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#1 Feb 10 2004 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
LOL... everyone that plays this game is SO mean!

When I first started playing EQ, there were only a few dozen people on my server, and everyone was on just to have fun: Kill mobs, loot some cloth (if you're lucky), fill an inventory slot, chat with new friends... pretty simple. NOW, you can't even ask an OOC question in the game without 2 or 3 negative comments coming back to you about your spelling or "noobiness". This game WAS fun, but its quickly losing its flavor. Don't NICE people ever play EQ just to have a little computer gaming fun and chat with people from around the world? That's why I play the game. Otherwise, why not just play Morrowind; a game where you don't need to deal with people and downtimes?

Believe me, I am not a tree-hugging, liberal, bleeding-heart, priest with a propensity to spread goodwill among the flock, but SHEESH... lets lighten up and have a little fun. Help out instead of ignore... Say "Hello" instead of \finger "what are you looking at?"... Teach a newbie how to fletch instead of saying, "figure it out or look it up on the web." This game is supposed to be a light & frothy social artifice... a way for people to gather with a common interest in their spare time. It should not be used to flex the muscles of your overplayed icon or be mean to people that cannot see you. I find it hard to believe that anyone who plays is really as powerful as his or her EQ graphic. And if they are, and can, in fact, resurrect the dead or something, that's great, just keep it to yourself. AGAIN... lets lighten up and have a little fun Smiley: jester

#2 Feb 10 2004 at 2:50 PM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Believe me, I am not a tree-hugging, liberal, bleeding-heart, priest with a propensity to spread goodwill among the flock

Oh sure, its always the druids fault....
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#3 Feb 10 2004 at 10:15 PM Rating: Decent
sadly out of the 3 games ive played (eq, daoc, ffxi) i rate eq as worst in people being nice. lot of a*holes and jerks in the game. good thing the guild made it worthwhile.

BACK IN THE DAY, old school. nowadays i figure its much worse.
#4 Feb 11 2004 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
93 posts
You know, I see threads like this all the time. People talking about how everyone they meet is rude, unhelpful, anti-social, etc. Now, I started playing back when Kunark had just been released and I played for a year, then I quit for a variety of reasons, and now I'm back and have been playing for about five months.

All that being said, I have to say I just don't see it... I've run into MAYBE one person that was a jerk/idiot but almost everyone else I've talked to, grouped with, asked questions of, etc. has been absolutely fantastic. For example, I sent a /tell to a 65 Iksar Shadow Knight to ask a question about blacksmithing. Now this guy doesn't know me at all, never met me, talked to me, seen me, nothing, AND he was in the middle of a raid. He not only took the time to answer my question, he even offered to make me what I wanted. Talk about an awesome person!

As for the negative comments in /ooc, all I can say is I can't ever remember seeing someone belittle me for asking a question. I've always gotten either extremely helpful responses or at least an "I have no idea". Maybe it's because I don't use shortcuts in spelling, or come across sounding like a 10 year old, I don't know. *shrug* I do know that when I see people typing things like, "r u n a group?", it makes me cringe and gives me a headache when I try to figure out what they are saying. And while I don't ignore them, and I'll help them as much as I can, I never group with them. I figure if they are too lazy to take 5 seconds to type a simple question, then they are too lazy to fulfill their role in a group. oh, and before anyone throws out the "what if English isn't their primary language and that's the only way they know how to ask" debate. Let me just say that I've traveled all over the REAL world and I've talked to, e-mailed and instant messaged people from many different countries and I've found that we (Americans) are the only ones that are THAT lazy in our speaking and writing. Thankfully, I can usually tell the difference between someone typing in what is to them a foreign language and someone who just doesn't want to type out the word 'Are' or 'you'.

Well... this turned into quite a long post that got completely off topic when all I meant to say was "Everybody in EQ has been really nice to me." So, I'm going to shut up now. I'm just sorry that not everyone has been as fortunate as I to find helpful people in EQ, and I wish you the best of luck in avoiding the jerks in the future.

