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A noobie in needFollow

#1 Feb 06 2004 at 5:39 PM Rating: Excellent
I was hopind someone would be kind enough to point me in the right direction with this game.

I have picked a server, picked a char and started to level to find the game identical to DAoC.

I played DAoC till I got to level 20. At that point I realised the game was dull - just kill the same mob till I levelled - then head off to the next colour mob up. Killing boulderings just didn't make me giddy.

I am currently running around freeport with that same 'oh no - not another skeleton' feeling.

I have read numerous posts etc which make the game sound fun - but hitting the same mob until I am level 3 - when I can start attacking the next mob up seems the dullest thing in the world.

I am usually a power leveller in games but I came to EQ due to the content / quests and RPing.

How come I have found none of this yet - do I really have to keep hitting skeletons. I imagine not as in my opinion 500,000 people would not settle for that.

Please tell me where I am going wrong and point me in the direction of fun, rpging and quests.

#2 Feb 06 2004 at 5:48 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Your guildmaster will give you the quests to get a full set of *newbie* armour. These are fun quests and give you quite a nice set to start off with. Also checkout the quests by zone list, there are usually some quests that give exp and pp for handing in stuff. To get quests started you target the NPC and hit H for Hail. Sit down first though so you don't accidently attack them.

Checkout the factions section for Freeport, some interesting things going on there that you need to learn about.

Once you graduate from the Freeport kiddie yard and get into East Commonlands, you will start to get a better taste of what EQ is all about, don't be too quick to pass judgment, give it a bit more time.
#3 Feb 06 2004 at 5:55 PM Rating: Excellent
Ok, dont know what class you rolled but go talk to your guildmaster.

He should point you in the direction of another NPC who will give you a guest for you newbie armour.

Then go kill what ever you need for drops to combine and get you armour - its a great intro to the game and you will get youself dressed at least, as well as forcing you to go out and hunt and find some neighboring zones in that big bad world out there.

Naked woodys running around is just not a pleasant thought.

Freeport is a good place to start and does have decent newbie armour and other quests plus some decentish surrounding zones.

Stick with it a while yet :)

Edit: bluie beat me to it ...aghhhhhhh

Edited, Fri Feb 6 17:57:13 2004 by KRskeet
#4 Feb 06 2004 at 5:56 PM Rating: Excellent
Thanks for the quick response.

I won't pass judgement straight away - I just need to see fun things happening because I thought DAoC was very poor with the same thing happening and no variation and sadly this was feeling the same way.

I will attempt the newbie armour quest - gaining something useful at the end is more my cup of tea.

Any more advice on fun from people would be helpful too as I have played this for 5 hours now and am almost level 3.

I don't want to power level - I want fun - to chat with people etc.

Thanks for any advice
#5 Feb 06 2004 at 5:57 PM Rating: Excellent
"Naked woodys running around is just not a pleasant thought."

hehe - this is true. One too many kebabs has seen to that.

Do you think getting into a guild would help me enjoy it more?

#6 Feb 06 2004 at 6:07 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
If you want to chat, try IRC. It's free, and no pesky skeletons to kill. Smiley: wink

To be honest, a lot of this game will be to kill a_mob_01 (and a_mob_02 of similar difficulty, etc) until you get to a new level, then go to a harder area to find tougher mobs to kill. Yes, it is somewhat dismaying to realize you're killing the same mobs at level 60 that you killed at level 3 (except that it has 10,000 more hitpoints). The social aspect won't come into play much at the very low levels unless you make friends, or join a guild. It's easy as pie to get a new character up to 10-15 within a day or two, after then you'll need to start looking for groups.

