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Gay or not Gay?? males playing female toonsFollow

#52 Jan 25 2004 at 4:48 PM Rating: Excellent
1,087 posts
I have a female magician and a female monk.

And no, I am not gay. Next time somebody gives you crap about playing a toon of oppsite sex, tell them to stop having sexual fantasy on EQ characters.

Edited, Sun Jan 25 16:51:14 2004 by Assailant
#53 Jan 25 2004 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
"I tend to kiss women characters in game to show appreciation."
Personally I hate when people start getting affectionate, whether it's a kiss or grabbing my ***, regardless of which character I play. It's inappropriate, it's invasive, and it's assuming that the other person wants a kiss. Chances are they don't.

Don't get the wrong idea here, the few times I have kissed a female character, is generally after they have saved my ***. Or the girlfriend of my buddy. I even kissed one guy once, when we came and complete healed me three times to keep me alive. He said "You do know I am guy right?" I said " Yea, sorry I just got carried away, but thank you soooo much." I get pretty excited when the selflessness of others saves me a long CR. Also form a roleplaying standpoint if a stranger saves my life, man or woman I'm kissing them.

Also, it is just a game, if I kiss someone or dance with them, generally it is in med times and is just to get some life into the group. Not because I want some action, thats what the wife is for. So take a pill, "its invasive" give me a break. Next you will be advocating sexual harrasment in EQ.
#54 Jan 25 2004 at 5:21 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
I will say that I myself will never tell another member not to post comments just because I disagree with the comments. Rather I would like to discuss the comments with the member in order to attempt to understand better what this particular community is about.
This particular community is about Everquest. I'd say if you want to chat about the fate of homosexuals according to Biblical scripture on the AllaKhazam forums, you'd be better off doing so in the Out of Topic forum. Whether or not playing a female wood elf classifies you as gay is an Everquest related topic (albeit a somewhat retarded one, no offense to the original poster -- I mean the accusation, not your post). Whether or not the Bible states that homosexuals are damned for their actions is not.

Assailant, next time say "female mage". Female magician made me think of some chick in a black one-piece bathing suit, fishnets, cape and top hat. Not that I wouldn't grab that outfit in a New York minute is it was available to my character Smiley: lol
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#55 Jan 25 2004 at 6:58 PM Rating: Default
Vaanan wrote:
I still feel free to post comments and join in the discussion. I will say that I myself will never tell another member not to post comments just because I disagree with the comments.

Fine - but next time instead of hiding cowardly behind religion (or philosopy or science or whatever) tell YOUR VERY OWN opinion and you will most likely get a lot of answers *grin*
#56 Jan 25 2004 at 9:29 PM Rating: Decent
Fine - but next time instead of hiding cowardly behind religion (or philosopy or science or whatever) tell YOUR VERY OWN opinion and you will most likely get a lot of answers *grin*

I assure you I am not hiding behind religion, other wise I would not have made a post. I would have kept quiet. And I assure you that the first part of my post WAS my opinion about the lifestyle of the folks in question.
What is interesting to me is that the second part of my post has never been commented on, just the first.
I have been attacked for my opinions almost as badly as Leiany attacked Zaphado about Zaphado's nasty looking posts.
Sorry for offending you all. Smiley: flowers

#57 Jan 26 2004 at 3:33 AM Rating: Default
True that the second part of your post was that of an open-minded roleplayer somehow.
#58 Jan 26 2004 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
45 posts
*shrug* I don't find anything wrong with males playing female characters in general. The only thing that will bother me is their reasons for ding so. If they do it to deceive people for handouts -- that bothers me. If they do it for RPing reasons, aesthetic reasons, or just because they want to, I don't care.

Most of my guy friends on EQ have a female alt. And I, as a female, have a couple of male alts. ;) Never assume that EQ = RL. The female high elf emoting a kiss on your cheek could very well be a 21 year old guy... And the sexah dark elven male flirting with the other males in the group could very well be a 17 year old chick (and quite possibly its me -- cause i'm evil and immature like that ;))
#59 Jan 26 2004 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
I do not think the sex of the person playing the character has anything to do with the sex of the character. I played a female druid for a long time. I am not gay.

