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Some good one liners I've heard recently...Follow

#1 Jan 26 2004 at 8:23 PM Rating: Good
These are mostly from LDoN missions I will admit;

Enchanter: Sheesh these mobs are resisting everything I cast.
Cleric: Are you Tashing?
Enchanter: No, I don't have room for the spell!

Beastlord: Boy, I really need that Aug, lets roll now (after a +4 Agility augment had dropped).
Groupmember_01: Why do you want that so bad?
Beastlord: It increases my AC and makes me run faster!

MA_01: Paci please, room is full.
Cleric: I cant pacify it uses too much mana.
MA procedes to pull, multiple mobs arrive in camp, the Cleric and Druid go Oom trying to keep everyone alive.

MA_01 groupleader: Hmm, the Druid is 46 and the cleric is 44, so Druid you are main healer, Cleric you patch heal and back him up.

(The cheeky cleric could not help himself and said "no probs, I will nuke and stun for CC as well!")

The scene is set deep under the sands of the Oasis of Mar. A hardy band of adventurers are battling hordes of vicious beasts and goblins, the Enchter_01 is running hither and thither doing what? Only she knows best.

Enchanter_01 dies for the third time.

Cleric_01: (After performing her third resurection of the Enchanter) Sorry you died again, but I couldn't heal you fast enough.
Enchanter_01: Don't worry about it. No Cleric, no mattter how much mana they have can keep me alive! (Said with a proud tone to her voice).

Mage_01: (Upon entering the dungeon) I never nuke it wastes my mana, I just use my pet.

MA_01: (As Beastlord arrives to join the group) Oh, good the BL is here, I love Beastlords they are so powerful. Now all we need is a Slower!

Necro_01: Cleric! DON'T heal me!
a few seconds later...
Necro_01: Heal me! Heal me!

Smiley: smile

Edited, Mon Jan 26 21:59:29 2004 by Iluien
#2 Jan 26 2004 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
I have one for you...
Wizard(as warrior tank desperately struggles to hold aggro): It's only overnuking if my HP goes down!
#3 Jan 26 2004 at 10:12 PM Rating: Default
Iluien the Silent wrote:
MA_01 groupleader: Hmm, the Druid is 46 and the cleric is 44, so Druid you are main healer, Cleric you patch heal and back him up.

(The cheeky cleric could not help himself and said "no probs, I will nuke and stun for CC as well!")
This is hillarious! :))

One from one of my own LDoN with the now deleted Rogue-->

Me to the Groupleader after the Cleric died: "I feel ashamed - he used his last mana to save my live before he got killed himself"
Groupleader: "He's not too bright...."

Edited, Mon Jan 26 22:12:54 2004 by Leiany
#4 Jan 26 2004 at 10:16 PM Rating: Good

One from one of my own LDoN with the now deleted Rogue-->

Me to the Groupleader after the Cleric died: "I feel ashamed - he used his last mana to save my live before he got killed himself"
Groupleader: "He's not too bright...."

Edited, Mon Jan 26 22:12:54 2004 by Leiany[/quote]


Thanks, this was the first good laugh I've had all day.
#5 Feb 01 2004 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
One from a Butcherblock adventure:

Mt to group: oh dont worry...the Necro can slow and do CC.
Me: Uh...Ok....(proceed to pull the next 31 spiders,rats and gorefeeders)
Mt:So when are you gonna start slowing or mezzing these things?
Me:As soon as you find me an Undead mob i would be happy to.

(10 mobs later...first undead mob pops up with two of his friends...The other two arent undead...two shadewatchers)
Me:Mezzing a Trueborn bloodprowler! NO TOUCHIE
Mt: Assist me on a Trueborn bloodprowler
(shadewatchers proceed to eat the cleric)

Suprisingly enough we succeeded on that mission....only because we had a good druid.
#6 Feb 01 2004 at 11:18 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
Dear silent sage, What server do you play on? I think it's mine cause I think I know that know that group leader that wanted to have the druid MHeal as oppsoed to the CLR. Oh and btw next time you run into him. Give him a HUGE /smack for causeing us grief in our last group TY. /sarcasm off. Seriosuly though I feel so bad for you if you were in any of those groups. On my serverwe have a /join Ldon channel were we can ask on "referance" checks on CLR's and ENC's to see if they can do thier job. It's not "full proof" but do a few /oocs in bazaar and PoK and get the channel going and you'd be surprised how help-ful.
#7 Feb 02 2004 at 1:33 AM Rating: Decent
24 posts
Necro_01: Cleric! DON'T heal me!
a few seconds later...
Necro_01: Heal me! Heal me!

Hehe has happened to me on occasion, youd think that clerics got it by now:
1 mob in camp and necro gets brief moment of aggro because of slow and takes 4 hits = dont heal.
7 mobs in camp necro only CC in group and has choice of either keep refreshing mezzes or tap life back for the odd resists = ok to heal.

