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#1 Jan 02 2004 at 5:07 AM Rating: Good
8,619 posts
I have just begun to lvl the rogue that has been spinning for longer than i can remember, i would like to know a couple of things before i get past 20 so that i don't apear a complete newb.

1. what is the correct coding for evasion hotkey? I know it is atk off , hide , atk on but what would it look like on a hotkey, is there a /pause line between abilities etc.

2. is there a Safe way to Raise Pick pocket?

3. is there a quick way to raise backstab <lvl 13 and only 1 increase in skill>

4. should i go with 2 piercers or take a better 1hs weapon for offhand?

5. is it worth me taking up Poisoning? is it expensive and a money sink or is it truely worthwile <i imagine that it will gain aggro which is not a rogues best friend>
#2 Jan 02 2004 at 9:41 AM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
1: Evade hotkey
/attack off
/doability >sneak number<
/pause 10,/doability >hide number<
/doability >sneak number<
/attack on

This is how mine is set up. I use the pause to give a second for the mob to change aggro, and the second sneak to remove it (don't want to be sneaking when it is time to run).

2: Safe Pick Pockets
I am not sure if this still works, couldn't find any solid info on it, and I haven't done it for quite a while, but PPing pets used to work. I am sure doing it with charmed pets will, but unsure about summoned ones. Although, begging still works on summoned ones, I assume PP will still too. Also, unless your skill is quite high, not ever looting will get you about the same as the main looter(s) in a group.

3: I don't know of any quick way to raise backstab. Just keep using it. It is level limited and at 13, that limit is not very high :(

4: I use a combination of weapons. Until 45, I usually use a Glowing Black Sword (9/22 Dex+20) in the off-hand, to raise 1hs and for the Dex bonus, at 45 the proc will take effect and debuff you. Piercing has always stayed maxed out with one in the primary hand.

5: Like most difficult trade skills, it takes quite a bit of time (especially for the farming aspect), and cash to get good at poisoning, especially if you decide to work on Pottery as well to lessen the vial expense. But the poisons are very effective and come in handy. Some one with a higher Poisoning skill would probably be of more help to you on this question though.
My skill is only around 30, but Pottery is around 130 now. This is also, because I am working toward Grand Mastery of Tailoring :P IMHO, tailoring is by far the most difficult to work on. [Deleted side-track ramble on tailoring :P]

Also, if you decide to wait, like I have, on working on
Poisoning, you can get Poisons through a couple of different quests that only cost a couple of platinum per vial, and still work on your Apply Poison skill. One is the DE in WFP North tunnel entrance give 2 Snake Venom Sacs + 20gp = Snake Poison (Injected Type I). Another is the Poison merchant in WK in the SW Part of the zone (not a long run from a NK port, but fairly long from the Qeynos book), who, if give Spider Venom Sac + 20gp + Crow's Special Brew will give you a Spider Poison (Weakening Type I). Finally, the Poison merchant on the island in Dagnor's Cauldron will give you Wasp Poison (Contact Type I) for 3 Wasp Venom Sacs + 30gp.

Hope this helps.

Edited, Fri Jan 2 09:51:07 2004 by Yther
#3 Jan 02 2004 at 11:53 AM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
You have sneak in your evade key?!

Anyway: look on which hotkey your hide-skill is located. Create a macro which looks like:

line 1: /attack off
line 2: doability <number of your hide-skill button>
line 3: /attack on

No pauses needed.

Don't forget to stand still while evading. Move and hide don't mix. A well executed evade will give you a "You have succesfully moved out of battle "(or something like that) message.

2. is there a Safe way to Raise Pick pocket?
Hotbutton your pickpocket ability and use it during combat. You could put it into your evade-macro, but a faild pp attempt will GAIN you aggro, which you don't want, of course.

Secondly: people in your (pickup) group will start ******** over stolen loot and cash. Trust me on that one. Offer to be the ML and do your job correctly. Keep your pp'd cash, words, gems and in a seperate bag (at least, that is what I do) and sell and split when your group breaks up. Rogues don't need to sit down for mana, pull and whatnot, so you have enough time during fights to be the main looter.

3. is there a quick way to raise backstab <lvl 13 and only 1 increase in skill>
Other then always keeping a piercer in primary and hit your backstab button the second it pops, no. You should have no problems in maxing your bs-skill every level.

4. should i go with 2 piercers or take a better 1hs weapon for offhand?
This is my opinion.

