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Bazaar ***** Cry BabiesFollow

#1 Feb 08 2004 at 6:01 AM Rating: Sub-Default
There are a number of you peeps who are cring about how IGE is ruining the ecomomy of EQ and thus the game.
The truth is IGE is at most fixing the price only of the very top end droppable items.
The truth is these items are much more about status than items needed to play the game. And all the higher prices are doing is minimizing the number of peeps who can have the high status gear.
The truth is the more of you that buy this plat and then the high end grear, the more offten you will pass on the nodrop item the rest of us want.
The truth is well over 2/3 of the high end gear can not be bought no matter how much plat you have.

Some other factors you may want to think about

A lot of guild that used to be raiding zones that dropped a lot of the saleable high end loot have moved on to zone that mostly drop nodrop gear.

I know of a number of peeps who's guilds used to raid daly, who now do mostly LDon zones, while in the same guild. In short they have moved from raiding to LDoNing. Personally i think it is more fun and you don't have to compete with 40 other peeps or so for drops.

I would suggest that these two factors are playing a signiffent part of the current inflation.

The truth is that with one good group (not including LDoN) you can obtain equipment that will allow you to fight the highest end mobs. (these mobs are much more about how many peeps than they are about uber equipment.) And in fact if you are fighting at the highend you will get the gear with out buying it.

So in short any newbee can now buy better gear for less than they could in the past.
One of the major reasons there is less uber items for sell in the bazaar is there are fewer peeps rading the zones that drop it.
The only ones who could be impacted by the actions or IGE are those who want to buy status gear.

So suck it up and pay the going rate for your status, or play the game the way it was ment to be.
#2 Feb 08 2004 at 10:07 AM Rating: Excellent
295 posts
That's not quite right. A common theme I've seen has been people complaining about the cost of ornate, and that's not exactly a mystery - members of raid guilds would often xp in Sol Ro's tower and farm ornate, and when LDoN came out, that ended very abruptly.

As far as raiding guilds stopping raiding and just doing LDoN, that has no effect on the economy whatsoever (items are nodrop either way), and is what I would think of as a raiding guild dying.

Frankly, I think it's a problem that the highest end tradeables are all one-groupable items. It's just begging to have them farmed by multibox teams. They need to make all lower-end raid items tradeable (by lower end, I mean less-desired phase 5 and earlier Time items), all raid augments tradeable, and so on.
#3 Feb 08 2004 at 11:16 AM Rating: Good
29,919 posts
Yosa, you are so full of ****.
#4 Feb 08 2004 at 11:41 AM Rating: Good
2,272 posts
Umm, no. Wrong. Sorry. Prices have sky rocketed, whether due to IGE/Yantis or something else, you cannot buy gear now for less than ever.

(these mobs are much more about how many peeps than they are about uber equipment.)

You don't know much at all about high end EQ do you? Nevermind, you don't need to answer.
#5REDACTED, Posted: Feb 08 2004 at 11:56 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Furthermore I have the ability to actually read and understand and not make stuppied comments about what i thought i read.
#6 Feb 08 2004 at 1:12 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
As usual Yosa, you completely miss the @#$%^& point. The bazaar inflation, which is very real and documented despite your "pulled out of your ***" assertions, is only one small component of the issue. IGE/Yantis also allows many people that should not advance any further in the game due to inexperience and or stupidity, to get into position to kill groups/raids/entire server populations on rare occasions. Everquest isn't exactly rocket science, but still there are idiots out there who just don't get it. Much like people who spend all their time posting completely false information in the item forums...

You also forget that the very selling and buying of items that some of us "Bazaar ***** Cry Babies" keep complaining about is what let IGE take over nearly every Everquest board unopposed. The EQ community as a whole has entered a new dark age, and all you can think of to do is post a thread complaining about the people who recognize the problem and who are trying to actually do something about it? For shame!

You have once again proven to everyone here that you are truly full of **** in every respect. Your credibility is shot.

Now I'm sure we are all waiting on tenterhooks for your stimulating and utterly fallacious reply. If prior history holds true, we should see it here in about half an hour or so.