I group now with some female characters that I know are male's playing them. That does not stop my sometimes perverted dwarf cleric from making a comment from time to time.

This is a game. We are role playing. Part of the fun is playing a certain race/class/sex the we see it fit to be played.

Those who find a sexist comment, a hug or a kiss invasive, rude, etc...get over it. As I said, we are role playing and maybe I want to paly a sexist pig of a character. <Ok, that is if the comment is in character...OOC comments that are a real person's point of view about sex and race is completey different. I peronally am not a sexist pig, but my dwarf is...after all, the women he has to choose from have beards, who wouldn't be! :-) >

Have fun and lighten up. As for you who made biblical references and want to make political/social statements, get lost. This is not the palce for it.

Doktore Soose
#60 Jan 26 2004 at 3:26 PM Rating: Good
This topic always makes me laugh. It's a roleplaying game. Play anything you like and play it any way you like. To those morons that seem to think a RL male can only play a male toon, get a grip. I'll generously assume that they themselves are human in real life, but I bet that not all of their toons are humans.....

Who cares what the person is behind the toon ? It seems to me that those who shout the loudest and complain the most about it are the ones who have the biggest fears over their own sexual preferences. If someone plays their toon well, and adds to the overall enjoyment of the game, I couldn't care less if they were a genocidal Neo-**** with a fetish for dead sheep in real life....why the hell would that affect me when I'm grouped with them on EQ ?

#61 Jan 26 2004 at 4:01 PM Rating: Decent
I wasn't aware that there WAS such a thing. Sorry, but I am not Politically Correct. Nor am I judging anyone because of their lifestyle. They judge themselves, as we all judge ourselves. And all are found wanting. But, according to Judeo-Christian theology, a special place of damnation is reserved for people that are homosexual. Not my rules, I just repeat them.

You contradict yourself here friend. All are found wanting... just some more wanting than others?? Are there levels of hell? Some levels less painful than others? Scripture please...

FTR, I am a Christian who believes in hell... just not the hell that many folks conjure up to justify their own bigotry and hate-mongering. Either we all deserve hell or none of us do. Black and white... and the bible is quite clear on this issue.

#62 Jan 26 2004 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
I play female avatars for the same reason mentioned above-- 3rd person camera. My high elf pally is friggin hot and I love to watch her beat the snot out of giant ogres in Tactics 8)

I never try to lead anyone on and if I ever get romantic/flirty tells I tell them straight up I'm a guy. I play EQ to hang out with friends and beat the snot out of things, not to deal with lonely adolescent males.

Although I should start to RP as a lesbian, that could be interesting.
#63 Jan 26 2004 at 5:13 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
just to put an end to the whole biblical thing. it does say many MANY times in the bible that none of us on this earth have the right to judge..only God himself. he may say homosexuality is a sin and will not be allowed into heaven, and so are many other things..but he gave none of us the right to make that decision.

what is destroying and de-sensitizing christianity is the people that take half-truths and heresay (instead of biblical reference) and shoving it down peoples throats. if you want to do the "biblical" thing then teach someone how to become saved and then HE will take over from either case, being saved is not an emote in game nor does it relate to this thread (no matter how you or I feel about it)...telling people that being gay is going to make them burn in hell is not going to further any cause God would wish that I can see..

and i'll STILL not play a female character...although dark elf chicks are sexy.
#64 Jan 26 2004 at 5:27 PM Rating: Decent
Its roleplaying. I know a RL guy who plays a female with such accuracy, I never knew he was really a guy until I met him in person. He's a dang good actor and I would never consider him 'gay'. (I miss the days when gay meant happy and didn't cause such uproar... *sigh*)

If someone freaks out because they just discovered that 'hottie' they've been flirting with is really a guy, I wonder more about their security in their personal identity rather than the flirtee. (Is that a word? Smiley: smile)

Just because an actor plays a female in a movie, does that make him homosexual? As mentioned in an earlier post, females were banned from the stage in Europe for most of history, and females were banned from the stage in Japan for much of their history, meaning all female parts were played by men.