5. is it worth me taking up Poisoning? is it expensive and a money sink or is it truely worthwile <i imagine that it will gain aggro which is not a rogues best friend>
No idea, I yet have to start with poison making myself. You can find a lot of information here.

Hope that helps )

#4 Jan 02 2004 at 12:41 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
You could put it into your evade-macro, but a faild pp attempt will GAIN you aggro, which you don't want, of course.
More forward minded rogues set up their Evade hotkey to say:

/attack off
/doability {pickpocket}
/doability {hide}
/doability {disarm trap} -- (I just use this to train the skill)
/attack on

That way it doesn't matter as much. Granted, you COULD one day run into a situation where the failed pickpocket gets you aggro you didn't have and then hide fails and you get smeared, but them's the risks of being a rogue Smiley: sly

Granted, my rogue is only lvl 33 so if I'm missing something this is your big chance to flame me and call me a n00b.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#5 Jan 02 2004 at 1:31 PM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
No need, Jophiel.
#6 Jan 02 2004 at 3:49 PM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
Yeah, sneak is in there. It is so if you are moving or get knocked backed at the same time as you hit it, the hide will still take effect. If you are moving when you hit a macro with just /attack off /hide /attack on, it does nothing.

#7 Jan 02 2004 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
Hi! I play a rogue as one of my alts and I wanted to weigh in on a couple of these topics.

1) Pickpocketing -- follow around an orc pawn and pick his pockets till he gets mad, then kill him. My 36 rogue has PP of 160 doing that.

2) Evasion hotkey -- I just have "attack off" then /doability #X (where X is your slot for hide). Sometimes you do not want to immediately re-attack the mob. This works very well in LDON.

One other rant, start on your Sense Traps, and Disable Traps as soon as you can. I grouped (with my druid alt) with a 31 rogue who "didnt do traps" the other night in LDON. 90% of the real good loot is in boxes, barrels etc. My 36 rogue has Sense Traps up to 165 and Disarm Traps at about 135. You do NOT have to be near a trap to do this just make a hotkey and link it to your left (or right) directional arrow, and as you move around it will do both. Good luck......

Vulfgang Valarson
Paladin of 46 winters

Edited, Fri Jan 2 16:14:08 2004 by Vulfgang
#8 Jan 02 2004 at 4:07 PM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
So you are telling me that sneak will prevent your hide from failing when you are knocked back?

I will have to try this, as I don't believe one thing of it. Sorry.

Oh, and just attach the Sense and Disarm Traps to your movement cursors. Works like a charm.
#9 Jan 02 2004 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
I am not 100% positive on the knock back, if it happens at exactly the same time, but definitely if you get knocked back just before you hit evade, it still works.

It is like casting intteruption from movement. If you have been moving and do not turn afterwards, even though you are no longer moving, the spell is still interupted, as is the hide.

It definitely helps when you are low on health and trying to get out of the melee range, you can keep moving out of range even while evading (assuming that the sneak sticks, it does almost always for me).

#10 Jan 02 2004 at 5:01 PM Rating: Decent
2,689 posts
Deleted Duplicate, because of forum lag.

Edited, Fri Jan 2 17:14:20 2004 by Yther
#11 Jan 02 2004 at 5:29 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
Binding Sense Traps to movement/Evade keys is a pain in LDoN unless you enjoy spinning around to look at traps during combat or while trying to move. Disarm works well since the worst you get is a "no trap" message. You could, of course, just change your keys each time you enter a LDoN, but since that's mainly all my rogue does, it's not worth it to me to play with my key assignments that constantly.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#12 Jan 02 2004 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
Hi! To reply to Jophiel, I totally agree about linking traps skills to direction keys in LDON, it can be a real pain, I didnt explain myself that it should be done outside of LDON ONLY, and taken off when LDON'ing. Hope that clears that up.
Best thing my rogue got from LDON box was Cord of Bor'wen, a haste item that isn't even posted here yet.