Edited, Wed Feb 11 00:28:45 2004 by TheWingedLancer
#5 Feb 11 2004 at 2:31 AM Rating: Default
TheWingedLancer wrote:
All that being said, I have to say I just don't see it... I've run into MAYBE one person that was a jerk/idiot but almost everyone else I've talked to, grouped with, asked questions of, etc. has been absolutely fantastic. For example, I sent a /tell to a 65 Iksar Shadow Knight to ask a question about blacksmithing. Now this guy doesn't know me at all, never met me, talked to me, seen me, nothing, AND he was in the middle of a raid. He not only took the time to answer my question, he even offered to make me what I wanted. Talk about an awesome person!

That was a cool person, and it's kind of like real life, a little kindness will sometimes spread out and can go a long way. Whenever I make a run through Freeport with my 50ish Paladin, I always run into a few new characters that I will take the time to throw some of my measly buff spells on. The buffee's always take the time to send a tell of thanks, which I always respond to with a respectful "You are quite welcome".

TheWingedLancer wrote:
I do know that when I see people typing things like, "r u n a group?", it makes me cringe and gives me a headache when I try to figure out what they are saying. And while I don't ignore them, and I'll help them as much as I can, I never group with them.

Well, I might not go that far, but I understand what you are saying. Sometimes, though, somebody's real life situation might force them to momentarily use shortcuts in their spelling. Those of you who are parents will know what I am saying. Sometimes it is hard to be trying to play EQ and also having to look over your shoulder to see who is trying to murder whom when the five-year-olds start screaming at the top of their lungs.

TheWingedLancer wrote:
oh, and before anyone throws out the "what if English isn't their primary language and that's the only way they know how to ask" debate. Let me just say that I've traveled all over the REAL world and I've talked to, e-mailed and instant messaged people from many different countries and I've found that we (Americans) are the only ones that are THAT lazy in our speaking and writing. Thankfully, I can usually tell the difference between someone typing in what is to them a foreign language and someone who just doesn't want to type out the word 'Are' or 'you'.

I have also traveled and lived for long periods of time away from the US, and TheWingedLancer is quite correct in this matter. What is interesting is that I found that I got along quite well with both Europeans and Asians when I tried to introduce myself in their language. They inevitably smiled and began speaking better English with me than I could their language. I found that some of my fellow travelers who would abruptly say "Hey, yew, does yew spake Anglish" would often get a chillier reception than I did when I would say "Guten Morgan, mein herr", or something similar in the appropriate language. Simple-phrase books are easy and cheap to purchase in many bookstores, and this small amount of respect has gotten me a long ways when I was in unfamiliar territory, just like I am when I play EQ.
Smiley: smile
#6 Feb 11 2004 at 1:56 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
I can not tell you how many people have helped me, answered my /ooc questions, given me items they knew I could use, etc. There are far too many.

Break questioners down into 2 groups.

1. Person is trying to accomplish something and hits a snag, or simply can't find the information to proceed. Their question is specific, thought out and politely worded. This person just needs a nudge in the right direction and it shows.

2. Person logs into the game and starts firing off questions. The famous PoK questions "Who sells my spells?" and "Where is my trainer?" would be prime examples of type 2 questions. This is often the person who will sit and /shout repeatedly for SoW rather than go to the person saying "Player Weenie, come to the bank for SoW."

I have seen people in PoK ask where something/someone is for an hour or more rather than get up and look for it.

Take a guess how helpful people are to questioner type 2?

Teach a newbie how to fletch instead of saying, "figure it out or look it up on the web."

In what way is it "mean" for me to say " has great tradeskill info.?" Where did advanced tradeskillers get their recipes or know the best path for skilling up? They looked it up on the web.

I've helped plenty of people. Given them items, researched spells for whoever asked, answered countless questions, retrieved corpses. I'm not worried that I'm an unhelpful or unfriendly player. However, I have no time for people who want me to do their thinking, hunting or web research for them. I usually ignore requests that don't include the word "please" (or some equivalent.)

If people are coming off to you as rude and unhelpful perhaps it's time to look at how you are presenting yourself. Maybe your expectations of others are less than realistic.

