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#302 Feb 06 2004 at 2:55 AM Rating: Decent
Grawolph, there are a couple of problems with the idea of banning accounts that transfer 10k more than twice in two weeks.

Lets say I have a trader mule on a second account and one night I sell 15k pp worth of items in the bazaar. The next day I may want access to that plat on my main account. Now If I have another good night in trader mode a few days later, bam, I'm banned.

Yantis/IGE would start making the transfer in smaller increments after a couple of accounts get banned. Then SOE starts looking for smaller and smaller amounts and eventually I can't borrow 25pp from a friend to buy a spell without getting banned.

On the subject of one sided trades, that is, trades in which only one side offers something, as has been stated previously a rusty dagger would fill that void nicely.

In the end, I think it really is up to us. If players don't buy plat, the companies that sell it will move on.

Speaking of moving on... isn't this thread getting a little long/old?

52 Gnecromancer

Edited, Fri Feb 6 02:59:30 2004 by Natdatilgnome
#303 Feb 06 2004 at 4:36 AM Rating: Decent
icdumbpeople wrote:
Then all you game fanatics that have nothing better to do but play eq 24/7 can all go to that one server and play till your hearts content or your fingers are key typed down to the bone
I still don't understand why poeple like you think the lower levels are only hard work to get up and not just fun in themselves.

Delivering the killing blow on the last of 4 creeps OOM and with only 3% HP left feels the same no matter how many HP you had when the fight started - the adrenalin doesnt get stronger with each lvl otherwise at 65 a lot of people must have died from a heart attack already...*lol*

Did we (yes I DO mean we*!) skip the first lvls of Tomb Raider? Did we go into cheat mode immediatly in Baldurs Gate to get max stat/hp from the start on? Don't think we (I DO still mean we*!) did so.

If you think EQ is only boring xp grind till one finally hit lvl 50 (or whatever) you have not understand the game and I guess you are just one of those self-confidence lacking creeps that want to be "on top" at least in a game if they can't in RL (and willing to pay for it)

*I do see myself as the typical average (apart from being a female who's partner does not play it) EQ gamer. Not better, not lesser. And in counting myself to the faceless mass of players I claim the right to speak on their behalf in some cases.

Do you think of yourself also as an average gamer? Or one of the "better"? And be warned in advance - it'd be a contradiction to claim that the average players are the mass of better players ;-)

Edited, Fri Feb 6 05:36:05 2004 by Leiany
#304 Feb 06 2004 at 6:47 AM Rating: Default
Lemme ask u this... and im not trying to defend plat sellers, they can burn in hell for all i care...

Before Ldon, what was a good plat generating camp? I dont mean, like in BOT where u can get ornate armor wich goes for around 50k on my server... That is not generating plat... that is plat moving between 2 people....I mean whats a good camp that gets money direct from merchants, not from other people?

Heres my point.... on a typical LDON run, (and it is typical ive done over 300+) it takes me and my peeps 30 min - an hr to finish. We each rake in on average, about 175 pp. Not terrible, ... but think about this... my grp is not the only grp in ldon... say, theres 50 grps in all of ldon at any given moment( just a rough estimate between peak hours and dead hours) Thats roughly 50,000 (dont have a calc handy) pp being GENERATED, not moved between players, but 50,000pp in items bein sold to merchants... per hour...

So, again,... dont have a calc... but thats SONY'S OWN GAME pumping roughly a million platinum into the system EVERY DAY.

now... think about it... in all of eq, pop, kunark, loy(he he), velious..... combine it all.... anything come even remotely close to pushing a million plat into the game in a day?

say what u will about bankers, sharks, goblins, and whatever other rumors you may have heard... Personally, i have duped plat before(ON ACCIDENT) and i reported it immediately, u know what happend? 30 seconds later i was purged to the server select, and the duped cash was removed...

personally, i say LDON's cash machine is the reason the economy is so screwed up...

Just some food for thought

Mlain Dreamthief
#305 Feb 06 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Good
124 posts
I'll say it again, people are stupid and there is nothing you can do about it. The bazaar has brought prices down until someone decided to get greedy.

Want to see how stupid people are? Go to the bazaar and search for spells sold on vendors, or even items vendors ALWAYS have in stock. On Fennin Ro, some loser is trying to sell a couple of portals\circles for 2500pp. The spell merchants sell them for 7-14pp.

