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Post about IGE you should readFollow

#252 Feb 02 2004 at 3:43 PM Rating: Decent
I'm assuming our law abiding citizen who owns MySupersales has reported all of his real money earnings off his site sales to the IRS, because they can sure get nasty when they find someone forgetting about the $1.5K x all those sold characters and stuff. Could even end up shutting them down and being tossed in jail if the auditors found anything.

I've also heard that people who report tax evaders get a percentage of the loot gathered by the IRS.

Just a thought...
#253 Feb 02 2004 at 3:53 PM Rating: Decent
So its been a few days since the orginal post. I have to admit there are alot of good ideas floating around out there.

Realization - This community is a hand full of sand compared to the beach the makes up the EQ community. Even if we could strike or as I suggested some pages back, petition on a large scale to Sony, it would still take a massive amount of coordination and something I don't think we could pull off.

Next Realization - Management so to say has probably developed their own ideas to solve the problem. Theres a good chance they won't hear any of our conversation. They are commited to their solution and most likely won't sway from it. What that solution is... who knows... they are typical management and don't communicate it properly.

Next Realization - No matter what stops are put in place, people always find ways around it. You will always have a 3rd party system that is going to sell items and plat. There is no way of getting rid of these exploit bodies. I don't care if you setup sting operations or not. They will find ways around by deleting toons, accounts, or whatever.

Solution - We need a unified voice to speak for the allakhazam community. Unified is the only way something gets done. This post could and most likely will go on for days, and alot of people will say what needs to be done... but at sunset, no one will have done anything about it. I would like to see someone stand up and say, "YES, I will do it" and give us instructions on what we are going. I am a hypocrit because I'm not your guy to do that.

Solutions - There is alot of chat of legal channels etc concerning mysupersales etc... and what Sony can and can't do. If we recognize that we can never truely be rid of this activity, then at least make it difficult to do business. One post mentioned Paypal being owned by Ebay being a US based company. This is signifigant becuase Ebay is a very extremely conservative company. Notice no more adult themed auctions etc. If enought folks wrote Ebay, I bet Paypal would investigate.

Lastly, I do like the idea of limiting the plat levels on toons or accounts. Whether you can get Veriant to do it is going to be extremely challenging. I still think a site that people could visit that they enter their email address into, and it sends a form letter to Variant, Song, and Ebay is a good first stop if anyone can create it.

Has anyone checked with other communities to see what they are doing if anything?
#254 Feb 02 2004 at 4:52 PM Rating: Decent
405 posts
Out of all possible options one so far has not been mentioned: SOE can issues a corporate grievance with Visa and MasterCard citing 3rd party institutional fraud. The fraud in this case would be construed as a contract between two parties that was held in detriment to the third party, and in violation of the stated SOE licensing agreements. Interesting enough federal and international law does not apply. Why?

Every company or business that wishes to accept either MasterCard or Visa transactions must be underwritten by a financial institution (a.k.a. a bank). Before the bank allows the business to process any credit card transactions, they must first sign a fairly lengthy compliance agreement with MasterCard/Visa. Any actions by the business outside of this contract will result in very hefty fines being levied by MasterCard/Visa, or in the most severe cases the permanent revocation of their ability to process credit card transactions. Fines may be issued either directly to the business, or to the bank underwriting the account.

Although a breach of contract can be used in court to help determine any warranted damages, Visa & MasterCard retain the right at any time to drop a customer that may be overly problematic. Dropping of a customer doesn’t have to go to court. It is a simple matter of convincing Visa & MasterCard that the signed compliance agreement has been significantly violated (usually over a prolonged period of time). Normally this is done through two parties via a series of third level chargebacks, but in the case of a third party an auditor can be assigned to make a ruling.

Of course SOE would need tons of evidence of the exact transaction between IGE and the customer, and this could be very difficult to obtain (since it was a transaction that never was processed with SOE). If SOE could figure some legal way of obtaining this information they have it within their power to request that Visa/MasterCard prevent IGE from ever being able to process another credit card transaction.
#255 Feb 02 2004 at 5:57 PM Rating: Decent
Speedbow, you're #2 reason on the legal action is in error. Yantis is right in my hometown of San Diego. IGE first got started in Spain, and now, I believe, moved stateside.

Other Notions: The selling of goods was intentioned by former Verant to be auctioned, rather then direct selling. Auctioning can bring any price rather then a set one; the goods went to the highest bidder.