Are you asking people for information you could easily find yourself?

Are you asking for help when you don't really need it? Pssst, nobody needs a heal in PoK. Cure, maybe. Heal, no.

Are you inspecting people without having asked them first? This is why I ask:
Say "Hello" instead of \finger "what are you looking at?"

Are you saying "please" and "thank you?" (It's amazing how many people don't.)

People in this game can be amazingly friendly and helpful. Much of it depends on your approach.

Edited, Wed Feb 11 13:59:12 2004 by Yanari
#7 Feb 11 2004 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
115 posts
It's all about karma. What you give, you ultimately get back.

Playing a cleric, I get the occasional tell that says "rez me".
Not "will you please rez me?" which is a question. But, "rez me" which is a statement. Yeah bro, I'll rez you, be right there. No charge for that rez either. Hold on, I'm on my way.

I wonder how long they sit there before they realize that I'm not really coming? It makes me laugh just thinking about it.

#8 Feb 11 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
1,907 posts
There is another recent thread about how nice people are in the game. I think I have met lots more really nice people.

Yanari makes very good points, and so do the others. Will I talk to you about alchemy-absolutely. Will I tell you everything I ever read or learned on the tradeskill sites-don't think so, could not if I wanted to, it would take a week. But I will tell you where to find out more, or anwser a few questions.

I have had people DEMAND buffs from me, and people who got mad because I didn't notice their messages while afk was on.
I almost always buff anyone who asks, unless I am out of mana or very busy, but it really helps if you are polite.

Also the people who start shouting and begging at level 1 instead of fighting, don't get a lot of sympathy. If you can't handle level 1, EQ might not be for you.
#9 Feb 11 2004 at 10:33 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
I think Yanari is spot on.

There are a lot of lazy people in EQ these days and some do need to be pointed in the direction of help. Tradeskill newbies I refer to 'check out the npc's in your home town - see what manuals they have' followed up by 'or check'.

Playing both a necro and a cleric it astounds me when people 'expect' a rez or a summon and seem to be completely ignorant of cost or inconvenience. However that point has been rehashed to death on many forums many times so I will summarize by saying I help where I can and if the person is rude I won't.

On the other hand, a lot of people don't know where to get help and if it was not for a friend I know outside the game I would not have immediately known of this site or many others. Despite the dumbing down attempts of SOE, EQ is still a complex game and while we can all shout, 'RTFM' (wonder who gets that) we should still at least remain civil otherwise we are just as guilty as they are for not helping themselves.

Simply put, no excuse for rudeness. By being rude you are just displaying your own ignorance for all to see, despite how clever you may feel.
#10 Feb 12 2004 at 5:30 PM Rating: Decent
i recently started over on Lanys & have nothing but good experiences. i can't count the times i've had drive-by buffs cast on me. which is nice for a low level since i don't have the money to donate for them & if i can't donate i won't ask. i have already made a great friend & joined a guild full of very nice people. neither of who mind all my "noobish" sk questions. in my first group they asked about my gear ,which was the starting sword & tunic, & gave me much nicer stuff that they weren't using. from what i have experienced so far EQ is still full of nice people. the only bad experiences i've had lately have been getting run over by trains in Field of Bone. but that happens to everyone.

bridger -
It's all about karma. What you give, you ultimately get back.

Playing a cleric, I get the occasional tell that says "rez me".
Not "will you please rez me?" which is a question. But, "rez me" which is a statement. Yeah bro, I'll rez you, be right there. No charge for that rez either. Hold on, I'm on my way.

