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What do you do on an LDON when the MT gets charmed??Follow

#1 Feb 12 2004 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
173 posts

First the story:

Last night I went on my 2nd hard LDON adventure.. We went to North Ro. Cleric, Wizzie, Beastie, 2 Pallies and an Enchanter. ( I was onr of the pallies and was MT)..

We had to kill 55 baddies.. It was a fun 1st hour or so with some close calls.. but no one had died when we got down to 23 min to kill 12.. I thought OK we can do this.. I got to a room with 5 baddies in it ( I could only see 4 from the doorway) I pacified 3 and pulled 1.. He brought a friend.. Then I noticed a debuff on me.. Looked like a brain surrounder in red.. I thought I had been mezzed.. (as this had happended to me before), but then I noticed I was moving and attacking my own guys!!! I knew I had been charmed I had heard this could happen, but never has before.. In a min I killed the other pallie, beastie and enchanter.. the wizzie evacuated but to late to get only himself and the cleric..

Now for questions:

Is this common in LDONS for levels 53+??

What precautions can the party do to prepare for this?

What do other groups do when it happens?

Note: I tried to use /g to talk but only /gu seemed to work.. 2 in the hunt were guildies..

Thanks for any help

Oh BTW we lost the LDON..

#2 Feb 12 2004 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
In answer to your question... die mostly.

MT and group members getting charmed is not uniquely LDoN, you can enjoy this pleasure in many fine places.

If I remember correctly my first experience with this little challenge was in the Gorge (Beholder's Maze) at level 20ish.

The first thing to do is prepare ahead of time and have your magic resistance as high as you can possibly get it.

Second is you need a strong 2nd MA to take control of the melee. (That is if it is the MT that is charmed, of course any group member could be charmed.)

Third, you need to lock down the charmer immediately. Stun and mezz if they will work, burn him/her down if not.

It is when you go up against this sort of mob that you begin to realise the the old formulas for group make up were arrived at for a reason.

If you can't lock down the charmer or hit it with rapid and massive burst DPS, your next best option is evac.

You might be able to try having the MT leave his top buff slots empty, if you are lucky and the charm buff goes to the top slot, someone could try dispelling him, but this is very hit and miss.

Probably the most dangerous element of this situation is that the group members are not expecting it and take a lengthy period of time to realise what is taking place. During this period of confusion the "pet" usually manages to take out several people, inevitably the Chanter and Cleric.

If you are prepared for it and keep the Chanter and Cleric alive and defended so that they can do their stuff, then standard tactics will do the job.

The key points are to be prepared ahead of time and to not get caught by surprise.
#3 Feb 12 2004 at 6:37 PM Rating: Decent
1,907 posts
Never happened to me, so I have questions. Can you control anything when you are charmed, like could you remove weapons to your bag, or remove spells from slots, or are you completely under control. Just curious
#4 Feb 12 2004 at 6:43 PM Rating: Decent
173 posts

I could not do a DAMN thing!!.. I do not think I could even tell my group I WAS charmed.. I tried.. I was able to talk in guild chat and was lucky 2 guildes were with me.. but otherwise I was helpless..

After all left.. the baddies went back into there room and the charm went away and waitied for all to come back..
#5 Feb 12 2004 at 6:53 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
this happened to me once in Naggys lair.

i got charmed and was used to nuke down my team. after they all either zoned or died i was lead into the zone with my "master" i was lucky i had evac up because once charm broke they all started beating down on me. i somehow channeled thru the attacks and got out with 4% life left.....

man that was fun....
#6 Feb 12 2004 at 6:53 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
What do I do? Mez his ***. Then I laugh at him. Smiley: lol

Seriously, charms in LdoN are a pain. Worst part is, the hp bars get funky and, after I got charmed once by a trap, I was nearly killed by my party. Apparently they didn't see my hit points going down and so were smacking me around with impunity. In fact, the ranger was using me for target pratice Smiley: eek

At least, they tell me they didn't see my hitpoints dropping... Hrrmmm...
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#7 Feb 12 2004 at 6:57 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
friends of your where they Joph? or where you on FV with skeet and smash?
#8 Feb 12 2004 at 6:59 PM Rating: Decent
173 posts
I play on Povar..
#9 Feb 12 2004 at 7:06 PM Rating: Decent
To answer the question, I crap purple twinkies when the MT get's chamed.

