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Gay or not Gay?? males playing female toonsFollow

#27 Jan 23 2004 at 7:52 PM Rating: Good
hmm question can only african american's play Erudite?
and people who own cats only alowed to play Vah shirs?
and live out side of cities and be native american to play wood elf
be under 5 feet tall, and weigh less then 100lbs to play halflings or gnomes
be french to play a frog
be over 6 feet to be a high elf
be over 6 feet and 200 lbs and canadian to be a barbarian
be under 5 feet and weigh over 160lbs to be a dwarf
who can play trolls, iksars and orges, dark elf?

does it really matter what we play? or what sex we play? or who we play with?

i thought this game was for fun and socializing. not descriminating.
#28 Jan 23 2004 at 8:03 PM Rating: Default
I voted gay before, but perhaps that was the wrong minority.

It is actually the cross dressing types that we are getting at here.

So I apologize to all the normal gay guys out there.

Never the less, I like to think that people project themselves into the world of Norrath with their toons. I would even prefer that gay guys, play gay male toons. I think it helps. Yea, if you enjoy pretending to be a woman, then more power to you. The fact that you enjoy pretending to be a woman must surely mean something?????

I understand the cross-dressing for greed statement, and yea I am more likely to give a woman toon some free gear over a man. This is because most women I have met are video game challenged, and I like to encourage those women that have made the effort to try and play everquest. I also think that it is unscrupulous to prey on this sentiment, and says something about your character(RL character). Tell me I am wrong.

Finally, there are the guys who play a female character just to see some tail. I can't argue with that, if that gets the job done for you.... well ....I truely envy you.
#29 Jan 23 2004 at 9:07 PM Rating: Good
be french to play a frog

best line in this thread.
#30 Jan 23 2004 at 10:53 PM Rating: Default
First toon was a male gnome enchanter. I spent a lot of time in 3rd person views for crowd control and I got sick of looking at him for 6 hours at a time...

I'd rather have a hottie high elf in the center of my screen because looking at a little bald man for hours is just creepy. Though it's all make believe, I'd rather stare at a make believe hot chick than a make believe short bald guy in a dress (robe).

I always let people know I'm a rpg tranny up front so I don't get hit on, etc.

#31 Jan 23 2004 at 11:10 PM Rating: Default
I ( As a Female ) Rather think that any Male is really a Male.
And any Female is really a Female.
Though i have met people who are males playing Females.
But i never have thought of any one of them being gay.
In fact my best friend plays a Female char.. but i don't let if bug me.. though i think it is abit odd.

#32 Jan 24 2004 at 2:12 AM Rating: Default
i play both i have a female warrior and a male warrior i play them different races of course (my female being half elf0, but still i've never found a problem with it, i've met women that play male characters because they liked the higher weight, and have met guys who play female because the said they wanted to do something different.
#33 Jan 24 2004 at 5:01 AM Rating: Decent
From the point of making Norrath feel "real" I am glad that so many males play females because it would look weird if there where only 20% (as semone else assumed are female players)of female chars running around.
#34 Jan 24 2004 at 5:50 AM Rating: Default
Society and times are changing and I wouldn't be so quick and flippant to use the term gay in a derogatory fashion. Therer are plenty of adults playing this game that have been out of the closet for decades.

Unfortunately the future isn't quite what it once was.
#35 Jan 24 2004 at 10:17 AM Rating: Decent
1,907 posts
Video game challenged here, though I hate to admit it. Occasionally I like to play a male, so I am not video game challenged. No, that wasn't sarcasm, at least I am fairly sure it wasn't. Sometimes sarcasm sneaks in when you least expect it though.
#36 Jan 24 2004 at 10:48 AM Rating: Default
Please remind me~ are we not just playing a GAME here? How many of you actually meet the ppl you play with on a day to day basis? Yes, some have formed lasting friendships with each other to where they have a preference on who is in group,etc.
IMHO, I think that there are a lot of insecurities being viewed by some of the ppl. In today's society you meet ppl and form an opinion only to later discover that what you thought was real was not and then you risk throwing away a valuable friendship because it offended your delicate sensibilities. What ever happened to appreiciating ppl for who they are vs. what they are? Because in the long run we are all human:-) We all live in the current century vs. those wild west days where things were a little more hazy and private. Just because we didn't see it then doesn't mean it didn't happen.
I play a 22lvl female Shaman as I am female but my boyfriend has alts that are either sex, based on what he felt like putting on comp to even out his game. If some people have nothing better to do but wonder whether or not the Sk they are playing with is male or female and interested in them, you need to remind's just a game. IF you are seeking partnerships, maybe you should post an add in a forum somewhere?

