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#52 Feb 09 2004 at 7:10 PM Rating: Decent
OutcastNecro the Silent wrote:

I be back later, raid time.

Careful, Emp Crush can be mean.
Not wanting to take ANY side I still have to admit that this was a killing blow - and ****!ng funny too :))
#53 Feb 09 2004 at 7:24 PM Rating: Good
Tehom wrote:

I'm not sure if I agree with your analysis, Gbaji. Taking money out of circulation would have the effect of lowering prices, wouldn't it?

Yes. Its classic economics. I most cases this is precisely the right action to take to curb inflation.

However even in RL it does not always work out as planned, short money supply has the nasty side effect of bankrupting marginal businesses and causing high unemployment.

You know I think there may actually be a corollary to this in EQ!

Tehom wrote:

I honestly think that inflation has far less to do with IGE than it does with raid-level players doing LDoN rather than Sol Ro Tower. Far less ornate coming in, far more money entering play, and voila! Prices skyrocket.

Yes, this is the other half of the classic equation. Restrict supply of high demand goods.

Hehe, being flamed by Smash, or chewed out by Thundra, I could just shrug off. Even have a laugh about.

But being called obnoxious by Tehom would be like getting a smack across the ear from mom. Smiley: frown

(And I can tell you that at 54 years of age that hurts!)

Edited, Mon Feb 9 19:28:30 2004 by Iluien
#54 Feb 09 2004 at 7:46 PM Rating: Default
Ok, Emp Crush is dead, whew, tough fight, wiped, o well, where was I?

Tehom wrote:

That's not quite right. A common theme I've seen has been people complaining about the cost of ornate, and that's not exactly a mystery - members of raid guilds would often xp in Sol Ro's tower and farm ornate, and when LDoN came out, that ended very abruptly.

As far as raiding guilds stopping raiding and just doing LDoN, that has no effect on the economy whatsoever (items are nodrop either way), and is what I would think of as a raiding guild dying.

I wrote:

If Less ornate is collected ( and I have seen the ornate drop zones EMPTY many many times lately since LDoN has come out , I can't BEG folks to come do an exp group in those zones ), then as time progresses, the same amount of PP is going into the economy, but fewer Ornate is being introduced.

You want to fix the inflation? Get some ornate and FLOOD the bazaar market with it.

So long as more and more PP chases fewer and fewer ornate, they will increase in price, thats free market economy.

#55 Feb 09 2004 at 7:58 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Tehom wrote:
I'm not sure if I agree with your analysis, Gbaji. Taking money out of circulation would have the effect of lowering prices, wouldn't it? Unless the only people who were selling items were doing so to people who had bought the amounts of money required from IGE. But that seems kind of circular to me, I'm a little wary of it.

Hmmm... I probably wasn't really clear. There's no money going out of circulation. It's just being refunneled differently.

Let's say you have 1000 players. Each player has 5k cash. If each one wants to buy something, then no one can buy anything that costs more then 5k simply because no one has that much cash. Thus, you'll see lots of things selling in the <5k range. In fact, prices on items that might sell for more will have to drop simply because they wont sell otherwise. Now. Let's say that 900 of them sell their 5k to IGE. The remaining 100 buy that plat from IGE in even chunks. That means you've got 100 players who each have 45k. Thus, the cost on the higher end items will tend to reflect that. Even though the amount of money floating around is the same, the mere fact that it's being concentrated in a small number of hands means that costs will rise on the desired top end goods (especially if there's less then 100 for sale at the moment). Call this principle the "burning pocket" theory of economics if you want. People will spend the money they have. The more they have, the bigger the purchase they will make and the more they're willing to spend on any one thing. Certainly, supply ties into it, but no matter how few Ornate molds there are out there in relation to the number of people who want them, they wont sell for more then what someone has in their hands at any given moment.