I can't add much to what has been said already, except that after a few charming incidents, I started getting pretty vocal about always having some kind of resist magic buff up.

I will add I have had multiple people tell me that when charmed, you will (always or mostly) cast spell slot (either 1 or 8). Now, this could be wild rumor. Can anyone confirm or deny this? Since I play a rogue I have no idea what spell(s) get cast when charmed.

Also, this really hit my groups hard in the early 50's, but now (high 50's) it doesn't seem so bad - perhaps just because we all have better resist gear?
#10 Feb 12 2004 at 7:20 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
At least, they tell me they didn't see my hitpoints dropping... Hrrmmm...

Smiley: laugh Thank goodness I didn't have any coffee in my mouth when I read this!
#11 Feb 12 2004 at 7:25 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
yossarian wrote:
I will add I have had multiple people tell me that when charmed, you will (always or mostly) cast spell slot (either 1 or 8). Now, this could be wild rumor. Can anyone confirm or deny this? Since I play a rogue I have no idea what spell(s) get cast when charmed.

This may or may not have been the case a *very* long time ago. But it's not that way now, and hasn't been that way for a number of years. Back when my wizard was around 20th level, I was fighting with a friends warrior in Beholder (the Gorge). I got charmed. I typically keep my nukes in the last 4 slots and alt spells (root, harvest, BoF, Shielding, etc) in the top slots. I remember specifically (because this wasn't long before the last time someone asked this) that the nuke I used was in slot 7.

The AI would simply use your best nuke, your best heal, or your best debuff. That was back then. The AI is even smarter about choosing spells today then back then (they added lots of AI smarts sometime around LoY release IIRC). Now, AI's will use any of the spells you've got loaded and will mostly use them in an intelligent way (nuke when trying to kill something at a distance), root/snare if something keeps moving away, slows if they're going to melee, dots pretty much any time they feel like it.

One thing that did used to happen (but I can't confirm is still in effect) is that you spend mana like an AI when charmed. Back then, I was dropping my big spell (force strike I think it was). Usually, I could maybe get 6 or 7 of them off before running out of mana. After I killed the warrior with a few casts, I turned on the nearby level 50something ranger hanging around in the area. I nuked the guy like 10 times (and actually reduced his HPs by a couple bubs) before the charm wore off. I was at full mana afterwards...

That was obviously before the AI spellcaster changes, since back then the casters would pretty much hit for max regardless of level (which is why a level 20ish wizard was able to nuke a level 50ish ranger at all). Today, I imagine that wouldn't happen. Don't know about the mana thing though.

The best thing to do when your MT gets charmed is to handle him just like an add. Use CC tactics on him. Root him if that's all you can do. I'm amazed that you had a chanter in the group, but he didn't just stun/mez the MT. Problem solved. Use your second pally to continue fighting mobs until the charm and mes wear off.

The thing is that most people panic when someone gets charmed and they stop thinking clearly. Once you've had it happen a few times, you'll find it's just not that hard to deal with. In many ways, a PC is *easier* to deal with then an equivalent leveled mob. Just always treat a charmed character as an add and you'll do fine.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#12 Feb 12 2004 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
255 vs magic is a nice start to avoiding charm school. Then keep the mob stunned (remember that bash/slam button). And if the bastards still manage to charm the tank (or anyone else) mez, stun or kill if needs be.
#13 Feb 12 2004 at 7:36 PM Rating: Decent
173 posts
Well for most of us this was the 1st time we faced this problem.. and the 1st guy I killed WAS the enchanter.. LOL.. The mob controling me knew what he was doing.. Bwhahahahahaha
#14 Feb 12 2004 at 7:44 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
thurvok wrote:
Well for most of us this was the 1st time we faced this problem.. and the 1st guy I killed WAS the enchanter.. LOL.. The mob controling me knew what he was doing.. Bwhahahahahaha

Lol! Yeah. Not much you can do in that case. Darn sneaky AI... ;)

Although, really. Unless the chanter was just surprised, he should have been able to stop you. A good chanter should be able to be jumped by any mob of approximately his level or lower and survive with no problems. One stun followed by a mez should have stopped you. Heh. Of course, if you were stunning him that may be a different story. It does depend on level. I once dueled a chanter when we were both around 50th level. I absolutely creamed him. I got my stun off on him just a bit faster and proceeded to prevent him from ever getting a single spell of during the entire fight.

