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Gay or not Gay?? males playing female toonsFollow

#1 Jan 23 2004 at 4:11 PM Rating: Sub-Default
I was recently ingame and was told a verry disturbing thing. I play a female toon and a player learned that in real life i am a male. he started ramping on how i am a *** and that only gay men play female toons than male toons. Why?? I am not gay, i haped to have a fine girlfriend. Why cant we just deside to play female toons just becuase?? lets take a quick pool. Howe manny of u have or had a female toon that is a male, and likewise with females, play a male too and are not gay. please reply.
#2Anonymous, Posted: Jan 23 2004 at 4:20 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Define the term 'gay'. If you are 'playing' a girl as in the flirting and talking and other type of stuff, that would be deemed 'gay' depending on how far you take it.
#3 Jan 23 2004 at 4:27 PM Rating: Good
86 posts
Though male, I generally play female characters. Especially all the Elves, Half-Elves, Humans, and Barbarians. The reason is simple. People tend to give stuff to cute female nearly-nude newbie toons more so than to males of the same race.

Selfish, I know, but it's been true in my experience.

And not that it's any of anyone's damn business, but my wife assures me that I'm not gay.
#4 Jan 23 2004 at 4:29 PM Rating: Default
I vote Gay!!!!!

If I see a woman in Everquest, I like to think it is a woman playing the toon. Otherwise I think you may have issues, not nessesarily gay, maybe envy, who is to say. I do think there is something slightly off about the whole thing. I tend to kiss women characters in game to show appreciation, is that why you play a female character??? Only you know for sure????? Ever been curious?
#5 Jan 23 2004 at 4:38 PM Rating: Good
29,919 posts
/hidedeadhorsecorpse on.

Look. This thread has been done literally 5000 times in this very forum. Can someone please at least think of an interesting twist to it or something? sheesh.
#6Anonymous, Posted: Jan 23 2004 at 4:43 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I dunno if their gay, but female toons usually are flirtatious. I play a burly manly dwarf, and i couldn't imagine playing a girl cause I'm very manly.
#7 Jan 23 2004 at 4:45 PM Rating: Decent
Liberal Conspiracy
Oh sure, maybe on the uBB forums it was a dead horse, but here?? Smiley: wink

I'd be more concerned about someone who's upset to find out the female high elf in Everquest they've been staring at is a guy. I tend to assume female characters = female players until proven otherwise but since I'm not kissing them, groping them, flirting with them or being a Class A chump and giving them stuff on account of their crudely drawn boobies, it doesn't bother me to find out one is a guy.

If you 'TOTALLY PLAY' a female character right down to virtual cyber-sex, you are gay or a very, very lonely man.
I'd say if you're having cybersex in EQ, you're a very lonely person regardless of your gender and that of your partner.

Edited, Fri Jan 23 16:46:31 2004 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#8Anonymous, Posted: Jan 23 2004 at 4:50 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) I like the boobies too cause they roxxors, but I don't flirt cause that's a waste of time xp'ing ya know.
#9 Jan 23 2004 at 4:58 PM Rating: Default
I have a new model Dark Elf that I play sometimes.

But I just play her so I can rotate the camera angle and stare at her crotch and azz.

And Im gay. I suppose. Maybe. Under no circumstances. Whatever. Make of it what you will.

#10 Jan 23 2004 at 5:04 PM Rating: Default
1,246 posts
There are plenty of very masculine guys who play female toons simply because they like to look at them Smiley: wink

As a female who only plays female toons, that doesn't bother me, as most of them are obviously males behind the toon. What I find disturbing is males who deliberately try to act like females, either because they think it will make them more popular or because they enjoy a laugh at the reactions of male players.

Anyway, SoE should allow sex changes for a fee!!
#11 Jan 23 2004 at 5:04 PM Rating: Decent
170 posts
Reinman wrote:
If I see a woman in Everquest, I like to think it is a woman playing the toon. Otherwise I think you may have issues, not nessesarily gay, maybe envy, who is to say.

I seem to remember reading an EQ survey (that was a few years old) that said that while the genders were nearly evenly distributed for characters (i.e., 50/50 split), that the distribution for the players was much more biased towards males, like 80/20 or something like that. So, at that time, according to the survey, most of the female characters you saw in game were played by guys. Nowadays, more women play, I think, so the ratio is a bit closer, but I in general assume that all characters are played by guys until I am told otherwise or I "assume" based on their mode of speaking when not "in character" (like in tells, where people usually don't roleplay).

