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Best Weapon for Newbie PaladinFollow

#1 Feb 10 2004 at 9:19 AM Rating: Decent
Hi everyone.

Can anyone recommend the best weapon for a lvl 12 Paladin on Stromm server.

So far I have been using 1h Slash with shield but am open to suggestion.

At the moment I am poor with only 100pp.

Any suggestions for my current lvl/money and near future would be greatly appreciated. :)

Ravenblade, lvl12 paladin, Stromm.
#2 Feb 10 2004 at 9:45 AM Rating: Decent
My fiance uses an Argent Protector. Used to be uber but now, it's a twink item. Should be able to find it in bazaar for a reasonable fee. 1hslash is not as good damage as 2h Slash, only reason you would go 1h slash with shield is to bash to prevent spell casters from casting. The rest of the time you will want a high damage weapon with a high damage to delay ratio.

This is purely MY opinion and is not necessarily shared by the majority.

Edited, Tue Feb 10 09:57:16 2004 by bdfoster
#3 Feb 10 2004 at 9:50 AM Rating: Default
In my opinion, that would have to be a Hammer of Silent Screams ( The 180 point heal proc really helps out during these levels, and it procs from level 1. Not to mention is is tradable, so you can hand it off when you get something better. Very nice. Plus, one of the few 2HB weapons worth using, especially at lower levels.
#4 Feb 10 2004 at 9:52 AM Rating: Decent
405 posts
Tip your money on weapons and put it instead into armor.

Although 100pp is not a great deal of money you should be able to buy some relatively inexpensive 1HS weapons and still have plenty of money left over for armor, strength, or hp items. Some favorite 1HS weapons that are enormously inexpensive at this level: Zraxthril Forged Flamberge (around 20-30pp and a really cool looking graphic, ratio 9/35), Elder Wolf Jawbone (around 45-50pp, ratio 11/29 (note you get a negative charisma bonus so remove the weapon from your primarly slot when selling)). You will also want to skill up on 2HS, but for all effectiveness your better off using 1HS+Bash until lvl 45+. It's always better to train up on a weapon skill at lower levels instead of waiting till later. Buy a very inexpensive 2HS weapon for training purposes (vellium 2 handed sword comes to mind).

You will want a good shield. If you have the patience I would recommend crafting your very own using the blacksmithing tradeskill. Making shields is a great way to build up the tradeskill at the lower trivia levels. Basically hunt down as many rusty weapons as you can lay your hands on, convert them to tarnished weapons, and then melt them down into ore. Take the ore and make it into sheets of metal. The sheets of metal can be sold or combined with a mold to make a shield. Handmade shields are not exactly light, but you have the joy of making it with your own two hands and hopefully making a tiny profit from the venture. Use your hard earned cash to buy armor or stat items.

p.s. Depending if it has been patched or not, you can buy small bricks of ore for 2sp. I would still look out for rusty weapons (especially rusty two handed swords), which would still be cheaper to craft the ore. This just takes more time farming.
#5 Feb 10 2004 at 9:54 AM Rating: Decent
Nice but one issue with that weapon (Hammer of Silent Screams ), required lvl 55. He's (she?)asking about one usable by a lvl 12.

I still stand by what I said. Argent Protector. 1hs cannot do the damage that a 2hs can do. 1hs with shield only good for use against casters, IMO.

Argent Protector

Edited, Tue Feb 10 09:58:15 2004 by bdfoster
#6 Feb 10 2004 at 9:59 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, it is recommended level of 55. I have used it since level 25 and is very nice when I am MA (helps the clerics out a bit).
#7 Feb 10 2004 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
If it procs at lvl 1, then I would say have hotkeys set to swap the Argent and the Hammer of Silent Screams out when needing healing. But for damage, the Argent is better due to the level requirements making the damage of the Hammer of Silent Screams horrible vs delay.

Remember, this is a low level character we're talking about.
#8 Feb 10 2004 at 10:12 AM Rating: Decent
500 posts
I would echol the Zraxthril Forged Flamberge as a great, affordable weapon at your level, I used one until my main pally did the ghoulbane quest and then gave it to a war alt to use. I have a frog pally (lv 16) that is using a polished tomahawk that I got off a named gnoll in HHP - fast and great proc that makes user invulnerable to hits for a short period. He rules in CB with it. You are going to get access to better and better weapons, spend your money on armor that will stay with you longer.
#9 Feb 10 2004 at 10:29 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
For 2HS, your best bet right now would be to get the fastest 2HS possible and use it for keeping your skill maxxed. Reason being that you're damage capped on practical 2HS damage until 30 anyway so there's no reason to be using a slow, powerful weapon that'll just be slow and weak in your hands. Tower Guard Blade is a cheapie with a ratio of 16/34 or so. Ornate Rune Blade is another (the cleaver looking thing). Once you get high enough in levels where 2HS is a useful option for laying down the hurt, you'll have skilled up fairly quickly on your fast weapon and will be ready to get a "real" greatsword.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#10 Feb 10 2004 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
405 posts
p.p.s. If you get low on cash hunt green goblins in Butcherblock for additional funds. The heads and blood vials sell for around 4pp. The area is heavily camped and expect some kill stealing from time to time. At level 12 you should be able to easily solo the goblin warrior camp, and this could very possibly double the amount of money you have to spend.

