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crushbone- home to some of the worst players in the gameFollow

#1 Jan 27 2004 at 7:47 AM Rating: Good
51 posts
crushbone is a wonderful zone, with great xp, but i do find that there are a helluva lot of bad players there- all the newbies... so this is my rant about it, as yesterday drove me mad:
i quite enjoy playing through the lower lvls, as at higher levels i feel more pressured in the game, etc- but when i play a character in crushbone, i seem to see a lot of really bad players. the amount of times i have been hunting in the mine area and had some twinked idiot coming and stealing all the pulls when i am resting is astonishing. and then when i say to them 'sorry, this bit is camped' they nearly always just ignore and carry on.
And yesterday, i was grouped with a lvl 14 cleric (who has a 100pt healing spell at that level- and soothe at level 9). I was playing a warrior, and the group had a low lvl druid as well as other things. The cleric didnt actually realise that his job was as a healer and soother in the throne room, and he insisted on pulling and trying to tank. i even asked 4 times in a row for him to heal me (i was on 30% health, and going into the TR as the main tank), and he did actually have mana, as he was wasting it all on nukes as he was fighting in melee and not medding. the druid then had to heal me all he could. The cleric then tried to pull and melee, even though everyone told him not to, and that i was puller and tank- and we had to have the druid stopping adds. no one was sad when that cleric left.

which just makes me think of one other thing- why do so many kids who play EQ play as clerics? surely the way they play is more suited to a warrior or paladin.

anyway, sorry i posted my rantings here, i just had to let it off =)

#2 Jan 27 2004 at 9:21 AM Rating: Decent
331 posts
Crushbone isn't the only zone that this is an issue in. Look at any populated place and you'll find the same people. I was camping the needlites in Echo with a new beastlord the other day, when a level 40ish mage started to blast the entire spawn out of existence. I sent a polite tell,"I'm pulling these man, I was here long before you." He responded with, "If you can't pull them fast enough I will. I need the legs and wings for cash more than you need experience."

The lesson? There really isn't one. Some people are just jerks. Granted, I think the cleric you disliked may have just been a newbie who really didn't understand his class yet, but no matter where you go there will be the occasional punk that pulls your camp or killsteals you.

The worst thing about multiplayer games is that you have to play them with other people. -Tycho, Penny Arcade
#3 Jan 27 2004 at 10:12 AM Rating: Default
Another Crusbone special is the newbie-killer-train I observed both with my old and new char on FV MANY times:

Some brave&honest toons lvl 4-6 doing the newbie armor quests from Kelethin - trying to get crude bronze bricks and various parts - CAREFULLY pick one orc after the other in the entrance zone trying not to get to much attention....

....and SUDDENLY a large group of runs by like mad heading for the zone end and vanish....followed by Emperor Crush and the whole staff of his castle - killing most newbies they run into with a single blow before these have a chance to escape.

My Rogue always hid the moment she saw more than 1 toon run to zone but my Enchantress learned to hate those &%$ยง"! morons who pull the whole castle and are to dumb to warn anyboody whats coming....

These morons btw are mostly 10th lvl up - maybe twinking to often does have the same effect as inbreed *lol*

Edited, Tue Jan 27 10:13:47 2004 by Leiany
#4 Jan 27 2004 at 10:35 AM Rating: Decent
Crushbone is bad and Blackburrow also used to be bad, though I do not think there are as many who go there as there used to be. Befallen also used to have some bad players.

I think that we have to cut a lot of these people some slack in these particular zones, however. If you are playing an alt and have other high level characters, then you are not learning anything, and you know how to manage the situation. If the person is a newbie, however, they are just learning. I am sure all of us had problems our first time in a place like crush or blackb.

When I bring up a new low lvl I like to group with newbies and help them. I know I have ranted about bad tanks but this is a place where it is acceptable and requires some direction. If you take that newbie druid and explain what their role is and coach them along, you may find that you have made a good friend and helped them become a better player.

