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what do ye think of other rpgs?Follow

#1 Feb 02 2004 at 8:40 AM Rating: Decent
I've played various different rpgs on a rake of different systems. Listing the ones I've played to completion:

Defenders of Oasis (Sega gamegear)
Zelda -links adventure (SNES)
Zelda - Ocarina of time
Final Fantasy 7, 8, (Partly through FFX) (PS1 and PS2)
Diablo 2 (PC) (-beaten it on normal and nightmare. Hell mode is a tough mother ******)
Partly through Morrowind (Almost became the Neveraine -a holy saviour of the dark elves- but abandoned it cos it keeps crashing on my current computer :(

Do ye even class some of those games as rpgs? most of them pale in comparison with the complexity of a mmorpg.
Have EQ players played a similar random smattering of RPG's before heading to Norrath? Do ye ever intend leaving Norrath to go play some other MMORPG?
#2 Feb 02 2004 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent

Edited, Wed Feb 11 19:08:45 2004 by StefinFetchit
#3 Feb 02 2004 at 1:41 PM Rating: Decent
I've played most of the Final Fantasies (1,5,6,7,8,9,10)...meh. FF5 was good though.

I played through KOTOR once...meh. I like equipment choices and more than 20 abilities in my RPGs.

Morrowind is awesome, IMO. There should be more games like that.

Currently, besides EQ, my vice is Disgaea. God is that game awesome.

The Balder's Gate and Icewind Dale series both rock, as does Neverwinter Nights.
#4 Feb 02 2004 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
I must agree that Balders gate and NWN were both very good games. The only problem was that they became quite repetitve after a while unless you were doing custom campaigns.

FF, well I never really like the the way the fights played out so I won't be leaving EQ for it.

#5 Feb 02 2004 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
ocarana (sp) of time is one of if not the best game of all time is it better than all games now maybe not but for its time i got more enjoyment and excitement out of playing it then i have on anything since
#6 Feb 02 2004 at 4:14 PM Rating: Good
509 posts
Warcraft 3 is just super. I got the expansion been wanting to play it but I lost the original warcraft 3 disks. Civilization 3 is not really a rpg game but it is a great game. There's a 99% chance that I will be playing WoW when it comes out and if I like it I will prolly leave EQ. EQ is a good game I just feel that they have gotten a little big for their britches so to speak and they just don't care about their customers anymore.
#7 Feb 02 2004 at 4:49 PM Rating: Decent
I played old paper D&D and AD&D...Also played Boot-hill and Gamma World...both paper RPG. (You did ask about RPGs and not just computer

As for video...I played UO back pre-EQ. I love Morrowinds, which I have on XBox. I also like Knights of The Old Republic.

I love Morrowinds. I wish more games were like that. It had the open do-whatever-I-want feel that EQ has, and yet your actions follow you. For isntance, ou kill someone now, you may find that later on you need that person. You go back and that person is dead. You steal something off of a shelf at lvl 3, at lvl 25 you may need that item to complete a quest. Now you have to remember where you sold it. Unlike EQ where if you wait, people and items will re-pop.

I played DOAC and found it to be a good game, with many features that made it better than EQ. It's weakness is that it failed to encourage the level of social itnereaction with other players as EQ does. I played one character to high levels hardly ever intereacting with others...just NPCs. While it is nice to have that, I like the social atmosphere of EQ.

#8 Feb 02 2004 at 6:14 PM Rating: Decent
desomahony wrote:
I've played various different rpgs on a rake of different systems. Listing the ones I've played to completion:

Defenders of Oasis (Sega gamegear) never played, dont own a Sega gamegear
Zelda -links adventure (SNES)last zelda i played was on the original nintendo way way back even before N64. was ok not great
Zelda - Ocarina of timesee above
Final Fantasy 7, 8, (Partly through FFX) (PS1 and PS2)not played any of them
Diablo 2 (PC) (-beaten it on normal and nightmare. Hell mode is a tough mother ******)DII was a cake in all 3. beat it the first weekend we had it and have not played it since. i hate bnet now. got my first internet gaming with Diablo. enjoyed that one for a long time though
Partly through Morrowind (Almost became the Neveraine -a holy saviour of the dark elves- but abandoned it cos it keeps crashing on my current computer :(nice eye candy, but very combersom to controll. not an easy game to get into with all the flywheel controlls. overall a good game

Do ye even class some of those games as rpgs? most of them pale in comparison with the complexity of a mmorpg.
Have EQ players played a similar random smattering of RPG's before heading to Norrath? Do ye ever intend leaving Norrath to go play some other MMORPG?

you can not compaire a MMORPG with an RPG they can not compair, but for the most part those are RPGs as are the older TSR D&D and AD&D RPGs from way back.