My main is a female Vah Shir, because I named her after a cat of mine who was female. The main of a male friend of mine is a bard who is female, mostly because his took the character over from his wife at an early level and didn't bother to reroll. There are so many reasons why someone could play a character that is not their gender that it makes no sense to just assume they are homosexual right off the bat.

Game on,

The Oneiromancer
#12 Jan 23 2004 at 5:04 PM Rating: Default
i always play felmale looking character, i don't act or say i'm a femele. it's just better eye candy for us and others seeing us. and the main thing to remember. is this is JUST A GAME not real life, so who cares, unless your trying to pick someone up? which in it's self is weird as i'm sure 80-90% of players are male, and most likly between the ages of 10-20. i'm old but still a kid at heart. really in a bad mode today best computer of three i own fried motherboard, and no warranty. other parts seem ok. but now i have to use a P4 1.6 and a P3 550MHz good graphis but slower the P4 2.4... :-( sorry just sad had to complain...
To play well with others is to NOT GET THEM KILLED

5x eve online (Currently playing 2 accounts)
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8x EQ 1 accounts char's lvl 30-52 7 years (3 accounts active)2nd fav
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#13 Jan 23 2004 at 5:06 PM Rating: Good
3,166 posts
/hidedeadhorsecorpse on.

Look. This thread has been done literally 5000 times in this very forum. Can someone please at least think of an interesting twist to it or something? sheesh.

I suppose if you are concerned whether it is a male dead horse or a female dead horse that would be worrying.

Is there such a thing as homonecrophilia?
Wherever I go - there I am.
#14 Jan 23 2004 at 5:11 PM Rating: Decent
Well personally I dont mind, I'd choose a female toon in any case because the male ones just aren't as appealing. Look at the Half-Elf cladly dressed in bright red and than at her male counterpart in that LAME green/brown pyamas.

And after running behind Lara Crofts *** in 5 episodes of TR who would blame someone for just continuing that on EQ ;)
#15 Jan 23 2004 at 5:25 PM Rating: Decent
Female Trolls are hot....they get a lot of freebies!

#16 Jan 23 2004 at 5:37 PM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
In retrospect, this is an easily answered thing.
he started ramping on how i am a *** and that only gay men play female toons than male toons
Are you attracted to men sexually? No? Then he's wrong.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#17 Jan 23 2004 at 5:42 PM Rating: Good
421 posts
I am male and by no means anything other than Hetrosexual.

Breez is Female.

I do NOT flirt, and only that attempts to flirt with me quickly finds out that not all girls are girls.

I have played with folks in guild for over a year before thye learned the truth, because while I never Lie I don't flat out vloenter the info till the need arises.

To every Idiot that askes Why I play a female when I am not really one is

"I am not really a elf and I can't really cast spells and kill dragons either. /gasp"

Are only UGLY people allowed to play trolls? are only Witches allowed to play Druids? Are only Military members allowed to play Fighters? Are only Ordained Priests allowed to play clerics?

Edited, Fri Jan 23 17:45:13 2004 by sbs
#18 Jan 23 2004 at 5:52 PM Rating: Good
405 posts
As a gay male I take GREAT offense to this conversation thread. What gender you decide to play you character has no bearing on your sexual orientation. This is a role playing game and men and women alike may enhance their acting skills, and actually learn a little something about life through the interaction with others.

Get out of that dark, stagnant dungeon that you call your mind and open it to new ideas and concepts. Perhaps roleplaying a female character will help you understand the opposite sex better and improve real life interactions with women.

And for the record....there is absolutely nothing wrong with being gay. Gay men play male characters exclusively as well. Just because you're communicating with a male toon doesn't mean the person role playing the character isn't gay. Society and times are changing and I wouldn't be so quick and flippant to use the term gay in a derogatory fashion. Therer are plenty of adults playing this game that have been out of the closet for decades.
#19Anonymous, Posted: Jan 23 2004 at 5:58 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) No - but they tend to play female characters so they can touch little boys easier.
#20 Jan 23 2004 at 6:00 PM Rating: Default
Well personally I dont mind, I'd choose a female toon in any case because the male ones just aren't as appealing... after running behind Lara Crofts *** in 5 episodes of TR who would blame someone for just continuing that on EQ ;)

This makes a lot of sense. Really, how many hours per week are you looking at your toons backside? ;) And the fact that many guys have a natual tendency to try impressing girls with gifts and such is an added bonus of choosing chick.