Neither Verant nor SOE could do anything about it (how could they? How could they suppress imagination and creativity?). Selling for a set price is the norm, and I've never seen an actual item being auctioned off since my noobie days.


DS auctions, "Will lap-dance to highest bidder"

#256 Feb 02 2004 at 9:25 PM Rating: Decent
Smiley: disappointed

First of all we all have choices and the ones with more money have more choices Smiley: sly and that is what brings me to this post. Now, not forgetting that EQ is a game (we have to keep perspective) and the reward for playing hard, playing long, investing to SOE monthly, investing REAL LIFE precious time and divorcing ones self from reality is the "DING"...a new level...higher skills...more friends...and most importantly "RESPECT". In my opinion the respected players are the ones you hear about, the ones that help others, the ones that "GIVE" instead of take. They are not the people that go out and buy old accounts or plat. They know how hard it is to start from scratch and remember the thrill they felt when they got their first pp. For those who spend real money for game plat are only cheating themselves. Once you attain all your uber armor, weapons, spells etc...what is left? You have a twinked toon with few skills and little knowledge of the game. You cheat yourself out of the thrill of getting the last few plat needed to get that one item you have been bashed, slashed, burned and LOADING, PLEASE WAIT ... to attain. Now I've been lucky in game, peeps have given me items that have really helped me out...I have spent hours in the bazaar looking for "bargains" for my beastlord...I have fixed her up so I can help others so that they can get that drop or that last gold bubble to the next level for a "to die for" spell. I have yet to sell anything in or out of the bazaar (except to merchants) I either loan or trade with friends or I look for newbies in PoK and give them items I have outgrown or loot I don't need.
It is the players choice how they attain their plat...but once you spend it all...once you look at your credit card and see you spent your hard earned money to buy money to buy uber items just stop and ask yourself "what do I have to show for this?" Give me the sense of accomplishment and let hear that "DING" and watch me RUN to bazaar to buy that item I busted my butt for...yep, I'll take the thrill over the steal any day.
To buy plat is to cheat yourself out of the spirit of the takes dedication, devotion, and the Spirit Of Accomplishment and Spirit of Respect to win in EQ.Smiley: wink2

Just my own 2cp here...Smiley: twocents

Barbarian Beastlord Goddess 45
Human Bard 13
Dark ELf Wizard 5
High ELf Enchanter 10
Kitty Bard 18
Barbarian Shaman 5
Half Elf 1

You may want plat, but I go for the gold Smiley: tongue

Edited, Tue Feb 3 18:39:38 2004 by Allakhazam
#257 Feb 02 2004 at 9:34 PM Rating: Decent
I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall for the Sony board meeting discussing this...

ExecOne: Ok, we have some subscribers of Everquest who want us to stop taking money from other subscribers, and in addition, put pressure on Visa/Mastercard to have THEM stop taking money from a multi-million dollar company

ExecTwo: And if we don't?

ExecOne: Some of them that gather at some internet site called (Reads paper) Alla... Allakabam say they will "Organize" if we don't.

ExecTwo: "Organize"? What does that mean?

ExecOne: Something about demanding programming changes to the game to force the people they don't like to stop doing what they don't like them doing.

ExecTwo: (Snorts coffee out his nose) And?

ExecOne: No idea.

ExecTwo: Send the giant Smed.

ExecOne: You got it.

Edit: What the heck is that abomination above me attacking my retinas?

Edited, Tue Feb 3 02:37:18 2004 by Toasticle
#258 Feb 02 2004 at 9:51 PM Rating: Decent
I love this thread; it points out one of the horrible things that happened to the game since SOE took over. I send them feedback all the time and I am sure by now they have a progrom running just to delete everything I send so they can ignore me. LoL. I have taken a personal war against the bazaar and all the high prices. Not just the cheats and hacks, but all the asses that raise their prices also hoping that the folk that buy that plat will spend some on them. I work with a group of tradeskillers on Xev. I buy and resale tradeskill components (I sale at same price I buy, this is not a money making deal for me) I auction constently and go to zones buying up all the items before they have a chance to hit the bazaar. (Well most of them. some people will still try to sell for much more then I pay in the bazaar and I feel sorry for them because they lose my business and thus a good amount of PP). I then pass these savings onto folk that have come to know me. I don't know about them; but I buy in volume and sale my JC items for less then anyone else on server. Because I deal in volume I still make a good amount of PP and anyone sitting in bazaar trying to sell off a bloodmetal Earring for 30k it sits there for damn near ever because everyone knows I sell for less. I pass this idea off to the rest of you. Pick a market, don't try to get into everything. Pick one market and make it your own. Get word of mouth out, it will be easy if you are a fair dealer. People will go on waiting list to buy from you. (this isn;t only for tradeskill items. You can choose to buy up and sell fungis for example. If they are going for 90k on your server put your name out, let people now you are buying offer 60-75k. then sell them at 80k. prices will drop and you can buy cheaper. If you don't put it up in the bazaar the hacks can't win)
#259 Feb 02 2004 at 10:05 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Heh. Yeah. I was wondering that too... Dude! Just because there are tags for bold and font sizes and colors doesn't mean you have to use them. Just a thought...

