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Old School Toon Gear - What were ya wearing?Follow

#1 Feb 05 2004 at 7:37 PM Rating: Decent
OK, new thread. This is for all of those musty old nostalgia buffs who get a kick out of talking about the old days.

So, here is the question...What was your toon wearing pre-expansion. List you high levels adn even your alts. Just for fun and for the sake of dirging up old memories.

My barb warrior was wearing a full set of crafted armor. Was pretty cool for its time. Was a light blue-green plate mail that was quested for. The Cents in SK made it for you for some plat, a couple of gems stones and some no drop items that you had to hunt.

I used a Langseaux of the Wolves for a long time, but then moved on to an executioners axe.

I had j-boots. Killed Drazelna (sp?) in Najena myself for them.Was the coolest item I ever had in the game. Being able to run fast on demand in pre-book eq was really a great ability.
#2 Feb 05 2004 at 9:19 PM Rating: Excellent
261 posts
A level 27 dwarven warrior whose name I cannot recall was my first character out of the single digits. I remember being quite proud of my full (visable at least) bronze armor, resist gear (Dwarven Ringmail Tunic and Bloodstained Mantle), golden amber earring and silver bloodstone earring, TWO jagged bands, and a BIBS which I occasionally switched out for my PGT and Silvery War Axe.

On a similarly nostalgic note, does anyone remember the going prices for player crafted plate armor? Banded was 1-2pp per ac, bronze was I think 5pp per ac. I remember thinking that Platemail was way too expensive and the only way I was going to get some was to learn blacksmithing myself, which I got up to 22 and then quit because it was too hard and drained all my cash.
#3 Feb 05 2004 at 9:34 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Hehe. You mean pre *any* expansions?

My pally was wearing a Dwarven Ringmail Tunic, an assortment of bronze armor, a bloodstained mantle, some jagged bands, and some other assortments of stuff.

I carried around a mino axe for quite some time (That was like the uber weapon when it came out, and had an "amazing" ratio back then for how relatively easy it was to get). Upgraded to a polished granite tomahawk. I spent a huge amount of time doing the quest for the shining star of light, then got a bullsmasher by doing the thing in Ak'anon (which had better damage, but wasn't magic oddly enough). For 2hs, I used a bone bladed claymore early on, then later upgraded to a BIB (not long before Kunark came out).

I remember Rubicite, but never had any. I was about 30th level when Kunark came out, but had only been playing off and on up to that point. I remember when they opened PoA, and I can't remember if PoH was opened when I started or not (very very foggy memory of that time period, and I really didn't play that much anyway).

Ah... Good times. :)
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#4 Feb 06 2004 at 12:05 AM Rating: Decent
Ahh, the good ol days...when SG's and Spectres where the mobs to flee from. And the occasional raid of Gore was something to marvel at. Yes I remember those. =) Pre Kunark my pride and joy Level 20's Wizzy was decked out in the rare Oracle Robe that I had just saved for and traded in my FBR (Flowing Black Robe) in. The remaining armor she used Gossimer. She sported JBoots and a Guise of the Deceiver. JBoots was a 20+ hour camp as KSing wasn't illegal back then, just frowned upon. A friend let me loot the Guise after leading me through the very scary Guk.
#5 Feb 06 2004 at 1:19 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Heh.. I remember being so proud when my character was first dressed in all "special" equipment as opposed to basic banded, bronze, etc. Of course, it was things like purity belt, onyx earring, dwarven ringmail tunic, etc so it was "special" all right.. Smiley: wink

Fear my blackened iron greaves!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#6 Feb 06 2004 at 2:10 AM Rating: Good
Robe of the Oracle was my pride and joy. Then of course I saw somebody in a shiny metallic robe and my uber feeling went in the toilet.

Who can forget a stein of moggok though. My god, Int+10 in the secondary slot was HUGE.