#9 Feb 02 2004 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Hmmm... I wouldn't even qualify most of those games as RPGs anyway. They're mostly just console games with a character that picks up objects and uses them. They're only a very small step removed from games like Doom and Quake (is there really a difference between finding and using keys and finding and using "quest objects" beyond the names?).

In my humble (and snobbish perhaps) opinion, you aren't playing a "roleplaying" game unless there's some roleplaying involved. That means more then just having a name for the set of pixels you're contolling on the screen. Aside from window dressing, there's no difference in playing "Zelda, master of whatever", and "random blob of goo". The play is exactly the same. Games where you are given a choice of actions and those actions cause the game to take different directions can *almost* be called RPGs, but they're still just choices to make (do I turn left or right?).

A true RPG requires interaction. It requires that there be choices and consequences beyond those directly tied to the completion of game goals themselves. I find it hard to call any single player game a RPG simply because all choices in the game are either inconsequential, or are simply logic choices to completing the game. The only computer/console games that can really call themselves RPGs are the MMORPGs (or at least ORPGs). The role you chose to play has consequences outside the direct goals of the game content purely because you are interacting with people. Your rep in EQ means alot. Thus, how you play your character means alot. The goal is not always to get as much money and gear as possible out of every situation. You can, but you'll **** people off. Building up even a rudimentary personality for your character in EQ often feels natural, makes the game more enjoyable, and makes it easier for others to deal with you.

Don't get me wrong. I suppose you can roleplay a single player game just as much as a multi-player one. However, the computer/console really doesn't care. People do. It's kinda like performing a play. While you certainly can do it without an audience, most people would consider it pointless...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#10 Feb 02 2004 at 8:44 PM Rating: Decent
1,907 posts
I absolutely loved Might & Magic VI, VII, & VIII (Sometimes I still go back and play one-in one version, you could group with a dragon). M & M IX wasn't that good, though. Ocassionly load one up.

I also liked Magic the Gathering, the first PC game, not the later ones, still play that, sometimes, but that is not RPG.

I also used to love the old style adventure games, like King's Quest CXIVM(well there were a LOT of them), but they don't make first person adventure/quest games anymore.

I don't like the 3rd person "seen from above" games usually, or conquer the world type games. Heroes of Might & Magic were an exception. Play them occasionaly to, when tired of EQ.
#11 Feb 03 2004 at 12:04 AM Rating: Decent
Asheron's Call was quite original for the 18 months I've played it. The monthly events kept the game as fresh as possible.

I've played Morrowind (both the PC and Xbox version) and it is very epic, though I kinda swing to Dark Elves joining a good house (i.e. House Redoran).

KOTOR and the Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale series are excellent PC RPG's, while KOTOR's Xbox version is one of my favorites to go with another console RPG--Gladius.
#12 Feb 03 2004 at 6:21 AM Rating: Decent
Just my personal hit-list:

1.Neverwinter Nights (still midway in the game because of EQ *lol*)
2.Baldurs Gate all parts and all ad-ons (The EQ of offline-rpg's
3.Fallout I (great setting, great roleplay)
4.Tomb Raider I (by the time it got out it was terriffic!)

Hubby is just deeply into this combined soccer-manager/playing game (EA-soccer?), nothing for my taste but to him it rocks ;-)

Speaking of Paper I really was into
-Call of Cthulhu RPG(1920s setting)
-D&D 1st ed (system sucked but nonotheless a milestone)

Edited, Tue Feb 3 06:22:33 2004 by Leiany
#13 Feb 03 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
Ahhh yes. I have EAs College Football 2003. I am on my 8th season. It is great. I took a lowly two star school to play in a national title game in the 5th season and is now a 5 star recruiting power. It really is alot of fun and more to it than just playing the football games. The off-season is a lot of fun in the game.

Other than that, most sports games loose their appeal before I even finish a season, especially because I tend to have an team that the AI cannot beat...Once again, in the college football game you have to recruit and if you start with a lowly football program you just are not going to field a team to compete well.

But alas, they are not RPGs. As for roleplaying single palyer games...well soem games are designed to roleplay in their intereaction with the AI...Morrowinds comes to mind. I do develope a personality and play a role with my character more so than with most other single player games.