I don't think it's that outlandish though Toasti. I kinda disagree with the somewhat silly idea of trying to apply legal/economic pressure though credit card companies though. That just wont work (and they wouldn't want to do it). SOE is not going to want to try to sue anyone if they can avoid it. As you said (and others have as well), SOE isn't technically losing any money because of the actions of IGE.

However, SOE has banned accounts for actions taken in game that are considered damaging to the integrity of the game itself. Exploiting will get you banned. Repeated use of foul language will get you banned. Zone spaming can get you banned. Attempting to crash zones or otherwise cause disruptions can get you banned.

It's not as black and white as everyone makes it out to be. Yes. SOE wants as many subscribers as possible. However, there's a balancing point. If a very small number of accounts are taking actions that may potentially lead to a much larger number of accounts being cancelled, they'll certainly take action. After all, why do you think they ban folks for zone disruption? It's exactly because they know that if they don't, other people will leave the game. It's about maintaining the quality of your product. Believe it or not, that's much more valuable in the long run.

SOE has always made a big point about the player driven economy. As much as we sometimes ***** about things, it really is one of the parts of EQ that does work very well. Sure, there's some oddities in the game that folks think are weird (the merchant buy/sell prices being extremely ridiculous), but that's all done to encourage players to buy and sell stuff. The player based economy is still considered the flagship of what makes EQ unique. I have a suspicion that anything that threatens that will be looked at harshly by SOE. I can almost guarantee you that SOE is going to take this very seriously. Not because a group of players on Alla's site say they should, but because it's something that is damaging their game.

Um... Also. Never underestimate the desire of a corporation to prevent another corporation from making lots of money off their own product. SOE has got to be taking a very dim view of IGE making millions of dollars buying and selling stuff in EQ. I really don't think they'll go after them legaly though. There's just waaaaay too much grey area there that they really don't want to explore right now. They'll take care of it in game if they can. SOE can ban people for exploiting, so they can certainly ban them for selling plat. Remove the accounts that IGE uses to sell plat with, and you rapidly put them out of business. There's no need to get Visa and Mastercard involved...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#260 Feb 02 2004 at 10:27 PM Rating: Good
Gbaji is right.

SOE will defend the game's integrity when they believe it is threatened.

And, they will absolutely hate the thought of IGE making money out of it without paying any liscense fee or royalty.

You can be absolutely certain that there will be some serious discussion taking place at SOE as they formulate their postion on this issue.


1. They will want to investigate for themselves and determine just how big the scale of it all is. (So far we have nothing but rumor and speculation, SOE will not make any decisions or take any sort of action without the true facts.)

2. The final course of action they choose will be based on a compromise, between maintaining the integrity of the game, providing an environment and game mechanic that satisfies the majority of subscribers and, increasing their revenue take where and if possible.

You can also be quite certain that one of the topics on the agenda will be to examine whether there is some avenue of unexplored (some may unexploited) "service" to subscribers which could be a legitimate extra revenue stream to SOE.

It would not be the first time that an unliscensed and unauthorised entreprenure has unwittingly developed a market for someone else's product.

If this were to take place though, I wonder how SOE would reconcile the maintainence of the game's integrity with the great new service to subscribers - buy your PP from the EQLive online store?
#261 Feb 02 2004 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
It is that black and white.

