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Post about IGE you should readFollow

#177 Jan 31 2004 at 12:28 AM Rating: Decent
One thing We dont NEED SOE to stop this the PLAYERS can stop it.
Remember the Bazaar is a CONSUMER DRIVEN Economy...Simple stop buying the high end stuff and go get it from the mobs yourself. REFUSE to pay the prices they demand...Stop Elitist attitude from so called "uber" guilds demanding top end equipment before they will allow you to join them and so forth Keep in mind WE as Player control Prices by our DEMAND for items and willingness to pay inflated prices....Just my Opnion

#178 Jan 31 2004 at 12:44 AM Rating: Decent
258 posts
Maybe the best way around this is to go back to auctioning in EC. That way the program wouldnt be as effective. Plus, you could see who was selling items for very high prices and just simply refuse to sell to them or to any low lvl alts.

yeah there are flaws here just a thought
#179 Jan 31 2004 at 3:27 AM Rating: Decent
Here a idea of how much SOE cares about the problem. I posted a message on EQLive forum board yesterday that linked to this orginal posting on allakhazam and I asked people to post their complaints. Well tonight I went to check what replys I got and low and behold my post has somehow been deleted by SOE. They don't want your ideas or complaints they just want your money and have you shut up.

Edited, Sat Jan 31 03:29:32 2004 by Stever
#180 Jan 31 2004 at 3:29 AM Rating: Decent
Ok here is how I see it SOE will not really do anything about this at all, I have played eq for 4 years loved them all. But when it came to costomer satisfaction on SOE's part the game is great the service has always been poor and degrading more and more.
I have been told from a few people now that the GM's roles have been changed to where they cannot fix technicle problems anymore they can only run quests. SOE has fired 70% of their staff, that should be working on fixing problems that I have seen in this game for the 4 years I have played it they wanted to do all this in silence so no one in the EQ community would know.

With EQ2 comming out this is how they probably see what is going to happen.

1) People sick of the problems with EQ will be going over to EQ2 to start again, result EQ loses people. Why fix this problem with the economy when they want to get everyone in the new game.

2) People will see EQ2 on the shelves and see EQ Hmm new game vs. old game more new players will buy a new upgraded video game over the old one, result fewer new players in EQ. After awile it will become harder to find EQ on store shelves, where now it has the NEW EQ2 game.

3) As time goes on old players will start leaving EQ for RL, new games, ETC., result Less people playing EQ the Death of EQ when SOE starts seeing it is not gaining profit anymore.

SOE's thoughts are probably like this

Why fix problems where the newer and better game is comming out which will cause the death of the old one, the faster we can kill the old game the more we can build the new. But lets try to make as much money on expansions and other things as we go to drain the life out of the old one, plus lets cut the staff and energy to keep this game afloat so it will go out faster.

For the record for all of those that hate gramatical errors in posts forgive all of them I made in here. Just because I have a hard time with grammer does not mean I am stupid.
#181 Jan 31 2004 at 3:41 AM Rating: Decent
Russ I am afraid you may have hit the nail on the head. I have been looking forward to EQ2 in hopes of a fresh start and will not buy any more expansions . It is really a shame that one has to hope for better things from EQ2 just because SOE doesn't want to fix the problems of existing EQ game.
#182 Jan 31 2004 at 3:55 AM Rating: Decent
having read this thread from the start I just re-checked all the posts and came to these solutions based on the posts

1. non twinked/non-plat bought toons up to lvl 30 seem not to encounter any problems of unavailability or overpriced gear because their quests are managable and the mob drops are not overcontested. they just gain from the Bazaar a lot and would only loose both their main source of income and trading place if the Bazaar was closed.

2.Toons lvl 55+ encounter massive problems because the're are'nt much mobs left who drop anything that's an upgrade in gear. Competition is high and soloers obviously don't stand any chance of aquiring these, neither by getting the "kill rights" nor by buying at the Bazaar.

3.The gap between best and second-best gear at lvls above is so wide that with only second-best chances of getting into a group, raid or even guild also get slim which makes one even more unable to upgrade a char above 55.