T- 00:29:59 and counting...
#7 Feb 08 2004 at 1:47 PM Rating: Decent
People who use their own money to buy things in a virtual world just makes me wonder if they realize its just a game.
#8 Feb 08 2004 at 2:25 PM Rating: Good
2,272 posts
You know enough about it to *think* you are right, which is to say, you know nothing.

I read and understood your ignorant babble perfectly. Perhaps you yourself do not understand what you wrote.
#9 Feb 08 2004 at 2:28 PM Rating: Decent
Inflation = Money supply increases faster than product desired supply.

4,000 people online on a server each making an average of 100pp per hour from instantly created pp from mobs deaths, selling items to npcs = 400,000 pp per hour pumped into the economy. No cheating required.

Mobs killed dropping Ornate ( sec, checking raid drop rate ... hmmmm... comes out to about .73 ornate patterns dropped per hour in sol ro raids ), ok so say a possible 1 ornate per hour.

Thats means If everyone chases Ornate, then 400,000 pp is chasing one Ornate per hour.

If Less ornate is collected ( and I have seen the ornate drop zones EMPTY many many times lately since LDoN has come out , I can't BEG folks to come do an exp group in those zones ), then as time progresses, the same amount of PP is going into the economy, but fewer Ornate is being introduced.

You want to fix the inflation? Get some ornate and FLOOD the bazaar market with it.

So long as more and more PP chases fewer and fewer ornate, they will increase in price, thats free market economy.

LDoN has EXCELLENT gear, of Ornate quality or better, for 1452 AP each piece. No AP increases, no racing for the mob, no need for more than 3 or 4 friends to adventure with. Let's see, 1452 AP, easy adventure 53 AP, about 30 mins to win, running to and fro and getting adventure assigned, say a total of 1 hour per adventure. 53 AP per hour, 1452 needed per armour piece, only 27.39 hours play time needed to buy each Piece of LDoN armour, of usually better quality than Ornate.

To lazy to earn PP to buy stuff in bazaar? Play LDoN.
To stupid to get in a raid guild? Play LDoN.
To weak to beat others to Ornate dropping mobs? Play LDoN.

Edited, Mon Feb 9 10:32:38 2004 by Taarakian
#10 Feb 08 2004 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
Yosa's sheer stupidity never fails to amaze me ..

The truth is the more of you that buy this plat and then the high end grear, the more offten you will pass on the nodrop item the rest of us want

what on gods green earth makes you think that the people who buy Pp are able to get to the zones to kill the mobs to obtain the drops. The single main reason people have to buy items in bazaar is because 95% of the non LDoN items that people buy are not obtainable by the people who buy them.

Even if you are in a Raiding guild and you want an uber item for your alt the chances are that other members of the raid will be awarded the item over you since it will be on thier main character.

A lot of guild that used to be raiding zones that dropped a lot of the saleable high end loot have moved on to zone that mostly drop nodrop gear.

Like the items ever got out of the guild anyway f*cking dolt! there is always members joining raid guild that need items hell my guild has been raiding BoT for 12 months and we still haven't outfitted more than 65% of the guild with Ornate.
#11 Feb 08 2004 at 4:24 PM Rating: Default

Like the items ever got out of the guild anyway f*cking dolt! there is always members joining raid guild that need items hell my guild has been raiding BoT for 12 months and we still haven't outfitted more than 65% of the guild with Ornate.

Jarkeld Hammerhiem
Knight of the 58th sphere
Druzzil Ro server


You loosers, my guild farmed BOT for 2 months and moved on. Get in gear you slowass piece of crap.
#12 Feb 08 2004 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
You loosers, my guild farmed BOT for 2 months and moved on. Get in gear you slowass piece of crap

we raid BoT every sunday doing towers and such while our crack bunch of lookouts pick us our MAIN target we raid 7 days a week this week i think we have taken 20+ targets so we are in gear but BoT towers is a good training ground for younger <like myself> members.

Ask anyone on Druzzil Ro Pactus Aquilus are a good raiding guild with a great reputation. besides with 900+ member 300 of which are 55+ mains it takes time to get everyone equiped.

Edited, Sun Feb 8 16:33:38 2004 by tarv
#13 Feb 08 2004 at 4:55 PM Rating: Decent

we raid BoT every sunday doing towers and such while our crack bunch of lookouts pick us our MAIN target we raid 7 days a week this week i think we have taken 20+ targets so we are in gear but BoT towers is a good training ground for younger <like myself> members.