Everything you listed directly disrupts the gameplay of people around them, and is VERY easy to track via logs (well, except hacking, but there are still ways to track it)

People buying plat is almost impossible to diffrentiate from regular trades, either between friends or guildies or family members or multiple accounts or "Here's that 10k I owe you". Add in the people who they would have lost otherwise who ended up staying because they could buy the gear they didn't want or couldn't put in the time for, and Sony has very little to gain by stopping it. It's like George Carlin and prostitution... Sex is legal. Selling stuff is legal. Why is selling sex illegal?

You want them to go after actions that in and of themselves are perfectly legal within the terms of service, and stop them because RL money is involved. Selling duped stuff I agree, but duping by itself is bannable. Camp stealing is (for the most part) not bannable. Farming is not bannable. Farming plat to buy the farmed fungi tunic in the bazaar is not bannable. You want them to spend the time and effort to track which people are doing things they are allowed to do normally and figure out which ones are exchanging money and ban them. You want them to ban people who have shown they are more than willing to pay MORE than the $12/mo to play their game

The funny thing is, IGE is good for Sony, less headaches. People are going to buy and sell stuff. Period. They always have. When its done via Ebay and message boards people get scammed ALOT, and /petition to Sony because they are pissed off. IGE is not going to purposely scam anyone because of the amount of money involved. Less petitions=cheaper GM costs=savings for Sony.

The ONLY way you are going to get Sony to do something is by proving to them that they will become more successful by listening to you. Yes, integrity is a nice word, but that majority of people paying Sony don't care enough (or at all), they just want to play a cool fantasy game. Until you can PROVE they will do better businesswise you have nothing to sway them.
#262 Feb 02 2004 at 11:57 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Toasticle wrote:
People buying plat is almost impossible to diffrentiate from regular trades, either between friends or guildies or family members or multiple accounts or "Here's that 10k I owe you". Add in the people who they would have lost otherwise who ended up staying because they could buy the gear they didn't want or couldn't put in the time for, and Sony has very little to gain by stopping it. It's like George Carlin and prostitution... Sex is legal. Selling stuff is legal. Why is selling sex illegal?

Of course. From the server end, it is impossible to tell the difference. That's why they've never gone after smaller operations before. It's just not worth the trouble. However, those smaller organizations have never had the impact on the game that IGE is having. If it was black and white they would always take one action or another. It's "grey" because it's not the action taken, but the degree of the action that prompts a response.

Remember. The problem from SOE's point of view isn't the sale of plat itself. It's not even the buying of plat. It's the virtual monopoly on the sale of plat by a single business. Thus, they don't need to track the sales internally. They do it externally.

It's just not that hard (how many times do I need to explain this?):

They simply run stings. Have one person, once a day, place a paypal payment to IGE. Since they are going to IGE's web site and using IGEs system and paying money to IGE, they know with absolute certainty that the account that arrives to pay them must be one owned by IGE. Since selling plat is a violatio of the EULA, they can simply ban and cancel that account right on the spot when the money shows up. There is no tracking required. It really is that simple. It might cost them a few hundred dollars a week to do (practically nothing to SOE). But each account taken from IGE sets them back enormously. They have to keep buying new accounts from people. They have to work to transfer plat to the accounts. The plat on the account being used is lost to them as well (which costs them real money since that's lost revenue, right?). I suppose IGE might use one account for each transaction, but that's probably not the case. Odds are there is platinum on the account SOE just banned that was slated to fill the orders for many players. SOE just "cost" IGE several sales with each banning. And that's assuming each account has just one character on it and only on one server. One account banning could destroy a significant amount of potential profit for IGE.

Do this once a day for a few weeks, and IGE is out of business. The only way they can protect themselves is to put only one transactions worth of plat on each account so that they minimize their losses when SOE bans an account. The problem there is that it now becomes *trivially* easy to track where the money is coming from. You ban the account and look at the logs. If you see that account has recieved specific, large amounts of cash from a single other account, you know that's the account where the plat is being kept to shuffle to the actual transaction accounts. SOE simple bans that account as well. While you can argue that there are lots of legitimate reasons to transfer large amounts of cash around in EQ, I can't think of a single legitimate reason why an account would be making multiple platinum transactions to an account used as a transfer mule for an IGE plat purchase. The only logical reason for those transaction is that the account giving the money is also owned by IGE and is used to hold money for the transactions. Ban those and you really hit IGE in the nuts.