#5 Jan 27 2004 at 10:52 AM Rating: Decent
405 posts
Hmmm....I would much rather have people make awful mistakes (and hopefully learn by them) in a newbie zone than to quickly advance and make similar mistakes in a much higher zone (where people loose even more XP through death). Perhaps if people decided to slow down a bit and don't worry about advancing your character so quickly, you would learn more about the game mechanics and the finer points of your class. If you're brand spanking new to a class twinking may be hampering your learning curve. We've all made spectacular blunders from time to time, better to do these in a newbie zone.

p.s. The rudeness factor will always be there no matter what zone you're in.
#6 Jan 27 2004 at 12:55 PM Rating: Decent
49 posts
I think I need to agree with Val. I just started a new Necro and it's the same thing... I find myself making stupid mistakes that I would never do with my much higher level shaman.

Having said that I do find that there is a certain rush to get through the levels as fast as possible, which leads to carelessness. Some of it is people learning their class and some is just plain dumb.

Just my 2cp.
#7 Jan 27 2004 at 2:04 PM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Playing one class to a high level doesn't automatically make you an expert on other classes.

I have had some really silly questions asked in those places. I remember one time being in there for the Trainer with a Paladin around 10-12 and I was asked to join a TR group "because they needed a healer". I had to explain that my Minor heal wasn't going to keep anyone alive and they'd be better with me as a tank. An easy mistake for a high level player used to seeing Paladins with their spiffy group heals etc. It wasn't a bad group until we pulled Crush and someone decided they would fear him.

A monk friend of mine was invited to a group and only found out when he got there that they thought he could heal.

Crushbone is a mad place for trains. Not only inside but people running in frequently train the GFay side. You can zone out on low health only to be beaten down by some light blue orc on the outside.

That said it is a great place for people to learn. Some of them never will but it does have all the set pieces to learn about aggro, pulling, low health etc, etc.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#8 Jan 27 2004 at 3:11 PM Rating: Decent
500 posts
Crushbone was one of my favorite places for characters in their teens in spite of the trains. TR is a great place to learn group skills (why healers heal and tanks tank, etc). With that in mind I recently took a 14 clc to CB to level. I arrived to find a small group camping in front of the castle who were not interested in adding me on as they had a high level (55) buffing them - they were about 10 to 14 in level btw. No big deal I thought and found 3 others who were interested in starting a TR (which was not camped). We had just arrived and started to clear the room when a LV 65 began offering free bufs to anyone interested. The group outside got their bufs and proceeded to run into the TR and grab all the mobs and refused to leave after being politely asked since we were camping - comments like "make us" "we dont want to waste our bufs anymore outside" and we will train you all if you dont watch out making up the responses. Now I like to help out the newbies and buf or given them minor items whenever I get the chance, but the group never would have come to TR without the bufs and dont think that they learned any EQ skills that day regardless of how many dings they had. I put more people on my enemies list that day than I had since it became available. I have not been back to CB and it may just be an unusual situation, but I shutter to think of them in a LDON group. While it is boring to kill orcs and skellies with a new character after you are used to playing a high level main, you aren't going to learn the skills by just blasting through the levels.
#9 Jan 28 2004 at 12:06 AM Rating: Decent
This is very true indeed. The low lvl places should be for players to learn the role his or her character will play in a group. I've started playing EQ last month, and I learned about the game's mechanics and the roles of each class out of experience, especially in CrushBone. Granted, there are some jerks or other grief players out there, but those people should not get in the way of one's own game experience.

You guys are right about taking things relatively slow to learn as much as you can. It took me awhile to learn what roles a ranger will play in a group; today, that ranger is becoming a great addition to any hunting or adventure group.
#10 Jan 28 2004 at 2:30 AM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Hmm, I've got an idea that might make things better. Anyone ever been to a public pool in the summer? What do they do for like 15 minutes every hour?

Adult Swim!!

Get all the kids out of the pool and let the adults have it to themselves for a bit, figuratively speaking of course. Send a ooc to all the newbs to leave the zone and let the experienced players exp a bit. If they dont't leave, beat em up (I play on a PvP server).

