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Gay or not Gay?? males playing female toonsFollow

#102 Feb 03 2004 at 9:19 PM Rating: Default
As a gay male I take GREAT offense to this conversation thread.

good, you should, ***
#103 Feb 03 2004 at 11:10 PM Rating: Decent
I am male irl and play a female high elf pally on amelin starypyre, im origionally from the nameless server, ive played my pally up to lvl 65 and currently have 35aa points. i mainly played a female character because i think the online cyber relationships are for losers and the people who think i am gay because i play a female character are the type of peeps i dont want to play with anyway.
just my thoughts on it

#104 Feb 04 2004 at 12:14 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts

And once the ball gets rolling, here is where it inevitably leads. Name calling, bible beating, blind, ignorant and hateful.

Let's close this one up, shall we? Nobody's going to change anyone's mind here.

Vanaan, I retract my acceptance of your apology. When I tried to deescalate the dialogue you deliberately responded with even more inflamatory statements.

Congratulations. Really man, great job.
#105 Feb 04 2004 at 5:50 PM Rating: Default
Yanari wrote:

And once the ball gets rolling, here is where it inevitably leads. Name calling, bible beating, blind, ignorant and hateful.

Let's close this one up, shall we? Nobody's going to change anyone's mind here.

Vanaan, I retract my acceptance of your apology. When I tried to deescalate the dialogue you deliberately responded with even more inflamatory statements.

Congratulations. Really man, great job.

Retraction accepted. Smiley: lol

You never tried to "deescalate" (whatever THAT word is) the dialog, you verbally attacked me and demanded that I not place any posts for trying to put my opinion in. Crawl back into your little censorship **** hole, Yanari and let us adults discuss things in the manner that we please. Smiley: oyvey

Edited, Wed Feb 4 22:23:31 2004 by Vaanan

Edited, Wed Feb 4 22:40:01 2004 by Vaanan
#106 Feb 04 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
To the original question

Not gay

Blatantly picked a female av for the following reasons

1) To get the same discount prices women do off sex-starved males

2) To look at the mammalian glands

#107 Feb 05 2004 at 1:43 AM Rating: Good
Yanari said: "Here's an option for you. Choose not to "repeat them".

The next time you get the urge, simply press your lips together, or, as in this case, lift your fingers from the keyboard. "

That was about the best thing said in this thread /grin. Sometimes we say things online that we would think twice about saying in person.

Just to jump in on the subject..........because I can :-)

1) I play a female charactor
2) I am a lesbian
3) I am a Christian
4) None of that is a contradiction and neither am I :-)!!

#108 Feb 05 2004 at 4:08 AM Rating: Decent
Is this thread still going? I have been away from the board since last friday and, quite frankly, I had hoped this would be buried somewhere in the second or third page by now.

I can't think of anything that could be said that could in any way be original.

We've had:

Name Calling
good, you should, ***

Random Anon Idiocy(sp?)
I like the boobies too cause they roxxors, but I don't flirt cause that's a waste of time xp'ing ya know

Not to mention constant bible thumping and the occasional offended homosexual.

I think Kao put it best in one of the first posts on the thread,
/hidedeadhorsecorpse on

Let's just give it a rest, please.

Natdatil Unpunntable
52 Gnecromancer

Edit: Edited for stupidity

Edited, Fri Feb 6 21:27:05 2004 by Natdatilgnome
#109 Feb 05 2004 at 5:35 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
I tried to warn you all! but nooo you didn't listen! now you have to live with it!!! Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#110 Feb 05 2004 at 5:47 AM Rating: Decent
Oh, yeah forgot this gem under the random anon crap catagory.

I dunno if their gay, but female toons usually are flirtatious. I play a burly manly dwarf, and i couldn't imagine playing a girl cause I'm very manly.

Edited, Thu Feb 5 05:47:37 2004 by Natdatilgnome
#111 Feb 05 2004 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
I tried to warn you all! but nooo you didn't listen! now you have to live with it!!!

I swear I'll listen next time, Kao.

#112 Feb 06 2004 at 8:25 AM Rating: Decent
I would rather watch the rear side of a women character especially if i played the amount of time some of you do. It's not like she's an exact image of yourself or something.
Too funny...
#113 Feb 06 2004 at 8:34 PM Rating: Good
781 posts
Homophobes! Got to love 'em...

A male playing a female character in an on-line computer game!
A female playing a male character in an on-line computer game!

