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Status of All Current Progression ServersFollow

#1 Nov 27 2015 at 6:23 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
In 12 days the Phinigel TLP server opens bringing the active number of progression servers to 5. Which one is the best choice for you? [and correct me where I am uninformed or incorrect please]

Fippy (TLP 2.0) is currently at Secrets of Faydwer if I am hearing correctly. So it sounds like enough community there to keep the server moving towards live.

Vulak (TLP 2.0) is a ghost town. I play a necromancer there and am surprised to see the server still up. Server has been stuck at Seed of Destruction for some time. No one in PoK or Baz, I think 8 players is the most I have ever seen on a /who all (which doesn't account for anon).

Ragefire (TLP 3.0) is in Kunark and appears to be on 6 month unlocks now. There is voting here, or at least has been. There is/was a rotation for raid targets.

Lockjaw (TLP 3.0) just got into Kunark and recent voting means it will get into Velious before Ragefire? I have a couple of characters here, server pop seems healthy. My concern is that 1-2 guilds are pushing the content and triggering the votes (as has been the case on all progression servers up to this point) but maybe I am getting the wrong feeling from the official boards?

Phinegel (TLP 3.5) is going to be 90 day unlocks with no votes. Fair bit of official board forum rage about 90 days being too short unless you play a lot (raid heavily). Instancing of raids as well as open world so expected to be less community drama at the top-end of the playerbase. "True box" thing where they say you will only be able to box using multiple computers, and official boards are full of people saying they plan to workaround this. Official boards also full of posts from current Ragefire/Lockjaw players and guilds saying they are moving to Phinny.

I'm personally a bit torn. I like the idea of starting fresh on Phinny with newb population with me. 90 days is too fast for me, but the instance raids will be nice down the road if one is in a casual guild having fun doing content behind the server era (as it will be possible, as one person boxing level 85s can't eat all the old raid content themselves). So Phinny offers the best shot of getting me to raid a bit... if anyone else sees it my way. If no one does, I would be better off sticking with Lockjaw and enjoying the next 2ish years in the content I like best (or possibly even going to Ragefire if it is going to move slower than Lockjaw). Of course, doomsayers are saying Ragefire/Lockjaw are going to be crippled by Phinny launching so soon. I think any of the progression servers would be fun in the right guild (though good luck getting that on Vulak).

So who has current progression perspective? What are you doing and going to do? Who's so happy in their guild they are staying put? Who thinks I should roll a halfling on Phinny (I just might...)?
#2 Nov 27 2015 at 7:15 AM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
Just a quick question from someone who knows very little about TLP. What is (was) TLP 1.0. Your list starts at 2.0.

Or is the original release of the game ("live" servers) considered 1.0?


Tatanka Wolfdancer, 115 Wood Elf Druid, 9 x 300+ Master Artisan, 7 maxed trophies (dang research! :)
Michone, 115 Troll Shadowknight
Anaceup Mysleeves, 115 Erudite Mage, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
Snookims Whinslow, 112 Erudite Enchanter, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
<Inisfree>, Tunare (Seventh Hammer!)
#3 Nov 27 2015 at 5:39 PM Rating: Excellent
tatankaseventh wrote:
Just a quick question from someone who knows very little about TLP. What is (was) TLP 1.0. Your list starts at 2.0.

TLP 1.0 were Combine and Sleeper. They caught up to the live servers and were merged into one of them many years ago (I forget which).

IMO, there are too many incarnations of TLP servers ongoing right now, and they are all cannibalizing each other. Fippy took a big hit when Ragefire and Lockjaw came out (though it was struggling before that, we were still progressing). Once Phini comes out, Ragefire and Lockjaw will both take serious hits, and, IMO, no longer be viable servers (I'm not sure there will be enough people for one viable server from those two populations once Phini is released.) Phini is going to instance raids in classic to eliminate the d-bag antics of many of the guilds there, so it will appeal to a lot of people off put by RF/LJ.

TLP is a good concept but there needs to be enough space between them to allow the previous ones to complete and so that you are not just throwing server after server after server out there for people to restart on, continually pulling people from the previous ones which are still in their infantancy.
#4 Nov 27 2015 at 5:58 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
amastropolo wrote:

TLP is a good concept but there needs to be enough space between them to allow the previous ones to complete and so that you are not just throwing server after server after server out there for people to restart on, continually pulling people from the previous ones which are still in their infantancy.