This would obviously NEVER HAPPEN, but it'd be damn cool...
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#11 Jan 28 2004 at 3:19 AM Rating: Default
The group "leaders" could always fight a duel over the camping rights if they want it BOTH the *hard* way....
#12 Jan 28 2004 at 9:49 AM Rating: Decent
115 posts
Crushbone, being a noob zone, is always gonna be a place where the inexplicable takes place. I remeber when I was a noob, not knowing for a long time what people meant when they shouted "train to zone". I got wasted several times just because I didn't know to get out of the way....... lol.

Trial and error is part and parcel of the learning curve on EQ. We all learned. None of us were born uber and all-knowing.
We need to try and be patient with the new players. I can still remember the names of several great folks who helped me along the way by patiently explaining what to them must have been obvious. But, to an honest-to-goodness noob, alot of what we take for granted is still magically mysterious and unknown.
#13 Jan 28 2004 at 12:28 PM Rating: Decent
21 posts
I'm wasn't one of those newbies who was driving you mad, but I could have been. I've been playing for almost a month now, and naturally ended up in Crushbone with my baby druid.

The first day I was in there, I was impressed. The group talked, and best of all explained to me what my role was within the group. I didn't quite understand everything that was going on, but we didn't have to run to the zone more than once or twice, and when we did, someone screamed enough warning as we made our way from TR.

The rest of the week there (Yes, week I'm a casual player) disgusted me. I left one group that seemed to consider itself to be pirates or something, they didn't take much notice of where anyone else was hunting, they considered the whole zone to be theirs. I didn't want to learn their bad habits.

I was involved with several groups where threre was so much yelling and fighting over who had camped where, that I was considering offering them suggestions about new names to call each other, since neither party was very imaginative. Another group couldn't hold TR but insisted that anyone who dared to wander in leave, rather than try and work together. I was healing one interloper (Was at a safe time in the spawn for it) and someone in my group yelled at me NOT to. I didn't have to make any moral decision about it, I got low on mana and had to regen.

I haven't been impressed.
#14 Jan 28 2004 at 6:48 PM Rating: Decent

I think that those things happen in crush and blackburrow (which is not as bad, but still pretty bad) because they are designed specifically to be palces where people learn how to play in group. As a side effect, and I am sure it was not intended, this is where groups learn to co-exist with each other.

Rather than be frustrated, find good groups to join or offer suggestions to the group you are in to be more courteous. I know that is a long shot, but it may work. If it doesn't, maybe find a nice out of the way corner to solo a druid you can do that better than most. :-) A nice little uncrowded spot for you if you are still in that 9-15 range is the corner back behind the windmills in Steamfont. Lots of things to pull.

Another suggestion is if you get into a crush group and everyone is fighting for camps, ask the group if they want to go somewhere else. There are lots of fun camps and places all over anymore. They have added so many zones that you do not have to fight in one place. The Steamfont location above has Minotaur caves that a group your level could have fun in. You could also go to befallen and try to crawl to the bottom with a group.

Hope you are able to find some place to fight and have fun!
#15 Jan 29 2004 at 1:07 PM Rating: Good
1,166 posts
These things happen everywhere, I have had a level 40 Ranger deliberatly run into my level 24 Druid while the Druid was casting a snare on a Wooly Mammoth, the result was Druid's spell was interupted and the Ranger engaged the mammoth first. The first couple of times I didn't realize what was happening. So be aware it's all over, but you don't have to react to it. There is plenty of room for everyone in the game.
Over the last 15 months, we've traveled to every corner of the United States. I've now been in 57 states? I think one left to go.

Barack Obama

Laen - 105 Dru
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Laosha - 105 Shammy
Lutan - 105 Bard
#16 Jan 29 2004 at 2:44 PM Rating: Good
1,257 posts
Part of the problem is here is sorting out the true neewbies from the twinks here.

Its just possiblle the cleric in the OPs post really did not know what he should be doing, it could have been his first or second group - and it does take time to learn your role in a group - especiallt if you have never done it before. I know when I started out grouping scared the hell out of me, I was so afraid I was going to mess it up. The help of a few kind souls along the way sorted that out for me.

The manner in which this knowledge this is realyed is also critcal to a new player "wtf are you doing" for instance does not help anybody. A tell with a "if you heal me for a bit, would be really helpfull". Okay bad example but you get the drift.

