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#27 Jan 30 2004 at 6:34 AM Rating: Decent
robbenlansdale wrote:

my only comments are that i agree totally that duping and cheats ruin the game and the economy and that one way to combat that is to boycott the bazar and let what they have rot till they drop prices.

Yep my view as well. This is one thing that would in fact work.

I will definitely not be buying anything in the bazaar in the forseeable future.
#28 Jan 30 2004 at 6:35 AM Rating: Default
walkingparty wrote:
The problem comes when a company has enough money to buy everything low and resell everything high. They can then controll the market.
Speaking of real economics only the PRODUCERS can control the market or the dealers if they control ALL of the producers.

You can craft/loot/quest everything for your class on your own (except for some cultural TS, ok) so how the hell are you FORCED TO BUY something????

Edited, Fri Jan 30 06:36:45 2004 by Leiany
#29 Jan 30 2004 at 6:45 AM Rating: Default
But I aggree that shutting down the Bazaar would solve the problem and I'd accept that.

Though I would rather prefer to have about a dozen 50-stall Bazaars in mayor cities (or having put them on the landscape at well accessible spots).

In that way it would help the lower levels to trade their stuff to each other and not having to buy for ridiculous Vendor rates. BUT it would solve the high-end-stuff problem somehow because contoling 12 markets takes quite an effort compared to one. Besides that would it become more efficient to auction that 25k gear zonewide again than putting it in a stall.

Of course this takes more time and effort to SOE than just shutting down the Luclin Bazaar so it won't happen.
#30 Jan 30 2004 at 6:46 AM Rating: Default
Easy way to put a stop to this, Dont try to get items ya cant farm yas selves.


#31 Jan 30 2004 at 6:58 AM Rating: Decent
I guess the drones doesn't care about cheap items.
They only will search for ornates and rare items.

Btw, I see too much overprice due to all this cheating in Antonious Bayle. Yes, specially in ornates !

Edited, Fri Jan 30 06:59:23 2004 by superspy
#32 Jan 30 2004 at 7:00 AM Rating: Default
Tetleys wrote:
Easy way to put a stop to this, Dont try to get items ya cant farm yas selves.
That's not the reason the Bazaar was invented and well recieved.

I'ts rather that
1)if you loot some high-end stuff you can't use yourself and a vendor won't buy it you'd have to throw it away otherwise (or twink someone but is that the intention?).
2)some TS like (enchanted)Jewelery make much more sense if you can sell your stuff at the Bazaar.
3)it's has become a social place as well (at least on FV)

and btw: people are STILL shouting like mad to sell their stuff :))

Edited, Fri Jan 30 07:01:37 2004 by Leiany
#33 Jan 30 2004 at 7:19 AM Rating: Decent
Though I would rather prefer to have about a dozen 50-stall Bazaars in mayor cities (or having put them on the landscape at well accessible spots).

GREAT idea. Problem is from what i've seen, SOE tends to ignore great ideas. Not saying they may have had one themselves once. But i've seen quite a few great ideas on these posts. Problem is SOE will never listen. And i know about the /feedback and if enough people blah blah blah. And yes it does work. But as you stated.
Of course this takes more time and effort to SOE than just shutting down the Luclin Bazaar so it won't happen.

So, very saddly, that dream probably won't come true. :(
#34 Jan 30 2004 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
there are some days that i am grateful to be computer stupid - i would not even have a clue how to macro and "dupe plat" and all of that. hell, i had no clue it was even happening until about a month ago. i think i need to go make some leather padding and lucky cabbage...i made 2k yesterday from that stuff!
Rangers, Necros and Druids OH MY!

#35 Jan 30 2004 at 7:46 AM Rating: Default
lucky cabbage - whats that if i may ask?
#36 Jan 30 2004 at 7:55 AM Rating: Decent
#37 Jan 30 2004 at 7:57 AM Rating: Decent
Luccky Cabbage is +10 Cha Food.
This is another items used just like Opal Steins for quick Cha boost when selling. Least I did at one point. Some races, like Froglok, have such a low Cha that the Steins aren't enough to bring them to the best prices.