Vulfgang Valarson
Paladin of 46 winters
Morrell-Thule server
#13 Jan 02 2004 at 5:54 PM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
You have two sets of movement keys. I just use the Num Lock side when I am into a LDoN, and the regular 4 keys for regular movement =)

P.s. No evading while moving, unless you have the Nimble Evasion AA's. Sorry.
#14 Jan 03 2004 at 5:20 AM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
Thanks for the reply's guy's and gals they have been very usefull, my rogue is now backstabbing, evadeing and pickpocketing like a fury Smiley: sly

only question still to be answered is the poison one, i know how to level poisoning and so forth i just want to know if it is worth the hasle of doing it, the last thng i want to do is spend a fortune on a tradeskill only to find that if i apply a Poison i Jump to the top of the aggro tree and can't get down.
#15 Jan 03 2004 at 12:08 PM Rating: Good
Liberal Conspiracy
You have two sets of movement keys.
Touché Smiley: wink

As for poison, my understanding is that pre-PoP poisons, it's a major pain in the *** with minimal benefits. Expensive, pain to farm components, and poisons don't stack so you're stuck lugging around backpacks full of poisons that may or may not strike and may or may not be resisted anyway. The PoP poisons though do stack so it becomes much more useful later on (which, of course, means slogging through the early poisons to reach that point).

Edited, Sat Jan 3 12:13:13 2004 by Jophiel
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#16 Jan 03 2004 at 12:18 PM Rating: Good
2,272 posts
Goalkeeper's evade hotkey is dead on. Use that one, don't worry about any others unless you want to bind other abilities to it to train. By the way, without Nimble Evasion you cannot hide while moving, even if you are sneaking. Trust me on this.

The orc pawn idea is good for PP. I did bind PP to my evade key to train it, risking the aggro. It went up fine that way, and I didn't die from it luckily! I don't use an evade key anymore actually, just attack off, hide, attack on. Hide is "3", attack is " ` ", so it is `3` and I'm done.

Weapons. Use what is best for you, what you can get basically. Piercing will stay maxed just from your mainhand, but there is also a good chance you will be using a piercer in offhand as well. I would say work on 1hs, and maybe even 1hb (I'm offhanding a new 1hb as of last night /hug Quarm) when you can, but don't plan on keeping either of them maxed in case of that uber weapon in the future. If you have low 1hs, and get the chance to get a nice 1hs weapon, get it anyway. The skill will come fast.

Now for poisons. Speaking from an endgame raiding point of view, you want them. Certain ones are aggro producing, others are not. There are also poisons to reduce aggro. I don't know a lot about the low to mid level poisons, but the high level poisons (250+ triv) are pretty nice. There are DDs, DoTs, Hate reducers, Debuffs, Snares, etc. If you think you would like poisons in the long run, but are in no hurry, work on them as you have the time and cash. It isn't an overly expensive skill to raise, but I don't know how it compares to other skills cost wise honestly. I'm guessing from 1 to 250 would cost 8k - 15k or so, depending on luck and how much you farm. I (as well as the GL who is also a rogue /grin) have pushed all my rogues in my guild to get their Grandmaster Assassin's Seal and Master Sketch, so I can say from experience that poisons are extremely useful in the end game.
#17 Jan 03 2004 at 1:15 PM Rating: Good
2,514 posts
Goalkeeper's evade hotkey is dead on.


I was dreading the verdict of the master :)
#18 Feb 28 2004 at 3:45 PM Rating: Decent
I just saw your post while surfing a bit and wanted to reply. I have a 61 rogue who has been poisoning since he was able and just got his gm seal. I made my 1st batches of 5 and 10 dose poison's and i must say that advanced poisons rock! They are now stackable, have useful effects and good damage, last 10 and 15 minutes (proc over and over in that time) and can be applied standing up in about 2-3 seconds. It was worth all the work and cost imo since we are damage dealers, why not do more damage? The only drawback is they are still resisted and do still cause aggro (except for those that reduce aggro of course), but so what? We are the only class that can use em and that is cool. Hope that helps- Baron Hord Aplenty, 61 Assassin on solusek ro

Edited, Sun Feb 29 03:14:41 2004 by wadehaskell
#19 Feb 29 2004 at 4:00 PM Rating: Decent
tarv wrote:
Thanks for the reply's guy's and gals they have been very usefull, my rogue is now backstabbing, evadeing and pickpocketing like a fury Smiley: sly

only question still to be answered is the poison one, i know how to level poisoning and so forth i just want to know if it is worth the hasle of doing it, the last thng i want to do is spend a fortune on a tradeskill only to find that if i apply a Poison i Jump to the top of the aggro tree and can't get down.

Poision is pretty useless right now. Until you do a quest on par with the grandmaster seal, you will not be able to make stackable poisons. That means if you devote 3 10 slot bags to poison, you only get 30 attacks with it. Further, each poison is only a one shot deal, it is only on your weapon for one attack, so that is 30 total attacks during which you gain the benefit. It takes time to apply each poison, mitigated by your apply poison skill, which you will also need to practice extensively, if interested.