The AI isn't quite smart enough to use chain stunning and deliberately timing stun's/bashes to interrupt spells. The chanter should have been able to stop him. Next time, he probably will be. I'm betting he was just in surprise about what was going on. That's how we learn and get better at this game though. :)
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#15 Feb 12 2004 at 7:49 PM Rating: Decent
Last week I killed my whole group with my beastlord after being dagger which has a 625 DD proc proceeded to proc like 12 times guy in the group got very mad and acted as if it were my fault and disbanded after getting his guildmates thought it was hilarious....I do too now that its been awhile...
#16 Feb 12 2004 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
405 posts
I've fortunately never seen this happen, but assuming that the charm is in spell slot #1 could you cast Cancel Magic (or something of such ilk)? Would this work?
#17 Feb 12 2004 at 8:35 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Valzarius Defender of Justice wrote:
I've fortunately never seen this happen, but assuming that the charm is in spell slot #1 could you cast Cancel Magic (or something of such ilk)? Would this work?

Yes. That would work. The problem is that it's very unlikely that you'll have that #1 slot open in a situation where you'll get charmed. You don't know when/if you're going to get charmed. It takes *time* to set up an open slot at the top. Time each time you get any sort of buff cast on you.

You're the MT, right (that's who usually gets charmed anyway). You don't think he'll have a HoT on him? Or the druid who waits until regen fades to recast on the group? Or the SK proc group buffs? Or any of a dozen other things that may end up in that top slot? Even if you start the LDoN group (or any group for that matter) trying to keep that #1 slot open so you can dispell charms/dots/whatever, the odds of that slot actually being open when the charm hits is very low.

So. You MT gets charmed and is beating on people. Are you going to take time to cast a dispell on him? At that moment, you can't see his buff slots, and he can't tell you. You're going to waste the cast time of the dispell hoping that will get rid of the charm. That's a bad risk. You are vastly better off using CC spells on him to prevent him from killing people. The biggest advantage here is that you probably already have them loaded. How many people keep a dispell loaded at all times? Not many. But you'll always have a root, or a stun, or a mez, or whatever other CC spells you use loaded. I don't know of anyone who plays any caster that doesn't always have at least one CC type spell loaded at all time, even if it's just root. Your chanter should always have mez loaded, probably a stun or two, and other CC stuff as well, especially if he's in a dungeon and his job is CC.

So yeah. You could use Dispell. I just think that 99.9999% of the time, you're going to be better off not bothering. When you hear about folks leaving slots blank its on raids where they are hitting a single target with a known effect and planning for that effect. You just can't do that in a dungeon environment. You'll end up wasting more time dealing with that then just dealing with the occasional charm.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#18 Feb 12 2004 at 11:49 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
The first LDoN adventure I did was with my ranger at about 48. Halfway through, I got charmed and killed our cleric. We were all pretty freaked out, but the chanter managed to mez me. The others were picked off by the mobs as they debated whether or not to attack me, then someone did, broke the mez, and I killed the chanter. The others ran away, so I wandered back to the mob room and got a few buffs before charm wore off and I died nastily. That was fun.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#19 Feb 13 2004 at 12:39 AM Rating: Decent

Speaking as an MT and I duel wield an SoD and a BoC or switch to a TSBS and have all offensive AA skills so if ya ever see me charmed just evac would be my suggestion.

Seriously though I have only been charmed once and I literally obliterated my group starting out with casters in my group. It was a fluke that a lucky mob got a cast through. I had 225 mr on at the time.

It normally doesn't happen to me as an MT anywhere. If you are an MT in any group or raid its your responsbility to make sure through whatever means you get that MR up.

Edited, Fri Feb 13 00:40:11 2004 by Traderblue
#20 Feb 13 2004 at 2:01 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Dispel magic. When fighting mobs that can charm, it's a good idea to leave an open buff slot so that (with luck) charm will land high on the buff list and (with more luck) it can be dispelled without taking all of the charmed person's buffs. If the buffs go, though, not a huge deal.