So my final opinion to this is:
a) SOE doesn't need to close the Bazaar because 90% of the players (single players meant, not all of their toons added together) seem to profit in a legal way from it.
b)SOE has to cap the prices massivley to a lvl where selling HE gear doesn't make much sense anymore. That will NOT force people to sell their hard fought over HE gear underpriced it will just make them stop killing HE mobs for profit. So this would not only affect the Bazaar but also playing in high level zones could become more pleasurable again.

Have a nice weekend.

#183 Jan 31 2004 at 5:32 AM Rating: Decent
Also I checked the link earlier, or in another thread that said there was an overseas precedent that virtual property belonged to the player, not the host, and it didn't say that. It said he was suing over that issue, not whether any decision has been handed down yet.

as I said, the decision was made in favor of the person who brought suit.


(1) Laws decided in another country (IE. China, above) that are not put on record by the International Court of Justice (aka The World Court) have no jurisdiction in the United States. So, the links above have no bearing. Yes, there are international laws, but those are handled in a much different way (and in a different court system) than someone who is bringing about a case such as grand theft (IE. above).

(2) As stated in the second link you posted, "The company was found liable because flaws in its servers had allowed the hacker to gain access to Hongchen's account." In other words, the game company had insufficient network security that caused an illegal act to happen to one of their customers, and the court found them guilty and the company was ordered to complete a resolution. The same thing would happen if someone hacked into a company and got ahold of your credit card information, generating fraudulent charges. Those charges would be removed from your account and not affect your credit record.

Edited, Sat Jan 31 05:35:52 2004 by MNParadox
#184 Jan 31 2004 at 5:32 AM Rating: Decent
* Double Post, sorry *

Edited, Sat Jan 31 05:34:04 2004 by MNParadox
#185 Jan 31 2004 at 7:38 AM Rating: Decent
SOE has to cap the prices massivley to a lvl where selling HE gear doesn't make much sense anymore.

This idiot, and everyone who agrees with him, is a closet communist.

Anyone has a right to sell anything for any price. If you don't have enough plat to buy it, tough beans.

If you want to pretend that something in the game is wrong and requires massive controls, just because others *do* have enough money to buy things, than you suck.

I've never read such a bunch of whiney, petulant BS in all my life. Get a grip, fools.

I can't believe the person who runs this place saw fit to post this conspiracy theory black helicopter ******** in the first place. And you all just proceed as if it were a Papal Writ of unimpeachable authenticity.

The post was a self-serving rant by some jealous punk who wishes everyone else in the game had gear that sucks as much as his does. So wrapped in his self-absorption that he imagines dark schemes and conspiracies and improbable magical programs are keeping him down.

Edited, Sat Jan 31 07:39:14 2004 by ShaikYerbooty

Edited, Sat Jan 31 07:43:10 2004 by ShaikYerbooty
#186 Jan 31 2004 at 8:52 AM Rating: Default
Stopping IGE is silly and a waste of time. It is a controlled environment, track plat growth and address the leaks. Fix the so called economy, when a merchant markup is somthing around 4000% how can you fault a player for trying to make a buck, set merchant purchase levels nearer to reality, say only a 150% markup. The Nexus and bazaar is an embarassment, wonder who they credit with that Roger Korman ? Honestly, set up consignment vendors in towns around norrath, charge a fee, allow /bazaar access from any zone and make a run to Kelethin worth a few pp, or save the effort and buy in Shar Vahl. Why pursue jewelcrafting, can't make anything close to drops, waste of time and effort, why can't a wizard and an armor smith enchant a star ruby with a fire buff, clicky th at needs to be recharged ? or simple spell imbuement into a disposable item for use later, creates work, cash movement and player interest...sigh but SoE is not interested in that....instead we get a Zerker, the uber DPS ? what is a warrior I ask, beside sadly neglected, but the solutions for that are even easier and more obvious...gnight all

#187 Jan 31 2004 at 9:03 AM Rating: Default
monitor the source, if more than a few commands are issued per second for more than 2 or 3 seconds... require a user validation ie select a colored word to match a picture or somthing easily installable and human readable but machine stumper...

