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Power Leveling:Good or Bad?Follow

#1 Feb 02 2004 at 8:05 PM Rating: Decent
Hello all.

I play many characters off and on never really getting into a single character long enough to get him/her to a high level.So this brings upon my question.Is asking a kind Druid or such to PL you a bad thing?If you are a PLing class(Not meaning to offend any other classes some are better suited thna others)do you get angry when a low level asks you to PL them?And if you do decide too do you charge them some price?

Please post your thoughts.

Thank you.
#2 Feb 02 2004 at 8:11 PM Rating: Good
Powelevelling is bad.

When some one asks me to PL them I ignore them. Guildmate or otherwise.

You can get through the lower levels too quickly as it is, doing it even faster is bound to lead to serious issues later.
#3 Feb 02 2004 at 11:53 PM Rating: Decent
What kind of serious issues are we talking about? One of my favorite adventuring partners did some PL'ing so that she could join a guild raid the next day. I would never do such a thing myself.
#4 Feb 03 2004 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Play your first character up "the hard way", after that PL'ing is fine if you ask me. By the time your first character reaches 65 you should have enough friends that can help you with getting your alternate toons to 30-40ish in a few days.
Do not ask strangers for PL, do not auction for PL, I for one find it offensive, PL is done as a personal favor and if you can earn such with paying PP.
Druids are kings of PL 1-35 allthough other classes can accomplish the same with a little more effort i think.

In a raiding guild it would be nice if people beside their mains had a coth anchor, a PL tool and a few trackers.
#5 Feb 03 2004 at 12:39 AM Rating: Good
Hmm, well it depends on what you mean by powerlevelling of course.

Getting a hand to get through a quick three yellow bubbles so that you can get into BoT with your guild isn't what I would call powerlevelling.

But I have seen characters taken from 1 to the high 50's by being power levelled in a way that meant the player did nothing at all for those 56 odd levels.

The result being that you have a player turning up in the tier 1 planes (and sad to say tier 2 planes now as well) who are completely unreliable and useless to depend on when things get tight.

The problems range from the ludicrously simple, like not knowing where city books are, through not understanding aggro management and not knowing how to manage mana, through to not knowing how to support the other classes in their group.

Chanters, Mages and Shaman who don't know when to Tash or Malo. Shadowknights who dont know when to snare, Bards who sing only one song, or even worse sing none at all thinking thay are a melee DPS class. Clerics who don't know when to stun, and on and on the list goes.

Its not just a matter of knowing what your class is capable of, and knowing how your class complements the other classes you are grouped with. (Although these are a good start of course).

Its knowing when to use the right spell or ability and when to use it in combination with someone elses spell or ability. This is something that can only be learned by experience.

Powerlevelling cheats the player of the opportunity to learn these skills at time when they are relatively easy to learn and the penalty for failing is not so severe.

The penaly for failing in tier 2 planes is very likely to be being black listed and never being able to find a decent group to play with.

You may think I am dramatising?

Twice in recent days, when looking for a healer to replace me in a group so I could get some sleep, the respondant to my tell asked me for a list names of the players in the group. The reason they said was because there were players in XYZ zone that they would not group with. (They had already done a /who of the zone obviously).

By the time you get to 60 you are expected to be a master of your class. If you are not, the 60 plus zones will find you out. And you will find that there is little tolerance amongst other players for substandard performance.

Edited, Tue Feb 3 01:03:15 2004 by Iluien
#6 Feb 03 2004 at 1:31 AM Rating: Decent
Good for me have done it more than 4 times to all my toons below 45. I dual box a 55 druid from a friend get new toon in one of my accounts. Been a player since 99 on and off untill I forgot to pay after some months and 56 druid wiped. I wanted to get over the first 40 levels , skills dragg , yes , that divination was at 31 at 40 ..others are over the 200 mark conjuration close to 200. 1hs more than 180 1hb also 2 hand slashing about 150. Once in the 40 level I spent about a day
casting, casting, castig low level spells to get skills up put some points to 1hb ..main wepon. Now I'm 46, and I do ok no fizzles on casting just some in divination my sight spell (im a blind erudite girl) thats about all. Besides from lvl and 40 under not many teams to team on my server, most adventures are in mid 40's up ..some 30's below just hard to get team.

Eq is not a newbie gane anymore. Some are newbies but most are some alts twinks from higer players.

Have 34 bard PL, 24 chanter PL, Bestlady PL, mage PL, warr 52 not PL just did not put points to stam ..and she is a halfelf warr ..yea so made sk my main now lol..and did not want to spent a few months gettin 52 again yes I did PL my SK to 40 ..40+ been doing LDON.

so PL is not bad my opinion ..

#7 Feb 03 2004 at 2:02 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
PL for first char = Bad
PL for 3-4 char when you don't want to bother with LvL 1-30 again and again = good.

