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#1 Feb 09 2004 at 2:15 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
as you may have read in the weekend update, We (Shards of Chaos) attempted Manaetic Behemoth with 65 or so players and got wiped....

Can you share Strats on how you all killed his bugger with fewer people? i would like some revenge on this SoB.....
#2 Feb 09 2004 at 2:29 PM Rating: Default
have 4 chanters place one in each or ur CC grps, place the CC grps in the usual spots, kill the spideys until BM is targetable, when he is targetable the chanters only stay at the corners and mezz any more spiders that spawn (may help to have a snare/root class to help chanters in case mez breaks) the rest of the CC grps get ready for the order to attack, this means you have lots more DPS on the mob, the idea is to kill him before there are too many spiders for the chanters to handle, have ur druids do a MGB SotW chain and make sure you buff resists before you all go in. and whatever you do make sure noone trains to to ghet back to there corpse once the mob dies, theres nothing worse than killing him only to have the hail gnome killed by a train of mobs, (it happened to me on my third go at this guy)
#3 Feb 09 2004 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
248 posts
He seems harder than he is. That said, I really hate that encounter, and basically don't touch it with a 20 foot pole unless I have no choice at all.

Anyways, I'm sure you know how to spawn him- I organize groups to be durable versus AE's moreso than straight assault groups. There's not collision detection with the walls, so note that there's no benefit from people trying to duck or anything, the only difference in getting hit by AE's is range. BUT, his range is short, it's very possible to be casting while staying outside his AE's.

There's 2 different ways to handle spiders. One is have a couple smart bards train them all. I don't like that method because I don't like depending on any one person. Personally, I had a few enchanters on either door leading into his room just chain color stunning. The spiders aren't resistant really, and a few enchanters can lock them up pretty easily and make sure none enter and 5k you all, just provided it doesn't go on very long.

Manaetic behemoth -randomly- choses one AE to be his ae for the fight on a recycle, and one ae that will be PROC'D. The difference is significant. This means one AE will go off a couple times whenever he swings, and another is just gonna be on a minute cycle or so. This makes the behemoth fight VERY random, as you can get a DoT that is chain proc'd and just raw damage, or you could get -silence- chain proc'd, or even gas vent as an interrupt or something. Basically you should really buff all resists, but plan that clerics inside the room would be silenced/interrupted. For that reason, I think it's pretty moronic to charge with all your casters. AE ranges are mostly 100ish, so if you have clerics with extended range items, just stand outside range and dump supernal remedies. His melee is nothing. You can just dump remedies and easily keep up with ae's and his melee with a few clerics. On the other hand, if the clerics charge, chances are they are just all gonna die right off the bat, will be total chaos, and behemoth will run around ganking people with low health aggro. HOLD PEOPLE BACK. Keep clerics far outside AE, dumping remedies, keep wizards back, just getting targets, and melee rush and use offensive discs right off. Have a warrior that goes first use fortitude, to give you a few seconds to latch onto him, then evasive after (some procs fire on misses/da's, this is not one of them). Same with a second tank sucking up rampage. Behemoth has no health, so really as long as you control the fight, he just isn't that dangerous. If you don't control it, then his AE's get a chance to devestate you, and you'll all die. Just don't put yourself in a position where he will move around a lot, charging randomly, etc.
#4 Feb 09 2004 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
aye, have teams on both sides of his room. its IMPERATIVE they keep these mobs from entering the room..if they do they self destruct and do like 4K splash damage AOE. thats why its good to have a bard, chanter or 2 and a if you have enough, a team to kill them. thats not including the force you have to kill MB. all resists are a must...he has nasty dots for each type. what works even better is if you have enough AE mez enchanters to sit at each corner...then you dont need anything more than maybe a bard or too to catch the ones that resist.

like mentioned, MGB heal over time spells rock...CHs don't usually work too well.

might also be a good idea to clear the room after you kill him to clear spiders and regain control of them before letting people back in to loot and hail the gnome. I know when I did it we got the gnome pulled out of the room...don't ask me how. lasted long enough to get quite a few people in and out of the raid to hail him..they pulled him all the way to the GY.

#5 Feb 09 2004 at 4:18 PM Rating: Decent
CC is the key to success. if you have good CC then he is a cake walk.

ive been on raids with as little of 30 ppl and taken him out. in fact thats how my nec got his poi flag.

then last raid i was on we had 72ppl and had a full wipe and took close to 4hrs time. big waist of time as ppl just did not listen to enstructions.
#6 Feb 09 2004 at 4:52 PM Rating: Good
5,492 posts
ok so this can be 5-6 groupable...

Group 1 & 2 CC West Side and East side for spiders

Group 3, 4, 5, and 6 makeup of DPS, Healing, Slowing, and nukes?

When MB becomes targatable, CC just stun/mezzes spiders and MT heads in to gain agro. once assist is called Casters debuff/slow and burn down target while DPS meele classes run in and start whacking. Clerics/Druids cast MGB Heal over time or SotW (dont have that yet but its a goal). and Ranj0rs run in and sacrifice selves to the Raid Gods for a sucessful raid?