(Obviously you had no way of knowing that going in, but next time you'll be better prepared. Have someone cast a junk buff on you, then get the rest of your buffs and click off the junk buff. Don't forget to "save" that spot when buffs fade.)

If you can't dispel, root him or mez him - basic CC tactics.

Personally I usually try to kill him, but hey. That's just me.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#21 Feb 13 2004 at 4:07 AM Rating: Good
I'm not sure about all charms but against Lcea Katta a charmed person has the dreaded "LD" next to their name. If you see this, mezz, recharm, root, annul magic or whatever you need to do in order to get the charmed person doing what they should do.
#22 Feb 13 2004 at 5:13 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Single shot dispell is now random (so I am told) in which case leaving an open slot is not going to guarantee releasing it.

The "LD" that appears is actually very misleading because instead of realising the person is charmed the group thinks they went LD.

What I find embarrassing is that when charmed - or LD, the AI is the same - I seem to fight much better than with me driving.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#23 Feb 13 2004 at 11:02 AM Rating: Decent
500 posts
I have had this happen twice in LDON, once with a hard adv at level 25 where our target turned out to be chanter - in that case she charmed me (main tank) and ranger, as well as mezzing the clc. Total wipeout. We regrouped, bufed and tried again with the same result. When charmed, my pally cast heal spells on her as well as beating on rest of party. You have no control over yourself and usually go for a tour (in this case chanter chased the surviors all the way back to entrance before killing last one with me in tow). Second time, I was playing a cleric and when MT got charmed, I started stunning the chanter after tank yelled he was beguiled (you can communicate but nothing else) and to get the chanter. When chanter died, charm was broken. Not sure if you could mez MT in this case, but beleive that someone rooted him to stop him from going after casters.
#24 Feb 13 2004 at 12:08 PM Rating: Decent
63 posts
Not sure if this is the case any longer but I remember at one time the NPC charmers had the annoying ability to charm more then one pet. Had this happen to my group a few years back in split paw. Playing my Enchanter at the time and MT got charmed. We had had this before so I simply mezzed him....then the monk began whoppin me...stun mez....then struck by cleric spell....stun mez....then druid cast on me....stun mez....then MT wakes up and attacks....interrupted.....interrupted....monk joins in....dead Enchanter killed by his own group....ahhhh the memories!!!

#25 Feb 13 2004 at 12:45 PM Rating: Decent
Heres my story. One day i was in the karanas (forget which one) (it was one closest to highkeep) but on my druid, i am not quite sure the lv it was back then, but in the karanas killing lttle wolfies ill say 34 max or 24 or so. anyway, i was killing this junk and all of a sudden i saw a huge eye going around. i rooted it, and its pet cameafter me ( an enchanters pet it had....) well after i got owned by it i started to run root/run/root/run/root/med. i ran over to the townppl and hoping thery would kill it as they killed the lion that tried to kill me. well ...... didnt work .... i all of a sudden started moving and there was a spell in ym spell lists that wasnt there, and i was moving all kinds of directions. but it was following that big eye. well after 5 mins i thot my game gone mad or something so i turned off my computer and got back on lol. that giant ewye was yellow con and charmed me or something... last time i travel through the karanas. luckily no one was with me or ... no my durid wasnt thatr ghood ;) i woulda got killed by them most likely lol ... unless we all got mezzed or w/e it was. thank you .. thank ya very much thats all for today folks. thats my story of the messed up eyeball THE END
#26 Feb 13 2004 at 1:29 PM Rating: Decent
405 posts
This topic did get the mental gears working, and brought up a couple of interesting thoughts. I looked around Caster's Realm and on this site, and couldn't find any more hard information on the spells. What is the difference between Cancel Magic (wizard level 12), Nullify Magic (wizard level 34) , and Annul Magic (wizard level 53)? They appear to be the same spell in varying levels of power (Cancel(1), Cancel(4), Cancel(9)). Is there a point, like Lull spells, where in order to dispell the magic you need to cast the higher version spell? Can the level 12 spell cancel any buff or detriment, since it it unresistable?

p.s. This is a slightly off topic question and I'm not proposing using this as a method to dispell the charm. I'm just curious to exactly how Cancel Magic works, since the spell descriptions are more than brief.
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