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What classes would make the most effective 3 box group?Follow

#1 Feb 28 2004 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
I want to hear what other 2+box players thought about the best class combo for a 3box player?? I have been 3 boxing for some time and have many level 60-65 characters, but I have not been able to decide the best 3 box combo. Thanks for your input
#2 Feb 28 2004 at 8:52 PM Rating: Default
That depends on what goal your 3 box group has: Surviviability, Flexibility, Speed, etc - I would pick them by ease of play but that wouldn't be a real asskicker-group.

On the other hand you could also look for a guild or get some friends....
#3 Feb 28 2004 at 9:54 PM Rating: Good
I would pick Ranger/Enchanter/Cleric. Ranger can pull with snare, then with fast weapons rarely loses aggro so you can forget about him This gives you time early in the fight to go and slow with enchanter, and the cleric for obvious reasons and rezzing when things go wrong.

This would work well at level 50 where I presently am, not sure if ranger can still take the hits at 60. May need to go for a SK or Pally, pally could chain stun on the pull and with a fast 2 hander should be ok. As you know when 2, 3-boxing it is hard in the first 10 second of the pull trying to get everything done at once.

I play with my Ranger/Shaman together and it works very well. I pull with snare run back to shaman, turn around and turn on attack, then switch over to other computer and slow with my shammy, right after I start the cast I send the pet in. If I time it right the slow hits right after the first exchange between the mob and my ranger. Then, you can sit back and relax, canni, canni, canni, canni, canni, sit down. Good with shammy to canni for a little while to allow ranger to produce more aggro and to avoid sit aggro. If I was to add anyone to my 2-box it would probably be a wizard. His capabilities would fit in well in times that I am normally doing nothing, the pull is finished, Ranger has good aggro, then Wizzy can nuke in the later stages of fight. But since you have multiple toons at a higher level than my main, I suppose you knew all this.
#4 Feb 28 2004 at 11:32 PM Rating: Decent
62 posts
LOL- I am in a guild but as my schedule and life changes so do my abilities to raid with a guild. I have been playing EQ since day 1 hence my lvl of characters. I wonder if a DC druid would be a better choice then a cleric, for dps/healing, then mage/BL/Wiz/Necro or DC chanter/ plus monk, my monk has been my main and has 260aaxp, with pre-POP high end gear, so he can take a hit/ I have a 65 cleric for virt.

My thinking was DC druid, DC chanter, and monk, I have to get the aaxp on my chanter and druid, but was wondering what others though before I make the time investment.

Just wondering thanks for the continued input!
#5 Feb 29 2004 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
few things to keep in mind with the DC pets. in order to get max XP from each kill your 3 toons would have to do more then 50% of the damage or the pets eat 50% of the xp, and if you have 2 DC pets in your group, they will eat even more.

so if you are just looking to kill, loot and not get xp, then by all means go with DC druid, DC chanter, and tank of some sort, but heck why even bother with a tank if you have 2 DC pets. just get a mage/wiz/nec/ or an other chanter in the mix and get a 3rd DC pet in the frey.

or better yet 3 DC chanters. why restrict your self with a druid and animal DC only.. chanters DC can be anything in their level range that can be charmed NO?

druids = animals only.
necs = undead only.

both a little limiting vs the chanter and if xp is not a major concern then 3 DC chanters whould basicaly walk though most things mini raids would take to bring down. mini meaning 2 groups or a 1.5 group raid. not talking full blow Elemental flaggin raid.

but for normal hunting you may want to think BL(i prefer sham personaly, but more dps out of BL), nec, sk

or something along that line.


for slower you have BL/Chanter/Sham(best)

dps is the majority of the toons out there.

healer best = cleric same for rezzing, but if you go with sham for slower he could also heal and you could then go with pally for rez and back up heal...

but as someone above stated go with toons you do not have to focus entirely on. the less focus it takes to play the toon the easier it will be to box em.
#6 Feb 29 2004 at 1:40 AM Rating: Decent
531 posts
Reinman, Keep in mind that Enchanters can FEAR!! When I used to hunt in the Dreadlands, it was rare, but sometimes we lacked a healer! When we did we would limit ourselves to single pulls, but the Ranger would Snare and the Enchanter would Fear. The group was AMAZED at the power of this combo as no one was really taking any damage. Fear might wear off and someone would end up taking a few shot, by then the critter was usually near dead or I'd just re-Fear it. I wasn't 2-boxing then, but it's still a valid tactic.