... is the world going to end? Is it?

My female Troll Warrior gives great, cheap cyb0rz!
I'm not gay, just very happy!

Find something better to worry about, rather than this tired old subject. I've had many female characters over the years and I realy can't see what the big deal is about it.

Am I gay? Nope, 31 male, married with two young sons. Men just don't it for me.

Am I homophobic? Well when I was in my teens, I was homophobic, I think most teenage boys are, to some degree. Even as they become young adults and get older, sadly a few keep being homophobic.
Me I started working at a public hospital at 19. Want to meet a lot of gay men and women, go work at a hospital. Now at 31, my attitude towards "Gay" people has very much changed. I'm happy to say I have many gay friends and they are normal people, just like anyone else.They are nothing to be frightened of, they aren't going to make you "gay", if you talk to them or be friends with them.

But, according to Judeo-Christian theology, a special place of damnation is reserved for people that are homosexual. Not my rules, I just repeat them.

I saw God and she was a black lesbian...

Edited, Fri Feb 6 21:05:46 2004 by lagduff

Edited, Fri Feb 6 21:07:52 2004 by lagduff
#114 Feb 06 2004 at 9:45 PM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
verbally attacked me and demanded that I not place any posts for trying to put my opinion in. Crawl back into your little censorship **** hole, Yanari and let us adults discuss things in the manner that we please

You poor poor dear. You misunderstood me completely. I merely suggested an alternate course of action the next time this situation arises.

That's friendly advice, not censorship.
#115 Feb 08 2004 at 9:04 AM Rating: Decent
I'm a 22 year old girlie with my 2 main characters being male, and tbh it is funny when you get girlies trying to flirt, even funnier when you say 'my bf is gonna take over for a while' always gets some odd reactions :-/
#116 Feb 08 2004 at 11:50 AM Rating: Default
...bad girl!... ;-)
#117 Feb 08 2004 at 6:28 PM Rating: Decent
One day in the Temple of Solusek Ro, just at the north end of Lavastorm Mountains, was a beautiful wedding. EVERYONE in the guild came, MANY friends of the Bride and the Bride. ? . Yeap, 2 Brides, no Groom.
A few eyebrows where raised here and there by those that had gotten invitations to the wedding last minute, but heck, everyone has an open mind mostly.
The Wedding was a beautiful affair. Many presents delivered to the Bride and Bride. A chosen last name for them both was picked, and the gods gave them their new name after they completed their vows.
During the Reception party, one of the brides, having imbibed too much of the free champagne confessed to her bride that she was in actuality a man. But that it would be ok, since now it was really a traditional mateing of man and woman. The other bride, upon hearing this confession, went into a rage and fit, incoherently screaming and foaming at the mouth, declaring she wanted to kill the other bride that had just confessed she was a he. Why? well it turned out, the second bride was a he as well.
#118 Feb 08 2004 at 7:54 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Crawl back into your little censorship **** hole

Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#119 Feb 08 2004 at 8:20 PM Rating: Good
Taarakian wrote:

During the Reception party, one of the brides, having imbibed too much of the free champagne confessed to her bride that she was in actuality a man. But that it would be ok, since now it was really a traditional mateing of man and woman. The other bride, upon hearing this confession, went into a rage and fit, incoherently screaming and foaming at the mouth, declaring she wanted to kill the other bride that had just confessed she was a he. Why? well it turned out, the second bride was a he as well.

Smiley: laugh

Even tough I could see it coming, it still extracted a loud guffaw or two.

Very funny!
#120 Feb 08 2004 at 11:57 PM Rating: Decent
I am also the offence to this thread. Even for being a str8 guy i feel that if a guy can play a female toon to the point were you can't tell well the have a very creative mind.
In all my other game like Shadow Run and D&D i've always played a female character. To me it always hard because you have to be able to think a that character. That is why EQ is call role-playing Game. you have to be able to role play.
Plus the friends that i play with are either married or going to be soon.
So someone sexual orientation doesn't apply here in the game anyway.
#121 Feb 09 2004 at 2:29 AM Rating: Good
They judge themselves, as we all judge ourselves. And all are found wanting. But, according to Judeo-Christian theology, a special place of damnation is reserved for people that are homosexual. Not my rules, I just repeat them. [quote][/quote]

I am assuming by "Judeo-Christian theology" that you are referring to Leviticus 18. If so, let me give you something to chew on.
First - the word "homosexual" was first used in the very late in 19th century CE. There was no Hebrew word that meant "homosexual." Thus, whenever the word is seen in an English translation of the Bible, one should be wary that the translators might be inserting their own prejudices into the text.