I replied on your other thread how to get the bonuses and retain the food and drinks. :)
#38 Jan 30 2004 at 8:13 AM Rating: Decent
The only thing we players can do is NOT to buy the high priced stuff unless you actually know the person thats selling it. Let that ornate crap rot on those traders! If you know someone who is dealing with Yantis, POST their names so we can boycott their asses.
#39 Jan 30 2004 at 8:19 AM Rating: Decent
The duping of plat has put many of the high end items in the game beyond the reach of the casual player...that I would agree to.
Some of the solutions offered just dont seem like they would work to me. Closing down the bazaar especially. People can and will find a place to congregate and trade / sell. People will use macro programs like Macroquest to "bot" that process so they can do it without being home. Moving the bazaar will not stop the sale of exploited items bought with plat that wasn't legit in the first place and resold at a large profit.
It might stop many players from selling stuff overnight and make it a little tougher for the "buy low, sell high" to do their work, but those that are doing this for "RL" cash will not be detered.
What needs to be done is SOE needs to shut down all sale of in game items for RL cash. If they lose some customers...which they would...they will have actually maintained or grabbed back a little dignity.
When Verant got Ebay to ban / remove any auction of EQ goods for a short while that was beneficial to the game. It would take a little manpower to find sites where items are sold but it would not be overly difficult.
It is impossible for me to believe SOE doesnt know about Playerauctions and similar sites. Seeing all those posts by Yantis...and the fact that he is causing all of the "eq fans" that are quitting the game to sell him their forums / boards so he can advertise his "supersales" is disgusting.
EQ is an escape, a hobby, a game to quite a few of us. When people cheapen that by turning it into a game of ******** others and getting rich in RL something needs to be done.
#40 Jan 30 2004 at 8:22 AM Rating: Default
Personally, I like the thought/idea I saw on the original board hosting this thread. Put a cap on the amount possible to charge for an item, if there is a way to do so. Also, increase the drop rate and spawn time for certain items/mobs. Also makeing more of the high end plat makeing items no drop. At least that way, the market gets cut out from under them. As for the mob spawn times, Sony needs to do a comprehensive overhaul of ALL the old world zones. Waiting 30 minutes is crazy these days. Or 12 hours for a mob like Phinegal Autropos when there's 5 different classes that need him for their epic. Come on, by the time you get back there, the mobs already been killed by someone else, and now you get to wait 12 more hours for some one else to get him first again, or add to the problem by charging outrageous MQ prices for the item you've been trying to get for 6 months on your own. That alone would be reason enough to pay for plat with RL money. Ever try to buy a Mage epic MQ? 1 piece for 100K? Forget the fact that epics are practically useless with current items available in newer expansions, some of us want the hard earned boast of saying "I did this, ME, not some bot/macro crunching $##@head who then MQed it to me."
#41 Jan 30 2004 at 8:31 AM Rating: Decent
As Leiany said:

In general, only twinking is affected.

A char not at lvl65 isn't likely to be good for 50.000pp in the first place, so they aren't affected much.

Me myself I have I think 2 droppable items. None of them are very good. There is not 1 single tradable item in the game I would want for my main char.

Possible causual players and/or small guilds with low raid-intentions will have a harder time to obtain the better, droppable items.
#42 Jan 30 2004 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
Actually, there is a number of things that can be done, and a number of things that CANT be done.

- What CANNOT be done -

1. Soe, as in Sony Online Entertainment CANNOT do much against this threat.

Other than attempt at putting programing blocks in their way, and MAYBE find a way to track the billions of plat flowing arround. This however is a limited endeavor and most likley wont happen. Why? Cuz SOE cant hire a hundred skilled hackers to try to solve this. Do they have the money? NO, You may be surprised, because SOE doesnt get much from EQ. They get what SONY allows them to continue the game. The money goes to SONY first. In order for SOE to get money from SONY they have to ask for it.

2. Legal Action.

Legal action cannot be taken, why? Because these people dont live in the united states. They are in foreign countrys with little regard to rules and such about fraud and contract violation which is what they are doing, mind you.


What MIGHT be work.

1. SONY putting its energy into stopping Ige. Sony is one of the biggest companys on this planet. They have incredible influence in the asian market. They might be able to convince the government of the countrys these companys reside in to stop their activitys. I dont know all the details about this, but know enough that most Asian cultures respect a local power, and certainly, Sony is one.

2. Direct Attack on IGE / Mysupersale.

This would involve those of us who play, who know programming well enough to make hacks or attacks, and to do regular attacks on IGE to shut them down. Without access to the web, they cannot function, they cant work underground via EQ, cuz for sure SOE WILL SPOT THEM, and remove them. SOE is not idle on this issue, im sure, they just lack power to control it.

This idea however has incurrent risks, as IGE employees a vast number of highly skilled crackers and hackers themselves, and i wouldnt doubt they wouldnt retaliate.


What WOULD work, but would SUCK for the rest of us.

1. Shut down the Bazaar.

Nuff said, i like the bazaar, i use it alot.

2. A Boycott.

Again, this would work but, like i said, i like the bazaar, and will keep using it. Not for high end items, certainly, i cant afford them anyways.