Also, make a good hot-key set when 2 boxing. When I'm JUST 2-boxing I have the #1 hot-key (calling it HK from now on...) "Target Keriks" #2 HK "Assist Keriks" #3 HK Rune, #4 Feedback (It's a damageshield, only 11 points and Keriks is now better so I'm going to be deleting it) #5 (Whichever is my best haste) etc.... The last 2 are #9 DD nuke and #0 Mez.

The point of these hotkeys is to make targeting easier. I have my Enchanter mounted and using auto-follow. To target my Ranger I just press the #1 key, the buff by hitting the number of the buff I want to cast. When I want to debuff of kill/mez a critter I hit #2 and the # I want to use. Obviously I put my spell gems in hotkey positions. That's a lot easier than hitting "Alt #" to cast.

The secret to good 2-boxing is doing things as effortlessly as possible, and as quickly as possible. Normally doing it this way you can control the spell-caster much easier and without fumbling around. Make sure all the spells are saved in those positions, consistance is what will make it easier over time and less prone to silly mistakes. Targeting is suddenly a snap with no need to ever touch your mouse. Make HK's for other people if you need to, you can have up to 10 buttons so take advantage of it.

I'd think the best 3 box would be....

PALADIN(Because they can take damage great, heal reasonably between fights, hold aggro really well and Do decent damage (Ranger once it gets it's lvl 57 Healing is okay for this slot too, even though they don't take damage as well)

ENCHANTER(For hastes, slows, basic control when things get bad, has a pet that helps if things DO go wrong, can cast RUNE series which absorbs some damage to make healing less of an issue, and MANA REGEN for less downtime.)

MAGE(Has nice nukes, pets are really SWEET since it's like adding another tank to your 3-box, can cast great Damage Shields.)

Shaman can sub for the Chanter if you really want the heals, but the Pally and Ranger(at lvl 57+) has good enough heals if you ask me. If things go wrong, you'd really want the Chanter as it has so many options to fix those bad pulls. Plus as I said, the Chanter's mana regen is a nice bonus too.

Just my 2cp's, there are a few good combos, but that's what I would like to run myself. I have 3 accounts now too, so I might.

Good luck whatever you decide. I'm curious to hear what you decide and why though so let us know. For my 2-box I happen to be working on a Mage to go with my Chanter so that should be a real nice team.
#7 Feb 29 2004 at 3:31 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I have a friend that 3 boxes and after much consideration and tweaking of classes he has settled on SK/Clr/Shm

SK Good Hit Points/AC Plate class and effective Aggro generation, snare pulls and HT for getting group out of those tight corners.

Cleric if all your going to do is sit on your butt and heal cleric is the way to go, also add in AC/HP buffs.

Shm Haste / slow / pet and attribute buffs that stack with clerics, doesn't hurt that they can dot and nuke either.

well balanced 3 box that only really needs a chanter for CC and 'C' line for an effective LDoN group.
#8 Feb 29 2004 at 4:04 AM Rating: Decent
136 posts
Beastlord, Druid and Chanter

Crowd control and slows, good mellee dps and a heal/nuke/evac class.

#9 Mar 01 2004 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
If I'm not mistaking, Dire Charm has a level limitation (45 er 46). So "most" planar mobs you wouldn't be able to DC.
#10 Mar 01 2004 at 10:25 AM Rating: Decent

I was in the PoD one day with a 65 chanter that had something dire charmed, and was kicking the snot out of the MoBs there. XP was flying that day.

#11 Mar 01 2004 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
i thought i read somewhere that with pets now as long as you do at least one hitpoint of damage they no longer steal xp
#12 Mar 01 2004 at 11:16 AM Rating: Decent
mkbailey wrote:
i thought i read somewhere that with pets now as long as you do at least one hitpoint of damage they no longer steal xp

that is for summoned pets, not charmed or DC pets.

for charmed and DC pets you/group have to do 51% to get 75% of the xp, if you do less then 51% you only get between 40-50% of the xp. cant remember the exact % below 51% damange.

with summoned pets (mage, chanter, bl, etc..) you only have to do 1 point to get 100% of the xp.
#13 Mar 01 2004 at 12:07 PM Rating: Decent
ok thanksi have been thinking of starting a necro and that definatleywould have made me reconsider if i actually had to do more than 51percent
#14 Mar 01 2004 at 7:08 PM Rating: Decent
531 posts
Charmed and regular pets, yes, 1 point of damage and you get 100% exp.