I agree. I even stuck my neck out on the O-boards suggesting something like this:

1 active progression server suited to the raid-racing-unlock-next expac in 2 weeks types
1 active progression server that moves at a slower set pace (so Phinny rules would work, with more than 3 months per expac).
1 server locked at Velious.
1 server locked at Luclin.
1 server locked at PoP.

And yes I am suggest turn the current 5 that are too many into 5 that are just right. The 3 locked era servers would be on a ladder with each other that you could free transfer up. To get off PoP era server would be paid transfer (as all the TLP transfers have been so far). You could jump off the locked era into any other running progression server that was at or ahead of the locked era in content.

The raid-racing-unlock server would become a live server or get merged to live some time after SoD (when these things seem to choke out) and a new one would be started.

The slow moving progression server goes along as far as it can (hopefully to live), but once it hits Omens of War (this seems to be the last straw for the more "classic" types, but waiting till after GoD might entice more to stick with it I am thinking) a new slow progression server would be started. [So now we have 6 servers running]

As far as the locked servers go, if they prove unviable then they get merged away (how would depend what proved unviable). As they would provide a "breeding ground" to rejoin any new progression server cycle that gets past Kunark I think they would work. So yes, this lets people gear up in Velious (or Luclin, or PoP) on the locked server as long as they want and join a new server days into that content... I see that as a compromise to keep people paying subs to do all of this. The servers getting these transfers would get classic and Kunark "pure" as it were.

Just my thoughts.
#5 Nov 27 2015 at 9:16 PM Rating: Excellent
2 posts
instanced raid is what lures me to phinny, while i met some friendly armies on LJ, its just to much, now if they could go to 120 days instead of 90 it would be perfect,
allow berserkers and beastlords from the start and mind be blown Smiley: lol
#6 Nov 28 2015 at 12:26 AM Rating: Excellent
1,738 posts
There are five players on Vulak tonight. Really four, since I only logged in to see who was there.
#7 Nov 28 2015 at 6:02 AM Rating: Excellent
snailish wrote:
[quote=amastropolo]1 active progression server suited to the raid-racing-unlock-next expac in 2 weeks types
1 active progression server that moves at a slower set pace (so Phinny rules would work, with more than 3 months per expac).
1 server locked at Velious.
1 server locked at Luclin.
1 server locked at PoP.

I am skeptical that 3 locked servers would be viable long term (or even medium term). Especially so close together. I could see something like a server that progresses to X and then stops (e.g., will progress to PoP and then no further). Maybe having three more spread out (one at Velious, one at PoP, one at Omens) or something might be better, though once you get to the max level, most of the AAs and gear you want, what do you do? That's why I'm skeptical about how long those would last.
#8 Nov 28 2015 at 6:25 AM Rating: Good
3,024 posts
Progression servers are short-term "highs", both for EQ's owners (extra cash from players returning to try them out) and for players, reliving their in-game "youth". Unfortunately, EQ's progression servers don't have a lot of nostalgia for "old-timers." For example, for me it ain't nostalgia if zones like Misty Thicket and Freeport remain in their "new and improved" updated versions. No boats? No nostalgia...

In theory there's no harm in this, beyond perhaps depleting the population of the mainstream servers for a time as players spend more of their time on a new server. Certainly there are guilds that have to cut back or even suspend their mainstream raiding because so many members are putzing around on a progression server.

Beating a dead horse here , but I'd still like to see a Discord server, where when a toon dies it's dead for good and the player has to start over. PVP, of course. By its nature this server would re-start every say three months, thus eliminating the entire problem of when expansions go live. Yeah, yeah, as we've discussed in other threads concerning this topic, cheaters who use illegal programs would have a big edge but if DBG is willing to enforce rules against boxing (such as they are) presumably they could toughen up the rules against illegal programs, if they so desire. It's generally accepted now that there's a certain level of unofficial tolerance of some quasi-legal (and entirely illegal) add-on programs, which means they COULD detect them if they wanted to but they don't want to because so much revenue is derived from players who utilize them. So make a Discord server and go wild on kicking players who use MQ or any other illegal aids. It could be as simple as just ban their Discord server toon, or GM-kill them so they have to start over at Level 1. If P99 can do it, DBG can do it, that's for sure.

Edited, Nov 28th 2015 7:27am by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#9 Nov 28 2015 at 8:17 AM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
amastropolo wrote:

I am skeptical that 3 locked servers would be viable long term (or even medium term). Especially so close together. I could see something like a server that progresses to X and then stops (e.g., will progress to PoP and then no further). Maybe having three more spread out (one at Velious, one at PoP, one at Omens) or something might be better, though once you get to the max level, most of the AAs and gear you want, what do you do? That's why I'm skeptical about how long those would last.