Finally upgrading to polished bone bracers, drakescale leggings and impskin gloves once again gave my ego a nice boost.
#7 Feb 06 2004 at 4:50 AM Rating: Default
I'm only playing 3 months now but I bought LDoN after 2 months only so it was Antonica and Faydwer via ship (!)for the first time (haven't still got PoP)

My Rogue had the newbie armor and a self-fletched bow and arrows. As the newbie weapon (dagger)sucked greatly I was quite proud of the bronze spear I got from a dervish (came to just player-left camp where 1 had obviously just re-spawned and took my chance on the yellow-conning loner)and I even wore a studded cloak and mask I made myself along with 6 tailor-made large bags...

....but then I bought LDoN, discovered the Bazaar and changed most of my gear immediatly...
#8 Feb 06 2004 at 6:26 AM Rating: Decent
being a ranger back in '99, it was my ultimate accomplishment to have a full set of Ivy Gear, as well as 2 SSOY's. I felt like a God on my server. then , sadly, Kunark came out and I got left in the dust. Man I still haven't got my darn epic lol!!
#9 Feb 06 2004 at 10:38 AM Rating: Decent
LOL Yes, FBRs and Oracle robes were big. I camped Najenas room with my guild and over the coruse of two days we pulled so many FBRs we had to havce lower level guildies come and take them from us, as they were lore. Also killed the Oracle for his robe in OOT.

Regarding Mino axes...yes they were very good. We used to head to the mino caves and farm a backpack full and then sell them in the newbie zones. They sold well. PGT was something I never got. The stupid gnoll was ALWAYS camped.

My guild and I went after the J-Boots. I was the main tank and guild leader. The others had been camping her a few days earlier and not one pair dropped. We went in room and the others decided I got the first pair that dropped. First pop I got the boots! Had not been there more than an hour. Waited another hour or so killing and the server crashed. We could not get our group back online together after the server came back up and after that we could never take the camp back. I felt fortunate. I would have given the pair to our cleric though, who had been camping and camping and it had been his idea. Too bad they were no drop...Hmm too bad, lol
#10 Feb 06 2004 at 12:28 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
Sami was stylin' in her Lockjaw vest and gatorscale legs. Wis rings (+6) and earrings (+3 I think). Whoo hoo, how fun to look like every other druid in Norrath.

Warrior (my first char) had mostly crafted except for a black BP, can't remember now what it was. Did the Langseax of the Wolves quest and got that Polished Granite Tomahawk, yes indeed. Had to faction forever to do the Langseax quest, but it was well worth it.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#11 Feb 06 2004 at 12:45 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Charred Guardian BP and Black Enameled BP are the only two black old school breastplates that spring to mind for a warrior.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#12 Feb 06 2004 at 12:57 PM Rating: Decent
405 posts
My pally will be trying to advance his blacksmithing skills by making Qeynos full plate cultural armor. If anyone on the Mith Marr server wants any just let me know. You can barely even give fine and full plate away nowdays.../sniff. Remember when the Antonican Longsword was actually a very descent weapon.
#13 Feb 06 2004 at 1:51 PM Rating: Decent
Years ago at a Halloween GM event, I won a Gnome Illusion mask for my Rogue. I was high on life for a long time after that. Then aquiring the DE mask brought that high back some many many moons later.

Pre expansions had similar stuff as mentioned above.
When Vel came out, Rygorr (sp?) armor was hot. Felt real proud rockin a full suit. Even at 40 :)
#14 Feb 06 2004 at 2:10 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
hm. mostly leather forever..had a screaming mace that i thought was the best thing i'd ever see. later upgraded to gator legs, bcp and cgs and thought i was ready to clear norrath..little did i know.
#15 Feb 06 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
How could I have forgotten my screaming mace?