I wonder how long they sit there before they realize that I'm not really coming? It makes me laugh just thinking about it.

lol. Smiley: lol that is a great way to combat rudeness. i'm going to have to tell my cleric/necro friends about it. the only buffing class i have ever played has been a ranger so i havn't had to deal with it too much. but i'll always buff when asked politely.
#11 Feb 13 2004 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
197 posts
In my experience people have been more than kind. I started playing in October of 03 and went into the game knowing nothing about it. People gave me tips, explained the termonology, buffed me without my asking, and were genereally kind in many ways. The only rude people that I have dealt with (not including those who shout in pok demanding help) are those who send me tells begging for equipment. I am more than happy to tell them how to get money for things but I think they should work like I have. On occasion, I have gifted new characters with things that I no longer need but it was my choice not a response to a beggar.
#12 Feb 13 2004 at 12:23 AM Rating: Decent
NOW, you can't even ask an OOC question in the game without 2 or 3 negative comments coming back to you

You mean like

Natdatil says Out of Character: "All your ooc question are belong to us"

Xabtik says Out of Character: "haha n00b ju r teh suxx0rs"

Just thought I'd ask.

Sadly, I too know what you're talking about. I am still a "n00b"
of sorts, as most of the people my level on my server are on their second or third 50+ toon.

I do still find a polite and helpful player from time to time though. Don't lose hope, the nice people are still out there.
#13 Feb 13 2004 at 5:19 AM Rating: Decent
89 posts
As in everything in life you will find that there are always a couple jerks out there.

However, there are some that are just asking for some abuse.


There are some people who will sit there and spam messages over and over in PoK. Simple questions that if they had taken the time to do a very cursory search they would have found what they seek. Such as "where are my spells sold?". After 5 to 10 minutes of them spamming I will send them a tell saying "A: they are in the Library-the BIG building on the hill behind the bank. and B: go to and print out a list of your spells. Click on the individual spells and it will tell you who sells them and at later levels whether they are quested or NPC drops."

Or, always my favorite, is the "anyone have and gear/weapons/plat for a level 1 n00b (insert class here)?" I give these guys about 5 minutes of that before I send them a tell suggesting that they do their newbie armor quests, and that spamming beg OOC's in PoK will not win him any friends.

People who demand buffs. The best ones are when I get asked for buffs while playing my Wizard by people who should know what class I play. I do not go anon, I have Flappy by my side and just about everyone over level 10 should know just by looking that I am a wizard. I have been asked for SoW, KEI and to summon both mage pet gear and their bodies, too! I will tell them I am a wizard and if the grand clue does not sink in and they persist I will buff them...I bust out the O'Keils Flickering Flame and pass that out!

Edit-I will on occasion go to newbie zones such as WFP and pass out some gear that I got as loot that would be nice for a true newbie. And depending on the situation will take a person to the bazaar and gear them. For example: I was in WFP when a kitty shammy was frantically begging anyone to buy her some backpacks in EC (vendor doesn't like shammys I guess). I did a /who and this kitty was level 52. I sent her a tell saying I would get them for her and she was so happy someone would help her-she was absolutely frantic. I asked her what was wrong and she told me she got very ill about 3 weeks before and had to be rushed to the emergency room and hospitalized. This happened while she was playing EQ. Her parents, when they got back home, just shut her computer off. She had been in BW soloing and her character apparantly had died and the body rotted, when she brought up her toon it was naked at her bind point. I asked her what she was going to do and she said she was going to go farm Sol A to try to earn some pp to start regearing. I told her I would give her a port after getting her her bags. Did not tell her that I was porting her to the Nexus. When we got there she of course asked why we were there. I told her that I had some gear she could have on my trader to get back on her feet, we just needed to go to the bazaar. What I didn't tell her is that I really didn't have any on my trader outside of a Soulstripper-I went and bought her some nice gear. About 75k worth, I also made her a couple spells that she would be needing (had the componets in my library). She was floored and said she would pay me back. I told her that the sound of the happiness in her tells was payment enough and if she wanted to do something to "pay it back" is to do the same for some deserving soul in the future. She to this day sends me tells expressing her gratitude and is now just about to break 60.

Edited, Fri Feb 13 06:02:33 2004 by TexasWizard
#14 Feb 13 2004 at 7:21 AM Rating: Decent
Fictionweaver wrote:
NOW, you can't even ask an OOC question in the game without 2 or 3 negative comments coming back to you about your spelling or "noobiness".
I only know Firiona Vie but for this server I strongly dissagree. What ever I needed to know I got helped with immediately. Never did someone object me for using /shout or /tell and never did someone look down on me for not even knowing where that &%$ยง"! Oven in Kelethin is to be found. *lol*
#15 Feb 13 2004 at 8:59 AM Rating: Decent
I personally have been playing since december of 2003 and have not meet one angry person. Though, on occasion have grouped with annoying people (run from fights when they reach 40 % and leave you to your own mauling).

