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Are necro's wanted in groups?Follow

#1 Jan 08 2004 at 7:01 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Good Morning folks,

I'm getting back into the game pretty soon and i know what class i am going to play... a necromancer. I have an affinity for them and am pretty darn good with a necro. I like the whole Anti-Hero theme, he's not a dark villian. I play erudite necro's by the way.

I was wondering if necros still feel its hard to get a group?
Some of us thought so back about a year ago.

Before 8 yeah i can understand, before lvl 12, yeah i can understand, but after 12 things pick up a bit... you have a minor healing spell for emergencies at that point(which i use at my descretion to heal lower level players while i'm solo'ng, or when i feel i can help out a bit for others; i don't ks, i just boost stats a bit on players if i can) which hurts my Hp, but i just siphon health from a mob and i'm back to full again; i can summon corpse, i have personal mana-regen, personal invis, personal seeinvis and infravision spells, and can cast over 100dmg worth of dots onto a single target (only when i solo). I have slow movement dot's on top of that.

I never understood why necromancers would find it hard to get a group, but then again that was a year and a half ago.

Are things better now? What about in the LDoN?

#2 Jan 08 2004 at 7:12 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
With an erudite necro, how would you folks recommend getting from level 1 to 20?

My plan in the past was getting my newbie gear, which takes until around 12th lvl, while fighting in the Warrens for kobold molars. The kobold molars being very good xp for decent plat loot and decent spare change early on. After 12, i would go to Dark Elf Territory for my missing couple of spells and then head to the Oasis of Marr or the Deserts of Ro.

Is there a better way to level now? I hope so, because most of the time, groups were filled to capacity back when i played in the deserts... before LDoN. I had to play some strange hours. I find solo'ng boring and i hear its not worth solo'ng anymore, if you can find a group.
#3 Jan 08 2004 at 7:32 AM Rating: Decent
25 posts
One last thing before heading to school,

The comment about over 100dmg worth of dots at level 12 is meant over time not per tick.

At level 12, if 1 disease, 1 poison, heat blood, then a darkness spell are added, of their most potent variety, they do 42dmg per tick not counting initial 1 time damage of some of the spells. 3 ticks and you have over 120 dmg and folks how many spells last less than 3 ticks? hehe

Have a great day! I'm planning on it!

Traifin (now its time for breakfast! ie two hamburgers,... just the patties though, and mustard, south beach diet and all ya know hehe!)
#4 Jan 08 2004 at 7:39 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
necros are wanted in groups .... well by intellegent players anyway , which is to say the minority below lvl 50. on the other hand you have missed the main reason why, necro's can give mana to the cleric. yes they have great pets , yes they have uber DPS , yes they can slow and mez undead , but dispite all these things the main reason you will get groups is to twitch the cleric.

as for leveling i never play ebil chars but some lvling will still be the same. if you like groups go to Paldaul caverns at 16 <hell go at lvl 4 and solo at the back!> and do Bandit groups untill 24, sure there will be at least 2/3 complete ********* but generally alot of high lvl bring alt there so it's not so bad if you get a good group and xp flows like water in that place.

LDoN has made grouping easier for EVERY class but it does get abit dull after a while so make sure you go to other zones even if you have to solo too keep it all fresh.
#5 Jan 08 2004 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
necros are wanted in groups .... well by intellegent players anyway , which is to say the minority below lvl 50. on the other hand you have missed the main reason why, necro's can give mana to the cleric. yes they have great pets , yes they have uber DPS , yes they can slow and mez undead , but dispite all these things the main reason you will get groups is to twitch the cleric.

as for leveling i never play ebil chars but some lvling will still be the same. if you like groups go to Paldaul caverns at 16 <hell go at lvl 4 and solo at the back!> and do Bandit groups untill 24, sure there will be at least 2/3 complete ********* but generally alot of high lvl bring alt there so it's not so bad if you get a good group and xp flows like water in that place.

LDoN has made grouping easier for EVERY class but it does get abit dull after a while so make sure you go to other zones even if you have to solo too keep it all fresh.
#6 Jan 08 2004 at 8:33 AM Rating: Decent
edit due to multi posts.. weird....

Edited, Thu Jan 8 09:44:46 2004 by Luxbane
#7 Jan 08 2004 at 8:36 AM Rating: Decent
I have no problems finding a group at all. _IF_ I even have to use LFG, I have never had to wait more than 10 minutes. Usually, I am asked if I want to group by others.

