List now for Morden Rasp.

But my pet with a bit of buffings at least kicked some Orc-*** later bringing me to lvl 8 (but I have to get to High Pass to get a more sentinent pet later of course) .

4 th Wood Elf Rogue
She's only my Vendor but I did some of the Shadowhaven quests with her to get the traders amulet (and added faction for the stunties) and get to know the town which is HUGE. In the Bazaar she baffeled customers all the time when doing her
/say "Thank you Mylord"
routine, if one bought something but yesterday I wrote macros that mimick the NPC vendors and got a lot of laughs for these 2:
"Greetings %T. Maybe you would find this Banded Bracer handy?"
"Hello %T. Have you seen the Silvered Jasper Ring I just got in?"

All my gals got similar hair color now and the same eyes and in the future the same surnames of course which will be quitte funny if I have them all running during one day :D

Edited, Mon Mar 1 05:28:45 2004 by Leiany
#12 Mar 01 2004 at 4:30 AM Rating: Default
Iluien the Silent wrote:
....the wizzy did his enchanter impersonation and managed to keep a couple rooted...
*ROFL* - Better stand-up comedy than Saturday Night Life!
#13 Mar 01 2004 at 6:12 AM Rating: Good
Friday night - Spent two hours collecting dust in BOT via LFG mode. Went back to POV for an hour, DING 63!!! The group I was in broke up and luck went down hill from there. Gave up and played Battle Field 1942.

Saturday- Got up early with every intention of playing all day and getting to 64. Got my coffee and tried to logon, the servers were down for patching. Surfed the web until the servers came back up. The patch broke the login servers so I then spent the next couple of hours trying to connect. More BF1942. Many hours later I was able to login. By then the wife was home. I spent the next hour and fifty minutes on wait list for OC in POV (Massive wife faction hits). Was only getting 1% for every 3-5 kills and rabiit could not keep agro. After about 5 near death experiences I quit.

Sunday- Was going to burn-in my laptop and then play. Started working on the laptop and then my wifes aunt stopped by to get me to fix her computer(mind you her son is a drunken, unemployed pervert). 3 billion **** viruses, 14 trojons, 12 **** dialers, around a gig of really poor quality ****(deleted) and about a 1000 pieces of spyware later and its 10pm =(. Off to bed.
#14 Mar 01 2004 at 7:43 AM Rating: Excellent
Oooo Iluien, bad luck Smiley: frown

I hope you meet a good ranger one day unlike the one in that ldon Smiley: smile

Given enough AAs, care and attention the Ranger is simply one of the most powerful and flexible classes you can play. Incredibly fun. But I am biased of course.
#15 Mar 01 2004 at 8:25 AM Rating: Good
295 posts
Mixed for me. Did some more of the Ikkinz raids - finally beat the third one, and started the fourth. A lot of people think the third one is bugged due to how, uh, peculiar the mobs are. They've gone a little overboard with the puzzles in this expansion. Used to be that you could just get a bunch of people together, figure out an effective way to kill a mob, implement it, and rejoice. Oh no, not anymore. No no no. Now you need to do some roundabout puzzle-solving that usually involves inane guesswork ("Okay, this time, the GNOMES go first, but only after a mage with Innoruuk religion masses damage shields. It'll work, guys!"). I mean, I like the idea of puzzles, but most of these remind me of the infamous "guess the keywords" crap you saw in text-based puzzle games with poor text parsers. Got locked out of the fourth one for another day or two due to another "Ha, ha, you lose" thing with no warning, so Qvic has to wait, I guess. Assuming there's not another 225708 ikkinz raids after this, that is. Was vaguely amused to see people who've accused us of "stealing strats" begging shamelessly for the 'l33t inf0z' on how to get into fourth ikkinz raid, tho.

What I can't complain about is the loot from these. We're seeing quarm-quality drops from raids that are far easier than LDoN raids, but you're allowed to bring more people. I haven't seen risk vs. reward this far in the favor of players since the first time Vulak was killed. Not complaining, mind you, just a little surprised... and maybe a little bitter that we spent months farming LDoN raids, all of which was totally unnecessary due to raid augments dropping in GoD.
#16 Mar 01 2004 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
1,625 posts
Morning Everyone,

My 28 Enchanter and a 32 Mage grouped in Echo Caverns for the whole weekend camping pretty much everything on the easy side. I only played during daylight hours and she seemed to be playing non stop so whenever I logged in she was there.

We were camping the Bogling areas and the needlite room. Then I saw that a Chief Something popped and was surrounded by 4 shrooms. I pulled each shroom individually and those suckers really take off @ 20%. Hard to keep up with them even when they are running away. Finally we were able to pull the chief and he dropped the same item the Needlite Queen drops - Bummer.