My own blunder:
Aknok in nro ldon:"Pfft normal you dont need CC, i can pull this easy"
2 secs later

Forgot prior visit was
#8 Feb 04 2004 at 6:12 AM Rating: Decent
That last one liner about Necros just kicks ***. Being a Necro myself I remember having said "Dont heal me" one minute, taking 3 mobs the next and shouting "F*****G heal me!"

Nowadays, I tell the cleric to heal me ONLY if he sees my health drop below 30%...

Zanikenth Bonewayker
32nd Level Necromancer
Quellious Server
<Crimson Wave>
#9 Feb 04 2004 at 6:39 AM Rating: Decent
5,372 posts
I quite like having a Druid main healer for LDoNs (obviously not if there is a cleric in the group).
#10 Feb 04 2004 at 7:15 AM Rating: Decent
with an ok group, a shaman can be healer np.
#11 Feb 04 2004 at 9:26 AM Rating: Decent
32 posts
Me, cleric, and a pally. A pally pulled way too many in Skyfire one night. We turned to run and the cleric was out of site and her bar had just went dark re, for zoning. I hear the cleric say, "have you put down the speed-bump, hun?",and the pally says "must..huf..outrun..huff...the chanter..". After I zoned into BW the cleric says "well you are crowd control".
I dont know, I thought it was funny. Guess it's a "ya had to be there" things *shrug*
#12 Feb 05 2004 at 10:08 AM Rating: Decent
161 posts
#13 Feb 05 2004 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
49 posts
Happened just last night

Group consisted of Me(Shaman), Cleric, Shadowknight, Wizard, Necro, and Druid.

We're trying to figure out how the pulling should work (read, trying to explain to the cleric that he needs to pac while the Shadowknight pulls) when the cleric says "I've been on over 300 adventures and this is a very weak group."

While I'm typing like mad trying to explain to him that if he just pacifies the shadowknight can pull, the Shadowknight says, "huh, I don't see your name on the leaderboard."

After some exchange the cleric left in disgust, and as lfg while we quit the dungeon and found another group member (Pally) and the druid healed, and we had a successful dungeon.
#14 Feb 05 2004 at 1:28 PM Rating: Good
In a BB LDON on Tuesday night.

We had 2 clerics, ranger, wizzie, shaman, rogue (I know...was an odd mix).

Me - 33 cleric. Other cleric lvl 36. So She was to primary healer for the tank (which was the ranger) and I was to cover heals for the rest and cast calms.

When we were all trying to set our job functions...which because it was an odd mix, there was a little discussion over the various options...the other cleric started ranting about how she had been on over 200 adventures and that we better not ***** up her record. She was invited to leave right then by the rogue, but she shut up.

In the adventure she began blasting. we all told her to save for heals, but in battle she would stand up and start blasting. I ended up as the only one who was healing. Mid-way through the adventure the rogue asker her "So of these people you have grouped with in your 200 adventure many will group with you a second time?" It was priceless.

She left the adventure. We proceeded and had a successful adventure. :-) And the Ranger MA was awesome!
#15 Feb 05 2004 at 3:04 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
My necro once asked, "Is it more insulting to heal the cleric that wasted all her mana healing me, or to twitch the other necro who would rather use clarity over Call of Bones?"

My ranger often states: "We don't need a slower, I can slow with my Swarmcaller. Kind of. Sometimes. Anyone got a dex buff?"
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#16 Feb 05 2004 at 4:37 PM Rating: Decent
This was before we entered the dungeon mind you...

Zeryenne's warrior: Can I get come cleric armor spells or a Symbol? I've got bloodstones to donate.

Random_Pickup_Cleric: I have to save my mana for healing.

Erm... kay. The shaman gave me his buffs though. I was a bit hesitant about grouping with that cleric, but what the heck. Three deaths later, I found myself regretting that decision.
#17 Feb 06 2004 at 12:46 AM Rating: Good
Well, this is not a one-liner, but...

We were on an LDoN crawl. I'm a druid, but this was pre-CH for me and I was busy on snares and roots and nukes and such. We had a cleric that was several levels higher than any of us, so we all thought everything was fine.

First indication was that the cleric was nuking on most of the encounters. That was bad enough, but when she started meleeing as well I thought we might have a problem. Our tank seemed to be getting pretty low on health a lot and I started trying to heal him as much as possible. I mentioned this to the cleric several times and asked her to start healing him sooner. The odd thing about all this is that the cleric was almost totally silent. I can't remember her saying anything other than yes or no.

Well, as always, we finally had a bad pull, with about 4 or 5 adds. As agreed, the MA called evac and I hit my macro which started the LS cast. My macro notifies all group members in caps that LS in incoming and adds a couple of yells so members can orient themselves to me and gather before the LS hits. The evac hit JUST in time and five of us evac-ed successfullly, although all of us were under 5 percent health. The cleric did not get picked up in the LS so we were trying to /tell her so she could run back...we could see her health bar dropping. Just then she came running around the corner, bringing about 15 mobs with her. Killed every one of us except for her, and she zoned with about 40 percent health. Turns out she had fled as soon as she saw the bad pull, had not cast even a single heal, and had spent the intervening time wandering into areas that were not cleared so she could gather enough help to kill us all.