Dire-Charmed pets, you have to do 50% of the damage or more to get full exp. Grouped it's the same, the group has to do 50% or more to get full exp. If you do less than 50% damage, the DC pet takes between 25-50% depending on how much damage you or the group did(depending on if you're solo or grouped naturally. hehe). If the DC pet does all the damage it takes 75% exp.

This post says it all though.....
#15 Mar 01 2004 at 7:09 PM Rating: Decent
531 posts
Oops, duped the post somehow. :P

Edited, Mon Mar 1 19:09:43 2004 by KerikDaven
#16 Mar 01 2004 at 7:33 PM Rating: Decent
75 posts
Here are some great great great combos!

Cleric Shaman Sk/Pally/war
you got tank/slows/haste/buffs from both cleric and shaman/

Necro Necro Necro (lol was in a group with 5 necro's the other day. We were in PoV at OC camp. Of corse they made me pull but I can honestly say that these things died FAST! Got 40% into 59 in a hour and 30 minutes)

Necro Mage Beast
pet group

Druid, shaman, necro
dot heaven. Mostly a kiting group

3 ranger with archery mastery 3 and endless quiver
For obvious reasons =D

But in my opinion the best group of 3 that you can possibly have is

for straight up melee

you got FD pulls, Slows, uber cleric and shaman buffs, haste, heals (both).

Bard/necro/ and any class in the game

The reason is that with the power of a bard and necro together, there are stratagies that work for every class in the game. yes even rangers.
#17 Mar 01 2004 at 8:55 PM Rating: Good
I don't disagree that those are all good combos, but try and 3-box some of those, and you will find that they take way too much attention/character to be successful.
#18 Mar 02 2004 at 1:23 AM Rating: Decent
I'd like to see what a Paladin/Beastlord/Druid 3-box could accomplish in game.
#19 Mar 02 2004 at 1:49 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Paladin, Shaman, Necro

Not a popular opinion, as I see, but bear with me.

The paladin is an uber-tank with stuns and a heal-over-time. He has an insane amount of hps and can hold aggro great.

The Shaman has hastes, slows, buffs, dots, and good heal spells. 'Nuf said.

The necro can let the pet do some DPS, cast some dots, and twitch the shaman when hes Lom. Also, they can cast Darkness. There's your snare.

I've been in some great LDoN groups and these classes really seem to compliment eachother nicely.
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#20 Mar 02 2004 at 6:10 AM Rating: Default
i have a good friend who 4 boxes a cleric druid warrior and shaman, and theres not much by way of normal xp camps that he couldnt do, however you say that you have lots of different 60 - 65 toons, why dont you just swap em round depending on what the zone requires for a good grp, for instance a druid and enchanter can easily and efficiantly hold down pretty much and camp in hoh, using charm kiting, with the druid adding the extra safety of snares and heals that a soloing enchanter wouldnt have.
#21 Mar 02 2004 at 10:03 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Tank/healer/dps. Your choice, though rogues take too much attention with regards to positioning so a pet or caster dps class would work better.

