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Why multiple accounts on FV?Follow

#1 Jan 23 2004 at 8:26 AM Rating: Default
I've been told as part of another thread that many (if not most) people have more than 1 character on Firiona Vie although there's only a 1 per account limit.

These people do that in having more than 1 account on FV up to 8 so they have the 8 chars possible on every other server.

From the ones who actually have more than one I would like to know the reason why they are willing to pay SOE double, trice or even eight times more than neccesary. Buying 8 copies of the SAME GAME and spending roughly 100$ instead of 12$ a month would just be plain dumbness if there wasn't a VERY GOOD reason behind.

I try to look at that unbiased so I would *prefer* that no one posts here who "thinks he knows the answer" or "knows someone who does have more than one" but only people ACTUALLY HAVING 2+ ACCOUNTS on Firiona Vie.

I only hope I get the same amount of answers with this serious post as if i'd written "You all stink!" but we'll see.....

Edited, Fri Jan 23 08:40:06 2004 by Leiany
#2 Jan 23 2004 at 8:41 AM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
Because after 65 levels of backstabbing, I want to be able to toy around with an alt.

It really is that simple.

Also, FV or not, if you want to box two chars, how would you want to do that with one account?
#3 Jan 23 2004 at 8:45 AM Rating: Default
Goalkeeper wrote:
Because after 65 levels of backstabbing, I want to be able to toy around with an alt.

If you wanted to try out a new race/class why not also a new server? after all - everyone is a bit diferent from the style of play I've been told.....
#4 Jan 23 2004 at 9:00 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
I have multiple accounts. I play on FV.

My guild plays mostly US hours which means that I am thinking about going to bed about the time most of them are coming online. We all raid together at weekends.

After a loss of several UK hours players I decided to start another account. This coincided with my wife wanting to start an enchanter on a separate account so that in time her other characters could benefit from that enchanter. It is very hard to put KEI in the shared bank slot Smiley: smile

I now have the ability to play with myself if no groups are going (and sometimes when they are). I enjoy this and that is after all what we do this for. My ranger is not "an alt that I toy with" but a serious alternate character.

I also have characters on another server and the ability is useful there too. My wife and I can do LDoN with me 2-boxing SK and cleric while she plays her enchanter.

You are getting perilously close to the "it's MY server, go away" attitude that is killing roleplay on FV.

Some people posting on the FV boards have evidently started new characters to interact with their existing ones. There are RP and non-RP reasons for doing this. It is in fact an RP-neutral issue.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#5 Jan 23 2004 at 9:05 AM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
1. I love my guild(ies)
2. I like the server

I have 2 alts on Bristlebane, and came to FV through these boards. A lot of the posters here are in Shards of Chaos. I would never abandon them, my guild or FV to fool around on another server.

Besides: I can twink my alts in this situation. I don't want to start all over somewhere else.
#6 Jan 23 2004 at 9:15 AM Rating: Good
I now ... play with myself

I love stuff taken out of context!
#7 Jan 23 2004 at 9:24 AM Rating: Default
Goalkeeper wrote:

Besides: I can twink my alts in this situation. I don't want to start all over somewhere else.
This is the first answer which seems 100% logic to me.
#8 Jan 23 2004 at 9:30 AM Rating: Default
Cobra101 wrote:
My wife and I can do LDoN with me 2-boxing SK and cleric while she plays her enchanter.
This is the second answer I can understand 100% - they keep coming :)

Cobra101 wrote:
You are getting perilously close to the "it's MY server, go away" attitude that is killing roleplay on FV.
I just ask myself if FV wasn't planned to be a one-charakter-per-person server. Otherwise it would have been just a clever marketing plot which a LOT of people fell for. ;)

Edited, Fri Jan 23 09:33:07 2004 by Leiany
#9 Jan 23 2004 at 9:42 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
People were running multiple accounts for a variety of reasons long before FV even started.

You have still not explained how 1 character per account makes for roleplay or even why that rule is considered pro-roleplay. before moving to FV I was in a roleplay guild on another server. FV does not have the monopoly on RP.

As far as it being "One character per person" how could that ever be enforced? Why would they want to?

Since there is no recognisable relationship between roleplay and the 1-character rule why turn away revenue.

Hey I just thought - You don't suppose SoE is trying to make money out of running EQ do you! Conniving little swine - who'd have guessed. I thought they were just dedicated to providing a roleplay environment.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#10 Jan 23 2004 at 9:55 AM Rating: Default
So in your opinion Firiona Vie WAS planned as a server which should just make more money than other servers and NOT invite people to have only one charakter on this very server.

a simple "yes" will be accepted without further comment....

Edited, Fri Jan 23 09:56:03 2004 by Leiany
#11 Jan 23 2004 at 10:00 AM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
What part of "I like to have my alt in my guild even if this means I have to take a second account" did you not understand?
#12 Jan 23 2004 at 10:22 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
So in your opinion Firiona Vie WAS planned as a server which should just make more money than other servers and NOT invite people to have only one charakter on this very server.

a simple "yes" will be accepted without further comment....