Started @ level 25 on Friday Night and made it 20% into level 28. Can't wait till level 29 cause I get a new pet and CLARITY!

Level 28 Chanter
BristleBane Server

P.S. Also discovered the great benefits of Mage summoned armor for my pet! How I made it this far without it is unclear.
#17 Mar 01 2004 at 12:09 PM Rating: Good
2,196 posts
Good EQ last week and weekend for me. I got Bawdy to level 55 by Friday.


Attended guild raid in Drunder. A fun and fast raid. It rocked. Later that night, came back on worked on a couple of my alts on E'ci (Needed to do something besides play Bawdy since I played him so much this week - I don't want main character burnout. Back to the exp for Bawdy next Monday...


Wife and I had a nice lunch in Glen Park (little neighborhood in San Francisco) and then we had a nice walk. Since I've got another 2 weeks off before starting a contract with Sun Microsystems, figured it's a good time for both EQ and exercising!

Played my alts (beastlord and rogue) most of my EQ time on Sunday afternoon and later in the evening. Logged off to watch the Oscars in-between. Good show this year with nary a cheese-factor in sight. It had some great jokes and cleavage. Glad to see LoTR made a clean sweep of it's 11 awards.

Even though I knew Sean Penn would take home the Best Actor Oscar, I would have loved for Johnny Depp to get it for Pirates of the Carribean. Still one of my fave movies this year...

'Lo, there do I see, the line of my people, back to the beginning, 'lo do they call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave...may live...forever.

X-Box 360 Gamer Tag - Smogster
#18 Mar 01 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Friday - Levelled my Dru a bit in Nadox with friends.

Saturday - Did quite a bit of skilling up on obsecene language (128) at the Login server playing up on and off all day. When I did get on, levelled my Beastlord in Gunthak for a while.

Sunday - DING 36 with the Beastlord - Go Me Smiley: grin
then at 2pm local. . .
Kaboom! The Tarew Marr server experienced "technical difficulties"! Smiley: frown

As ever SOE were quick to pacify the frustrated players by posting nothing at all on their web site and briefing the GMs in Chat to provide no information whatever and expressing their annoyance that paying customers should want an explanation why they were paying for a non-existent product [:bangead:]

Based on my experience yesterday on the Chat Server
'SOE Customer Services Handbook' :

  • Always remember that as an SOE employee you have all the information you need. Don't spoil things by sharing it with those dirty, grubby oiks who play the game.

  • If someone asks politely for an ETA on server reinstatement, speak to them in the same way as the dork who flamed you with obscenities

  • If asked for a simple explanation about why a server is down, point out the glaringly obvious (e.g. "I don't have a crystal ball", or "If I knew that I'd tell you"), but Under No Circumstances take the time to contact technical services and find out the answer.

  • If you receive an email requesting clarification or making a complaint, remember, the more words you use, the less likely the customer is to pursue it. Remember that in 99 cases out of 100, using our standard response template will result in the customer giving up their annoying complain out of plain frustration.

  • When a server crashes, a special favourite is to point out to customers who were hoping to join a Guild Event or level a particular character that there are other servers available. They really appreciate this and will often be pushed to screaming anger or, better still, bad language, giving you a reason to kick them from chat.

  • Monday - RL Employer Faction Quest. Smiley: frown Fantasised about the RL Work server crashing and relying on SOE techies to fix it Smiley: wink
    "I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
    #19 Mar 01 2004 at 11:07 PM Rating: Good
    JennockFV wrote:
    Oooo Iluien, bad luck Smiley: frown

    I hope you meet a good ranger one day unlike the one in that ldon Smiley: smile

    Given enough AAs, care and attention the Ranger is simply one of the most powerful and flexible classes you can play. Incredibly fun. But I am biased of course.

    It is genuinely a matter of great sadness to me.

    Having played Iluien through 59 challenging and tortuous levels I still think of him as my "main". Over the years I have met two or three Rangers that I admire greatly, but my recent experiences have me shuddering when ever a ranger gets invited to our group, and I admit to skipping over them in favour of other classes when forming my own group.

    There are two classes I do not invite unless I personally know them to be good players. Monks and Rangers. Of course you get bad players in every class but for some reason these days the Monk and Ranger class seem to have more than their fair share.

    I blame Lord of the Rings for the ranger problem, and clearly the Monk problem stems from over exposure to the Ninja Turtles Smiley: grin
    #20 Mar 02 2004 at 6:53 AM Rating: Excellent
    29,919 posts
    The recent ranger problems I blame on the sellout of the rangers glade. All the decent rangers were so disgusted about the defilement of the main class site that they left. Most that are left are the ones hopped up on cheap platinum and crystal meth. Even the halfling rangers are getting more respect these days. Curse you IGE!!!!
    Arch Duke Kaolian Drachensborn, lvl 95 Ranger, Unrest Server
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