HOWEVER you need to research how to play the class first, there is no point getting a toon to lvl 50 and have no idea how to play. I have PL'd 2 chars to 30, 1 because of deletion of a char to start a new race and the second to get a char to same level as a toon on my other account so that i could 2 box them.

The friend that PL'd them HATES the pre 46 game so al of his toons are PL'd to 50 generally but he is a good player and when you have 3x 65 chars you are entitled IMHO.

#8 Feb 03 2004 at 3:54 AM Rating: Default
Really no one gives a damn about power-levelling as long as there are more serious issues that keep the game unbalanced.

And when I see a twink giving his mentor, who keeps him artificially alive while he's wiping out the same orc camp for an eternity, b***j**s during the breaks I just move on.

If thats what makes the guys in front of the PC happy and they pay for it who am I to care?
#9 Feb 03 2004 at 6:45 AM Rating: Decent
The one and only time and then only if done correctly that I would even approve or think of powerleveling is when you have already taken 1 character of that same class to level 65 the hardway. There is a big difference between playing a level 65 druid and a level 65 cleric, or a level 65 anything well.

Sure you may be able to play the pl'd Character adequately if you have researched it beforehand and are a fairly skilled player, but if you were to be compared to a highly skilled player that did it the hard way the differences would be like night and day.

I have one level 65 character, My main which is a druid. During one of the last beta's I had the opportunity to play level 65's of other classes and It was like playing an alien. The only one I would have considered myself even remotely competent at was the 65 cleric simply due to the similarities of the classe.

I know the druid class backwards and forwards many of my reactions are instinctive and garnered from many months of playing grouped and solo as a druid. I felt like a clutz playing any other class. My reactions were slow largely becuase I had to think about what I was doing.

I usually look at leveling this way. Levels 1 through 20 are to learn the very very basics of the class. Levels 21 through 40 are for learning the basics of grouping with the class. Levels 40 to roughly 60 are to learn how to push your characters limits and capabilities. If you rush through any one of those you wind up with lesser skills in my opinion than if you do it the hard way.

This is not true for everyone. There are some people who can pick up a class and play it like a pro from day one, But for the vast majority of the people I would say Pl'ing is not good.

Borblefoot Furtoe
Storm Warden
Firiona Vie Server
#10 Feb 03 2004 at 10:51 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
I agree that it doesn't matter so much as long as you are relatively intelligent and have some concept of how the game is played. I do recommend leveling up one character on your own, though - that is, by conventional non-powerleveled means.

It's especially helpful if you level up at least one GROUPING character; leveling a soloer still doesn't teach you much about other classes' capabilities, beyond rez of course.

Hm, seems some of my alts owe me a little lovin', thanks for the tip Leiany.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#11 Feb 03 2004 at 11:00 AM Rating: Decent
@SamiraX: no offense meant - I was rather describing the practice where a bored 40-50 lvl is offering his (free) services as a trainer to some newbie and then equips/buffs/heals/rezzes his trainee (who's fighting red-conning mobs only of course) to lvl 15 in a single hour.

That's kind of disgusting to me because as a newbie when you just realized that everything outside the city gates is gonna kill you and someone just offers you a LOT of help....its hard to say no (not for me - I don't even hail for the "free buffs" not to mention actually asking for some) but accepting this "devils offer" will probably ruin the game for this newbie completely from the start.
#12 Feb 03 2004 at 11:06 AM Rating: Excellent
Will swallow your soul
29,360 posts
I'm notoriously hard to offend. No harm done.
In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

#13 Feb 03 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
power leveling :
GOOD, if... get your first toon up to par the hard way 2 box and PL yourself (like me)

BAD, if...
...some one talked you into starting EQ and told you to ask in shout / ooc for it. don't take the time to learn your new class in a private setting with a close friends group or guild group once you have gotten up to late 30s - early 40s, so you don't look like a fool when you start getting pickup groups cuz you don't know how to work your toon