I've seen price ranges on some items from 1pp to 2500pp. If one trader can't sell it for 1pp, what makes someone else think they can get 2500pp?!

If you don't like the price, don't pay it. Noone says you need that item today. Search for it in the bazaar over a period of about 2 weeks. You'll find what you want at a decent price.
#306 Feb 06 2004 at 11:51 AM Rating: Decent
No its convenient to blame plat sellers.......yes you are are right look how much ldons bring in. And once again someone has told me how im supposed to be excited fighting level 30 mobs coming within an inch of death and i should appreciate the "hard work" it took to kill that greyhopper in mera seru.

Once again, if the masses of players didnt buy so much platinum would this be an issue??????????????????NO it wouldnt. Bottom line is a HUGE number of players buy plat and dont have problems doing so.

Im jealous, HELL NO, im just not whining about someone else making money off me. Everyone says the real meet of this game starts 50+. Then why cant people get to 50+ as easy as possible? Again, you liberal views on how everyone must be equal is disgusting. You fought for months in newbie zones with banded armour back inthe day. There fore so must everyone else.

A new expansion is coming out with a new class, its sony's way of selling copies......if you take away the ability to twink out those new toons with gear to help them level up, you have FAR fewer new bezerkers. Watch how much some items jump in price once GOD is live.....cant wait to here yall complain then.

"i dont like seeing american dollars sent over seas" Good point, but quit the game then.

Once you start down the road of banning accounts.....all you have is a mess. Just getting a GM response is next to impossible, much less within a good time frame. So what happens if YOU get banned for something that wasnt done to "cheat' the game?

How is this killing the game again? Oh yeah, you want prices to stay like they were when you camped in ec tunnel and sold banded. Do players still shop in the bazaar?????/yeah more than players still buy plat online??????you bet........will any of this really affect you if you are a hard core gamer??????the answer is NO NO NO NO NO NO NO.......

You say it does because you cant make tradeskill items.....sure you can, you just cant sell say new players dont know enough about the game.......ifyou have played that long, then you must know a ton of players you trust to group with, just play with them........if your upset because now you cant afford ornate, then go farm it or level up and get it on your own......but why do you have to be upset because someone else wants it??????

Yall need to understand, the story line in this game SUCKS. Who starts out with any real background as to what is going on?????you hav to go to unofficial sites to gain any kind of info. For the new players this is confusing. This game is all about getting better.....better hp, better armour, more plat, more levels....etc......there is no forced story line to the game and most of the players dont want it.....look when ldon came out how many were just looking for what to say toget their adv stone without looking into the story? Now of course soem of you spend hours a day roleplaying your prayers to tunare, im not talking about you select few.

What i dont understand is how you all can just step in and "speak for the masses" its exactly that that gets the United states in trouble......let me tell you....dont speak for me. Your euphoric babblings are not the feeling of the masses.........

#307 Feb 06 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
What part of hois post did u not understand -- lol we are not talking about chump items -- we talking ornate -- tryh tracking thje prices on those -- or do you work for Yantis??
#308 Feb 06 2004 at 1:18 PM Rating: Decent
according to all the hard core gamers, if you want ornate go get it....lvl up. 2nd of all no i dont work for yantis ige or anyone associated with computer gaming.....its something i get to do at most a couple hours everycouple days........most people posting here think i should have to play for three years at availability of play hours to get high enough to do anything. Thats buying alittle plat doesnt hurt you, having people "speak on my behalf" doesnt help me cuasethose people have no real clue what the masses want.......BOTTOM LINE IS IGE/YANTIS WOULD BE OUT FO BUSINESS IF NOONE BOUGHT FROM THEM..........but how many customers do they have???????? a ton of em........bottom line actions speak much louder than words......the eq average players want to be able to buy if they choose.....why because they do....and thats why ige/yantis arein business.....thats why sony hasnt done anything and looks the other way.