And it was a charred guardian BP, thank you for reminding me.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#16 Feb 06 2004 at 2:59 PM Rating: Good
295 posts
Flowing black robe until level 46, baby. And the double-stein action was awesome, I still remember that look. My equipment was pretty awful even by pre-kunark standards, truthfully - but I just didn't care about gear at that point, since I said that caster gear was relatively meaningless. I think I was pretty much right back then, too - having a slightly larger mana pool than another caster did pretty much jack.
#17 Feb 06 2004 at 3:19 PM Rating: Default
I had 2 toons that are still in that gear from the very first server i played on

Cleric- Bloodstained tunic black enammeld mace char guadian sheild Effy boots admantite eppaulets plat jasper rings gold jasper earrings plat ruby veil runed mith bracers molten cloak fbss bronze helm and SSB for helm

Shadowknight-(wifes toon) Moss clay guardian sheild Soulreaver(was da bomb) was in a full suite of bronze with ssb and grotesuqe mask untill upgraded her to a full suite of darkforge armor in were the original Cazicthule zone were the peices for the rogue armor and SK quest peices dropped

Best friend got hooked on the game and he made a war with time he went from bronze armor to Crafted dual weilding yaks(which was the bomb back in them days too)wearing the hero bracer and erolosi bracer and other odds and ends...

Bah those were the golden days of the game no exploits camping arguments( were always fun) endless days in dropping guards and hill giants, and ruining you faction to a certain city... And agonistic was sometimes the best way to go
#18 Feb 06 2004 at 3:39 PM Rating: Excellent
261 posts
Darksaber said:
no exploits

No exploits at that point in the game, huh? Don't tell me you don't remember EQGod and EQExtreme =P

Edited, Fri Feb 6 15:40:30 2004 by PsyoofXev
#19 Feb 06 2004 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
I remember when my cleric, at 23, claimed a Sarnak Emblazoned Tabard from LoIO in a group. Boy was I proud! I wore that thing till I was about 35, too.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#20 Feb 06 2004 at 4:31 PM Rating: Decent
Thanks for the link, Psyoof. The help link for EQGod finally got the program to work just as advertised ;)

The NappyOne
#21 Feb 06 2004 at 5:39 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Heh. Ok. Just had to comment on this.

I have now twice in the last few months spotted Pzynn(sp?) in Qhills, killed her and gotten that stupid *** orb.

Do you have *any* idea how long I camped for that with my wiz waaaay back in the day? I tried all the strats, and never got the stupid thing. Finally gave up. Now, I can't help but just stumble across it. I just think fate is mocking me or something...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#22 Feb 08 2004 at 5:16 AM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
Hehe, Tacosid gave me 500 plat when Eivissa was born on FV. Enough to buy her stuff like a Lieutenants Helm and 2 Orc Fang Earrings.

While the helm was upgraded soon enough, Eivi wore those blasted earrings for over 55 levels. :-/

Other equipment coming to mind are Kelorek'Dar's razor (raid eared piercer, phear me), crafted bracers and belts (thanks to my former guildie Fauxan who left EQ a long time ago), that SK snare dot proc dagger, my Centi SS (God I was proud of that thing) and finally my Treeweave (hello cleavage).
#23 Feb 10 2004 at 12:09 PM Rating: Default
A friend of mine got me hooked back in '98 or so, but his only char was a 30-ish wizard, so he couldn't really hook me up at all, just dumped me in Qeynos Hills and told me to kill everything that moved. For a long time, it was the other way around, but finally his sister, who had a higher-level bard (Singer, if anyone remembers her from Rodcet Nife) gave me the most unbelievably awesome gift ...


Oh man, I was unstoppable. Then in BB one day I looted a Gnoll Hide Lariat, and it was all over.

(Of course, not long after, my "buddy" who just couldn't leave well enough alone, took me to Oasis. People who are newer to the game think that's sand lying all over the place... little do they know it's ranger-kibble...)
#24 Feb 10 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Default
Operation: "Bury Gay or Not Gay??"
#25 Feb 10 2004 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
Crafted and Bronze! sold dwarven work boots for 2k and bought an Executioners axe (yeah we remember those =D) for 2k! and i still remember this, and i was only lvl25 warrior.
wooooot! those were the days...

Also the first druid i made, gave him max str. 95 str halfling druid, rofl.
#26 Feb 10 2004 at 1:28 PM Rating: Default
No exploits at that point in the game, huh? Don't tell me you don't remember EQGod and EQExtreme =P

Nope never heard of em but never cared to look either hehe
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