For someone incapable of answering questions asked of you you have a lot of gall supplying the answers to your own questions.

Stuff you. I'll comment if I feel like it.

In fact I suspect that when they set up FV they had no idea how it would go. Therefore it was not set up purely as a money-making venture. Someone may even have had some wierd idea that there was a link - which even you cannot explain - between RP and a single character limit.

Some of the special rules of FV are definitely nothing to do with RP.

What for instance is the RP justification of the bind restrictions? If casters have Bind Affinity spells that work in most places why is it RP that they don't on FV?

And they never, ever, at any time expressed a "One character per person" rule which you seem to be upset does not exist. if they had wished this then surely they would be saying "Only 8 chars per person" on normal servers - I don't hear them - do you?

They even have services set up to transfer characters between accounts. They will only do this if they believe the owners to be the same. Hence they are perfectly aware and happy with people having multiple accounts - even on FV.

In fact FV was not a success and the population was in decline until the infamous May 8th patch which removed alignment restrictions and some other elements of the RP environment. Since then population has risen with a good influx of players attracted by things other than RP.

I have to wonder if your name isn't Knut - or Canute as we english like to spell it.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#13 Jan 23 2004 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
Leiany is, it seems, a poster-child for "I'm going home, and I'm taking my toys with me." Unless you give him (or her, but for now I will assume) answers that "add up" in his myopic little mind, you must be out of yours. Clearly one with massive potential here.

To Leiany, why does an answer have to be logical to be of import in a discussion thread? Do you fail to grasp that we are not by our very natures logical beings? Emotion creeps in to everything we do, say and think. Pure logic exists only on electric circuits. If/then statements can not effectively take in to account that a "VERY GOOD reason" is sometimes purely emotional. Spending money is a personal decision and each will come up with a set of criteria with which to base it off of. That it makes no sense to you, or twists your silk panties, is 100% immaterial. Once you get out of Junior High School, come on back and read responses for comprehension, not to find your preconceived notions confirmed.
#14 Jan 23 2004 at 11:06 AM Rating: Good
Ministry of Silly Cnuts
19,524 posts
Cobra101 wrote:
My guild plays mostly US hours which means that I am thinking about going to bed about the time most of them are coming online. . .
Goalkeeper wrote:
I want to be able to toy around with an alt.

While my main toons are on Tarew Marr, I have a couple of lowbies on FV for when I feel like it.

I'm not going to jump into the 'flame Leiany' game, but FWIW Leiany, opinions are what keeps this forum going; they're just that; rarely right or wrong. If you're prepared to discount others' and ignore their corresponding questions, I'd up your SV Fire Smiley: wink
"I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left" - Seasick Steve
#15 Jan 23 2004 at 11:23 AM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
While my main toons are on Tarew Marr, I have a couple of lowbies on FV for when I feel like it.

If I can pick you up on that, Nobby. I assume that means that if you have "a couple" on FV then you have two accounts. And if they are "lowbies" then they were started after your mains on Tarew?

If these two assumptions are correct then you provide a nice example of someone who had 2+ accounts before starting on FV. In other words multiple accounts are not purely an FV phenomenon or a product of the 1-char rule.

Of course if I'm wrong then I never said that. Smiley: smile

Wherever I go - there I am.
#16 Jan 23 2004 at 12:24 PM Rating: Default
So I will answer all of your questions now:
Goalkeeper wrote:
Also, FV or not, if you want to box two chars, how would you want to do that with one account?
I don't know - I never thought of playing with 2 chars at once although it sound nice to have a SOW, Rez or Bind whenever i want one. I just didn't know how I should manage that with one PC.
#17 Jan 23 2004 at 12:27 PM Rating: Default
So I will answer all of your questions now:
Cobra101 wrote:
As far as it being "One character per person" how could that ever be enforced? Why would they want to?.
It could only be enforced if there where a completely different menu at creation - which would not only enforce it but in fact make it impossible to have more than one. I have no idea why they would want that.
#18 Jan 23 2004 at 12:30 PM Rating: Default
So i will answer all of your questions now:
Goalkeeper wrote:
What part of "I like to have my alt in my guild even if this means I have to take a second account" did you not understand?
sorry I could not find the above quote in this thread before you asked that question so I cant answer that one.
#19 Jan 23 2004 at 12:32 PM Rating: Default
So I will answer all of your question now:
Cobra101 wrote:
Stuff you. I'll comment if I feel like it.
Not in that case, rude behaviour like that is untolerable be it my children or a grwen up.
#20 Jan 23 2004 at 12:35 PM Rating: Decent
i may not play on FV (dont like the server rules per say) but i have 2 accounts.

i have payed for 2 full accounts (gave one away pre SoL), but have picked up a '3rd' account that was only up to Kunark expansion so i have had to upgrade that account.

i 2 box a few toons to keep things interesting, and i have only had to pay for upgrades and the monthly fee so i could bring more firepower to my guild for raids and or just hunts.

i dont play the 2nd account to its fullest, but its nice to have and i dont mine paying a little extra cash per month to have access to a 2nd toon at the same time.

i also did this pre shared bank slot to make life a bit easier to twink my alts. now with the shared bank slot that reason is mute.
#21 Jan 23 2004 at 12:43 PM Rating: Default
So i will answwer all of your questions now:
MoebiusLord the Flatulent wrote:
To Leiany, why does an answer have to be logical to be of import in a discussion thread?.
because I am looking for a solution to a why-question.
MoebiusLord the Flatulent wrote:
Do you fail to grasp that we are not by our very natures logical beings?
if you asked if I understand that I'd say yes but a logical approach must be allowed.