Ok. That's extremely simplistic. People don't just "have" money. They make it. However, the "burning pocket" factor still really applies. If the average person is making 1k a day playing on EQ, how long will it take him to earn enough to buy an Ornate mold? More importantly, will he decide to spend that money on something else cheaper but that fills an immediate need first? While some will hold out, most people will blow their cash earlier rather then later. It's just the nature of the consumer to do so.

This idea holds true no matter what the rate of plat gain is, or how many people there are. When you're looking at a large population and their spending habits, you're going to see certain trends. Thus, while supply may have something to do with the end prices, demand is goning to be determined not just by how much total money is out there, but by how many people at any given moment are able to save up the amount of plat you are asking for any given item.

I think it's pretty easy to see that whether supply changes or not, the mere presense of IGE increases the demand for items like Ornate. I think it's reasonably safe to say that most people (if not all!) who buy plat online are those who would have a very hard time earning/saving up large amounts of plat in game. Thefore, we can with reasonable certainty state that the ability to buy large amounts of platinum online would generate an increased number of players who *could* shell out a higher price for an Ornate mold. That means a higher demand and thus, we can state that the price for Ornate molds will go up.

It's not that there's more or less money floating around, but that the money is more likely to be concentrated in large chunks at any given time. Thus, "high ticket" items can be priced up higher since there's more people who can afford that price. There's other factors at work here, but this is specifically what I was talking about when I posted earlier.

Hope that makes a bit more sense now.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#56 Feb 09 2004 at 8:22 PM Rating: Good
You are mostly correct Gbaji, but you need the coincidence of short supply, or at least a restricted supply of goods in demand to cause the effect that we are witnessing.

In a way it is quite accidental I'm sure, a coincidence of the timeing of the release of LDoN, with the large number of players who had reached the "unflagged" PoP zones. This large concentration of people has dissipated, either via LDoN or moved up to the elementals.

Peronally I think that the introduction of the LDoN adventure points, and the leader table has a great deal to do with this.
#57 Feb 09 2004 at 9:04 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Iluien the Silent wrote:
You are mostly correct Gbaji, but you need the coincidence of short supply, or at least a restricted supply of goods in demand to cause the effect that we are witnessing.

In a way it is quite accidental I'm sure, a coincidence of the timeing of the release of LDoN, with the large number of players who had reached the "unflagged" PoP zones. This large concentration of people has dissipated, either via LDoN or moved up to the elementals.

Peronally I think that the introduction of the LDoN adventure points, and the leader table has a great deal to do with this.

Eh? I don't know. Sure. I agree with you in a "That makes mathmatical sense" way. However, LDoN has been out for how many months now (6? 8? I'm horrible with time...). The flags were removed from planes a couple months before LDoN came out IIRC. Thus, the conditions that would have caused short supply and increased plat flow into the economy have existed for a good period of time.

If we're going to look at anectdotal "coincidences" I'd think the fact that within a month of IGE buying out the other plat sellers the prices on higher end purchasable goods like Ornate skyrocketed is telling. Prices had been steadily droping on those items before, during and after the two events you mention. However, they went up by as much as 1000% on some servers within a very short time of the IGE consolidation.

Coincidence? Could be. I confess that I've not really been looking deeply into the matter (I don't play the bazaar that much really). However, if the anectdotal evidence is to be believed, I'd say that there's a pretty strong case for IGE having *something* to do with the increase in those prices.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#58 Feb 09 2004 at 10:39 PM Rating: Good
gbaji wrote:

Coincidence? Could be. I confess that I've not really been looking deeply into the matter (I don't play the bazaar that much really). However, if the anectdotal evidence is to be believed, I'd say that there's a pretty strong case for IGE having *something* to do with the increase in those prices.

Yep, I have no doubt about that. I think it is that circumstances have played into their hands and this is amplifying the issue.

Really, we all know how to fix the matter once and for all, but its a case of the "cure being worse than the complaint" I fear.

SOE just need to turn on the floodgates for a few weeks and IGE would be out of EQ forever. More importantly the ******* people who farm camp and sell the PP to IGE (whether employees or independant), would be gone for ever.