Second - This verse is a part of a group of hundreds of rules and regulations called the Law. It is important to note that this group of rules is always referred to in the singular form such as: the Law of Moses, the Law of the Lord, the Law of God, the Book of the Law or simply the Law. This Law is contained in Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Jesus said: "It is easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law." (Luke 16:17) These rules were to be taken as one Law. It's all or nothing.

Third- Let's look at some of the rules of the Law found in Leviticus. Chapters 1-7 has rules about the different kinds of offerings and sacrifices that were to be made in preparation for worship. Chapters 8-10 has rules for the priests regarding offerings, sacrifices, and other priestly duties. Chapter 11 has rules about clean and unclean foods. For example you will find that pork and shrimp are abomination but it's OK to eat beetles, locusts and grasshoppers. Chapter 12 has rules about purification of a woman after childbirth and the circumcision of males is a must. Chapters 13-14 has rules related to skin disorders from leprosy to scabby stuff like dandruff, eczema and zits. Chapter 15 has rules about purification of women after their period and for men with seminal discharges. Chapter 16 has more priestly rules Chapter 17 has rules about not consuming blood. Chapter 18 has rules about sex. Chapter 19 has rules about dealing fairly with others, crossbreeding of animals and crops is not allowed (No tangelos allowed and Tropicana twisters are a synthetic sin). Mixed fabrics are a no-no! (no polyester or cotton blends), no cutting of sideburns or trimming of beards, when you plant a tree you are to avoid eating its fruit for three years. Chapter 20 has more rules about sex...if a man has sex with a woman on her period they are both to be cut off from the people and that if a couple commits adultery they are both to be put to death. Chapter 25 has rules about not lending money to a country man with interest, and we are not to sell food at a profit. My favorite law is in Deuteronomy 15:1 "At the end of every seven years you must cancel debts."

Anyone who judges you by Leviticus 18:22 better stop pointing fingers at you and start making all those sacrifices, worshiping at a tabernacle, and eating beetles and grasshoppers instead of shrimp, pork and lobster. But as for us "Christ is the end of the Law" and the beginning of a great love relationship between God and us!
#122 Feb 09 2004 at 3:03 AM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Excellent post Desthermonk, and a great counterblast to narrow-minded bigots.


I come to these boards to discuss a game, you know the concept folks? A 'game' that I 'play' for 'fun'.

Can those bible-bashers, homophobes and other people wiser than the rest of us Smiley: oyvey take this to '' Smiley: banghead

/rant off
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#123 Feb 09 2004 at 3:18 AM Rating: Good
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
Dread Lord Kaolian wrote:
I tried to warn you all! but nooo you didn't listen! now you have to live with it!!! Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hehe, thanks for the concern, Kao.
Nobby wrote:
Can those bible-bashers, homophobes and other people wiser than the rest of us take this to ''

Well said, I second that motion.

On that note, one of my guildies and good friends is a male IRL, but started a female toon (don't worry, we all gave him **** for it). At first, I laughed at him and called him a crossdresser. Then I just came to accept it. So here's my advice for all you uptight people who look down upon this paticular practice:

Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#124 Feb 09 2004 at 3:53 AM Rating: Default
Taarakian wrote:
well it turned out, the second bride was a he as well.

predictable but funny nonetheless :D

PS: I wonder if every man who played all parts of Tomb Raider is supposed to be gay too in the eyes of the homophobes..... *lol*

Edited, Mon Feb 9 03:57:55 2004 by Leiany
#125 Feb 09 2004 at 4:28 AM Rating: Default
For the love of all that is good and right please stop posting to this topic...My brain has become a twisted amalgam of EQ and "black lesbians" and the infernos of the ninth gate and jesus in a tutu. My only wish is to find something sharp to stick in my eyes so that I may never have to read such preachy bullsh!t ever again.

Let me do you all a favor...

If you go waaaay back to the beginning of this cursed thread, there's a real important word in the very first post...

Know what it is?

Shhhh...Come here, I'll give you a hint...

It's not "gay"

It's not "straight"

It's not even "god"!



Thank you

Edited, Mon Feb 9 04:29:37 2004 by GungirSpear
#126 Feb 09 2004 at 4:34 AM Rating: Default
I'd say you got a point here... *ROFL*
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