An important point, even though I am in a guild and have lots of friends on my server, there are plenty of times when they are not online, on raids, in full groups, etc. So I can't say that I always get into a group because of friends or guildies, etc. I get invited to groups because people have finally gotten over the “Necros are played by power hungry power-levelers who hate groups and just want to solo” mentality and have recognized that a Necromancer is a viable group class and has much to offer the group

The most important thing about being a Necro that is actually WANTED by groups is to know your job and to possess the means and skills to perform your job. A Necro that sits back and just sends her pet into combat is just taking up space and xp. A Necro that tries to nuke and sit (without waiting until the proper time) will get herself killed over and over and really upset the cleric who, instead of using their mana to help the group, is wasting it on needless resurrections… the same can be said of a Necro that DoT’s too soon. Heck any Necro that casts any type of damage spell and parks their butt without first establishing that the melees have aggro FRIMLY LOCKED on them is just asking for trouble.

In the mid levels (30’s or so) a Necro shines in a group… we get to DoT, nuke, pet attack, etc.

As you get higher in level (50+), we take more of a support role and lead to the success of the group in a much quieter way than before. We don’t need weapons so we can carry more mana and hp gear to give us a HUGE pool of mana to draw from, we have our Lich line of spells to refill that pool fast than KEI and or Life Tap series to refill our health as necessary. That mana pool is not for us anymore though… Once we’ve cast our pet, the mana pool belongs to the party. We use it to twitch the Cleric so that they can keep the melees alive (no melees = death for the Necro). We use it to twitch the casters who slow the mobs so the melees get hit less and stay alive (no melees = death for the Necro). We use it to twitch the casters who keep our melees buffed so that they hit harder, can withstand more damage and stay alive (no melees = death for the Necro). We use it to refill our health so our Lich spells can refill our mana pool so that we can do all of the above to keep the melees alive (no melees = death for the Necro) Notice the pattern here? Our job is to make sure that the group runs efficiently so that everyone can do their job so that the group, as a whole, can accomplish its goal… That goal is, inevitably, the death of the mob at hand. The benefits of that mob’s death are experience for the group and possible loot (and sometimes phat lewt ... heehee)… but none of the benefits can be reaped unless the primary goal, the death of the mob, is achieved. Can this be done without a Necro? Of course, it can be done, technically speaking, without any single class that exists in EQ. The classes are diverse enough that if one class is missing, its function can be picked up by another (or a combination of several others’s). However, the best way to get the most xp and loot is to have the most efficient killing machine possible and, in my opinion at least, the Necromancer is a key cog in that machine and a well disciplined and well rounded Necro can help her group ensure a successful adventure every time =)
#8 Jan 08 2004 at 8:46 AM Rating: Default
I have no problems finding a group at all. _IF_ I even have to use LFG, I have never had to wait more than 10 minutes. Usually, I am asked if I want to group by others.

An important point, even though I am in a guild and have lots of friends on my server, there are plenty of times when they are not online, on raids, in full groups, etc. So I can't say that I always get into a group because of friends or guildies, etc. I get invited to groups because people have finally gotten over the “Necros are played by power hungry power-levelers who hate groups and just want to solo” mentality and have recognized that a Necromancer is a viable group class and has much to offer the group

The most important thing about being a Necro that is actually WANTED by groups is to know your job and to possess the means and skills to perform your job. A Necro that sits back and just sends her pet into combat is just taking up space and xp. A Necro that tries to nuke and sit (without waiting until the proper time) will get herself killed over and over and really upset the cleric who, instead of using their mana to help the group, is wasting it on needless resurrections… the same can be said of a Necro that DoT’s too soon. Heck any Necro that casts any type of damage spell and parks their butt without first establishing that the melees have aggro FRIMLY LOCKED on them is just asking for trouble.

In the mid levels (30’s or so) a Necro shines in a group… we get to DoT, nuke, pet attack, etc.