I'm serious here. This would take virtually zero money and effort for SOE to do. They just have to decide on exactly how to go about doing it. They also have to decide that the damage to their product being caused by IGE is worth banning the accounts owned by IGE (and the loss of monthly cash for those subscriptions). However, SOE has banned accounts in the past for far less disruptive actions. Right now, I'm betting SOE is simply examining the issue and determining exacly how disruptive IGE is to their own business. If the disruption is considered too high, they will act. I can't see any reason why they wouldn't.

You want them to go after actions that in and of themselves are perfectly legal within the terms of service, and stop them because RL money is involved. Selling duped stuff I agree, but duping by itself is bannable. Camp stealing is (for the most part) not bannable. Farming is not bannable. Farming plat to buy the farmed fungi tunic in the bazaar is not bannable. You want them to spend the time and effort to track which people are doing things they are allowed to do normally and figure out which ones are exchanging money and ban them. You want them to ban people who have shown they are more than willing to pay MORE than the $12/mo to play their game

Again. There's virtually no tracking down required. They simply use the same mechanism that IGE uses to sell plat to customers to ban IGE accounts. SOE can literally let IGE do the work for them. As long as IGE is a big enough name, and has a large enough customer base to cause a disruption, SOE will always be able to sting them and ban the accounts used for IGE's operation. It's really that easy.

Um... Also. Selling of ingame items for RL money is expressly forbidden in the EULA. Whether that would stand up in court is a moot point. They don't have to take IGE to court. They control the servers and have the rights to ban accounts for any of a number of reasons. As long as the paypal payments SOE uses to sting IGE are valid (ie: they actually pay them), and they refund any subscription payments on the accounts they ban, there is absolutely nothing that IGE can do to prevent this legaly. Nothing.

The funny thing is, IGE is good for Sony, less headaches. People are going to buy and sell stuff. Period. They always have. When its done via Ebay and message boards people get scammed ALOT, and /petition to Sony because they are pissed off. IGE is not going to purposely scam anyone because of the amount of money involved. Less petitions=cheaper GM costs=savings for Sony.

Yes and no. SOE doesn't care too much about purchases as long as they are minor and they can legitimately say they don't know about them. IGE has made themselves into a very obvious seller of EQ "content". SOE has to do something to protect their product. The problem is a legal one. If they do nothing, they have the potential to lose any right to do anything later (kinda like a trademark loss in a way). If they sue, they have the potential to lose. If they do, then the strength of the EULA is diminshed. They may lose more in the long run going down that path. If, however, they simply enforce the EULA within something they already control (the game and the servers for the game), then they can claim that they enforced their EULA (thus protecting the legality of it if needed later), while putting the ball into IGE's court. IGE will have to sue SOE for banning their accounts. They'll have to show that their profits were lost as a result of SOE's actions. Of course, it puts them in the unenviable position of looking like they are sueing the owner of a property for not allowing them to make money off of it in a way not agreed to in a contract. IGE doesn't want this to come to a trial either, since it could result in a loss of business for other game venues (which they don't want).

The key from SOE's perspective is to make it unprofitable to sell off stuff from EQ. The sting method is the only really effective way to do that. IGE is a business just like any other. If they aren't making money selling plat in EQ, they'll stop doing it. It's just that simple.

The ONLY way you are going to get Sony to do something is by proving to them that they will become more successful by listening to you. Yes, integrity is a nice word, but that majority of people paying Sony don't care enough (or at all), they just want to play a cool fantasy game. Until you can PROVE they will do better businesswise you have nothing to sway them.

Heh. I'm not trying to prove anything to Sony. I'm trying to explain to you what SOE will likely do, and why. Integrity sounds like a fluff kind of word until you apply it to something like the hull of a ship. Then, suddenly, it's really important. A game like EQ is just like that hull. It works because the players believe that it's worth their time to play. The integrity of the game is about how consistent the game is and will continue to be. There is a reason games like Shadowbane die off. There is a reason games like Diablo2 never become huge online hits. If it's easy to "cheat" in a game, no one's willing to invest that much money playing it. Same applies here. If the game becomes just about buying stuff online, then most of the point of playing it becomes moot. If that was not the case, the SOE wouldn't put any effort in at all to expose and remove exploits. Yet, oddly, they do spend time and effort fixing those exploits.