So to answer OP query. No. You are not gay if you play a female toon.

You know... I find it odd no one questions females motives for playing males. Smiley: confused

(edit to make smileys show up)

Edited, Mon Jan 26 17:29:33 2004 by Irondragon
#65 Jan 26 2004 at 5:57 PM Rating: Good
I clearly do not role play Celeni very well. No one has ever given her anything and no one ever hits on her.

I must be doing something wrong?

However, from a roleplaying perspective I think that the occupation of Druid, Shaman and Enchanter are more naturally feminine.

That doesn't preclude a male from being a Druid, its just that he is a more touchy feely type. More in touch with his feminine side perhaps.

Smiley: smile

Oh and I guess the women who play male Ogre warriors are exercising the more aggressive side of their nature. Something I could see my wife doing quite readily. Smiley: smile

Edited, Mon Jan 26 18:06:50 2004 by Iluien
#66 Jan 26 2004 at 6:32 PM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
Bah. You pathetic humans are so easily confused. You insignificant planet will fall to our mighty fleets when the time comes.

Oh bugger I wasn't supposed to say that.

Well try being a race with three sexes and see where it gets you. One beings perversion is another beings three course meal.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#67 Jan 26 2004 at 7:50 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
My guild has several female character who are in real life openly male. /shock

I don't see an issue here. I think if anyone does then good luck to them.

It's a MMORPG. Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game.

If you are upset because you hit on a sexy wood elf chick and he turns out to be a 50 year old 300lb male in a trailer park in Kansas I think that says more about you than him.
#68 Jan 27 2004 at 12:13 AM Rating: Good
530 posts
Well get this. I AM gay, and I play male characters. What does anyones sexuality have to do with EverQuest. This is the EXACT ignorance and stupidity that leads to hatred and misunderstandings. I have met many friends online through the game, and hell a few have even come down to visit knowing full well that I am what I am.

My point is, is that if you really have an issue with it, you have issues with yourself. Check yourself before you attmept to check others. Grow up.

Nuff said.
#69 Jan 27 2004 at 1:00 AM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Are there levels of hell?
Sure, don't you read any Dante? Smiley: wink

*Ding!* Second Floor! Housewares, linens, applicances, those who were consumed by lust, draperies!
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#70 Jan 27 2004 at 5:42 AM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Does hell actually have it's own elebator? or does it just borrow the unused one from you office building, thereby making you late when you most need it?
#71 Jan 27 2004 at 3:07 PM Rating: Good
1,702 posts
So I apologize to all the normal gay guys out there.

And the Darwin award goes to ....


If you can assume one's sexuality by the gender he or she plays in EQ, either you're a genius or a fool.

If you're on FV, come see me. I'd be happy to share a little plat to buy your *** a clue.

#72 Jan 27 2004 at 3:17 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
That doesn't preclude a male from being a Druid, its just that he is a more touchy feely type. More in touch with his feminine side perhaps.

i'm straight AND male..AND I play a male half-elf druid. still everyone insists i'm gay...especially when I die and am naked. :/
#73 Jan 27 2004 at 5:19 PM Rating: Excellent
29,919 posts
Bah, I misspelled elevator!
#74 Jan 27 2004 at 5:45 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
i thought u were talking about some weird sexual device...wasn't sure why it would be in regular order at an office building, but who knows these days. Smiley: yippee
#75 Jan 27 2004 at 11:38 PM Rating: Decent
Not gay IMHO. Some male gamers like myself play female toons out of mere choice rather than for other reasons. I don't have any regrets playing female characters, I just like to make such characters. If some people have a problem with this, then they probably should see a psychologist.

Although I do not play on the FV server, I can RP both male and female characters real well.
#76 Jan 29 2004 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
I dont mind or care if a guy "rolls/plays" a female character - its when they "ROLEPLAY" the character as female.. thats just a bit off .. If I hear one more female character call me "Hun" or emote a kiss after I heal them im gonna kick my cat!

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