SOE has ultimate leeway and a very sympathetic federal government...just ban gambling, forbid outside sale of anykind, ban accounts with abnormal and it would be easy to tell, patterns and if the IGE hackers do act up, sic Tom Ridge on em, hard to hack getting up the colon in the federal pokey, and lets face it, the audit trail is hard to hide, the best hacks depend on subtley and not being noticed. Honestly I don't see IGE as doing anything but providing services SoE is too silly to fufill or battling symptoms of problems SOE is to nice, busy elsewhere to address..

BTW is gambling online for pp that have a real value, ie casino chips by MINORS even legal ? Fits the definition of automated casino game where I live and is probably illegal, and yet SoE does nothing, not even compete thats Golden :)
#188 Jan 31 2004 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
there is only one true way to fix this. It will cost a lot of RL money.

1) Have a bunch of people my plat from IGE/Mysupersell.
2) Wait a few weeks to a month and complain to PayPal that you didnt recieve your goods and you want your money back.
3) After a short fight with PaypalYou will get a statment, form Paypal and IGE that you got you plat, so go away.
4) This statement is now public record.
5) With said public record, start a class action lawsuit agaisnt Sony stating- This company is holding me to rules in the ELUA, that everyone is supost to abibe to, but is not holding everyne to the rules. You are now sueing for a full refund of all money spent on your EQ account for false advertisment.
6) Post your law suit on many sites, and have as many people join as possible.

And yes I did do a little research, and if everything gose right, they problem will be fixed. Though all EQ and EQ2 may be gone forever, but it will fix the problem for the next wave of games.

#189 Jan 31 2004 at 9:22 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry more than one post,

Edited, Sat Jan 31 09:29:35 2004 by Phygon
#190 Jan 31 2004 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
Sorry more than one post,

Edited, Sat Jan 31 09:28:27 2004 by Phygon
#191 Jan 31 2004 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
98 posts
Well good post from a caring perspective but I say good luck to them that have exploited a game for real cash. I'm not sure how true this is to say but imo Sony have done everything to prevent folks using exploits to the point where my impression of them is actually not too hot.I.E I think they have been the other extreme rather than what this article has obviously highlighted.

Nice to see I'm wrong yet again :)

I would like to see a cap on the bazaar regarding items but this goes against my capitalistic philosophy so I would prefer to have multiple bazaars where there are different caps. I would support the 0 to 20k bazaar and most probably wouldnt go to the 50 to 100k bazaar and never the 100 to 500k plus.

Let them exploit those that would :) and let them then handle the item logistical nightmare of zoning/gating across minimum five zones to change bazaar caps to adjust inventory pp stocks and exploits.

If they want to control pp that way then good luck to them :)

Fortunbas Soulsender
65 wiz MS

*edit* Control for make

Edited, Sat Jan 31 09:29:24 2004 by Fortunbas
#192 Jan 31 2004 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
This isn't a problem and here is why:

Inflation is a natural cause of the new, improved way Sony is handling gear upgrades (most likely to make plat selling pointless). With LDON you no longer have to buy the armor you need, you can earn it. So now you have around 10K sitting in the bank which you would have otherwise spent on minor equipment upgrades. So now a lot of people have more plat just due to the revised gear upgrading scheme. The result of this? People are willing to spend more plat on ornate and such since plat is no longer as valuable to them. LDON is the first expansion to cause inflation of prices rather than deflation. People are just shocked to see prices go up rather than down as they have with previous expansions.

Some people whine that ornate is too expensive. These are the people that have never seen a piece of ornate drop in thier life. To think that you should be able to wear items that you could never obtain for yourself is stupid. The inflation of ornate prices is a good thing. The bazaar is best used to swap around ornate pieces that you don't need for ones you do need. Once you get an ornate drop, it doesn't matter if ornate goes for 2K or 200K to you... you get the better price when selling, and pay it back when buying. This is the way this game is supposed to work. It shuts out those that could never get an ornate drop on thier own from buying it in the bazaar.