Why would they fix exploits like the recent plat-duping bug, and the tradeskill bugs if they didn't care about the "integrity" of their game? Same logic applies. If they see that IGEs actions are damaging to their game, they will take action to fix it. Now, I'll grant you that it's entirely possible they'll decide that IGE isn't really causing enough damage to justify action. It's possible. I don't think it's likely though. In this case, it's not just about preventing some random people from cheating. It's about another company making money off of their dime. I don't know of any corporate entity in the world that wouldn't immediately put that on the top of their "we need to fix this" list.

Hehe. Lets just wait and see. I'd expect no more then one month before we see some sort of action by SOE.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#263 Feb 03 2004 at 2:23 AM Rating: Decent
I Dont know why people buy pp to get items, spells well ok spells are must over 50 some are mob drop. I been selling alot from armor dye gettin pp from adventures gettin points to get armor from adventure merchants , there is really good stuff in LDON merchants if players put some time into it take a look link=

Edited, Tue Feb 3 12:50:25 2004 by drinalsk
#264 Feb 03 2004 at 3:37 AM Rating: Decent
QueVerest wrote:
...and most importantly "RESPECT"....

As much as I appreciate your point of view and as much as I communicate with other players solemnly on the basis of respect, reality is that our society is mainly based on success.
I'm kind of a sunday-artist and you wouldn't belive how many a*****s ask 2 sec after they've seen one of my paintings "For how much does it sell?" and NEVER ask about technique, time spent or anything else.

So expect no one to give a "piece of Owlbear dung" about how you acquired your stuff or how you did reach your level. EQ is - no mattter what server- just like real life:

EQ: Toon says "What lvl?" ..... RL: Dude says "What's your salary?"
EQ: Toon /inspects Leiany ..... RL: Dude inspects Leianys car

MMORPG's are by no means an escape from the world we live in - its just brought down to the essentials there.

Edited, Tue Feb 3 03:38:10 2004 by Leiany
#265 Feb 03 2004 at 5:29 AM Rating: Decent
there is only one problem.. sony knows and is helping this go on.
follow this thread..

hit the now open link... this plat buying.. equiptment buying and all is linked right to sony's eq section..

Cathrah lvl 64 druid of TP
#266 Feb 03 2004 at 5:45 AM Rating: Decent
well...I checked the link and....

1. EQ platinum has such limitied content that many fans can do it better and proved that in large numbers - this site is pure crap.
2. Personally I feel like SOE just pissed on my head and as soon as WoW goes online I'll be a goner.

Edited, Tue Feb 3 07:16:10 2004 by Leiany
#267 Feb 03 2004 at 7:11 AM Rating: Decent
After reading all the the post. I would have to agree with Aquendar. SOE is slowly phasing out EQ. To make way for EQ2. If you dont believe that look at all the lvl 65 in the game. It seems to me that Soe has let EQ become easy to lvl and have decent items. There is no market anymore most people in the game have the same items or better. I can not even give some items away to lvl 1 toons. Soe made there mind up a long time ago to make the game easier, to make EQ2 look more appealing to their subscribers. Make eq boring. I dont think Soe even cares that these companys are selling items and platium nor do they want to spend the money to fix the problem. And about the bazaar I really beleive that the bazaar was made for average players like myself that can't play all day to sell there gear. I don't agree with what the company's selling plat and items, but the fact is Eq is a dying game. The days when bronze armor was uber are over so let's move on. Playe the game enjoy it but do not think that Soe will make any changes.
#268 Feb 03 2004 at 10:45 AM Rating: Decent
Remember. The problem from SOE's point of view isn't the sale of plat itself. It's not even the buying of plat. It's the virtual monopoly on the sale of plat by a single business. Thus, they don't need to track the sales internally. They do it externally.

Stop right there. You keep repeating this like it's true. The problem is from your point of view. You don't like IGE/Yantis/Whatever. Which is fine, I am not saying you have to like it, but you keep repeating that this is a problem for Sony, when there is nothing to back it up. Your explanation of HOW they could go about it is pointless because you haven't addressed WHY they should do so in the first place beyond that you don't like it.

Why would they fix exploits like the recent plat-duping bug, and the tradeskill bugs if they didn't care about the "integrity" of their game? Same logic applies.