As you get higher in level (50+), we take more of a support role and lead to the success of the group in a much quieter way than before. We don’t need weapons so we can carry more mana and hp gear to give us a HUGE pool of mana to draw from, we have our Lich line of spells to refill that pool fast than KEI and or Life Tap series to refill our health as necessary. That mana pool is not for us anymore though… Once we’ve cast our pet, the mana pool belongs to the party. We use it to twitch the Cleric so that they can keep the melees alive (no melees = death for the Necro). We use it to twitch the casters who slow the mobs so the melees get hit less and stay alive (no melees = death for the Necro). We use it to twitch the casters who keep our melees buffed so that they hit harder, can withstand more damage and stay alive (no melees = death for the Necro). We use it to refill our health so our Lich spells can refill our mana pool so that we can do all of the above to keep the melees alive (no melees = death for the Necro) Notice the pattern here? Our job is to make sure that the group runs efficiently so that everyone can do their job so that the group, as a whole, can accomplish its goal… That goal is, inevitably, the death of the mob at hand. The benefits of that mob’s death are experience for the group and possible loot (and sometimes phat lewt ... heehee)… but none of the benefits can be reaped unless the primary goal, the death of the mob, is achieved. Can this be done without a Necro? Of course, it can be done, technically speaking, without any single class that exists in EQ. The classes are diverse enough that if one class is missing, its function can be picked up by another (or a combination of several others’s). However, the best way to get the most xp and loot is to have the most efficient killing machine possible and, in my opinion at least, the Necromancer is a key cog in that machine and a well disciplined and well rounded Necro can help her group ensure a successful adventure every time =)


Luxbane Noxvagant
Level 52 Heretic
Lanys T'vyl server
#9 Jan 08 2004 at 8:58 AM Rating: Good
I will always take a Necro into my groups :)
#10 Jan 08 2004 at 9:55 AM Rating: Decent
They really shine in places like Veksar at the higher levels where they can mez and slow undead and of course deal massive damage with their DOT's and lifetaps. They also get some nice group buffs for atk & ac.

Very interesting class overall that borders on being overpowered.
#11 Jan 08 2004 at 1:27 PM Rating: Default
Well, I would have to say that yes it is still hard for necros to get groups. LDoN had a large effect on the desirability of several classes. Beasts, pallies, and bards all came out as big winners in being desired by groups. Rangers, druids and necros not so much. Don't get me wrong, I have a necro and much enjoy playing him. Fact is that the necro finds hisself competing for a DPS or Utility slot with beast, rangers, wizzies, etc. The big drawback being that the necro's stongest suit is DOTs, but the mobs die too fast in LDoN for DOTs to run their course.

Just my 2cp.
#12 Jan 08 2004 at 1:50 PM Rating: Decent
any group that will turn down a nec does not know the power of that class in a group.

its that simple. take advantage of being a solo class and dont stress over not being wanted in groups. what the groups are killing at that level you are soloing.

you will have more power then most groups until you hit low 50s.

that is not to say you will kill things faster or have higher DPS, but you will be able to kill the same type of mob solo that will take a group to kill.

example. no other toon in the game (aside from bards, ill leave them out of this) can continue to solo reds into their 30s outside of a nec. now that is not the best use of your mana, but if you are confronted with a red, know that unless it has high MR/PR you can kill it.

there are groups in their 30s that will lose players when a red is pulled. so think about that and take confort.

that is your solo power, your group power is hard to beat.

1. fastest mana regen in game until mid 50s.
2. aside from bards strongest solo toon in game until mid 50s
3. self healing, thus saving the cleric mana.
4. #2 pet in the game (at some points #3 behind the BL, but not until 50+)
5. mana battery
6. FD to drop agro and survive that over pull or that 1 to many ADDs for the chanter to stop.
7. gheto chanter. yes you can work CC very well once you get ST (screaming terror). at that point you are almost as good as a bard in CC work, and only toon better then a bard for CC is a chanter.
8. gheto cleric
9. higher levels you get combat taps (increase group attack by decreasing mobs)
10. #1 DoTs in the game if fights are lasting over 60sec. your DoTs are king of the world.
11. higher levels you get group mana tap (take 900 mana from mob and give 900 mana to everyone in the group but you, you get 300)
12. group life HoT spell (take 30 points from the mob every tick and give 30 points to everyone in the group)

need i go on?