If your healer is a shaman, or if your dps is a BL or chanter, you also have a slower built in. If your dps is a wizard, or your healer is a druid, you have snare available. If your tank is a paladin, you have some supplemental healing and rez. If your healer is a cleric you won't need them. :)
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#22 Mar 02 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
I have read all the posts about what would make the best 3 box group. From my experience three boxing on two computers, the chanter on one computer and my mage and cleric in window mode this is a very deadly combination. This combination is not even at the highest levels that the party will be able to dish out as the mage is only 64, enchanter 65, and cleric 54. With the ability to slow and a dc pet with the enchanter as well as using nights dark terror on both pets equipped with mage equipment the damage these pets drop out equipped with the dps of a mage the exp doesnt suffer much. When Im lazy and not really wanting to nuke much yes you see a big drop in the exp due to the dire charm pet. Having the cleric there with group heals to heal the two casters if for some odd reason they actually get hit as well as having complete heals for the pets I have very rarely been in a situation that I cant handle with this setup. Once I get the mage to 65 with raths son (65 earth pet) and the cleric to 62 for virt. The combination for those two critters will provide me with a tank and a half that can take a beating and with a root spell able to keep agro very nicely. Just my two cents on the whole thing.
#23 Mar 02 2004 at 1:42 PM Rating: Default
[quote][/quote]I have read all the posts about what would make the best 3 box group. From my experience three boxing on two computers, the chanter on one computer and my mage and cleric in window mode this is a very deadly combination. This combination is not even at the highest levels that the party will be able to dish out as the mage is only 64, enchanter 65, and cleric 54. With the ability to slow and a dc pet with the enchanter as well as using nights dark terror on both pets equipped with mage equipment the damage these pets drop out equipped with the dps of a mage the exp doesnt suffer much. When Im lazy and not really wanting to nuke much yes you see a big drop in the exp due to the dire charm pet. Having the cleric there with group heals to heal the two casters if for some odd reason they actually get hit as well as having complete heals for the pets I have very rarely been in a situation that I cant handle with this setup. Once I get the mage to 65 with raths son (65 earth pet) and the cleric to 62 for virt. The combination for those two critters will provide me with a tank and a half that can take a beating and with a root spell able to keep agro very nicely. Just my two cents on the whole thi

I couldnt agree with you more

Edited, Tue Mar 2 13:43:55 2004 by Darksaber
#24 Mar 02 2004 at 4:42 PM Rating: Decent
I have been 3 boxing for over a year and i have 3 groups of 3 box that I play. My main group is a 62SK, 64cleric, and 61shammy there isn't much of anything i can't do with that group. I was takeing guardian wurms in Skyfire at levle 55 with those 3. I can take many camps even in the plans the only thing i lack is dps to get many kills an hour. That is why when i am exping i love it when my friends stop by and add ther damage to the whole thing. And with this group if anything goes wrong u are set SK can summon bodies if u are someplace bad, cleric rez(duh), and shammy can help u get back to the zone u died in fast with sow. If i was to change anything it would be situational. Such as if i was in Nurga or Velks lab where i can easaly take the mobs i would love it if my cleric was a druid for more damage but if u are killing in PoS as an example cleric is a must for healing in my opinon when u are multi boxing.
My second group is mid 30's of Beastlord, Mage, Necro combitantion i can do fine but i tend to cleric the beasty pet alot but still do a ton of damage with that group just letting the pet kick *** like they are suposed to. Just make sure u let the beasty pet get most of the agro sence the best heals are with the beasty.

Leader of the Darkforce
#25 Mar 25 2004 at 12:54 AM Rating: Decent
62 posts
Thanks for all the input, I myself have looked in to this matter more. This is what I have found, for high end game meaning camping in the planes, even the elemental planes, you need cleric, chanter, and stunner. This is why, I watch a friend of mine camp the pali pet weapon. chanter charmed mob, sent it to attack the target mob, chanter tashed, and attempted to debuff target mob, ie slow and cripple, cleric was there to heal and stunner was there to give chanter time incase of cham brake. I will admit he died many times, until he perfected the technique. In the end he got his prize! For normal exp grouping I have been using monk, BL and cleric, with Phantom Call single pulls are easy for monks, and if need be cleric can pac. In simple exp group a variety will work, but in high end you need big DPS and HPs which means a charmed pet. I has seen, lvl 65 chanters with high aaxps, charming dragons, outside of ToV and have seen them charm non summoning dragons in ToV, my friend showed me how he 3 boxed in ToV. Needless to say he has spent mucho time perfecting his skills, but DAM if I had not seen it I would not believe it. Just sharing the info.

Please continue to add comments

Sorry if spelling and grammer sucks but I was in a hurry
#26 Mar 25 2004 at 7:22 PM Rating: Default
The best 3 box i have seen to date is this combo


Granted this is what he uses all the time

Granted the interesting thing is that at high lvls he can make gate stones which means he can bind to were ever he is hunting..

This guy lives on tier 4 of hate makes large amounts of loot

Another thing he soloed with his trio 99 percent enchanter and cleric epics.

Other things to consider is that his mage was 65 allready before he made the other 2

all 3 are epiced and his chanter just picked up DC which now his DPS is tremendous

He can buff his lvl 65 pet to roughly 7K+ which is a very respectable tank and with proc weapons very dangerous
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