#14 Feb 03 2004 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Wed Feb 11 18:53:51 2004 by StefinFetchit
#15 Feb 03 2004 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
I would say PL is bad overall, with a few exceptions, for the following reasons. 1. EQ zones are basically set up as a series of zones geared to challange specific levels and you move on the next higher level as you progress - while the chessboard in BB and Emp. Crush in CB were major obstacles early on, who would want to be playing there as a higher level? One of the strengths of EQ IMHO is that characters learn skills in zones that they will use for the next higher one as well as clearing out room for newer players. 2. EQ involves risk, especially after level 10, and accomplishment for overcoming a tough mob or quest - if there is no risk of death from PL, seems it becomes a job and not fun. Who enjoys killing greens all day? no risk/no reward. 3. PL tends to lead to people playing characters in groups that don't konw what they are doing - often deadly for everyone else whether in LDON or another setting. 4. Not sure that just because you have reach lv 65 the hard way in one character that it means that you automatically are an expert on other classes (though you likely have a big head start on a newbie), I have played my 3 main characters (Pally, CLC, and Chanter) into the low to mid 40's and they all play very differently in my experience. I have grouped with bards, necros, and druids countless times and greatly value their contributions, but I sure don't know enough about playing them to PL a toon. OK now exception - my initial character was a dwf pally that i played to about 22 before realizing that I had rushed through creation to play and had not thought through all the implications (had min agility, too many points in char, etc) and decided to restart completely after losing my body in Gfay with all my gear and started over with my current main pally (have a frog alt too). While i didnt PL, it would have made sense in this case. Other exception in my opinion would be if a member of your regular group had not played for a while and was too low to group with you now - PL them up to the min would make sense. You get out of EQ what you put into it bottom line.
#16 Feb 03 2004 at 3:05 PM Rating: Decent
I will add my 2 cents worth, as I an wont to do. ;-)

I think that PLing has bad and good repercussions.

Bad: You can miss some truly important stages of your character's development. If you have never played a druid before, for instance, you may need to spend some additional and group time with that character in order to udnerstand all of the subtleties that accompany. Group dynamics are so important to learn. There are trial and error lessons learned like best spells to use in what situation, etc. You will not get those lessons if you PL through lower levels. Keep in mind, many spells just are upgrades of earlier ones. Even at a low level you have many of the same spells in you can learn from real life experiences.

Good: As I have stated, I have deleted my high levels twice and left the game 3 times. The last time, I had a 20th lvl cleric left and my son had a 9th level warrior. When we renewed our accounts, I PLd him to 20 so that he and I could group. He had played warriors beyond lvl 20 before and is quite frankly one of the best tanks I have ever grouped with (many others tell he and I the same thing). So PLing him was necessary for he and I to adventure together. We spend the money to play the game, it was our right to do this in order to make the game ultimately more fulfilling. We have been climbing since then at a normal rate, though neither one of us ever is without a partner to group with, and having a war-clr duo is pretty cool.

Asking people to PL you is not a good idea. Especially if you are just randomly asking strangers. I made the decision to PL my son in large part for my own reasons. There was value spending my time PLing him, because it gave me a good solid grouping partner once he got to the higher level. Often PL partners are this way. But to ask someone to spend hours of their time simply making sure your low level character does not die is a hard thing to ask.

I will also PL a friend a lvl or two if they have to go out of town or are too busy to keep up with the group for a time period. They get back and are 6 lvls below us. We will PL them a lvl or two so they can group with us again...but we are not talking about flying through lvl after lvl.

The truth is, good or bad, you can do as you like. You pay the money to play the game, so do what makes you happy. If you miss out on the skills you need, you will not be welcome in good groups and guilds later on and you will eventually stop pprogressing due to lack of ability. Like real life, invest time wisely now to get a payoff in the future!
#17 Feb 03 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Other than that, if you know what you are doing and can get PL'd, why not? I think, in a way, 2 boxing is PLing. But, hell, if you want to pay for 2 accounts and can multi-task between 2 machines....go nuts.

my boss at work 4 boxes

Lvl 65 chanter , cleric , sk and shammy and he groups with his brother 65 warrior and his dad 65 druid in BoT and manages to die very little now that takes talent.
#18 Feb 03 2004 at 5:16 PM Rating: Decent
73 posts
I don't see a problem with PL'ing. It depends on the people doing it. If you know what you're doing, you can do it right and still get the stat up. If you want a toon just for tradeskills it's the only way to go.
#19 Feb 03 2004 at 5:31 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Going back to Xoric, the original poster, I would advise against getting a PL. For one thing, so far, you haven't got hooked on any particular class. To play successfully at higher levels, you need to find a class you're prepared to put a fair bit of time, pp and effort into, otherwise what's the point?

So maybe just pick your fave and see how far you can take it yourself without any PL.

EQ is a journey, not a destination.
#20 Feb 03 2004 at 7:35 PM Rating: Decent
ok, after reading some posts after my first, let me expound a bit

GOOD, if... get your first toon up to par the hard way

if you get a toon into the higher lvls the hard way (no PL, just many hours logged) then there is probably a good chance you did some grouping and lots of it. this being the case you probably were able to pick up the general main attributes each class has to bring to the table and how the classes mesh in group to achieve any goal you may have set forth for your group, but this requires average or higher intelligence


The capacity to acquire and apply knowledge.
The faculty of thought and reason.
Superior powers of mind.