Have Boots of Flowing Slime and Belts of Raging Nature, etc dropping off level 45 mobs in every zone for a few weeks.

I would laugh myself silly, if only they would have the courage to do it.
#59 Feb 10 2004 at 1:39 AM Rating: Default

First I am saying your reasoning about the economy etc are completely wrong. There is no opinion involved, nothing about what to say has an ounce of truth to work with. It's totally and absolutely wrong, to the point of absurdity. YOu don't even know about plat duping scmas for god's sake, how can I expect you to know anything about the economy and why prices are approximately double their former rate.

Vaguely saying something is wrong? Back it up, got proof to the contrary?
EXACTLY what is wrong with the reasoning? POINT by POINT, paragraph by paragraph?
By the way, I do know about plat duping BUGS (not scams), like when you could zone in 3rd person view on a boat with your inv open and put plat on your cursor and zone thru and the plat would be in inv AND on your cursor or something similar, been 3 or 4 years, forgot precisely how it worked. With or without this problem, the reasoning for inflationary pressures in the bazaar pricing of the hi end TRADEABLES (some fool mistook when I said Hi end I was meaning the time no drop stuff, so let me clarify, its Hi end TRADEABLES I refer to, how he could think no drop items would enter into a discussion of buying and selling items is beyond me) is still valid, basic econonimcs. The game is producing (printing) money everytime a mob dies and it drops some cash or an item that can be sold to a vendor. This money rarely leaves (destroyed) the game economy.
To refresh your memory, here it is to reread it.

Inflation = Money supply increases faster than product desired supply.

4,000 people online on a server each making an average of 100pp per hour from instantly created pp from mobs deaths, selling items to npcs = 400,000 pp per hour pumped into the economy. No cheating required.

Mobs killed dropping Ornate ( sec, checking raid drop rate ... hmmmm... comes out to about .73 ornate patterns dropped per hour in sol ro raids ), ok so say a possible 1 ornate per hour.

Thats means If everyone chases Ornate, then 400,000 pp is chasing one Ornate per hour.

If Less ornate is collected ( and I have seen the ornate drop zones EMPTY many many times lately since LDoN has come out , I can't BEG folks to come do an exp group in those zones ), then as time progresses, the same amount of PP is going into the economy, but fewer Ornate is being introduced.

You want to fix the inflation? Get some ornate and FLOOD the bazaar market with it.

So long as more and more PP chases fewer and fewer ornate, they will increase in price, thats free market economy.

LDoN has EXCELLENT gear, of Ornate quality or better, for 1452 AP each piece. No AP increases, no racing for the mob, no need for more than 3 or 4 friends to adventure with. Let's see, 1452 AP, easy adventure 53 AP, about 30 mins to win, running to and fro and getting adventure assigned, say a total of 1 hour per adventure. 53 AP per hour, 1452 needed per armour piece, only 27.39 hours play time needed to buy each Piece of LDoN armour, of usually better quality than Ornate.

To lazy to earn PP to buy stuff in bazaar? Play LDoN.
To stupid to get in a raid guild? Play LDoN.
To weak to beat others to Ornate dropping mobs? Play LDoN.


Second, I am calling you out. Post a Magelo. Post a guild website listing your character on their roster. Post a server where you can be found raiding with your uber guild. All my info is out in the open, I am easy to find. Ask any of the number of posters on this board I have talked to and/or played with in game. What are you hiding? I mean, if you are as uber as you say you are, you should be proud of your gear and your guild's accomplishments should you not? Or at least not too ashamed of them to let them be known.

Oooooo a /duel, luv them.
Ahh heck I confess, I am only level 2 with 1 cloth shirt. well, I would be level 2, but tonights raid deleveled me and I cant find my corpse. And I don't have a guild, not anymore anyway, the patch tomorrow is going to erase it, less than 10 members wouldn't you know!
O well.
I won't cry.
Of course the fact that you are an officer in a PoT guild weighs heavily for how much you know about economics. Soon as I wake up tomorrow I will go out and get a computer game player to take over running my Accounting department.