If you want some variety, you can hop around to other similar zones. Shadeweaver's Thicket looks a good deal better than the Freeport yard does, and can take you to 20+. Depending on what expansions you have, most of these lower level zones are just a few clicks away.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#7 Feb 06 2004 at 6:12 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Also, your class and server would be a bit of help. Depending on what server you're on, one of the friendly(ier) posters here might take some time to show you a few of the ropes. If you're on Veeshan, look for any of the three listed below. Smiley: grin

Edited, Fri Feb 6 18:12:44 2004 by Debalic
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#8 Feb 06 2004 at 6:16 PM Rating: Excellent
Thanks again for the posts.

I have IRC and am connected to quakenet.

My version of the game is Evolution but sadly the key had already been taken. Egnaro very kindly gave me an unused key which activated the account as though it was the trilogy pack which makes my men look square.

I am going in game now to try again but sadly on my own as my friend has already got bored of it and temporarily at least returned to Neocron. A game that has died.

#9 Feb 06 2004 at 6:19 PM Rating: Excellent
I have currently tried 3 servers.

The newbie server which I wasn't keen on and the 2 European servers.

The servers seem pretty quiet (at least in the newbie area where I start)

Any suggestions on a server to stick with would greatly help too as I don';t know how you can distinguise between them all

thanks again
#10 Feb 06 2004 at 6:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Get someone to show you the book to Plane of Knowledge, zone in and take a look around, this is the heartland of EQ, heaps of people there to talk to, have fun and don't give up!!
#11 Feb 06 2004 at 6:33 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
It's hard to distinguish the servers, really, without asking the people on them. If you arrange them by population on the server sign in screen, the least populated ones are on the top, and the most populated on the bottom. I'm playing on Kane Bayle, one of the European servers, and in general I enjoy the fact that it is less populated. It makes the prices on player-sold items higher than on more populated servers, but I have run into very few griefers so far. If you have a character on that server, you can send a tell to Jaede...I'm usually on after 7 or 8 PM PST. I can't guarantee I can help guide you too much, but I can try to answer any questions you might have.

But EverQuest, like most MMORPGs, basically boils down to kill monster, loot body, gain experience, repeat. It will get more you gain levels, the monsters don't stay the same difficulty, you will need better tactics to deal with them usually...but it will still be essentially the same as level 1. It just depends on how you view the carrot that is dangled in front of you. Personally, a good part of the reason that I am interested in levelling up is so that I can keep up with the good friends that I have made, or to reach a level where I can group with RL friends that are already very powerful. If you're with good friends, sitting around waiting for a monster that pops every 2 hours can still be fun. It's all what you make of it.

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#12 Feb 06 2004 at 6:36 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
Bluie wrote:
Get someone to show you the book to Plane of Knowledge, zone in and take a look around, this is the heartland of EQ, heaps of people there to talk to, have fun and don't give up!!

Unfortunately he said that even though he has Evolutions, the CD Key he has only lets him play the trilogy, so he can't get to PoK.

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#13 Feb 06 2004 at 7:22 PM Rating: Excellent
Thanks - I will bear that in mind.

I am hoping to get the key for evolution at some point but the guy I got the game off still isn't replying to me :(

Attempting quests that drop rares and require tactics sounds great. Mobs that die after clicking attack with the following pattern doesn't interest me - press attack - make a cuppa - come back - find the mob is dead simply isn't a challenge in my view.

Ah well - I have just got to level 3 on my new char - still having problems with the GM quest though. It wants me to kill someone and I can't find them lol.

#14 Feb 06 2004 at 11:47 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
If you're trying to kill a particular NPC for a quest, this is a great time to start some of the social aspect that can make EQ so addicting. =) Unless you're a ranger, you probably can't track yet. So to find the character that you need to kill, you may need to find a ranger to group with for a bit, and ask him to track that mob for you. With luck, not only will you make the kill and get that cool piece of newbie armor, but you'll make a friend that'll you'll level and group with for many, many levels. Or, you can ask for help from some other classes that can track, like druids and bards, though they can't track until higher levels. Or, you can look up the NPC on Allakhazam and see if anyone has posted exactly where that mob spawns, but that cuts out one of the best aspects of the game.

