IGE's strategy of artificial price inflation has two fatal weaknesses that SOE can exploit to stop this problem:
1. It requires IGE to sink a lot of plat into the economy to buy up all the reasonably priced high end items - this cost them money because there are definitely costs associated with generating all this plat (game licenses, harware, labor, etc.).
2. They need to sell and deliver plat to people in game in order to recoup their costs and make a profit.
The solution is for SOE to wage a War of Attrition against IGE that IGE can't win.
Here is how:
1. Have an SOE employee place an order for the minimum amount of plat you can buy (like 10k for about $15). When the IGE guy shows up to deliver it, SOE "busts" him and bans the account.
To replace this account, IGE has to buy another copy of the game software to get a new CD key and pay at least one month's worth of user fees.
Since IGE will have to pay more money to SOE than SOE paid to IGE each time this happens, SOE can keep doing this over and over again eventually making it unprofitable for IGE to operate this way.
2. SOE can take advantage of the fact that as the developer of the game, they can "generate" items at no cost.
Simply have a database track the purchases of high end items. They can then analyze this data to make a list of likely "suspects" by looking at who is consistently buying these items and who (if IGE uses different accounts to sell these items at high prices) is selling the items bought by these suspects.
Over time they will also be able to determine at what "price point" these IGE bots (or employees) will automatically buy up these items.
Now SOE will have a pretty good idea of who IGE's buyers and sellers are and at what price they buy items at. All SOE has to do now is generate these items and offer them for sale in the bazaar at a price just under the IGE price point. SOE won't need to worry about ******** legitimate buyers and sellers, since they are selling at or near the existing IGE inflated prices.
This will force IGE to expend plat buying these items up to artifically inflate the prices. This costs IGE money but costs SOE nothing. It also removes plat from the economy.
And when SOE has enough data logged on a particular buyer/seller to be sure that they are IGE "agents" they can then just ban that account costing IGE even more money.