I be back later, raid time.

Careful, Emp Crush can be mean.

Lotus Cult

Yes, he was mean, see above reference to deleveling.

Be sure to send a copy of the economic model and its flaws and corrections you have figured out to Sony, I am sure they will be happy to reimburse you for your time spent solving the problem for them.
#60 Feb 10 2004 at 1:57 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
By the way, I do know about plat duping BUGS (not scams)

Let's call them what they are: exploits.

And while we're at it let's call you what you are: troll.

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#61 Feb 10 2004 at 2:15 AM Rating: Default

And while we're at it let's call you what you are: troll.

Samira, level 65 Wood Elf Storm Warden, Innoruuk
Zasan, level 62 Assassin of Kaladim, Innoruuk
Masada, level 46 Erudite Cleric, Innoruuk

Legions of Darkness
May not be work safe.

O, name calling. I am sooo sad. You hurt my feelings. Bet my daddy can beat your daddy up!

#62 Feb 10 2004 at 3:57 AM Rating: Good
2,272 posts
I dont do the paragraph by paragraph thing unless it's called for. This doesnt call for it.

The plat duping scams/bugs/sploits are far more than a few plat on your cursor junior. Dumping millions of PP into the economy in almost no time at all is what happened. Of course I suppose you will say that the meager 100pp or so each person in a 6 person group gets on an LDON adventure is responsible for prices more than doubling in the span of about a week.

And your response to my second point is about what I expected. Defensive and evasive, with some feeble attempts at coutering with sarcasm. You know only what you have read or been told, with no firsthand experience in the high end game nor the high end ecomony.
#63 Feb 10 2004 at 6:10 AM Rating: Default
I see. You don't have any proof to back up your feeble claim to knowing what is what, unable to provide some proof or deliver any debate, you make personal attacks in a roundabout way. You could at least have the guts to just call me names straight up if you can't provide any debate or proof.
#64 Feb 10 2004 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
Ack, the mindless dribble of many of you. You have missed the point completely. The whole my guild is more uber than your and we are better because we got out of BoT or more money in game is leading to inflation arguements miss the point of why this thread is wrong in the first place.

A couple of people have said hinted at it, but the main reason IGE/Yantis are evil and ruining the game is that they have exploited PP bugs, flooded the market with PP in short periods, and are taking mid-level gear, that is fairly common and causing inflation with that also. Their goal is to raise prices so people are forced to buy plat from their service. This takes away from the game, as a virtual economy and artificially raises prices. That is the problem with them.

Yes, there will be some inflation due to the normal influx of plat into the game. And smaller non-raiding guilds will have a tougher time affording high-end gear over time regardless, especially as has been pointed out with LDoN. However, the key here is over time, not the sudden rise of prices as has happened over the last 3 weeks.

And to those who are buying the plat, learn your damn class becuase you may be uber with your gear, but it is worthless if you do not know how to use it.
#65 Feb 10 2004 at 8:43 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
It's not even high end gear that I'm arguing about. The inflation in EQ is across the board. Take SCHW for example a piece of gear that is easily in my level range and impossible to get and hold the camp for. So I spend my time raising the PP to buy them instead, sure if I could hold the camp for 24 hours solid I might get a chance at the drop. But its easier for me to farm a couple hundred PP in short bursts every day, and I don't have to ruin the day of the guy who is already camping them by starting an argument. I bought my very first pair for 2.5k. As of last week you couldn't even find them for less than 5k.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#66 Feb 10 2004 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
I bought my very first pair for 2.5k. As of last week you couldn't even find them for less than 5k.

Maybe Druzzil is free on exploits but before i went to bed last night there where 7 pairs of SCHW for between 3-4k /shrug. lucky i guess.