You think Sony is doing nothing to address this problem? Some technical solution such as tracking IPs is a waste of effort, and will likely result in Sony getting sued at some point. The hackers will always find new and improved ways to work around whatever Sony uses to detect them. Sony isn't going to waste its effort on a plat selling goose hunt like the music industry has done with mp3 trading, to little effect. Instead they will take the smart route, which is to make the game less intensive on farming plat and more intensive on earning your own gear. Hence we have LDON where you don't need plat to get your items. I'll bet the new expansion releases gear under a similar system that is better than ornate. Now a whole bunch of plat sellers are going to be stuck with rapidly devaluing gear.

I've never bought or sold plat in my time with EQ. I know others that do, but it doesn't affect me. I am clever enough to camp my own uber gear so I'm not forced to pay the outrageous prices in the bazaar. If anything price inflation causes me to rely on my own self to get the gear I need, which is the point of playing a game. I've noticed that people on my server are trying to corner the market on VRoG. That doesn't bother me either... now I insta sell metallic liquids for 5K when they went for 2K before. The ring value has only gone up to 7.5K from 6K due to the millions of VRoGs that are out there. And besides, when I have mine made rather than paying to buy one, the inflated price has no effect on me.

It's just not a huge issue, and something that will go away as Sony introduces more armor systems that don't depend upon plat.
#193 Jan 31 2004 at 11:55 AM Rating: Decent
They dont care about small items like that. They are looking to buy 100k+ items. White Dragon Helm, Sceptre of Destruction, Flayed Barbarian Skin Leggings, Stonehide Armor, that sort of stuff not penny stuff.
#194 Jan 31 2004 at 12:20 PM Rating: Decent
77 posts
An item is only worth what some fool is willing to pay for it. I am not willing to pay any more for an item than what a vendor would charge me and no one else should. The bazaar is not to blame. The plat duping is not to blame. The macroing is not to blame. The blame falls upon the willingness of players to pay the asked price. If no one is willing to pay 250-300pp for Haunting Corpse, then I will have to lower my price to what someone is willing to pay. But as long as there is that one person...

This is exactly the problem. We are spoiled people who expect immediate gratification, and are willing to pay to achieve it. The people who played EQ in 1999 were thrilled with the "crappy" gear that you can get in zones like Lower Guk, but if you talk to most new players with less than a year in the game they will do nothing but complain about how they absolutely must get ornate armor or the game is not worth playing. It is *this* attitude that offers IGE the opportunity to thrive, as these impatient players decide that they are willing to trade $150 for 150k to buy ornate rather than invest hundreds of hours earning 5pp per frog in Guk.

IGE exists because people buy platinum.
People buy platinum because they are impatient.
People are impatient because our society raises them that way.
Want IGE gone? Revamp the modern American value system.

Good luck. =)
#195 Jan 31 2004 at 12:32 PM Rating: Default
Simple ways to correct the problem.

Vendors pay realistic amounts for everything, more cash common player, no need to buy plat and Mysupersales goes bust from cost to operate with no sales.

Erase all plat on accounts over say 500k instantly without a warning. may angry some but who as a real player has over 500k?

Ban IP addresses associated with bad accounts. make em pay for new equipment and connections. If it costs more to do business they most likely wont.

Limit # of accounts from a single IP# say limit to 5, will stops the massive character sales i think.

Increase Drops for a period of time, competition lowers prices, even if they burn all their plat buying up the excess, less to sell online.