Who cares how much ornate is anyway......yall complained when it was 50k too.
#309 Feb 06 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
one thing thats not really being seen here is how the "honest" player is suffering. The game is getting increasingly difficult to meet the challenges the high end players need nowadays. and why are these people not being challenged? because they buy pp or gear to make them stronger. (not all people mind you, but a lot).

so what about the casual player..the "honest" player that doesn't buy anything but still wants to see new content? they're screwed because when GoD releases they will just be getting strong enough to handle Velious mobs.

we need a better way for people to advance their toons. not everyone can get into UBER_GUILD_01 and learn raiding skills quickly or even attend larger raids. The only Tier 2 plane I've touched is PoV...I'm DYING to see elemental planes and new content but the game runs away from me every time i get close to cater to the people that are bored with the current end content.

just my opinions..take them as you will.
#310 Feb 06 2004 at 3:02 PM Rating: Decent
the high end players dont need to buy anything....they get the items no drop off of harder mobs.....having ornate will not get you to elemental....get to 65 pound the aa's, join a guild if you want to even attempt to see elemental....i agree its hard for casual players.....and those that can afford to buy pp online have, those that havent, may be suffering, but i still fail to see why. Once those people are done with thier gear, they sell it.

Inflation does have more to do with prices, than anything else. How much platinum gets taken out ofthe eq economy? you may buy food, you may buy gems, or maybe even some tradeskill supplies. But you see SOE has made this game so that vendor selling is useless. if no money is ever taken back in by vendors, then where does it all go????older servers with more people have more platinum.....would there be inflation without ige/yantis? I think yes, because it just gets passed from person to person over and over and over.

Is there any proof that these companies are using cheats to make platinum or dupe it? Or are we just to busy looking for a scapegoat on a broken or flawed game?

Any game that has tradeable upgrades turns into a race to upgrade and get better. Everyone who plays this game, looks for better things and upgrades....the game is driven by greed to a degree, some more than others. How many new players would keep playing if they had to where banded armor and play for 6 months just to get up in level? Many of you did, but the game has changed.....because you did when the game was new is a far different scenario then now.
#311 Feb 06 2004 at 4:02 PM Rating: Good
5,135 posts
lol we are not talking about chump items -- we talking ornate

Another 3-6 months and Ornate will be considered chump.

Just sayin'
#312 Feb 06 2004 at 6:08 PM Rating: Decent
You lazy worthless useless non playing idiots.

I have a Yugo, cause I can only afford 2 thousand dollars, I want a NASCAR race car, Mr. President of US, make them sell me a one million dollar car for 2thousand, I am to stupid/lazy/ignorant to make a million dollars.

I have a rawhide tunic, for 5pp, I want a Ornate Breastplate, Mr. President of SOE, make them sell it to me for 5pp cause I am too stupid/lazy/ignorant to make 250kpp or to join a decent guild to earn one.

The price of items is that way because not everyone can be a race driver and have a NASCAR race car, and not everyone can be an uber player and have Ornate or better gear.

A rich kid can buy a NASCAR car and race for fun, even be a top level driver, IF he has the talent too.

A Talented hard working driver can earn his ride.

A rich kid can buy Ornate with PP bought from RL money, even be a top level player, IF he has the talent too.

A talented hard working player can earn his PP or gear.

#313 Feb 06 2004 at 7:20 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Taarakian. I think you're completely missing the point of this thread. In fact, I can't even tell what point you're trying to make. Are you ok with people buying plat in order to get that ornate armor without working for it? Or against it?

See... The problem is that you're not making the connection between the two issues. It's about supply and demand. If you increase the demand for an item, but keep the supply constant, the price will always go up. Now. In an EQ where no one (or very few) players can just log onto a site and purchase plat for RL cash, the demand for Ornate is restricted to the (presumably non-lazy) people who earned that much cash themselves, in game, presumably by killing mobs to get loot, then selling said loot in the bazaar (and then perhaps using that as seed money to work up their cash by buying and selling stuff).

IGE, by making the purchase of plat easy, safe, and "cheap" (relatively speaking), has increased (by a huge margin), the number of people who choose to purchase plat instead of earn it in the game. This means that the demand for items like Ornate has gone up. This means that the price has gone up.

This does two things (as illustrated in the very first post, if you'd taken the time to read it):

1. This makes IGE's business more profitable since higher prices means more plat people have to buy for the same result in game. If you really want that Ornate armor that used to cost 20k, but that now costs 150k, you'll buy 150k worth of plat to get it.

2. This means that the "honest" players (I suppose this is *not* the lazy people you referred to in your post) have to work that much harder in game in order to earn the money to buy the same goods. Again. If Ornate used to cost 20k, but now costs 150k, you'll have to work a lot longer and a lot harder to buy it.