To those who may have been offended by this post or any other in this thread, remember that we are entitled to our opinion but that we can't force them on you.

#37 Jan 24 2004 at 4:29 PM Rating: Excellent
Official Shrubbery Waterer
14,659 posts
ltcommander wrote:
be french to play a frog ... be over 6 feet and 200 lbs and canadian to be a barbarian


Gotta love those crazy hosers up north, eh?
Jophiel wrote:
I managed to be both retarded and entertaining.

#38 Jan 24 2004 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
[quote][/quote]Though male, I generally play female characters. Especially all the Elves, Half-Elves, Humans, and Barbarians. The reason is simple. People tend to give stuff to cute female nearly-nude newbie toons more so than to males of the same race.

Selfish, I know, but it's been true in my experience.

And not that it's any of anyone's damn business, but my wife assures me that I'm not gay.
/agree i made 3 n00b females because this 65 ranger in Gfay was giving stuff to all females under 10 and i got a crypt robber's chestplate and a few other things
#39 Jan 24 2004 at 6:01 PM Rating: Default
It's true that female chars seem to get more than male ones. But I would say the reason behind is not to get attention (as a toon *lol*) but to make females stick with the game as there are still (too) few.

Probably even in most relations the male partner started EQ and did pre-design a char for his wife/GF or at least help her through the levels but surely not for RL-reasons (for me a candle-light dinner would still beat every toon or item *smile*). They want just to share with their partners and therefore - make them stick to the game (repeat).

A lot of skillfull-crafted female chars seem to be result of a wife/GF not sticking with it because who would just waste a toon he put time, effort and plat into.
#40 Jan 24 2004 at 7:00 PM Rating: Default
I personally never played a female character...and i don't think it's gay...but it is freaky when the male who is playing the female acts feminant....that just scares the **** out of me.
#41 Jan 24 2004 at 8:37 PM Rating: Decent
Hmmm...would it also scare the s**t out of you if a female played *male-ish*????
#42 Jan 24 2004 at 11:51 PM Rating: Default
"So I apologize to all the normal gay guys out there."

Smiley: yikesI wasn't aware that there WAS such a thing. Sorry, but I am not Politically Correct. Nor am I judging anyone because of their lifestyle. They judge themselves, as we all judge ourselves. And all are found wanting. But, according to Judeo-Christian theology, a special place of damnation is reserved for people that are homosexual. Not my rules, I just repeat them.

My main is a 50th level half-elf female Paladin. I am male. Why? Because I have been Roleplaying pen and paper games for 30 years and I have played various races and both sexes throughout the years. Why? For the ROLEPLAYING aspect of the game. I have played anything from an evil elven female thief to a honorable, strong male Paladin. And in real life I am neither of those things. So I am a little more open minded in the gaming aspect of things. I don't automatically assume anything when I first meet someone either in real life or in a gaming environment.

Edited, Sat Jan 24 23:56:04 2004 by Vaanan
#43 Jan 25 2004 at 1:33 AM Rating: Default
when i was younger i played D&D, i played a female mage. it was cool and i never had any problems with it, complete comfort. I boought everquest the day it was released, and within 3 hours of starting my D&D character all over, same name and everything, i became uncomfortable and deleted deleted her. the reason is simple, male characters were flirting with me and giving me things, that was totally gay for me to to be alright with that, so i made a male character. period.
#44 Jan 25 2004 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
5,311 posts
a special place of damnation is reserved for people that are homosexual. Not my rules, I just repeat them

Here's an option for you. Choose not to "repeat them".

The next time you get the urge, simply press your lips together, or, as in this case, lift your fingers from the keyboard.

Edited, Sun Jan 25 05:40:08 2004 by Yanari
#45 Jan 25 2004 at 7:03 AM Rating: Decent
Vaanan wrote:
But, according to Judeo-Christian theology, a special place of damnation is reserved for people that are homosexual. Not my rules, I just repeat them.

"I just repeat" them is the most retarded reason to posting b*****t I've read for a long time.