Again you are comparing bugs/hacks to non-bugs/hacks. One is taking advantage of or outright hack the code of the game. The other, while not being "allowed" by their EULA, does not. The distinguish different levels of breaking the EULA, hacking/duping is more severe in their eyes and is enforced, buying/selling to them is benign. And again, the easiest answer for it being disallowed is CYA by Sony: They don't support it, so if you get ripped off, they will not have to help you. If they challange this in court and lose, they are going to be screwed - They will then have to moniter and prevent such scams in the future, all for the possibility of some disgruntled players that cancelled coming back if they win. Bird in the hand.
#269 Feb 03 2004 at 11:45 AM Rating: Decent
OK here it is..

9. You may not use any third party software to modify the Software to change Game play. You may not create, facilitate, host, link to or provide any other means through which the Game may be played by others, such as through server emulators. You may not take any action which imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure. You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction) any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

#9 in the Terms of Service we you must agree to when logging in. Any questions? Good now someone explain why they aren't doing anything.
#270 Feb 03 2004 at 12:05 PM Rating: Decent
What do you attribute to the huge inflation in low to mid level items?

I'm talking about the FBSS, SCHWs, the Focus II items ... just to name a few.

Also, I thought Verant had logs for everything we do in game. I would think they can run a query for all accounts that have over XXX amount of plat. Or run query for accounts on a single credit card for XX amount of plat. Monitor those accounts that do not look to have a legit source of income.

AND they can start banning people from buying/selling plat. Since they have records, they should be able to easily tell when someone buys plat.

All they have to do is ban a couple of accounts for everyone to take notice.
#271 Feb 03 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent

I searched for a tool to allow me to generate a form letter that everyone could just input their email and off it went. I couldn't find anything out there. Instead I will offer this solution.

Copy and past this email in the to: line

Copy and past this subject
Unethical Game Play changes

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To whom it may concern,

I have recently become aware of the 3rd party cheats and the practice of selling plat for real money. This problem has recently altered the game play of EverQuest significantly. I would like to petition Sony Online Entertainment to do something about this problem. Not only is this problem effecting current game play, but it is beginning to cause doubts about EverQuest2 and SOE's ability to combat the same problem.

I understand that this problem has been recognized because of recent patches and notes that have been activated in the last several weeks. Action must NOT stop there. I expect SOE to start by applying legal pressure specifically to mysupersales/IGE, cannotlinkto, and Ebay the parent company of Paypal who handles a majority of the cash for game item transactions.

This letter will begin circulating among all Everquest communities. If SOE continues to ignore the situation and improvements are not seen by March 15, 2004 we will be forced to ban together and take further additional actions.

Thank you for you time.

Please post this to other message boards and guild sites. It is only with one voice that we can make a difference.
#272 Feb 03 2004 at 12:44 PM Rating: Decent
Hi all,
just wanted to add my 2cp. Although these are all possible solutions to the problem, I do not feel that any of them alone, will resolve the issue totally. I do not feel closing the Bazaar would resolve anything. And why should we punish those of us who buy/sell/trade fairly? Besides, if we went back to an EC style of auctions, the same thing could be done, it would just take a little more work. I believe the best solution can be achieved in two steps. 1. Do NOT buy anything from those who wish to "take advantage" of the the system. If it is way overpriced, forget it, do without or try to hunt/quest for it. If no one is buying their stock, they will be forced to reduce the price eventually. 2. Now I saw this one posted already, but I am including it here as well. Spread the word, tell a friend, guildie or simply tell a stranger how you feel about it. I believe there are far more PC's out there who choose to earn what they acquire and get a sense of satisfaction and accomplshment by doing so, the way the game was intended. Additionally, use the "in-game" /feedback command and tell SOE how you feel. Make it the first thing you do when you log on tonight. If you read some of these posts, you must have an opinion. Now all you have to do is make it known. Thanks for letting me add my thoughts.

Good hunting.
#273 Feb 03 2004 at 12:59 PM Rating: Decent
rupking <=== Good idea!!!
Also for all of you going to the EQ Fan Faire on Las Vegas this year you can ask there in person.
Also have you all notice the IGE link on castersrealm site??