As for the griefers and spoilers, what can I say - they are all over the place at every level, they don't care in crushbone, unfortunately they are very unlikely to care anywhere else. On the plus side, personally, I think most of them don't have enough patience to stick with anything that long so, although they are still there - the quantity seems to fizzle out a bit as you level up.

And whatever, overall, the characters I have met have kept me playing - there is definately more good guys than ******** out there. The ******** make me want to quit sometimes but it never ceases to amaze me how kind other players can be. Never.

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#17REDACTED, Posted: Jan 29 2004 at 2:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) HEheh i wish there was a server dedicated to adults period i can dream and wish but it will never happen
#18 Jan 29 2004 at 3:54 PM Rating: Decent
Cb is a bad zone to grp.. Exp great, Loot Eh could be better... People... Bah! I need more than you! Gimme this!
Then thar are thoise twinks who bring thar 65 whatever here to stand up for em.. That's bad..
#19 Jan 29 2004 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
You just kinda have to expect that the lower level zones are going to have a high percentage of people who don't know how to play the game very well. You just have to deal with it and move on. Moving on is the key concept. Typically, you'll have to deal with morons like that for most of the first 30 levels of the game. It used to be lower back when it was actually an accomplishment to make 20+ level, but with all the newbie advantages and zones like PC that can take you to your mid 20s without ever really having to learn how to play, folks get much farther before the brick wall of the "real" game hits them.

Fortunately, with some few exceptions, very few players get up into the 50+ game without at least learning most of the basics of play. It really does get a lot better. Of course, you'll always have to deal with greedy players, and dumb players, but at least everyone knows what they are supposed to do at higher levels, even if they don't always do it very well.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#20 Jan 30 2004 at 6:32 AM Rating: Decent
You think crushbone is bad... try Bastion of Thunder some time.

Complete retards will train from Upper Earth through two other camps instead of hitting the pad or taking a death.
#21 Jan 30 2004 at 10:03 AM Rating: Good
4,596 posts
In a place like BoT people have no excuse. But in low level zones like CB you have to cut people a break, not only are many of them learning how to play the game, but they are also learning the etiquette. If anything, you should help them to become better players so that they are no longer like that when they reach places like BoT
Nicroll 65 Assassin
Teltorid 52 Druid
Aude Sapere

Oh hell camp me all you want f**kers. I own this site and thus I own you. - Allakhazam
#22 Jan 30 2004 at 10:20 AM Rating: Default
I want this too! I want this soooo bad!! No offense, all you 15 and 16-yr-olds (and some of you are my best hunting companions), but wouldn't it be great if there really were a place where RL adults could go? Count me IN if you ever find such a place. (or such a game.)
#23 Mar 15 2004 at 10:14 AM Rating: Decent
How can that you hope it is not insulting, someone trains a zone and you get OOCs such as "oh the kids must be back from school", the kids in my view are no worse players (i know a 10yr old with a 57chanter and he plays better than a lot of adults), the only difference as far as EQ goes between adults and kids is the sweeping generalisations made by adults such as yourself, on the other hand i am 15 so clearly do not understand as much about these matters and do not deserve acceptance into your fantasy age limited zone. If you'll excuse me i am busy writing to sony to ask for a new zone whitch can only be entered by people without glasses or large feet.
#24 Mar 15 2004 at 12:26 PM Rating: Default
well i was in BoT....
#25 Mar 15 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Children which you are, are less likely IN GENERAL, to understand how their behavoir impacts other people in a game like EQ. Just children are less likely to understand that adults know more then them and despite how inflated they feel are not grown up yet.

Some children are more mature then others and some adults less mature.

I can spot a teenager a mile away on EQ. Can spot a 10 year old also and no offense but I'd love a server where I didn't have to deal with anyone under 21.
#26 Mar 15 2004 at 12:53 PM Rating: Excellent
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
sickseventwenty wrote:
well i was in BoT....
Nice. Smiley: grin One of the most totally random non-sequiturs I've seen in a long time.Smiley: clap

"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
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