As for Mr Taarakian who spouts of random drivel and will not post a Char/Server/Guild prove to us you are so uber and you will find people take you a little more seriously <Note i am only lvl 59 and get far more respect from the REAL uber crowd than you simply because i am honest and only post what i KNOW not what i hear in PoK.>
#67 Feb 10 2004 at 9:01 AM Rating: Good
248 posts
Taarakian wrote:
I see. You don't have any proof to back up your feeble claim to knowing what is what, unable to provide some proof or deliver any debate, you make personal attacks in a roundabout way. You could at least have the guts to just call me names straight up if you can't provide any debate or proof.

Sure, why not?

I've made approx 10 million since PoP came out, probably closer to 15 or so, and for what I deal in I'm one trader in 10 or so. During all of luclin, much the same wares sold for about 500k gross, tops. The amount of money available out of the economy increased, seemily, by about 2000% to 3000%. Other guilds I know have done substantially better than that, making upwards of 50 to 60 million or more, and some breaking the hundred million mark. Where's this money coming from? If raid guilds were removing -billions- of platinum from circulation, why hasn't price come down since platinum would be more scarce? It isn't, and is only going up. If we can make hundreds of millions of platinum without even hardly trying, when it was hard to make a million during Luclin, where in the hell is the money coming from? I don't mind making a lot more money, but I don't have any explaination for why the economy is bursting with platinum versus me barely being able to move more demanded items during luclin.
#68 Feb 10 2004 at 11:32 AM Rating: Default
lol no offence to anyone but does your lvl 10 warrior really need the centi longsword and ornate armour? despite the advancements of twinks cheats and egotists you can still play this game in good ole hand made tattered leather armor and a tarnished broadsword.

thing to remember is if ya dont buy what people are overcharging for they will lower the price if not some other schmuck will buy it (and so the rich people go on ripping each other off) and we can go on just playing the game. At the end of the day any item that is for sale you can get yourself at the level you should be using it
#69 Feb 10 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Default
oh and on the subject of economies if you got the cash too waste on buying items or plat on EQ why bother wasting your time playing it in the first place?

I will even offer my services if you want just send me your money and i'll play EQ for you, think of the time you will save grping xping and collecting items? and all for the cost of a standard account ? no additional payments!!

what is the point EQ isnt a game you can win there is no best gear id rather have a good player in poor gear anyday.
#70 Feb 10 2004 at 11:42 AM Rating: Default
oh and on the subject of economies if you got the cash too waste on buying items or plat on EQ why bother wasting your time playing it in the first place?

I will even offer my services if you want just send me your money and i'll play EQ for you, think of the time you will save grping xping and collecting items? and all for the cost of a standard account ? no additional payments!!

what is the point EQ isnt a game you can win there is no best gear id rather have a good player in poor gear anyday.
#71 Feb 10 2004 at 11:45 AM Rating: Default
Quote:Well over 70% of the dropable items we loot on raids goes to alts.

What high end zones are these that you are raiding to get droppable items? High end gear is No Drop. Sorry, your entire theory is blown to hell in a handbasket just by that one simple fact.

Notice I said raids, not highend raids. If none of the mobs on our primary target list are up, we often raid lower targets.

Would you rather the cleric that is healing you have waited on his streak of bad luck to end on Orante drops so that he could get Boots or Arms, or would you rahter him have spent the money he had to buy them, giving him Mana Pres 4 and Imp Healing 4? I you are a warrior as you claim to be, I would hope I know the answer.

So are you saying your guild rolls for such drops, when you have someone who should be given the item?
If we have someone who is in need of a certain item we go and get it for them.
#72 Feb 10 2004 at 11:59 AM Rating: Good
2,272 posts
We don't "roll" for anything. My point was not within a guild, but in general, more of your average player who grouups with random people. If someone has the money to buy the item, thus improving his character's performance (i.e. Mana pres, Imp Healing, etc on a cleric) then doing so is not buying status. They could easily choose to wait for the drop, but they choose to buy it.