this leads to

BAD, if... don't take the time to learn your new class in a private setting with a close friends group or guild group once you have gotten up to late 30s - early 40s, so you don't look like a fool when you start getting pickup groups cuz you don't know how to work your toon

this is where you fine toon your skills in your new class (getting all casting skills up or melee skills, ect, ect)

this was fun 2 box and PL yourself (like me)

my first toon (3rd if you count my server change at lvl10 and a deletion mid 20s after i figured ALOT of stuff out) was a druid.
when i hit lvl50 i went to 2boxing. i did my research and created a warrior correctly the first time. then it was on. i tore through the first 30levels in under a day and all my skills maxed with every ding. now my druid and warrior are both lvl59 with 13AA. i PLed a shammy to his 50s and, with him, a monk followed, then a ranger. so on and so forth this brings me to 5 lvl50+ toons, 6 in mid40s and a few 30s. the lower toons are for when i get bored, but i can fill just about any role in any group with my stable of 2box toons. i just looked at my druids birthday: 081402

this leads us to twink toons.
same rules apply here.

GOOD, if... get your first toon up to par the hard way

any items you may collect on you're journies or plat to purchase said items are fair play. period.

BAD, if...
...some one talked you into starting EQ and told you to ask in shout / ooc for it.

i hate beggars. earn it like the rest of us did.

#21 Feb 04 2004 at 12:03 AM Rating: Decent
75 posts
PLing good if you want to level fast and make up the skills later on

#22 Feb 04 2004 at 3:11 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
Is it National Dead horse Week or something?

First the "Gay" question, now this.

I will make my standard response.

PLing yourself is ok if you take the trouble to work skills etc.

PLing strangers is a bad, bad idea. You are very likely creating an ignorant arrogant player who will embarrass you in the future.

PLing a friend who has "just started EQ" is a bad idea. They end up at 50 with no idea about the game and thinking everyone else is stupid for taking so long to level.

Just sit in Paludal and listen to the PLed shouting "Ding" every few minutes and basking in the "Grats". They have no idea and their names are worth noting to avoid later.

If you are going to PL don't do it on mainline exp camps. Go to out of the way places. Mainline loot camps are different - you probably both need cash Smiley: smile

Anyone asking in /ooc or auctioning for PL is going straight onto the "dangerous idiot" list. This may be unfair but if they don't have friends then why should I turn them into a higher level nuisance.

And some classes are very unwise to PL. Enchanters really need to learn about mezzing, stunning and CC before they get one-rounded by PoP mobs. LDoN is great for this. The trouble is that many people PL up an enchanter for tradeskills or buffs and then at some point think it would be fun to play them.

The skills argument is pretty poor btw. if you PL a melee with healing they actually do more fighting than in a normal exp group. There is no problem at all keeping combat skills maxed. And casting skills always need practise, PLed or not.

Of course if you PL with memblurred one-hit-from-dead mobs then skills will not increase. I wouldn't suggest this technique.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#23 Feb 04 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
Is it National Dead horse Week or something?
Smiley: lol


Guess you have not been reading the 'Post about IGE you should read'.

Smiley: snore
#24 Feb 04 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
I don't have a problem with others PLing. If you suck and you end up in my high lvl group you will find yourself out of it quickly PL'd or not. That being said, don't ask me for a PL, and if you get tore up by half a dozen people from screaming "Looking for PL for LVL 10 to 50 PST" in PoK every 30 seconds don't be really surprised.

I think Paludal Caverns is powerlevel enough for me :D. Even just normal fighting I find myself outpacing my skills every time I take a toon through there. To each his own I guess. I think part of the fun of playing EQ is learning to be good at your class. The most pride I've ever felt in this game was many levels ago when I was grouped with two Necro's in M. Seru. They both had high lvl alt's and at the end of the night they stopped to tell that I was one of the best druids they had ever grouped with. Let me tell you I had a hard time fitting my head through Netherbian on the way back to the Nexus Smiley: smile

Edited, Wed Feb 4 11:26:31 2004 by xythex
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#25 Nov 14 2013 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
I will say this till the last day of this game
Power leveling is not a good thing and never will be
if I have to group with another clueless level 100 one more time I will scream
going from 1-100 in what 1 day you will not ever know your class...
and raiding with people that get power leveled while your raiding doing all the work
while they stand there doing nothing
ok they do die
never been crazy about boxing either and never will do
but to have someone come in your group boxing an alt and they cant play either toon
is madness
and they just stand there
and people please stop asking a lvl 100 to PL you and do your quests and epic for you and not even help....
Necro Warning: This post occurred more than thirty days after the prior, and may be a necropost.
#26 Nov 14 2013 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
362 posts
There are new players in EQ? I mean, back in the day when MMO newbies were showing up hourly, sure. But anymore it seems like experienced players just wanting to get a buff bot up to level.
Savage Lady Nekokirei of Drinal
Predator Nekokirei of Stromm
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