So basically, the players are getting screwed (even the ones who think they are making out by buying plat online). IGE is the only entity that wins.

Sice you seem to be the champion of players who work for their gear in game, there's another layer to this that hurts them beyond even the prices in the bazaar. Since Ornate is selling for 150k instead of 20k (and presumably other high ticket items in the bazaar are undergoing a similar inflation), there's that much more incentive for people to farm said items. What this means is that alot of players who might otherwise move on to other content are farming Ornate intead. This increases competition on those drops, meaning that the "honest" players who just want to get the drops for their own use are having a hell of a time doing it.

The result is that players who are normally of the "I want to get the drops myself camp" are hitting a brick wall in the just-pre-elemental stage of PoP. They can't get the drops they need to advance in the game. If they were just competing for drops with people at the same level as themselves, they'd be fine (still crowded, but not terribly so). Right now, trying to do any sorts of mini raids for Ornate molds, or even just in zones where such things drop is virtually guaranteed to be an argument fest. Most guilds at that level are just going elsewhere since it's not worth dealing with the farmers (sad as that sounds really).

Um... This makes those players feel like they are falling behind. Some of them are also going to just go ahead and buy plat from IGE in order to "keep up". There are enough pressures on a guild, in terms of which content to hit, and when to move on. Adding in this additional bit of annoyance is a real pain. There are a lot of guilds literally spinning in circles because they can't progress in PoP right now. Or at least are feeling that the time and trouble isn't worth it.

I'd normally just say to wait for the next expansion since that should break things up abit, but the problem is still there. If the next expansion contains droppable stuff better then ornate, then that will just shift to be the next "high ticket" seller (and again generate a stumbling block for all but the first guilds to go through). If the next expasion does not contain a better sellable set of gear, then Ornate will still be a stumbling block since those lower level guilds will still need something decent to continue progression. When you look at the expansions in order, the last "sets" of armor available (as in, not just piecemeal stuff you can pick up) goes all the way back to Velious. You *can* outfit folks in random bits from SoL and PoP (quite well actually), but it'll take a lot longer for a guild to do so, and you'll be raiding all over the place.

The GoD expansion doesn't look large enough to support a progression of gear. I dont think they'll have a mid leveled "set" of no-drop gear in it. Most of the content looks to be aimed at elemental/time capable guilds. This means that everyone who's not at that level is going to basically be stuck for a very long time. If you think of progression in terms of how far you are in the current "new" expansion when the next one comes out, those guilds will actually lose ground rather then gain it. That's pretty frustrating btw...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#314 Feb 06 2004 at 10:51 PM Rating: Decent
I am not for OR against, TO EACH HIS OWN, the game is BIG ENOUGH that you can do it any way you want, WORK for it if you have the TIME to PLAY, or BUY it if you don't have the time to play for it because you have a real life job.
STOP WHINING because you are too lazy to EARN IT, in game OR from RL.
The MIDDLE MEN like Yantis and IGE and PlayerAuctions are NOT being bothered a great deal from SOE, because they are providing a service that MINIMIZES in game /petitions and email about having bought stuff in game and not getting paid. Instead of SOE getting the complaints, Yantis, IGE, etc, are the ones that get ripped off by any scammers, and SOE has NO headaches generated by players WHINING about being ripped off. The gray market will never cease to exist, what gray market ever has?

Sell Ornate for 20k? When its WORTH 200k? You PUTZ, I am not going to sell you my Ferrari for the price of a Yugo, just because you don't have the financial wherewithall to afford it at the market price it's worth.

I can spend 2 or 3 hours a day and make a profit of 25k per week, easily able to afford Ornate and better. And what I do is EASILY done by ANYONE at ANY LEVEL.

1. USE your BRAINS and earn it in game.
2. Or use your dollars and earn it out that way.
3. Or get in a good guild and raid with them 3 hours a day and earn it.
I don't care what way you do it. Just stop WHINING about it you crybabies and EARN it one way or the other.

I don't care. Just stop being IDIOTS and CRYBABIES.
#315 Feb 06 2004 at 10:59 PM Rating: Decent
your on Fironia Vie server, prices are different for you, play on a regular server and you will understand what everyone else here does

peace d-man
#316 Feb 06 2004 at 11:30 PM Rating: Decent
no his post is exactly right......
#317 Feb 07 2004 at 7:46 AM Rating: Default
icdumbpeople wrote:
Good excuse for buying crack, illegal weapons and whores also...