I'd also like to post two different views of the game, from two very different style players I know.

One, the person who introduced me to the game, when he was already lvl 65 and part of the number one guild on his server, told me that the game doesn't really start until you hit level 55 or so. I'm starting to see a little bit of what he meant...the soloing as a newbie, the grouping since then....are all practice for taking down huge mobs that require a raid force. But on the other hand, mastering tactics needed to take down those bigger mobs can help you understand the strengths of your class better, make you a better player, help you take down even bigger targets....

The other told me that he has levelled up almost entirely through questing. He found quests through reading, or through talking to NPCs..found out what he needed to do to complete the quests..and most of his killing has been in pursuit of those ends. Sure, he's levelled slower then someone who goes through the daily grind, but he's made it past level 60 without the mind-numbing boredom that can occur in an efficient grind.

Me? I do a bit of both. But most of the time the fun comes from the people I'm hanging out with more than the kills anyway.
#15 Feb 07 2004 at 12:11 AM Rating: Decent
I play on the Innoruuk server, and started in Freeport as a monk. My friend there is a Lvl 64 Enchanter, and she hooked me up with about 3000 plat worth of goods and made sure I understood everything, watching over me while I played in the EC, etc. I'm real new to this game, but I can understand your despair at mob killing...I came from Star Wars Galaxies, and it's even worse there, IMHO. If you're ever on Innoruuk, give me a yell..I'll go hunting with you. Level 8 monk :)

Good luck

#16 Feb 07 2004 at 2:18 AM Rating: Good
295 posts
I should also mention that some servers are more role-play friendly than others. I saw that you mentioned that, so you might want to take a look at the guildlist on the eqroleplayer board or just start on firiona vie, depending on how important a factor it is to you. I personally know of a few great roleplaying guilds on Tunare, but it's always kind of a toss-up on whether or not someone would enjoy that kind of thing.

Beyond that, EQ has a leveling treadmill. I don't think it's particularly tedious considering how much grouping is encouraged now, but your milage may vary.

For most people, the enduring appeal of EQ is simply the amount of content the game has combined with the friends they make. The game can change quite a bit as you level up, as the focus slowly shifts into larger and more complicated raid encounters. A lot of players feel that the game only really starts at level 65.
#17 Feb 07 2004 at 4:50 AM Rating: Excellent
This is the sort of thing I was looking for in game.

I play neocron at the minute and everybody is as ungelpful as they can possibly be. Always mouthing at each opther etc.

I want to come home from work with EQ in mind.

The idea of quests sounds a great plan for me since in every other MMO (and there have been a few) I powergrind and am frankly sick of that.

I am looking forward to hunting rare weapons although I realise that is for the advanced people.

Thanks all
#18 Feb 07 2004 at 6:08 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
when I first started, I played in Kelethin(GFay. This is where all the newbie action is on my server, Torvonilous. I started playing about 2 years ago, sometime around PoPs release. But, with the release of LDoN and learning tradeskills, I have been in GFay a bit more and the newbies are running rampant. Most of the people in the zone are alts and such so they can help. If Im not mistaken, Gfay is a popular newbie zone on almost every server, because of crushbone and such.
If your Torvonilous, post so here and I'll look you up in game and help you with that npc (I have a ranger). Or I can just show around a bit. Sadly, I agree with the above poster. I went on my first huge raid the other day, in an old world plane, and have quit my small guild to join my raid guild. 55+ is where the game realy starts to rock.
If you want, I used a certain path to get my alt up to 52 in around a month and a half, I can post it for you if you like. Problem is my wife and play together so I always had a partner for some of those places.
#19 Feb 10 2004 at 11:53 AM Rating: Default
heh EQ offers the variety to players if yourethe sort of person who likes quests hail the npc's see what ya can find out >8) but EQ more about the grps but yeh kill stuff kill more stuff >8)
#20 Feb 10 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
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