I will agree there are some items out there that would be considered "toys", that are not needed, so I could see where complaining about those items' prices could be called whining. And of course there will always be the people who love to tell everyone how great their twink's gear is ("D00d my lvl 12 warr twink has a BoC!!11!!1!) so I suppose that could be a sort of status type thing.
#73 Feb 10 2004 at 12:15 PM Rating: Default
Ornate is not "status" gear.

By Status gear, I mean items you can obtain in away other than killing the mob that drops it, wich is considerably more expensive than gear of a compairable quality. I think most peeps will agree that the North Ro Armor is of compairabel quality to ornate. As i recall this armor sells for abut 1440 AP's. If you get 53 points per win and if you can avg one win per hour then this is equil to about 27 hours of play time per item.
Now if the ornate cost 120,000 pp and you can farm 2,000 plat per hours it takes over twice as much play time to get the ornate compaird to the LDoN. Now you could also say that the EF LDoN armor is compareable to Ornate and can be had for 1/4 the play time or less.
This being the case, why do peeps buy Ornate instead of doing LDoN adv and obtaining equilevent armor? Because they can buy the status of owning higher end gear with out haveing to earn it in game.

It's also the only "set" of gear prior to elemental that really allows you to be geared up to move into elemental raids. While you can pick up bits and pieces to get you through, most guilds that are moving into elemental planes are going to do so with a good amount of Ornate on their characters.

1. It is not the only set of gear that allows you to move into elemental raids.
2. If your guild is ready to move into the elemental planes they should have no problem equipment their key characters with ornate armor.
#74 Feb 10 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
Operation: "Bury Gay or Not Gay??"
#75 Feb 10 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
what is the point EQ isnt a game you can win there is no best gear id rather have a good player in poor gear anyday.

Zappa, while I agree this should be the case, I myself was not allowed into a group b/c I had low AC according to the group.

As for the economy issues, alot of you have beliefs as to what caused this inflation, I can see your points, MOST of them aren't too outlandish. I however tend to believe that the most likely cause of inflation in EQ, as well as RL, is due to an increase in floating money, or plat. When there is much plat running around it makes it worth less and less. For example gold, a rare metal is worth more than aluminum simply b/c of its supply. Same goes with diamonds, platinum(real) etc.etc.

Now to elaborate more on this, where did the plat come from? It can't just appear out of no where, back when you could pay like 5 silver to make something worth 18plat to vendors people were making bots that would do this combine over and over. I read somewhere(don't remember where) a post about this. The posting person said that she caught her friend in virtually empty city zones, like erudin, Ak'Anon, and he was next to a lvl 1 toon that was in the forge. The bot would just sit there and do these combines, while the actual player would get supplies to it and take the product back out, sell it an d make his money.
At one point SOE caught on to this exploit and began banning accounts. Now this is a long shot, I read this somewhere, again I forgot where, but it may be true. SOE was handing out tiral accounts for a time apparently, people were getting these 14 day accounts and doing the tradeskill exploit mentioned above. Then they would let the tial expire, when SOE went around canceling accounts they were not cancelling the trial accounts. So they dupers waited until the bannings were done and then started re-activating these accounts, dump the plat to a single account and proceed to sell it on yantis, or IGE websites.
So let's recap more money=less worth, and we have all heard about toons having 1million plat and the tradeskill exploit.
Now for the solution,
Long term, do not skip cancelled accounts in the exploit bannings from now on.
Short term, Not a freaking clue.

Have no clue how to link things, but here goes.

Edited, Tue Feb 10 13:01:02 2004 by Hosein
#76 Feb 10 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Default
Now to elaborate more on this, where did the plat come from?

You guys wondering where all the plat comes from?

It never really leaves the game.

The only way plat leaves the game is when you buy something from a vendor. Food, water, horses, tradeskill supplies etc.... destroy plat.

The majority of players introduce more plat hunting then they destroy buying things from vendors. So the Everquest economy is like the Federal government, constantly "printing" more money by killing mobs who drop plat and stuff that sells for plat to vendors.

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