But throwing the "reason for playing a girl" out the window for a moment let me pose this. What if that hot looking high elf enchanter (who just saved the lives of everyone in your party) turned out to be gay? Would you never again group with him/her? Would you make fun of him/her, telling everyone you spoke with that so-and-so is really a guy AND gay? Would you dislike this person?

If a person's sexual preference bothers you in-game you have to ask yourself why! I personally couldn't care less if someone is gay or not... As long as a player is not purposely contributing to the untimely death of my toon then (s)he has good faction with me. ;)
#21 Jan 23 2004 at 6:15 PM Rating: Decent
178 posts
For the short time I actually got my wife to play EQ, she played a female High Elf Chanter. I helped her to level quickly while still taking time to teach her the game. Now, she doesn't find the time to play and she would much rather just read a book. Problem? Do I delete the lvl 34 Chanter because it is female? Nah.....I log her in just like I log all my other alts. After all, why should I just throw away all the work we put into her. If someone asks my gender I tell them. If they just assume, well that is their first mistake. If they think I am gay for playing the toon, well that is their second.
#22 Jan 23 2004 at 6:26 PM Rating: Decent
1,817 posts
As a gay male I take GREAT offense to this conversation thread.

and why is this? noone said being gay was wrong, the poor guy was just mis-labelled...should we now not say the word "gay" and start an eq special rights campaign now like african american people did with the "n" word in the 80s? geesh, lighten up..noones trying to offend "gay america"..and wake up, your not the only people to be stereotyped hated on.

back to the matter at hand, i dont play a female ex wife started one and aftere we divorced i tried to, but couldnt. guys would flirt with me and I just couldn't relate to a woman character like i could playing a male one.

if you play a female and your female cool, if you do and your male so what, if you are gay and do whoop-dee-doo, if you are gay and dont then yee haw..who really cares?

I can feel your pain if your trying to play and someone keeps calling you a "***" when your straight...that would get pretty annoying. they are probably either 12 or are still living at home with their parents and giving people wedgies. just move on and realize the stupid people in the world eventually figure out how to play video games unfortunately.
#23 Jan 23 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts
I generally play short characters like halflings and gnomes because in reality I have an issue. I am of average height.

Smiley: jester

edit: I also need lessons in smiley insertion.

Edited, Fri Jan 23 18:31:44 2004 by Dwitherpot
#24 Jan 23 2004 at 6:30 PM Rating: Excellent
this is a mmoRPG(role playing game) if you have ever played any pen and papper PRG then to see men playing lady toons or vis a vis would not supprise you or concern you.

heck until about 100 years ago or so ladies were NOT permitted to act. they were forbin from getting on stage and performing. that means all of the female roles were played by men. this did not make them gay, just good actors and nothing more.

its the same in EQ IMHO at least. in fact i play a wide veriaty of gender toons. my bard, cleric, and warrior are all female toons, were my nec, wiz, sham (dont play much on sham or rng) and ranger are all male toons.

its a great RP challange to play something you are not. none of us IRL are anything but human. so if you are playing a human then you are still RP the class as no one IRL can cast spells, summon bodies back from the dead(well except Christ, but he passed this world some 2K years ago) or run faster then a horse, etc.

if you are playing any other RACE in game, then you are RP as there are no such things as trolls, ogres, dwarves, elvs, etc... they dont exsist IRL so you are RP.

what is so hard to grasp that good old fassion RPers want to cross gender as a real challange. hell playing a male troll warrior is no stretch of the imagination i tell you from someone who has been RPing for over 20 years. now on the other hand RPing a female darkelf cleric is a bit more of a challange, and very rewarding when someone meets my nec for the first time and realizes its the same person behind the keys and are very confused if im male or female IRL. when ppl ask i always reply truthfuly and tell them im a guy, and that i enjoy RP and that is one thing i love about this game, and games like this one... like DAoC for example.
#25 Jan 23 2004 at 6:33 PM Rating: Good
1,817 posts
well said sing.
#26 Jan 23 2004 at 6:45 PM Rating: Decent
my des are fem. I am male. why? 3rd person view! more gay to stare at a barby male than a DE female...
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