ill say it again. any group that will not take a nec because you are a nec is just stupid. that simple.
#13 Jan 08 2004 at 2:00 PM Rating: Decent
237 posts
I generally don't have a big problem getting groups with my necro, with whom I have done LDoN adventures almost exclusively from about 24 to 42. Normally my role is to send pet and nuke (at appropriate times, of course), and sometimes I am asked to twitch OOM casters. It's true that the necro's bread and butter is DOTs, which don't generally work well in LDoN, but the level 39 Dark Soul spell works pretty well for me. It does 77 dmg/tick and lasts 30 seconds. I get about 90 dmg/tick max out of it with my Kobold Hide Boots on, which makes it pretty effective and much more mana efficient than my nukes. And I've not had any problems with aggro while using this spell either. I think it costs 40 adventure points at the Butcherblock Wayferer's camp.
#14 Jan 08 2004 at 3:58 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Necros do tend to be overlooked for groups, mostly because many players just don't know or understand what a necro can bring to a group. They aren't obvious. Melee's are obvious. They dish out and take damage (with varying degrees of each). Wizards and mages dish out damage. Chanters CC and buff. All wis casters heal and buff (again with varying degrees of each).

Necros are kinda hard to put into a traditional group slot. However, that's one of their greatest strengths. They are just so flexible, especially at higher levels, that a good necro player can really amaze you.

Heck. I thought I'd seen it all until this last weekend during a LDoN adventure. This was a 60-65 group, so pretty much nothing could be pacified. We did not have a cleric, but had two druids. The chanter was having an off day (I'd normally accuse someone who couldn't seem to use pacification to break room of being an idiot, but this guy really did seem to know his class, he was just missing mobs who were hiding behind doors and around corners).

About 20 minutes into the mission, we weren't doing well. Things were just going slow and we were having a few LD issues. When the chanter went LD, we were pretty much at a loss as to how to clear. We had very limited CC (which consisted of a druid kitting/rooting adds). We only had one melee in the group besides pets (me - the melee, not the pet). I kinda tossed out for suggestions to the group and the necro said he'd give pulling a shot.

Now, conventional wisdom says that FD pulling will suck in LDoN. It's too slow. A necro doing it would seem even worse. Heh. I've never been so happy to see conventional wisdom fail. The guy used a darkness/FD pull strat that worked perfectly. Better yet, his timing was great. For the next 30 minutes, he single pulled using FD. Only once or twice did we get an add, and most of the time, his pull arrived just as the last mob was being killed. There was zero downtime. No waiting for pulls. No waiting at all. We finished the mission with tons of time to spare. I've seen SKs and monks that couldn't pull that well. This guy was just awesome!

And that's just one role a necro can play. He can be a mana battery. He can be DPS. He can be a CCer. Amazingly, a necro can do a very good job at all of those jobs. Personally, I love having a necro in my group.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#15 Jan 08 2004 at 5:07 PM Rating: Decent
161 posts
I have to agree with everyone who's saying that a group that doesn't want a necro just because they are a necro doesn't know what they're doing. Necros are DPS, CC, Mana batteries, healers, buffers and debuffers, and I've even seen a necro pet play the role of tank in a group with nothing but casters.

True, in LDoN, a necro's DoTs are somewhat wasted. But you still have melee dps with the pet, cc against undead mobs, snare (I have seen LDoN missions fail for lack of a single snare), and of course, topping off the mana of the main healer. (I've also seen missions fail because the cleric or druid had to med once too often). The are also back-up for rezzes in case the cleric and/or pally can't be saved (expensive, true, but at least they can do it) A necro is one of my FIRST choices for a DPS slot for LDoN. (This at the 65 level, younger toons arne't quite ready for LDoN yet ;) )

#16 Jan 08 2004 at 5:58 PM Rating: Default
Necros own LDON dungeons with undead mobs in it. Mistmoore, Miragul, Guk? Bring a necro and have some fun. Heck, 6 necros in Mistmoore is even better. And I don't even play a necro! Lol.

Most fun I had in Mistmoore dungeon was with a necro, necro, sk, rogue, chanter, and me - a druid. We are all level 65. You got the DPS, 3 mezzers, slowers, and I used Chloroblast for most heals because mobs die too fast.

I used to think Guk was really hard with a group of war, cleric, chanter, ranger, monk, druid. It was a success, but we used up most of the 90 minutes for it. The next round, monk had to leave and we replaced monk with a necro. Same adv was done in only 40 minutes. 29 collect.
#17 Jan 08 2004 at 6:38 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
Necros can shine in pretty much any situation, grouping or otherwise. At 34, I've done adventures where I was the only slower and crowd control (Mistmoore, of course) as well as the puller. I can also tank adds with use of lifetap.