Ask anyone on Druzzil Ro Pactus Aquilus are a good raiding guild with a great reputation. besides with 900+ member 300 of which are 55+ mains it takes time to get everyone equiped.

NOW I understand how Uber your guild is. I didn't realize you had 300 Mains going to BOT to kill a One groupable Tower boss. When you only have 200 or so show up for the raid do you just do the Wing Named?
#14 Feb 08 2004 at 6:23 PM Rating: Good
Dread Lord Kaolian wrote:

to get into position to kill groups/raids/entire server populations on rare occasions.


/Iluien chuckles to himself, "now this I really would like to see!"
#15 Feb 08 2004 at 6:50 PM Rating: Good
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
By: Yosa

In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#16 Feb 08 2004 at 7:51 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Well, when you have Tehom, Outcast and Samira all say you're full of crap, it's safe to say your theory about the high end game has a few holes Smiley: lol
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#17 Feb 09 2004 at 1:08 AM Rating: Excellent
295 posts
Taarakian wrote:

NOW I understand how Uber your guild is. I didn't realize you had 300 Mains going to BOT to kill a One groupable Tower boss. When you only have 200 or so show up for the raid do you just do the Wing Named?

Wow, you must be a pretty high-end raider to pick on a family guild for raiding BoT. That's pretty classy.
#18 Feb 09 2004 at 1:54 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
NOW I understand how Uber your guild is. I didn't realize you had 300 Mains going to BOT to kill a One groupable Tower boss. When you only have 200 or so show up for the raid do you just do the Wing Named

A. Having 300 raidable members means that our guild can Call OTM at any time of the day and still get enough people of the required classes to complete a sucsessful raid.

B. Allows all those people who 'Don't really want to raid today i have a great group in <fill in the zone> so i'll give it a miss.' the option of stayng with thier groups and not pissing the server off. in fact if you are in a LDoN the chances are the guild leader will expect you NOT to come.

C. and this is the biggie i suppose you guild raids a zone 3-4 times then having got gear for the small select few never goes back because the raid leaders have the bits they want. You obviously don't really give a Sh*t about your members who need an item of say Grieg <the Nice Haste belt for instance> and would not farm him for the guild so that all the members that want the item have it.

This is why we Raid BoT all the time because there are still people in the guild who need items that drop there. I don't understand why this is an issue to you, we realise that we are not going to be Time capable in the next 2 months but then only 4 guilds on druzzil Ro are and very few of our members would like to make the sort of commitment it takes to get to that sort of level <i.e we have lives outside the game.>
#19 Feb 09 2004 at 7:37 AM Rating: Default
and all you can think of to do is post a thread complaining about the people who recognize the problem and who are trying to actually do something about it? For shame!

The problem in EQ are bazaar ***** crybabies like yourself.
The only equipment that has been inflated is the highend droppable stuff, what can be called status equipment.

So the problem you and other crybabies have identified is that peeps who can not obtain status equipment on their own now have to pay more for it.

If you are so uber, why should you care what high end droppable equipment cost? Why do you have to buy it? Beind so uber?

But then maybe you are not uber.... maybe you are just a bazaar ***** crybaby who can no longer affored the illusion of being uber.
#20 Feb 09 2004 at 7:59 AM Rating: Default
what on gods green earth makes you think that the people who buy Pp are able to get to the zones to kill the mobs to obtain the drops.

I know a number of peeps in my guild and in others who have bought one or more high end items in the bazaar. What else are they going to do with all that plat? I also know a number of peeps who have bought plat and then bought uber equipment. Some do it because they want to move up the MA list or otherwise make their toon more inportant to the guild, and thus gain status. I've also know peeps to buy plat to get equipemnt because they believed that it would increasses their chances of geting into a raid guild.

The single main reason people have to buy items in bazaar is because 95% of the non LDoN items that people buy are not obtainable by the people who buy them.

You are right if you say not obtainabele in a reasonable amount of time.

Quote:A lot of guild that used to be raiding zones that dropped a lot of the saleable high end loot have moved on to zone that mostly drop nodrop gear.