As if to mitigate this, it is really easy to skill up make poison. I would say it is the easiest "trade-like" skill to grandmaster, because you can buy it at your guildmaster in PoK. If interested, do this now before it gets nerfed. I would get to, say, high 170's at least by conventional means and then just buy the darn points. It will be cheaper than skilling up, even with 250 dex. Get a geerlock, make your trophy. That alone may be worth it for the seal and the weight free bag.

To directly answer if poison is useful, all I can say is without the grandmaster vial (and thus stackable poison) it is basically totally impractical.

Lastly, on pickpockets, which you will need to get up for your epic, find any low end mob with pockets. Get its attention with beg or perhaps pickpocket. Run it to a very secluded area. Turn your back on it (so you don't riposte it to death). Then just mash pickpockets every 6 seconds, or whenever it pops up. Even when the pockets are empty, you will in fact get skillups.

In LDoN, I bind disarm traps only to my evade key. (I used to bind both disarm and sense traps to my evade key, until both were maxed, but LDoN wasn't around then). Anyhow, I keep disarm on with evade so that I can continually be disarming a trap if we are fighting near it. I have to have a separate hotbutton for sense traps because obviously you don't want to be turning to face the traps constantly.

When I was skilling up a couple years ago, both sense and disarm traps could go up anywhere, so you don't have to find a real trap to get them up. I don't think this is nerfed yet. I remember I had them maxed when Luclin came out, and there are actually traps in Echo Caverns (near the needelites?) which I could disarm. I was so happy finally to be able to use them.

I think all your rogue skills will increase faster with Dex. So I'd advise dex gear if your, say, backstab isn't going up very fast. Eventually it will and you'll have no trouble keeping it maxed. I recommend keeping a 1-h-slashing weapon around to keep that skill up, too, even if your best 2 weapons are both piercers, just in case you get a really nice offhand weapon later, perhaps a defender's lightblade.

On the length of the /pause command for your evade hotbutton, 10 is *long*. I typically set it at 6 if I'm worried about getting aggro and I don't have troubles, but obviously it is really based on how much aggro your tank is generating. With a really good tank I can set it to 4 and still not get aggro. Obviously, you want to do as much damage as you can without turning the mob on you, and each during each pause you are not attacking. Each number is (I think) one tenth of a second (please correct me if I'm wrong, is it 1/6th?) so if you can get away with, say, 5, I would do it.

Also, when you are young, I imagine it can be pretty easy to powerlevel without getting hit much, but its a really good idea to try to keep your defensive skills up. If you're like level 13 or something you may be able to solo a bit in the Warrens or similar without too much risk. Even if you die a few times, you can bind right outside and the exp loss at that level is not major. I enjoyed the Warrens, once it achieved its present very uncrowded state, because I could build faction with Paineel and Erudin and get the kobald molars for quests (turn in at Erudin if you can) and other pretty nice loot. During downtime I would practice my bind wounds and fishing. Also since you are soloing, you can pickpocket on your evade key.

If you are going to work on make poison, say, just pay some shaman in PoK to buff you. I virtually never have a problem finding one willing, for the right price. Its going to save you lots of money in the long run.
#20 Feb 29 2004 at 4:54 PM Rating: Decent
8,619 posts
As it turned out i have played the rogue with my wife cleric so my Defence is maxed and i am a little behind on backstab at 24, i am not too worried since that will work itself out in HHK on the way to 34,

The poison issue is still a diffcult one but it does seem like SoE just deemed it to much hastle to make effective, i have 1 tradeskill mule <40 chanter> and i do enough combine crunching with that one to start another one.

Tips for raising Hide, evade, sence traps, disarm traps, pick lock and pick pocket that i have gleaned from here.

level 1 of befallen has a locked door that gets to to max skill in Picklock and i found if i stood at the door with 2 training hotkeys doing all abilities i could raise all while maxing Pick lock.

pick pocket is best done to the Soulbinders in any non KoS city.

thanks to everyone for helping with my rogue questions i wish i had time to play him, hell i am finding it hard to find the time for my main atm. joy's of Fatherhood.
#21 Feb 29 2004 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
never been a rouge but i thought i read somewhere once that you can pickpocket priest of discord in kel safely or someone in PoK
#22 Feb 29 2004 at 5:19 PM Rating: Decent
never been a rouge but i thought i read somewhere once that you can pickpocket priest of discord in kel safely or someone in PoK
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