If they cant make a profit doing this then they wont do this.
If they cant make a profit doing this then they wont do this.

yes i said it twice, cause its my main point, nobody does anything like this as a service, they must make a profit. If you can stop the profit, they go away.
#196 Jan 31 2004 at 12:32 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Sat Jan 31 12:36:17 2004 by Haggr
#197 Jan 31 2004 at 12:33 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Sat Jan 31 12:36:58 2004 by Haggr
#198 Jan 31 2004 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
I have re-read this entire thread, and as I said in my previous post the Bazaar is a perfect Free trade consumer based economy and the solotuion to the high prices is not "SOE Net Police" or Tom Ridge and the Department of Homeland security (it IS just a game after all) the solution is like the Bazaar economy in OUR the players hands. If you do not want to pay 500,000 plat for an item if you feel its not worth the price Dont pay it simple as that... Do you Like when the Government tells you you can not buy a game or book or movie? of course not! and if you had that rare piece of Ornate that you did not need you would not like being told you can not sell it for over say 5K. Realize this we are in control here, If the players stop buying PP they will stop selling it, if we start using a barter system to get uber gear, or camp it ourselves or just flat refuse to pay the overpriced prices then prices will drop...
As for SOE and them not caring about EQ Players...Well Duh, show me ONE mega corporation that actually CARES about their end line consumers... They dont they just pay people to find out the cheapest and most efficient way to seperate you from your cash that is how business works....All you have to do to realize this is /petition or /report one time some one kill stealing or intentionally training and see if you ever get a reply or just do a /who gm all and realize that a gm is the rarest spawn in the game.

As for IGE using seaerch bots... Does it make any sense that a NORMAL player can not use third party software and get away with it but IGE can have third party software on multiple accounts on EVERY server including Ledgends? only 2 possible explinations either the Bot dont exist or SOE and IGE are working togather or are one in the same.
Now SOE and IGE working togather or one in the same is just plain silly that would open them up to WAY too many law suits and high profit loss risk. So you figure it out its not that hard.

You want things to change in the way SOE does business be come a major stock holder and tell them that is the ONLY way they will actually listen to you as long as they are making money doing things the way they are.

SO what is the source of this Problem
IGE : no they are just a company that found a service that people were willing to pay for and are using that idea to make a fortune
SOE : No see IGE above
The Bazaar structure : No its a tried and tested free market consumer driven economy
The Players : BINGO.... We players being willing to Pay high PP for items, being willing to go online and Buy plat and accounts are the source of the inflation... how do we fix it Again I say just stop paying those prices...its called a boycott

Just my opnion I may be wrong

#199 Jan 31 2004 at 12:42 PM Rating: Decent
Double post sorry

Edited, Sat Jan 31 12:43:58 2004 by eqsilvertear
#200 Jan 31 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
I know this goes on on TP. I have always tried to keep my vender prices lower so that real players could afford my stuff. I mean it didnt cost me anything in the first place i killed something to get it and hopefully got xp doing it. In recent months i had noticed that as soon as i sign my trader on the same guy would show up in a second and clean my inventory of certain items. it saddens me to think that i have been supplying these folks with the means to rip off others :( I have adopted the policy of watching my trader the first 10 mins hes up if anyone just appears(doesnt walk upto me)i shut him down.

To me it would seem ther are a few things that could be tried.

First a couple dozen ogres standing in the bazaar entrences would shut off access and probaly cause a riot and get SOE attention focused on the issue.

Second if all items where assigned a vender value. A max price as to what it could be sold for. (ie a BD sells for 198 and can be bought back from vender for 246 the max price a player can sell one for is 246) This would be painful to alot of folks but would end the ability of these companys to set prices. if SOE does it they can not. Yes it would be a big to patch to add this to every game item but it would be an end of issue patch and a solid blow to IGE.

#201 Jan 31 2004 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I find it hard to believe that with all these people playing, there has not been a more aggressive response. I am sure this game is loaded with hackers and worm crafters and it would not be too hard to track Yantis and infect him to destruction. I am sure there are several creative minds that can make his RL computer replacement costs far exceed any hope of profit he may have.

As for Sony, they can also do the same thing just by sueing him. 1 purchase with a credit card will lead you to his name, address, etc. and since Sony has already worded their agreement well, Yantis will have to be arbitrated in San Diego by a person of SOE's choosing and faces unlimited personal liability (yes it can be fought, but after the fact and if the judgment did not empty his RL coffers, the legal bills would).
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