Primarily you'll be a DMG dealing pet class. For LDoN you'll want to use nukes since DoTs take too long and LDoN mobs drop relatively fast. Snaring, rooting and mez are pretty self-explanatory. Undead Pacifying and slowing as well as Charm, again, obvious uses in certain situations. FD, summoning corpses, both kinds of Invis, even rezzes. Healing, mana pumping, mana draining. Necros can do pretty much any damn thing, limited only by the number of spell slots. Be quick, be versatile, be ready and able to take on anything. Necros are comparable only to bards for versatility, and also just as misunderstood. If you come across people who don't understand just how useful necros are, try to enlighten them a bit. The more people who know how useful necros can be, the better chances you have of finding a group willing to take you.

Check my sig below (Dukeroger) for low-end gear ideas.
publiusvarus wrote:
we all know liberals are well adjusted american citizens who only want what's best for society. While conservatives are evil money grubbing scum who only want to sh*t on the little man and rob the world of its resources.
#18 Jan 08 2004 at 6:42 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Yes and No Claudito. I agree with the sentiment, but you are aware that maybe 20% of the mobs in most MM adventurea are actually undead, right? Trust me, I've seen the spam of "this spell only works on undead" over and over with my undead-only proc in MM. To the point where even in "undead" dungeons, it's questionable to even use that spell. If I have a choice between ward of nife and pious might (which don't stack), unless I'm in a static camp with just undead, it's always better to go with pious might since it works on everything. The ratio of live to dead mobs even in a MM adventure is greater then the ratio of damage between the spells.

Necros certainly have more things they can do, since charms and whatnot don't require that every mob be undead. But the actual advantage probably isn't that great in MM versus any other zone. Also, the most annoying thing about undead only spells is that you're using a slot that is useless unless you're actually fighting an undead mob. Also, due to SOEs braindead naming, it's often hard to know whether a mob is undead or not until you attempt to use an undead-only spell on them, potentially wasting a ton of mana. I think you'd be completely surprised to find out just how many things have "ghoul", or "vampire" in their names that are not actually undead. It's very much a trial and error thing, and you will waste mana figuring it out. A necro will still find tons of things he can do in any adventure though, and honestly will be only slightly more effective in an undead zone then a "normal" one, at least until he figures out which mobs are actually undead...
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#19 Jan 08 2004 at 6:46 PM Rating: Decent
A good necro is a great asset to any group. However, when I create a pick up group, I am not exactly looking for them. Why you might ask? Because it is hard to come across a truely great necro. Many just sit back and dot/pet, and as others have said at that point they are just taking up a spot.

I have met a few great necro's and they are on my friends list and are usually one of the first to get a tell from me to join if they are online. The point really of my post is this, learn your class well and you will never have a problem finding a group. The great players are always remembered and will be sent tells often as others will know they can rely on your skills in their group. =)
#20 Jan 08 2004 at 8:28 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
To all of you,

You have my thanks. You have given me a lot of light of a once dark subject (no pun intended) and i know now that i will be very glad to have my necromancer up and running again.

To Rixtor, I sincerly hope to be the great necro that you describe. Having played two necromancers a year ago, i have never been known to sit around. Even at 12th lvl, i was healing people who needed healing (wether they were in my group or i was soloing), as well as buffing people. Most of the time, i was helping others while hunting the Warrens myself. In the warrens there was almost always someone who needed a bit of backup, especially when the Stone zone first came out in the back of the warrens. I'm patient... i can cast healing or a buff or two, knowing that with my mana regen i will not be losing but maybe 30 second of downtime... at which point my pet was tanking kobolds spawning nearby. You have to have a group mentality, i think... all for one and one for all. You take care of the group, they will take care of you.

Having gotten only to 13 with my highest necro, i do still have a bit to learn, but, hey, i AM a *Fast* learner.

One more question: With the adjustments made to xp gain a while back, doesn't a necro who groups gain more more xp than soloing?
I had heard that when any class solo's yellows or reds that the toon gets a decrease in xp since noone should be able to solo a red without being twinked... a way of discouraging twinks at the time... at the same time, my old necro, even without great gear could easily take out a yellow con'd mummy is the wastelands.