What do we do? Well, as players, not much.

We cant do much.. to be honest but be pissed off, and spread the word.

#43 Jan 30 2004 at 8:41 AM Rating: Decent
Let me give you a real exploit that was used. A real macro that existed prior to last patch that caused some inflation. It was simple really, MQ Small Bricks of Ore were priced too low (1sp) and one could make a heafty 18pp+ per making Folded Sheets from this. This has been fixed, last patch of course, so no problems posting it.

I hate the idea it existed. I hit feedback and bug reports every single day just to get my point across. Call me a pest, but what works, works.

I ran into macros doing the exploit too. That wasn't the worst part. Worst part is when I reported one of the Macroers 5 times on Tribunal by the name of Fenthern. I had guides answer 3 Times. 1st time the guide didn't even escalate it up to GM. 2nd time a guide reluctantly escalated it after tyring to defend the player's actions. 3rd time a guide said that if the prior two times never worked. He would do his best. Finnaly one who understood. However, never once did a GM ever respond. Not once was this macro removed. I kept it on my friends list and I have a habit of who-ing zones and friends often! Ugh, to think I saw this guy for least a week at it.

Realisticaly estimating how much a week would of made someone. 20 Hours, with Tinkered Bags able to produce avg of 2500pp per hour, 7 Days, 350kpp... That's if they actually have something to stop them for 4 hours a day. that is a low estimate mind you. *sigh*

I wish to heck and back Verant was still calling the shots, not SoE. SoE reminds me of the people that run Asheron's Call (Turbine). You don't even want to go there what they allow! It's a common phrase "exploit early, exploit often" as they never really punish offenders, and are slow to do anything.

Think how that effected the ecconomy for a minute. A very real problem. Not some unconfirmed story of a so called bugged banker.
#44 Jan 30 2004 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
Ok now here is one way to stop the high prices. Put a required Level/skill on Everything. Little extreame, but it will put a stop to twinking a brand new toon with a Fungi Tunic. That will do two things, help end twinking (which if your like me, yes i twink, but no i don't spend 2-300k on my toon to do it), and of course lower the prices. It will lower prices buy reducing the market to only those with the level/skill that can use it. And i dont' mean put recomended level's on everything. I mean a Required level. And IMO that would be: that there is any possible way that you could possibly loot that item. Now on 46 you can go to the planes, so you have the potential on 46 to be flagged for most of the planes (if not all) so required level of 46 on all planes drops would cut that market down. Also on an item like a Delightful Orb of Forgotten Magic, where you have to be 60+ for it to drop in LDON. So make it required level of 60 (or even 58 due to the fact a 58 could group with 5 other 65's and beable to get this drop....i think.)

Anyway if you like the idea, cool if not, that's cool too. Just curious of what others would think. :)

#45 Jan 30 2004 at 8:51 AM Rating: Default
80 posts
For anyone who didnt know there was a few really big exploits in the game that have finally been fixed on being the guy in thurg who sells coldain velium tempers selling them for 1cp each then sell back value was nearly 24pp making it a way to endlessly make plat. other was a few tradskill items were fudged like mq ore convertion 1 small brick of mq ore costed 1sp buy then and water flask throw in fordge combine insta large brick of mq ore sells for 6pp and somin so net profit basicly 6pp per combine, this was fixed very soon as thay became aware of it. but it didnt fix the problem cuse you could then just turn the small bricks to large bricks then to bloack wich sold for 18pp, thay fixed and you would figure thay would have noticed yet again one more combine to folded sheets still neted 18pp. fianally thay made small bricks cost 2pp wich fixed the problem. another was the infomus dude in stables in bazaar had a endless supplie of BD's wich buy for 262pp sell in bazaar to somone for 400pp wich is beat up. well its all i noticed on the exploits wich i am one of those who easy sees the exploits in the game like one now wich is high end reasearch items drop like crazy in FG and sell for a lot in bazaar. also on the coldain velium tempers thay were removed from the vendor in thurg ya half to make them now, wich people do and sell for 30pp in bazaar on my server. well thats all i know for now!
#46 Jan 30 2004 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
I am in agreement with this post whole haertedly i have been well basically forced to use the plat purchasing services many times becuase without them i can never ( or at least feel that i can never advance in the game item wise or really other wise because higher lvl requires higher end equipment which is overinflated price wise in the bazaar. sorry for the run on rant however this has become well outrageous. u spent $50.00 on plat at their site the get back in game recieve the plat and the item price has been inflated again causing u to well again need more plat from the rip off artist./
#47 Jan 30 2004 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
Sony could easily cambat 95% of the macroers by REGULARLY patching the game, even if they were small unnecessary things. It would change the memory offsets the majority of those people need to operate their programs.