You wouldn't probably want someone to repeat what Islamic Fundamentalism states about womens role in socieaty or quote what Hitler wrote about racial superiority as part of an argument here

Or would you not mind if someone did????

Edited, Sun Jan 25 10:54:13 2004 by Leiany
#46 Jan 25 2004 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
54 posts
It's called role playimg

nuff said
#47 Jan 25 2004 at 10:50 AM Rating: Decent
To test my wifes complaint that playing female characters online means you get hit on constantly (with the lesser bonus of getting lots of free stuff), I made a female character and logged in.

About oh.... 27 seconds later, someone I knew and often grouped with saw me and hit on me. Something really corny too, some "Moon on water" tripe. Once I got up off the floor and told him who I was, he logged out. Didn't see him for a few days.

Never made a female character again.
#48 Jan 25 2004 at 11:01 AM Rating: Default
Can't agree to that. I have to admit my Half Elf Rogue chick did treat people quite rough sometimes (no one's gonna be surprised about that I assume) but even when she just kept quite no one did "hit on her".

In 8 weeks of playing I got 1(!) "flirts with Leiany" message and about 4 "smiles beamed at" per gaming session (mostly from other female toons).

But maybe thats just Firiona Vie or my out-of-game reputation ;-)

Edited, Sun Jan 25 11:04:53 2004 by Leiany
#49 Jan 25 2004 at 1:52 PM Rating: Good
What means that you're gay? When you're gay, you're gay, regardless of how well you play a female character. If you're straight and play a female character down to flirting with male characters (who may be played by a girl), you're still straight. Personally I play an Ogre who's married to an Ogress. Does that mean I wanna have sex with an Ogress? Not really. I also play a female human bi-sexual, a gay male high elf, an a-sexual Iksar monk, and some other characters that I haven't picked any particular orientation for. Why do I do this? Because it's more fun to roleplay someone who's NOT you, not even remotely close.

Now for some quoting.

"I tend to kiss women characters in game to show appreciation."
Personally I hate when people start getting affectionate, whether it's a kiss or grabbing my ***, regardless of which character I play. It's inappropriate, it's invasive, and it's assuming that the other person wants a kiss. Chances are they don't.

"Define the term 'gay'"
Gay means gay. Gay means homosexual. It means someone who is attracted to someone of the same gender. Doesn't get any simpler.

Personally I just don't care if anyone thinks I'm gay or not, it doesn't affect who I am, nor does it affect the opinion my loved and close ones have of me as a person. The opinions of people on these message boards are mostly of pre-pubescent and most likely gay/bi-curious kids who need to explain themselves, and say really idiotic things like "I'm very manly." Grow some pubic hair before you start talking like that, kid.
#50 Jan 25 2004 at 2:19 PM Rating: Good
hmmm. i thought gay men are gust gay men, not men betending to be female. isn't that crossdressing or transvestite? and who's to say there ain't gay girls playing females in the game. when girls are gay, it's not because they wish to be men, but thay hate men and have better relationships with girls. i know a couple of gay girls. i'm male ,not gay, and i don't like seeing gayness in men, i rather not know about it.
but if they or hedrosexeral men play as females, as i do for the better graphic to look at, cartoony felmale characters it's just for the looks, not to roleplay as a female, or get items faster from male characters.
and i know i can't spell....
i don't know anything about gay men, and i don't want to. but i don't think they would be playing female characters. like i said gay men don't necesarily mean they want to be female.
i hope i didn't offend any one ,if i did i apologize.
To play well with others is to NOT GET THEM KILLED

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1x darkfall "worse game ever"
8x EQ 1 accounts char's lvl 30-52 7 years (3 accounts active)2nd fav
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beta's AC2,lotro,eq2,aoc, lineage 2, darkfall, crimecraft, fallen earth, aion, Jade Dynasty
#51 Jan 25 2004 at 2:33 PM Rating: Decent
"Here's an option for you. Choose not to "repeat them".

The next time you get the urge, simply press your lips together, or, as in this case, lift your fingers from the keyboard."

Smiley: jawdrop

Hmmmm, an attempt at censorship from a wise person, I see. I am amazed at this posting, I thought that we were all adults here and could post things to discuss. I see that Yanari does not see this point of view, which is fine. I still feel free to post comments and join in the discussion. I will say that I myself will never tell another member not to post comments just because I disagree with the comments. Rather I would like to discuss the comments with the member in order to attempt to understand better what this particular community is about.
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