Thanks for the replies,
#21 Jan 08 2004 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
Prodigal Son
20,643 posts
They did revamp the exp system so that a group (more than one person) gets an exp bonus for kills. The more people in the group, the better the bonus. So while a soloer may get all the exp from a mob instead of sharing exp with group for the mob, the group is getting more exp from the mob to split. I can't remember if they actually implemented a penalty to soloers or not.
#22 Jan 08 2004 at 9:09 PM Rating: Decent
To Traifin,

The only thing I would add to an already good discussion is that level 13 is not really that high and it may well be worth it to switch to the Newbie server to have loads more grouping options. Although I have only played sparsely on that server, I have noticed loads of lower level people, thus I assume it should make it easier for you to get groups.

I will add to the necro's rock in LDoN groups with the following tale. Once, in the low 50's, I played a cleric and grouped with a monk, 2 mages and 2 necros. We went for Mistmore because of the undead. It was like cheating. I seriously may have cast about 6 healing spells over the course of the entire mission, in addition to my stunning the casters duties. It was crazy. I started nuking and meleeing about half way through because I was just sitting at FM constantly. It was a while ago, so maybe they made Mistmore have fewer undead, I don't know, but the necros could virtually always mez the adds and even if they didn't the DPS with 4 pets + nukes + monk was just insane so the time for kills was really quick. The necros stopped using DoT spells because the killing was so quick.
#23 Jan 08 2004 at 11:41 PM Rating: Decent
Debalic wrote:
They did revamp the exp system so that a group (more than one person) gets an exp bonus for kills. The more people in the group, the better the bonus. So while a soloer may get all the exp from a mob instead of sharing exp with group for the mob, the group is getting more exp from the mob to split. I can't remember if they actually implemented a penalty to soloers or not.

it really only effects soloers in PoP zones when SoE at the same time they gave a larger group xp bonus, they took the xp bonus away from all PoP zones, thus cutting the amount of xp earned per kill in those zones for soloers.

up until mid 50s i could out xp a group even after the change in group xp. now that ive hit mid 50s and things just take so long to kill with the mega HP they have, i now get more xp in groups in an hour then i will solo. i still get more xp per kill solo then grouped, but in a full group we can now finnaly kill things that i can not solo... yet.

this is speaking of my 58th nec. i know this changes post 60 again, but by 65 you can get T3 PoP groups and make a killing in xp.
#24 Jan 09 2004 at 5:21 PM Rating: Default

I just rejoined the game a minute ago and FOUND ALL MY CHARACTERS ON STROMMMM!!!!!!

I had played nameless for about two years so i just figured they were on nameless, sure not stromm, but there is my 13 lvl erudite necro, my 10th lvl halfelf rogue, my 10th level human cleric hAhahAAHHAH!!!!!!

With all their newbie quest armor and my necro has her +3int earrings etc!

I FEEL GOOD~ nana-nana-nana-na Oh yeah oh yeah!


#25 Jan 09 2004 at 5:23 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Didn't mean to go anon on that last post, i thought i was still logged in hehe!

#26 Jan 09 2004 at 9:18 PM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
My necro is 49 now, and I usually don't have any problem finding a LDoN group. Very often though, I have to "educate" 1 or 2 of the group members. Many are under the impression that we just can't nuke. It's not very mana efficient, but we CAN. Our pets can tear things up. I was in a group once where my pet was doing just as much damage as our ranger, hit for hit, and the pet was hasted more, effectively doing more damage. And DON'T underusetimate our CC abilities. That has been my primary role in MANY adventures. For example:

Bad pull gets 4 mobs. Everyone assists puller, you send your pet on one and use screaming terror (and yes, it works on live mobs too, not just undead. Also, it has a very small chance to mem wipe, but don't depend on that) to keep 2 mezzed and drop a dot or 2 on the one the pet is killing. As an added benefit, when the tanks are done with their mob, you FD. Makes taunting a LOT easier for them. If an ST gets resisted, FD and let it go back to the tanks, stand and remez.

As for twitching... don't let your casters go crazy just b/c you can twitch. Make sure they understand that your mana is there primarily for the healer. They still need to use their mana conservation tactics as much as possible. If the druid wants mana for a spirit of the shrew, they can med for it. It's not a priority (not that I have anythign against druids, just an example). If you educate people, they will welcome you when they see you again. If you sit back and do nothing, they'll hate necros forever and never give them a chance.

55 Ranger

49 Necromancer

Povar Server
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