Sony could at least make it much harder for most of them with such a campaign.

The cost to the users would involve us downloading a new client regularly, though.
#48 Jan 30 2004 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
You should probably re-read the letter again.
He's talking about HIGH PRICED items... not 20p items
#49 Jan 30 2004 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
37 posts
Hello all,

Frist i have to say i know why SOE has made so many item's lvl restriction, These item are often not very good to buy or sell sence most the people that are at those lvl's are getting items that are even better, but are they?I also know after reading this Why SOE has made so many item's no-Drop.This is the way I think SOE is handle-in the market problem.I find that items that have these silly lvl restictions sell for almost nothing.I Beleave that SOE is gettng a hold on the market that way, so people that want to play and need items can get them, and sooner or later the few items that where great will have a lvl restiction item that is even better.I also notice that most player get to the lvl's these item's are restictioned at very fast with the Exp. shift I notice.I see a time where these items that are High priced cheep upgrades that few people think of as a good upgrade becouse you can get items that are better for there classes and easy to get and these high end non lvl restiction item will be a thing of the past.

Ok, I maybe looking at this as a Pipe Dream.I also maybe putting the prices on item go-in up so fast and force-in people to want alot of money/pp's to get these item. Well I think the people that think that way are short time people they play EQ for 3-6 mouth and give it up for something new and these account die and so does these items and pp's/money too.

I play Everquest for fun, and don't care about this problem maybe becouse I don't see the game as a way of maken money or ripe-in people off, or where's the next trick I can pull on other's.This kind of stuff been go-in on a long time in Everquest, and it only drives people to get upset or to leave the game, like those 3-6 mouth people I mentioned.

I bet when the People that do this stuff, read this are already moved to there next trick they can pull on people that play Everquest and no longer care about you given out there old tricks.

I may not gotten what your drive-in at here, but it what I got out of what I'm reading here.Play Everquest for "Fun", not thinkin of "Your Fun" time as he/she's getting away with this or that, it will only upset you in the end.

Edited, Fri Jan 30 09:05:34 2004 by nalandt

Edited, Fri Jan 30 09:14:46 2004 by nalandt
#50 Jan 30 2004 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
Actually the fix is pretty simple when you have complete control over the game. It's a very small amount of accounts that buy over 1,000,000PP worth of the same items every day 10 seconds after they are listed, just as its a very small number of accounts that level to 65 in a week and then suddenly change their billing information, and log on from an IP halfway across the country. Very few naked toons on Ubisoft accounts recieve and then give away millions of PP to complete strangers they have never had interaction with before. It would be easy to watch those accounts, and spot the obvious IGE bots. SOE can cancel an account at any time at its discretion. They don't have to provide reasons.

The only thing stopping SOE is the balance of player attitude. Look at it this way: There are 3 camps

Camp 1: Players that are gung ho against any plat sales and think that what IGE does is sickening and destroying the game for honest players.

Camp 2: Players that purchase PP/Toons/Items or that think such action is ok. They cringe at the thought of losing this method.

Camp 3: Players that really aren't polarized one way or the other, or that don't even know its happening.

All of these camps are paying money to SOE, As long as the vast majority of people are in camp 3 and the balance between camp 1 and 2 is pretty even, then everyone is relativly happy and SOE doesn't need to do anything. This board has a balance of people in these camps, although I would argue its a bit polarized towards Camp 1

If more people begin to shift from Camp 3 over to Camp 1 then Sony will start to Crack down on this stuff to pacify people back over to Camp 3. We saw this happen when the Shark bug happened, and things started to cost everyone more PP. People got angry and SOE was in real jepoardy of losing accounts. They responded by patching holes and banning accounts.

So if you wan't to see SOE fix this then let them know you are in Camp 1. The sooner they get this feeling the sooner they will take action. You don't have to cancel your account, or stage mass protests. A petition, an email, or a post. They will get the picture, they read message boards too. They arn't looking for passion they are looking for volume.
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#51 Jan 30 2004 at 9:14 AM Rating: Decent
I wonder if people in SOE are being paid to look the other way.... If there is so much money supporting this industry there is good reason to use any means to keep it going.

Easy way to put a stop to this, Dont try to get items ya cant farm yas selves.

Farming cash to get items is perfectly fair. If you were only meant to get items through loot then everything would be no drop. Why even bother having a monetary system at all? I think SOE knows perfectly well what is going on and isn't changing it because they are making money from it too. They've proven in the past that they can monitor events in the game and they aren't doing it now. They don't care. And I for one will never give another dime to SOE.
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