I would have to say that i answere questions in /ooc and will tell beggars nicely "getting your own armor and plat is more satisfying). I have been the recipient of a many drive by buffing and now as a 37 beastlord do drive by SoWs( i can't stand to see someone runnign at snails pace).

I just hope people that are just starting the game or have playing for awhile are still having the same great experiences i have had and hope to have.
#16 Feb 13 2004 at 9:39 AM Rating: Good
320 posts
The good people are there too... but you probably hear them less often. They don't go shouting insults or non-relevant zonewide stuff.
#17 Feb 13 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
215 posts
Where are these mean people that play this game?

I've never seen one. Not a single one. (Granted, only been playing 2 months but still)

I HAVE seen people who act like 10-year olds, and once or twice found out they act that way because that's truly how old they are. I have also run into dozens of people who will answer my eager questions, give me a specific buff, and refuse the miserable coins I try to give them.

It's funny playing a warrior - I don't really have anything I can give back to people helping me other than money (except, I keep spending it all), they must know this, yet they still help out anyway. That is nothing other than nice in my book.

I do agree you have to speak well, understandably; just like in real life, don't be rude, be funny if possible, chat people up then ask questions. The only time I give in to abbreviation is when the kids are crying or something. Maybe that helps.

All in all I'm amazed at the number of fun & nice people I see in the game.
#18 Feb 13 2004 at 2:10 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
be funny if possible

MRRX, I'm glad you said that. That's one of my tactics when I would like help or when trying to find a group.

Finding a group isn't always easy, especially for anyone who isn't in a "Must have" class. I'm a magician. It's rare that any group needs a magician. So I give a shout or two "Magician and Puff the Wonder Pet looking for work". It usually doesn't take too long to get an invite. It's not a hilarious line, but at least people know I probably have a sense of fun.

Fictionweaver, it's been a few days since your original post. I sincerely hope you're having more positive encounters.
#19 Feb 13 2004 at 7:04 PM Rating: Decent
Sadly, I too have seen EQ turn into 'gutter trash' as of late, or at least so on the Xegony server.

I started playing pre-Luclin and people always helped one another out. Even as PoP approached, there were only a few people that I knew of as being idiots that I wish the GM's would do something about.

Not to say it's all horrible, for I too have had LOTS of experience with nice folks such as the post about the 65 SK... I always answer questions from characters lower than myself that are asking for advice. I too will use my research skills to help them with a spell they've failed at 2 times so far, etc. In fact, I've made several good friends from this (either by me asking them about thier class as a 'newbie' or by 'newbies' asking myself of advice on my class).

But last night, what I saw in the Plane of Justice on the Xegony server made me sick. Most of the people in the zone were kids (I'd say pre-16, but I'm a father with kids, so that's my best guess). A person shouted that a Tiny Bottle with a note was dropped in the zone and asked what it was for. This person received so much abuse that went on for well over an hour. Other players in the zone had petitioned, but alas, no GM's or guides and even if they were there, what could they/would they really do?

To say this was the most disgusting behaviour by a group/groups of people that play EQ would be an understatement. There was so much abuse towards this player for (how dare they) asking a question, that I couldn't barely see if I was even hitting the mob I was on, as the window of shouts and ooc's was flying by.

For all of you that say you "just don't see it", perhaps it's not in the form of ooc's and shouts? One one of my toons, we're constantly "kill-stole" from at the hopper caves in DSP (yes, we're there for xp) by players 60+ farming pelts/shards/etc. When politely told that we're camping one of the rooms and to please not steal our mobs, what is the response? The 'super 60+' just rounds up a pile of hoppers or sambatas from deeper in the cave and polietely dumps them on our group and then they either sit back and watch us die/run or they themselves just ignore us and head back down.