(Although the Argent Protector is an awesome weapon it normally sells for around 5,000pp. My level 51 pally is currently using this and it really isn't a newbie weapon - or withing your budget).
#11 Feb 10 2004 at 11:04 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Ok controversial view time.

i would say your best bet is to go piercing, start with a good 2Hp like Centi warspear <less than 50pp in bazaar> and when you reach lvl 20 or so switch for a velium warspear <come in various forms hardened, crafted, heavy etc.> then when you reach lvl 40-45 get a two toned corpse pitchfolk which will last you till 55 and get a Naradni's lance.

the best thing about it is Pierceing and 2Hp weapon is they use the same skill and since very few people use 2Hp the weapons are much much less expencive than thier 2HSlash counterparts.

At 59 i still have people drooling over my weapon that cost me all of 6k to buy.
#12 Feb 10 2004 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
3,212 posts
The best one hand weapon for a paladin is Mace of the fallen crusader, but I have no idea what they sell for on stromm. Both my 52 and 36 paladins use them. For 2hs I use weighty polearm.

Take a look on the Paladins of Norrath website for a good discussion on dps for paladins and the mace is the best till you get to 52.
If you want to switch to 2hs look at Axe of the Ironback 16 39 or a Blackend alloy ******* sword as well as the weighty polearm. A note about the reccomended level stats. It has been noted elsewhere on this board that the dmg done is based on the max damage not the one in parenthesis.

Tarv has a good point about piercing weapons especially the centi war spear. Winjon my 35 paladin uses a crystal grinder to keep his pierce skill high.

I would also give condsideration to the comment of Valzarius, ac is more important at your level. Paladin dps is not great, worry about a good weapon only if you are soloing a lot.
#13 Feb 10 2004 at 11:33 AM Rating: Decent
Spirit of Tawro in UP drops two very nice pally weapons. More times than not they end up going to the rot gods. You can try hanging out there from time to time to see if anyone is killing them like the druids do for the elysium armor.
#14 Feb 10 2004 at 11:38 AM Rating: Decent
If at all possible, I'd try and get a melee weapon in every skill (1HB, 1HS, 2HB, 2HS, Piercing) to use for skillups... You might want to consider questing your newbie weapon. There's usually not -terrible-, and will last you until you have more money to buy weapons with.

Yeah, you should focus on your armor as a Paladin, but I will tell you this as a Rogue. It doesn't matter how much AC and HP you have if you're not doing enough dps to keep aggro. Yes, it matters. Granted, you don't have to be doing a lot to hold it, but you have to be doing -some-.

As for weapons themselves, as it has been noted, as of BEFORE today's patch, recommended level damage is "broken". A Mace of the Fallen Crusader or a Glacierbone Hammer could do you wonders, assuming that the recommended level problem isn't fixed today. It may very well be, which is why I bought my SK a MoSS, just in case. =)

Weapons without recommended level... A Centi Shortsword is probably out of your price range. Uhm, try looking into buying a Runic Carver, those aren't bad 2HS to start with...
#15 Feb 10 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Decent
At your level, I would recommend a Mythril 2 handed sword. It has haste built in and is great for learning the 2h slash. For 1hs, i might recommend the Shissar Knights sword. I'm not recommending the best weps, but trying to allow for some very good cheap weapons. It is my opinion as well as others out there that the 2h piercing weps are the cheapest way to go. The Centi War spear and others are extremely cheap for their damage and delay. Also look up the Staff of Peacekeeper for 2hb, I still have this weapon as I pass it down to different alts. Well I hope this in some way helps you out.

Cacador Ecclesia
65 Pally, Solusek Ro
Empire of Eternity
#16 Feb 10 2004 at 11:47 AM Rating: Decent
Just don't rely too heavily on one weapon skill. It'll really mess you up if you get a big upgrade on a skill that you're not good with.

Keep one maxed, but remember to switch in and out every now and then. Versatility will help you in the long run.
#17 Feb 10 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Decent
3,212 posts
Note to Nezo. A paladin doesnt need a great dps weapon to hold aggro. Taunt and stuns(cease) and flash of light at his level will work.

Note to paladins clerics and shamans. Dont cast Flash of light in a dungeon. Dont cast flash of light if you are not close in melee range of the mob as they will run.
On the other hand it can buy you enough time to back out of melee and cast a heal spell. At least until you get root.
#18 Feb 10 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
Having played a low level untwinked Paladin before the hybrid taunt was weakened, I will say I had a moderate amount of trouble holding aggro.