MoebiusLord the Flatulent wrote:
Once you get out of Junior High School, come on back and read responses for comprehension, not to find your preconceived notions confirmed.
This info comes unasked for: European, 39, married, 2 kids, a grade in psychology,played both every paper rpg since D&D 1st edition most PC rpg's since atari and won some championships in both warhammer and vampire: the eternal struggle (just hate magic TCG)

But I am sure you change very fast 180 degrees to make me from a unknowing frustrated school kid to a wise-*** bored housewife.

Be my guest
#22 Jan 23 2004 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
2,196 posts
example of someone who had 2+ accounts before starting on FV. In other words multiple accounts are not purely an FV phenomenon or a product of the 1-char rule.

Same here - 2 accounts playing on E'ci server for a few years - My wife and I played on E'ci. Now that I moved my main, Bawdy, to FV, we haven't been on E'ci in a while. My wife is on an EQ sabbatical and probably won't return until EQ2.

It's a nice bonus to be able to have an alt on FV. I'm going to be creating a beserker when the next expansion comes out. I only hope that they let gnomes be berserkers...I like silly class/race combos...I call them my oxymoronic characters!
'Lo, there do I see, the line of my people, back to the beginning, 'lo do they call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave...may live...forever.

X-Box 360 Gamer Tag - Smogster
#23 Jan 23 2004 at 12:49 PM Rating: Default
I hate to give impossible tasks but can someone please quote me where I originally stated that:
In other words multiple accounts are not purely an FV phenomenon or a product of the 1-char rule.
as far as I remember I never stated any of this
#24 Jan 23 2004 at 1:31 PM Rating: Decent
703 posts
I started a 2nd account because I liked the idea of pairing up a couple of my chars. Once I got the new account up and transfers done, I started 2boxing and loved it! It's great fun. I then created a char to pair up with the one I had on FV. So my 2boxing didn't start with FV. Even so, it's great fun and I consider I'm getting my money's worth for the amount of entertainment I receive. That's why I have a 2nd account.
#25 Jan 23 2004 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
3,166 posts
It could only be enforced if there where a completely different menu at creation - which would not only enforce it but in fact make it impossible to have more than one. I have no idea why they would want that.

No it couldn't. In no way can they prevent multiple account holding. What if you are following the letter of the EULA scrupulously and you and your partner play on the same PC? You obviously have 2 accounts since account-sharing is forbidden. How can the software tell which of you is sitting in the chair?

I hate to give impossible tasks but can someone please quote me where I originally stated that:

In other words multiple accounts are not purely an FV phenomenon or a product of the 1-char rule.


as far as I remember I never stated any of this

Well I hate to give impossible tasks too but please tell me where I said you stated this Smiley: smile

You did however wonder why people had multiple accounts and definitely appear affronted that this - in your opinion - contravenes the 1-char rule of FV. I was merely establishing some parameters for the discusion. Namely that multiple account holding occurs on all servers and for a wide range of reasons. In other words the "8-times to play on FV" argument you put forward does not hold water. People will pay for additional accounts anyway if they feel like it.

As for rudeness:

a simple "yes" will be accepted without further comment....

This was the rudeness. You have no rights to close down anyone's options to comment. We are not pupils in some class you are teaching. Here you are the one who has much to learn.

I am sorry it has come to this, Leiany. Your ideas were quite refreshing but your penchant for lecturing on subjects you know little about, forming completely false concepts of how the game works and then becoming affronted when they are challenged, and your inability to explain the simple questions you are asked are turning you into just another troll.

You don't want to know why people have multiple accounts on FV or anywhere, you just wanted to generate condemnation of people doing something you consider wrong and are now discomfited that the consensus is against you.
Wherever I go - there I am.
#26 Jan 23 2004 at 1:55 PM Rating: Good
2-boxing Rules !!!!!!!

End of story. It allows you to do things that you could never do alone. Fantastic. I play the Ranger/Shammy, and it is great, its like being a beastlord except both the master and the pet are on steroids. I can solo anywhere. Its funny to be saying solo with 2 characters. Anyway you know what I mean. Leiany, don't knock it if you haven't tried it. If you want to Leiany, you can role play that you are a god, and you have taken control of thesee two people. I hate when people try to apply rules into fantasy, you tell me a rule and I will give you a roleplaying explanation. And yea, that is a challenge!!!!!!
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