Heck, last night as I was LFG on my rogue, I zoned into Plane of Valor just to see a pile of ooc's and shouts about someone that ran up and looted a no-drop item from a mob this group had killed that they were still unable to loot due to 2 other mobs on them. Is that not "being mean" or rude persay?

What about the level 46+ character with the 60+ cleric/shaman that is 2-boxing and powerlevelling their character at a camp that normally a group or 2 groups of people can take? Is this not being selfish or rude? I see this all the time in Plane of Innovation and just shake my head every time I see it.

I'm starting to ramble and starting to lead into a different subject, so I'll end it there. My point being is that 'being mean' and 'rude' are not only words, but actions. All you have to do to see it, is wander into some level 50-60 zones sometime.
#20 Feb 13 2004 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
One one of my toons, we're constantly "kill-stole" from at the hopper caves in DSP (yes, we're there for xp) by players 60+ farming pelts/shards/etc. When politely told that we're camping one of the rooms and to please not steal our mobs, what is the response? The 'super 60+' just rounds up a pile of hoppers or sambatas from deeper in the cave and polietely dumps them on our group and then they either sit back and watch us die/run or they themselves just ignore us and head back down.

Something you keep in mind. Unless you have a mob engaged it isn't considered kill stealing. It is very rude for them to take mobs that are at "your camp" but if something spawns and isn't engaged then it's fair play in the eyes of Sony.

On another note, some people have more time than money. Do you by chance know how much superb and flawless rockhopper hides sell for? Do you think all level 65 toons have 100k sitting in the bank set aside just for tailoring?

Now the training/dumping hoppers or sambatas on top of you, that is a hardcore NO NO! If they do it, petition immediately. If they are in a guild send a tell to another member of that guild and ask them the name of an officer/leader that's online. Most guild officers/leaders at a minimum will talk to the person and you in order to resolve the situation in a satisfactory way. Even the guilds with the worst reputation on the server will have officers/leaders that care about what guild members are doing to the guild name.

If the person is anon, just target them and type "/guildstatus" and that will tell you what guild the person is in. If they really aren't in a guild, just about every server out there has a message board. Go flame the begeezers out of them. It may not get you a satisfactory resolution but if there's enough info about some jerk floating around life won't be all that easy on them.
#21 Feb 14 2004 at 12:37 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
I avoid super popular camps like the plague. They are the breeding grounds for the worst behavior in the game. Fun is the goal of my game time.

But that's just my opinion.
#22 Feb 14 2004 at 9:27 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
I think that a great deal of this depends on what server you may be on.
Also, some people realy get into the Bazaar/PoK chat-room of the game. I may be wrong but I realy think on my server, there are people just sitting in PoK, chatting away. More likely, there just bored out of their minds doing tradeskills. That would explain why they may think its hillarious to answer all "where is <item> sold at, plz?" with "at a vendor LOL." May just be me but that person sounds at least a little bored *shrug*
I dont do much of the helping in tells, but I love to walk people through quests, or go to the bazaar/PoK/Gunthak for folks who dont have they're expansions. I love helping with quests because thats how I learned them.
Items, buffs, and gear Im real nervous about giving out, because of the criticism some of it gets but sometimes the appreciation is great.
As my enchanter I once went though crushbone and called buffing at zoneline. There were only a few in there atm, but I buffed all of them that came. I was even casting the rune absorb spell that uses up a periodot. I cast this rune on a twink bard, and she ran straight into the throne room. Afew minutes later shes flaming me in /ooc about how the damage sheild dropped after only a few minutes. I tried to explain to her the way the runes work, and she said it was a crap spell and I should take my gimp-a$$ somewhere else.
Awhile later, after I maxed my jewelry crafting out, I went to Gfay to see if I could find a newbie or two to pass some of my extra jewelry out to. I found one buffed him and passed him the trinkets, and he cast Skin like wood on me, offered some silver coins and said thank you soooo much. It made me laugh about the skin like wood, but at least it was cool to see him try to give back something hehe.
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