Hows that sound?
#7 Feb 09 2004 at 5:07 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
and Ranj0rs run in and sacrifice selves to the Raid Gods for a sucessful raid?

hahahahhaha...they good for somethin then i guess?
#8 Feb 09 2004 at 6:49 PM Rating: Good
1,087 posts
If you have 65 players, then you can also have have 4 spider groups to kill spiders and kill MB with the rest.
#9 Feb 10 2004 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
CC is the key to success. if you have good CC then he is a cake walk.

This guy would still be a pain without the spiders. 4 enchanters could literally hold them down forever. 2 could probably do it for a long, long time. I've personally never been 4k'd by a spider and my record agains the guy is probably 5 wins 10 losses. Like Calimyr said, the sheer randomness and the lack of collisions makes this guy as difficult as he is.

30 elemental/time people might not have a problem, but if you actually need the flag, bring 70.
#10 Feb 10 2004 at 12:40 PM Rating: Good
248 posts
Lucifig the Mundane wrote:
CC is the key to success. if you have good CC then he is a cake walk.

This guy would still be a pain without the spiders. 4 enchanters could literally hold them down forever. 2 could probably do it for a long, long time. I've personally never been 4k'd by a spider and my record agains the guy is probably 5 wins 10 losses. Like Calimyr said, the sheer randomness and the lack of collisions makes this guy as difficult as he is.

30 elemental/time people might not have a problem, but if you actually need the flag, bring 70.

I'm not sure I agree with that. In a lot of fights, I think it is the right thing to do, but I think pouring dps in on Behemoth can cost you it as easily as it can help you win.

As you know Behemoth is almost totally an AE fight, but his range just isn't that big. If you keep him really stationary, all your support and nukers should never really take damage. But like, if you charge him with 30 random melee, one or two of the guys is bound to low health aggro, panic, and drag behemoth all the way around the room resulting in not only the melee doing squat for damage, but also him silencing and AE murdering all the support/clerics that you are keeping nice and safe. I think the fight is tons easier with a couple melee groups that you have firm control over, and making sure he doesn't move an inch, than DPSing him out (though if he is running around erratically, no point holding back then).

You could do a blend, where you commit a couple -really- well covered melee groups at start, with bards with psalm of veeshan backed up by a couple secondary healers/masses, then once he's at half just commit everyone and dps him out, but I think you risk way too much by possibly dragging him around and letting his AE's go wild. Most behemoth raids lose because the lower range clerics just die before they cast more than a heal or two, imho.
#11 Feb 10 2004 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
Operation: "Bury Gay or Not Gay??"
#12 Feb 10 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Good
920 posts
This is for Aadyn as well as those of you posting strats.

The strategies proposed were exactly what we attempted to execute on. We had 2 cc groups consisting of chanters, bards, rangers, and a cleric for snare, stuns, aggro collection on the spiders. There were 10 other groups of dps and clerics to take out MB.

The reason we failed was somehow the BM was pulled out of his room to the west side where his ae's decimated the clerics/cc squad on that side in seconds before people could react. Since I was on the west side cc crew I barely caught a glimpse of Mr Behemoth out of the corner of my eye before I went down to his ae's. I believe the report was we got him to 6% before the last person fell.

I think there was noone in the room with MB when he became targettable and as such he locked in on the nearest person on the west side and went for em. Either that or the theory was a stray pet (not on pet hold) charged him when their master got hit with an AE and pulled him that way. All in all I think all the tanks were focused on killing spiders and were surprised when he became targetable and ultimately that undid us.

There was an alternate strategy proposed of delibarately pulling him to one side or another and letting the spiders just blow up in the room where noone is. I don't know how plausible that is and if its been attempted.
#13 Feb 10 2004 at 4:07 PM Rating: Default
the key to this raid if you have all the above (the CC, the resist buffs, the DPS and the AoE heals) is discipline. the reason so many open MB raids fail is cause theres always somone who does something stupid. i have done this guy 4 times, 3 times with open raid and once with guild. the first failure was because someone had a pet up which agroed MB when he used his AoE and brought MB running right into all the casters. the second time everyone jumped in before assist was called and the third time we killed him but someone trained the gnome hand in guy who promptly died so we couldnt get the flag. the fourth time i raided him with the guild i am currently trialing for and we took him down easily cause the guys in the guild were all disciplined and did as they were told, the MT got good agro before calling assist and everyone waited for assist to be called before jumping in.
#14 Feb 10 2004 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
Kill teams for the spiders ??

Did they fix them did they ??

Never needed to kill the spiders last time I did him although it was a while ago.

Just stand 3 peeps tight in the path of the spiders so they cant get through .They walk into you for a while then vanish. Gone, kaputt, ie you don't need to kill any. Exploit ? maybe... easy ? very...

Once the spider pathing is sorted send in the zerglings.
#15 Feb 10 2004 at 6:21 PM Rating: Excellent
248 posts
Dreadfull wrote:

Just stand 3 peeps tight in the path of the spiders so they cant get through .They walk into you for a while then vanish. Gone, kaputt, ie you don't need to kill any. Exploit ? maybe... easy ? very...

I don't think there's a maybe about that particular trick- they mispath and poof, and 'Using a pathing error to your advantage' isn't a big grey area to a lot of GMs.
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