In my personal opinion I think Sony will do nothing about it,
casue this is not a new problem and they have done little effort to stop it since luclin, did crap on POP, ignore it on LOY and LDON again turn the other way. I dont think I will buy GOD expantion , because I been also playing horizons and there you actually work your *** to become a trader ..cause you go to the land and actually get the wood from trees mine ore to get bronze bars and hunt to get pelts. I like this system also there is a merchant on any city where you can put 5 items max i think only for sale no more and it will sell it for you and you recive the money even if you logg out that merchant will sell your goods in game or off game. Game stills lags alot and very new game still, But I notice a link in yatis page of horizons .. Also spells you use are free some are not most of them are kind of like DAOC where you level and get new skills , also you can buy land and help rebuild old towns, very cool concept looooots of lagg. It will be very had to Yantis and company to ***** econ there cause also one character per server is allowed. Yeap they can have lots of high level toons but leveling isnot an issue there not that hard. any character can be any class dotn like one go to trainer and choose another plus you get some of the low skills from your previous class. :).

so you can change back and foward team needs cleric go to cleric trainer be cleric then later be a pally again lol. Try it, read about this game probalby you like it if EQ is not a happy place to you.

Also the original EQ team is not working in SOE, they moved to other better things. Many GM's been fired since legends , guide program is FUBAR cause some of those accounts were on you know who's sites.
I think back in time and best EQ years where kunark and velius after that game suppot from sony has been going down up to this point and since EQ2 is not something the original creators of EQ did I will expect more this this yantis IGE crap.

Edited, Tue Feb 3 13:37:50 2004 by drinalsk

Edited, Tue Feb 3 17:57:55 2004 by drinalsk
#274 Feb 03 2004 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
so, in other words, these ppl live to buy stuff from bazaar instead of work for lvl 65 and get in a guild that is elemental flagged, where they can get any number of no drop items. i understand where these guys are coming from, but this is no longer a game for low end people who play to buy a 5k item anymore. this is an established game and sony already has shown through its expansions (except ldon) that this game is now for higher end ppl. ornate? go farm it in solro or nameds in bot. u dont have solro flag...go get it. instead of ******** about prices in the bazaar for an item, work harder to go get gear in high end zones that are better anyways.

this game is not meant for every user to have the same experience. the ppl who play all the time do more than the casual players. so, if someone wants to cheat and get all the items they can buy, so be it. let them be the hard core, full ft, max hp and mana, 5 kazillion plat person they want...and they will be the most uber ppl in bot. big deal. woot, a big bad uber person in bot. u wont see those ppl in high end zones since most of them cant play their characters anyways. point is, play your game your way, dont worry about any others.

oh, since im the only one saying anything negative, i expect to get flamed, accused of cheating, etc...i dont really care. chances are, i wont even read this again. i will still go about my normal daily business of playing EQ and having fun while u guys get depressed because joe bob is cheating and has more plat than u.

Level 65 Cleric
Forsaken on the Rodcet Nife server
#275 Feb 03 2004 at 2:47 PM Rating: Decent
Sickest example I have seen (and I have been watching) is guy selling Scepters of Destruction on Playerauction. He sold for $65. Guess who buyer was? Sure enough our buddy. He has em listed for $325 now. Happens with accounts all the time with people who list em with low start bids or no reserve. They always come up for sale at $100 + where they started. No cost to him (hell he gets paid for buying it as seller as to pay) for transaction just inventory costs.

Nice business (from his side) and its far worse here than DAOC (where I came from) as DAOC is more about plat and plat farming. Not aware of major exploits other than that a good 3 box can farm $25 worth of plat an hour :) Housing has inflated pricing somewhat and killed it other places (crafters flooding the market with PC stuff which is still not bad in DAOC).

Groovdog, 19 Paladin (only been at it a week)
#276 Feb 03 2004 at 3:14 PM Rating: Decent
...we will be forced to ban together and take further additional actions

Um. I'm sure that is going to frighten them.

Funny thing is, by sending that you are weakening your own stance... You are telling them "I don't like this! But I don't hate it enough to stop paying you so stop, or I'll... ask you to stop again!"

Also check I belive if these guys can get a fully kunark expantion or even old world expantion working I will gladly pay them 10 dlls. to play on their servers if they keep an eye on hackers than can ruin game off the game.

9. You may not use any third party software to modify the Software to change Game play. You may not create, facilitate, host, link to or provide any other means through which the Game may be played by others, such as through server emulators. You may not take any action which imposes an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure. You may not buy, sell or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell or auction) any Game characters, items, coin or copyrighted material.

Either the EULA must be followed to the letter, or it is enforced by Sony when they think it needs to be enforced. So, where is the drama to stop this guy? He is also violating the same EULA quoted above. This guy is actually HACKING the game to reverse engineer a server emulator, so you are going to pay him so you can get away from the.... hackers??

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