Note: I role play when I play Medal of Honor and it drives some people nuts. For example, I come up next to someone and ask him if he has eaten his red cross hershey bar yet or if he has seen the hot nurse at the aid station. LOL Guess it just does not work.
#14 Feb 03 2004 at 5:10 PM Rating: Decent
86 posts
Any of you old pen-and-paper RPGers out there ever play Steve Jackson's GURPS?

I played a lot of D&D/AD&D from 1st edition on. Haven't played any pen-and-paper in a while, but I have a friend who wants my help creating a little RPG in Perl based on the GURPS rules. (Akin to the old L.O.R.D. BBS game.) Looking through the rulebook, it looks kinda interesting. Wondering if you guys have any experience with it and if so, would you share your thoughts on it?
#15 Feb 04 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
I'm surprised no ones mentioned star wars galaxies

I played eq for 3 years on rz before i left for swg. I havn't played eq since.

#16 Feb 09 2004 at 9:01 AM Rating: Decent
I've just bought neverwinter nights... probably a big mistake seeing as I'm supposed to be studying. Unlike morrowind it actually runs on my computer and is pretty good fun. I've played about halfway through the first act as a palladin. "Die you undead fiends!!!"
#17 Feb 09 2004 at 5:58 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
zeldas i didnt really get into after the NES one. Diablo2 I still play to kill time...TONS of time invested in that game. the FF series...o yeah..still working on FFX2 little by little.

Morrowind was awesome. The newer combined title is a lot less buggy and is just tons of fun. I became the Nevarine and built my faction REALLY got fun once I got my house built and was able to put all my crap in there instead of random caves I cleared. Plues the optional vampire and werewolf quests are awesome...the graphics (especially in expansions) are just are the add-on modules some people do.

Neverwinter Nights was fun..kinda hard to put too much time into IMO tho. Feel the same about baldurs gate series and Icewind Dale as well.

Warcraft 3 has gotten my attention again recently..the game is truly a work of art.

Another great game you can get really cheap right now and is AWESOME is the Kohan series. Arimahns Gift is tight as is the sequel.

Then theres an all time favorite oldie...Moria. :)
#18 Feb 09 2004 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent
OK, while we are on the topic of RPGs, does anyone remember what the old text based RPG was on Compuserve back in the very early 90s? I think it was Black something...Black Sword...or Black Arrow. Not sure.

Was lots of fun for the day.

>>: You see a doorway in front and to the left.
> Turn to left
>>: The doorway is in front of you. There is a doorway on your right.
> Go through doorway
>>: You hear a shriek and are hit for 6 dmg.
> Equip Vorpal Sword

#19 Feb 09 2004 at 9:41 PM Rating: Decent
I do remember all the commands and stuff I had to hotkey in GemStone III and DragonRealms, and that was years ago....Oh, how I miss splitting moss meys or morah creepers apart with a blessed karambit wielded by a human paladin.
#20 Feb 10 2004 at 4:22 PM Rating: Good
261 posts
Some of the games you mentioned, in a sense, cannot be called RPG's. To call those games "role-playing games" might be a misnomer; if there's not really people around, it's as Gary Gygax once asked, "To whom are you playing a role?".

It is fortunate than that RPG's are headed away from these pure single player adventures, those games may be interesting for a few months, but after beaten and all done they lose their interest quickly. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed these single player rpg's like Akalabeth and Bard's Tale thoroughly, they were good games, but multiplayer games put RPG's back to their roots. It started with Diablo, UO, and countless MUD's and now continues with the the great Massively Multiplayer Roleplaying Games of this day and age. Look how much we have moved away from roleplaying when we first moved from Pen and Paper to the single player adventures, now look how much we have come back to it, for we now have an audience to play our role to.
#21 Feb 10 2004 at 4:32 PM Rating: Decent
17 posts
*sighs and raises his hand hesitantly* I say, with much sorrow, that I am one who has recently left EQ for FFXI. I've kept my EQ account active and popped in every once in a while to say hi to guildmates but other than that it's been all FFXI. I have to say that I'm already getting tired of it though and will most likely migrate back with this expansion. FFXI does so many things right in my opinion (more exciting battle system with renkei, graphics to die for) but it is SEVERELY lacking in the "community" department. This is why I will be returning. I have seen no RP in 2 months and 40+ levels of play, and a degree of politeness that is matched only by members of a fourth grade classroom. The bottom line in my opinion, the people make the EQ experience for me, graphics and the like cannot come close to making up for it. Don't worry Firiona Vie, you'll be seeing my face again very very soon.

Achaia Angelfeather
61st Cleric of Tunare
Firiona Vie
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