Well, I am laughing about it now, but it was not very funny then. We decided that we would abandon the mission, if you can believe that.

One good thing, though. The successful evac to the zone-in made corpse recovery easy...

Flewid Stumbledore
Druid on Terris-Thule. Only PC that demands written recommendations for clerics. :-))
#18 Feb 06 2004 at 8:10 AM Rating: Decent
781 posts
ROFL! These quotes are great!

I was playing my 56 Beastlord in Dulak today and after KEI had faded, was getting ready to leave, when a friend showed up in the zone. So we meet up, group and start chatting. We're sitting on the dock, leading to the Lady'D boat. I cast invis on myself and then on my friend. (He's a Halfling Paladin)

Friend: "Oh I don't need invis, I can hide." <Does the nifty Halfling hiding trick>
Me to friend: "Hehe... So said the naked guy in PoK, who's looking for a rez." <I cast invis on him again>
Friend: "lol...Good point."
#19 Feb 06 2004 at 9:46 AM Rating: Good
mage_01: Hey, do these guys see invis?
ranger_01: Dunno. Go check.
mage_01 zones in.
ranger_01: You ok?
(pause 150)
mage_01: Yeah. They see invis.
mage_01(ooc): Anyone got a sow for CR?
#20 Feb 06 2004 at 8:02 PM Rating: Decent
22 posts
Tank_01: hey bard (me) mez that add
Me: i cant its too high
Cleric_01: mez this thing its beating on me!!
Enchanter_01: why didnt you mez that mob?
Me: why didnt YOU mez that mob?
Enchanter_01: im slowing, your crowd control

Sad thing is, this has happened on at least4 or 5 occasions...
#21 Feb 07 2004 at 10:57 AM Rating: Good
mage_01 (group leader): Ok, we just need a warrior and we are off.
me: or a knight. Any tank will do.
mage_01: Bah, knights can't hold aggro as good as a warrior.
necro_01: LMAO
shaman_01: LOL
cleric_01: OMG your such a n00b.
me: umm, huh?
mage_01: bah, trust me. I hate grouping with paladins.
me: pally incoming.
mage_01 has left the group
#22 Feb 07 2004 at 12:17 PM Rating: Decent
hehe i know a few necs like this

Necro_01: Cleric! DON'T heal me!
a few seconds later...
Necro_01: Heal me! Heal me!

tis why i say:

cleric save your mana for tanks UNLESS im getting pounded. that coming from my nec.

very nice. love it.
#23 Feb 08 2004 at 11:08 PM Rating: Decent
I did a BB LDON a while back, a low 30's group, we had a monk(me), SK, Bard, Ranger, Druid, and Chanter. Well, the Druid didn't heal, the chanter didn't pac (or either didn't know how to), and the druid would not even respond to group chat when people asked for buffs or heals. Everyone died at least once, and some even died twice, and the chanter just never came back to the group after dying for a third time. Well, the druid gets caught ninja looting and gets the boot from the group. So we are stuck with a monk, sk, bard, and ranger, and funny thing is, nobody died after that and we actually did better. Never seen anything like it.
#24 Feb 09 2004 at 9:12 AM Rating: Decent
329 posts
One of the group members had an "incoming" hot button that says "All around the mulberry bush, POP goes a %T." We're seeing the message all night b/c he's pulling. He's actually a good friend of mine and the message is innoccuous enough, I suppose. But after all the casters had declared "OOM," we see another of his "POP" messages, indicating another pull. To bust his chops, I said, "Hey Pop, didn't you see the OOM messages?" The chanter replies "Pop goes his health bar." Don't know hoe funny it is now, but it was pretty funny at the time.


During a high risk, slaughter LDON with 5 members, the monk announces he has to go b/c his "mother is being a b*tch." He got trashed all night and, ultimately blamed for the failure of the adventure (it could not have been US after all). So the rest of the time, we complained how we been Monk'd (ala Ashton Kutcher), Monked up, Monked over, etc. etc. Again, it was pretty Monk'in funny at the time.
#25 Feb 09 2004 at 10:46 AM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Well I had this through guildchat but someone was telling the guild they were in an LDoN with a rogue wanting to roll on a Mana Aug. When challenged on why they wanted it they said they had to have mana or their procs would not work.

My all time favourite (for older readers) is

MA: HoS has Gone
Cleric: Oh No. Bonanza will never be the same.

And recently I was grouped with a demented pulling shaman whose incoming message was
"Badger,Badger,Badger,Badger,Badger,Badger,Badger,Badger,< %t >, < %t >"

I suppose it takes all sorts Smiley: smile

And some of us will always be tortoised by nightmares.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#26 Feb 09 2004 at 12:46 PM Rating: Default
was in a mid 50s ldon once with my warrior, had a shaman enchanter cleric necro and ranger, the shammy didnt wanna buff us, said it cost too much mana. we eventually managed to get her to buff us, later on the necro asked for some regen, the shammy gave the necro regeneration the necro asked for regrowth the shammy siad it cost too muc mana. we told her to canni, she asked what canni was. the word Ebay springs to mind`.
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