PS: I just play for 3 months and I am European - and I still claim you don't understand the meaning of the word c-h-al-l-e-n-g-e
#318 Feb 07 2004 at 7:49 AM Rating: Decent
gbaji wrote:
Taarakian. I think you're completely missing the point of this thread. In fact, I can't even tell what point you're trying to make.
and furthermore your post summs up perfectly the point of view of serious players who are neither greedy nor lazy. But who just want the environment not be ruined and would appreciate to be able to keep playing the game the way that MADE them starting EQ.

Edited, Sat Feb 7 07:54:41 2004 by Leiany
#319 Feb 07 2004 at 7:59 AM Rating: Default
The result is that players who are normally of the "I want to get the drops myself camp" are hitting a brick wall in the just-pre-elemental stage of PoP. They can't get the drops they need to advance in the game. If they were just competing for drops with people at the same level as themselves, they'd be fine (still crowded, but not terribly so). Right now, trying to do any sorts of mini raids for Ornate molds, or even just in zones where such things drop is virtually guaranteed to be an argument fest. Most guilds at that level are just going elsewhere since it's not worth dealing with the farmers (sad as that sounds really).

Ornate is good and well but personally for the time and money... LDON is the best way to go for a cleric

But, whomever said that high level characters have no use for money is absolutely right, Nothing i can buy will advance my character any further. I would like to get a pair of holgresh elder beads, but even at 500k, no one will sell. So, in the meantime, ive started collecting manastones.

#320 Feb 07 2004 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
Nothing like coming into the bazaar and finding the BoC at 350K (normally Yantis bot has at 500K, i am on Maelin). Run to there and see an obvious bot swooping down on the guy. Like I carry 350K on me so went to bank with all sorts of hope and sure enough its gone :(
#321 Feb 07 2004 at 10:27 AM Rating: Default
to the are you talking about? point was how would ige/yantis be in business, if the "majority" of players didnt buy plat and items online? Oh let me guess, Donald Trupm is the single best customer of ige and keeps them in good thing yall have your own servers....stay on em
#322 Feb 07 2004 at 10:47 AM Rating: Decent
icdumbpeople wrote:
my point was how would ige/yantis be in business, if the "majority" of players didnt buy plat and items online?
*sigh* and mypoint is that drug dealers, weapon smugglers and whores are also still in business although no one wants them except for their own customers - got it now?

You better add "whenIlookintothemirror" to your nickname....
#323 Feb 07 2004 at 1:52 PM Rating: Default
Point of Original thread, bottom line, Plat. sellers and / or bazaar resellers are monopolizing the items and price fixing.
BULL CRAP! See my other posts you lousy useless players. Just because you can't compete you are trying to blame somebody else for the fact that YOU CAN'T PLAY THE GAME EFFECTIVELY. You want the hi end stuff, but don't want to work for it. Everything selling in the Bazaar is TOTAL FREE MARKET economy, its DOG EAT DOG. MOBS that drop the nice stuff are hard to get to and at least half a dozen guilds of 100 plus members RACE to each one as soon as it pops, the race (and items) go to the FAST and the STRONG. You can't compete? BOOHOOOOOO.
Eat the other dogs
Or stay a peasant in peasant's clothing.
#324 Feb 07 2004 at 4:11 PM Rating: Decent
#325 Feb 08 2004 at 3:39 AM Rating: Decent
and my point was first off this is a game.....drugs whores and hehe gun smugglers....geta life....this is EQ.......2nd of all your point is you dont like the traders, sellers and such, and thus they must be bad since you dont like them......again get a life.....whats the most populated zone in the game? the bazaar, why? becaus enoone can stand the traders. They cant stand them so bad, they all just go to the bazaar to meet and chat right? No EQ free market....the majority of players dont care....and they do speak not saying much at all and just play the game, and frequent the bazaar. every server, every bazaar= the busiest zone.....period.....get it now?
#326 Feb 08 2004 at 5:03 AM Rating: Decent
*sigh* Where talking about IGE, Yantis and plat buying (from the start of the thread on!) not of the Bazaar....

we all have a life - but you better get a mirror :))
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