Now having played my twink SK, I can say that dps DOES matter some, as I can easily grab aggro even with a failed taunt by pure dps on my weapons.

Is a moderate amount of dps necessary to hold aggro in all situations? No. Is it handy? Yes.

And I never said he had to have a great dps weapon. He just has to do a moderate amount. A 1 hander around 1/2 dmg/dly ratio or a two hander around 2/3 dmg/dly ratio will do the job.
#19 Feb 10 2004 at 12:52 PM Rating: Decent
Operation: "Bury Gay or Not Gay??"
#20 Feb 10 2004 at 12:56 PM Rating: Default
Best weapon for a lvl 12 paladin is going to be...

Massive Dragonclaw Shard

No lvl requirement, 28/30 ratio. Can wear a nice shield with it to increase your AC, hp/mana as well as get some bash damage with it. The 28/30 ratio is nice, and the delay is long enough to cast in between swings.

Unfortunately this weapon is going to run you around 5k, so I guess my point is moot. It would be something good to shoot for though.

Edited, Tue Feb 10 12:57:09 2004 by yoconnor
#21 Feb 10 2004 at 11:46 PM Rating: Decent
Great axe ... REAL AWESOME.

please dont ask this question indeed swords.


Paladin lv57
#22 Feb 11 2004 at 4:30 AM Rating: Decent
Thanks for all the replies.

I managed to pick up a Shissar Knight Sword from the bazaar last night. There were 2 for sale one was 500pp the other 90pp. Guess which one I bought? Smiley: wink

I had the Zraxthril Forged Flamberge before and although it was nice it seems painfully slow compared to my new weapon.

Any other suggestions re armour/shields would be appreciated. I currently have the newbie armour from the starting quests.

Thanks again.

Ravenblade, lvl 12 Paladin, Stromm.
#23 Feb 12 2004 at 4:41 PM Rating: Default
Amazingly Bogus advice. Spoken by twink masters with fat pockets!

Agree that investment in armor is important! And he only has 100pp!

And suggestions are coming up of Argent Protector and Massive Dragonclaw Shard?? Aw hell, tell him to pick up a windblade.

He's level 12!!!

Get a friend to go to the bottom of runnyeye and grab a Black Alloy ******* Sword and a Black Alloy Long Sword! Or a Sporalli Defender's blade. And some BA armor while he's down there.
Awesome weapons for that level! This will cover 1HS and 2HS. Switch off and keep skills up in all disciplines.

Good luck young Knight
#24 Feb 12 2004 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
51 posts
Hey Raven, I will add my humble opinion with the rest. Although I dont want to start any controversy, and each to their own, nobody seems to have hit the Pally nail on the head yet, that of severe damage output. Again, my opinion, but in my experience, I am only used as a Main tank in an emergency, lol. Usually i am in a support role. As such, my damage is important, not necessarily my "hold aggro" role. An old Pally told me very early on, Go 2HS, Go Heavy and go slow, lol. I never looked back, and actually started with an Argent Protector, back when they were very expensive. I have stayed the path, and believe have done well. My 1HB and 1HS are mid level, and I have a couple good weapons, but nothing compared to my current 2HS. I am sorry, I cant remeber the name right now without doing a search, but it is in the 42/44 dam/del range, and often strikes 160+ with a crit once in awhile over 200. I am maxed in the skill. More and more, I see Pally's with large 2HS weapons, it seems to make sense, it has for me anyway.
#25 Feb 12 2004 at 5:23 PM Rating: Good
leahcar wrote:
I managed to pick up a Shissar Knight Sword from the bazaar last night. There were 2 for sale one was 500pp the other 90pp. Guess which one I bought? Smiley: wink

Whoa - you got one for 90 on Stromm? Good buy! I'm still looking for something good - I'm still using the Zraxthril Forged Flamberge and I'm Level 21. i'll keep searching the bazaar (I think prices are starting to come down).
#26 Feb 12 2004 at 5:48 PM Rating: Good
1,257 posts
managed to pick up a Shissar Knight Sword from the bazaar last night. There were 2 for sale one was 500pp the other 90pp. Guess which one I bought?

Yup I can guess, its a good 1HS weapon

If someone has already mentioned it sorry - but have have you looked at the ole weighty pole arm

Dirt cheap, its so good for the pp, someone tried to give me one and I wouldn't take it, I didnt believe how cheap he said it was! - but then I went and bought one for 40pp in the baz. Ok so its 2HS - but it did me a few levels .. yup

General piece of advice, when shopping, keeep an eye out for class or race restricted weapons, they tend to sell cheaper - yes its obvious because the market is smaller - but easily overlooked.

Good luck

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