Like the items ever got out of the guild anyway f*cking dolt! there is always members joining raid

One can only wonder if the items never get out of the guid, how do they end up in the bazaar?

Well over 70% of the dropable items we loot on raids goes to alts.
We like a number of other guild hardly if ever accept new members.
Why? Because we can do everything in EQ we want to do.
Not every guild wants to have 300 members.
#21 Feb 09 2004 at 8:21 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Yosa the delusional wrote:

The problem in EQ are moron ***** crybabies like myself.
The only equipment that has been inflated is the highend droppable stuff, what can be called status equipment.

So the problem myself and other crybabies have identified is completely the wrong one in the first place, proving yet again that I am in fact full of ****.

since you are so uber, why should you care what stupid and utterly wrong statemnts I make? Why do you have to put up with it? why hasn't someone put me out of my misery yet?

But maybe I should go play street hocky on the interstate again.... mommy said she would make me some cookies if I did! Yay Cookies!!!!

Did you even read my ******* post? My god man, you skull must be denser than neutronium!

I hereby declare you a green con and subject to such culling laws as exist in the forum. Enjoy!
#22 Feb 09 2004 at 9:16 AM Rating: Default
I have to agree that less people are farming ornate (and really that's the prices that people are complaining about). So less ornate coming in means prices go up (as the one excellent post about more money chasing fewer pieces pointed out).

If you go into Sol Ro on my server, it's usually empty. Reasons for this.. not sure. LDON maybe.
#23 Feb 09 2004 at 9:28 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
C. and this is the biggie i suppose you guild raids a zone 3-4 times then having got gear for the small select few never goes back because the raid leaders have the bits they want. You obviously don't really give a Sh*t about your members who need an item of say Grieg <the Nice Haste belt for instance> and would not farm him for the guild so that all the members that want the item have it.

I dunno, tarv, I was with you right up til this point but that's a pretty hefty assumption to make. When my (small but high end raiding) guild gets finished with a zone it's because we're moving on to a new zone to equip/flag, yes, other guild members.

Maybe you were speaking directly to the other poster about specifics that I'm not privy to. Hope so, cause if that's what you think of raid guilds you're pretty far off base. No raid guild could survive behaving the way you describe, unless they had an amazingly charismatic leader.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#24 Feb 09 2004 at 10:11 AM Rating: Default

Taarakian wrote:

NOW I understand how Uber your guild is. I didn't realize you had 300 Mains going to BOT to kill a One groupable Tower boss. When you only have 200 or so show up for the raid do you just do the Wing Named?


Wow, you must be a pretty high-end raider to pick on a family guild for raiding BoT. That's pretty classy.


300 Member FAMILY guild.
Stil raiding BOT after a year. You weak loosers, get your butts in gear.

Edited, Mon Feb 9 10:12:08 2004 by Taarakian
#25 Feb 09 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Default

C. and this is the biggie i suppose you guild raids a zone 3-4 times then having got gear for the small select few never goes back because the raid leaders have the bits they want. You obviously don't really give a Sh*t about your members who need an item of say Grieg <the Nice Haste belt for instance> and would not farm him for the guild so that all the members that want the item have it.

And this is the biggie?

The fact that it only takes a righteous player guild 2 months to have stuff start to rot in raids and find its time to move on to bigger and better stuff? And your weakling bunch of loosers are still trying to find Ornate in BOT after 12 months?

or be a peasant.

#26 Feb 09 2004 at 10:29 AM Rating: Excellent
295 posts
Yes, I would call a 300-member guild that farms BoT a family guild. In fact, I'd call any guild that set foot in BoT for any reason other than flags a family guild.

What you seem to be unable to grasp is that making fun of a guild whose sole focus is not raiding for not progressing quickly does not make you appear smart nor capable. It makes you appear like some pissant spear-carrier in a mid-range raiding guild who feels the need to be superior to someone. I have news for you, pal. You're not. Most likely if you tried to run a guild, you would run it - straight into the ******* ground.

Oh, but you could prove me wrong if you like. You could always post your magelo to prove what a high-end raider you are. After all, I can count the number of enchanters better equipped than me in the game on one hand. How about you, sport?
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