I think a locked at Velious server would have legs for a while, especially if people could jump off of it when another progression server goes into Luclin (my thoughts on that was changed by another post where it was said letting someone come into Velious fully Velious geared would not be good... I can concede that point).

Locked at LDoN would probably be a better bet. This keeps PoP as the main endgame, but the more casual and grouping friendly LoY and LDoN content is there too. You'd be beating PoP at level 65.

They've never tried a PC locked server. The Mac server was paid sub for years after it locked, and still had population when they folded it.
#10 Nov 28 2015 at 12:43 PM Rating: Good
Sippin wrote:
In theory there's no harm in this, beyond perhaps depleting the population of the mainstream servers for a time as players spend more of their time on a new server. Certainly there are guilds that have to cut back or even suspend their mainstream raiding because so many members are putzing around on a progression server.

I agree that there is no downside to pulling people from mainstream servers, but right now, it's having the effect on the other progression servers instead. People are leaving them (Modern Man (hate that name) just announced on the forums they were moving from LockJaw to Phini, as will many others.

Beating a dead horse here , but I'd still like to see a Discord server, where when a toon dies it's dead for good and the player has to start over. PVP, of course. By its nature this server would re-start every say three months, thus eliminating the entire problem of when expansions go live.

This is a really good point. They do take the nostalgia out of things because of the graphical revamps. I'm not sure they could do otherwise though (all the servers have to run on the same data, so they would in effect, have to create different copies of zones so that if you zone out of Rivervale to Misty Thicket on Lockjaw, you zone to Misty Thicket 1.0 but if you zone out of Rivervale from Drinal, you zone into Misty Thicket 2.0 (and no matter where you zone out from, you never zone into Nektulos 2.0).
#11 Nov 28 2015 at 1:28 PM Rating: Excellent
4,580 posts
amastropolo wrote:

This is a really good point. They do take the nostalgia out of things because of the graphical revamps. I'm not sure they could do otherwise though (all the servers have to run on the same data, so they would in effect, have to create different copies of zones so that if you zone out of Rivervale to Misty Thicket on Lockjaw, you zone to Misty Thicket 1.0 but if you zone out of Rivervale from Drinal, you zone into Misty Thicket 2.0 (and no matter where you zone out from, you never zone into Nektulos 2.0).

They had unrevamped Temple of Cazic Thule up on Vulak when it was new.

For some reason, they haven't been good about "saving" things (Plane of Mischief 1.0).

I see no reason that Nektulos 1.0 couldn't be the version you play on a progression server until it is time for Nektulos 3.0 (we'll never see 2.0 again I hope). Same for Freeport and such.

At the same time, I strongly believe they should keep revamping content on Live servers as the story/lore progresses. Suppose they blow up Luclin (ala EQ2) so it is gone from Live servers. Now you have more nostalgia incentive to jump on a progression server because you want to see the old versions of stuff. At the same time, it lets the Live server zone level range be weighted far more towards the actual population that is playing (A level 85-90 Najena? yes please).

Having said that, I believe in two kinds of revamps:
1. "prettied up" versions that match the layout of the original, and art style.
2. time has passed, events have changed things (so Dagnor's cauldron is dried up... or whatever) kind of revamp that has story basis for not being as per original. An Iksar renaissance in which Cabilis is no longer a rundown ruin is a good example.

*neither of my revamp scenarios cover what they did with Freeport... I'm fine with zones being combined (when original design was clunky... look at Kaladim it does not need to be 2 zones) as long as it is like we took the original zones and stuck them together for size & layout.
#12 Nov 28 2015 at 2:26 PM Rating: Excellent
782 posts
Sippin wrote:
Beating a dead horse here , but I'd still like to see a Discord server, where when a toon dies it's dead for good and the player has to start over.

Well, I'd be unlikely to play there, but would NEVER play there unless that had one caveat.... at least half of my deaths in EQ are from going linkdead while in combat. They'd have to have a way to account for that.

Tatanka Wolfdancer, 115 Wood Elf Druid, 9 x 300+ Master Artisan, 7 maxed trophies (dang research! :)
Michone, 115 Troll Shadowknight
Anaceup Mysleeves, 115 Erudite Mage, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
Snookims Whinslow, 112 Erudite Enchanter, 2 x 300 Master Artisan
<Inisfree>, Tunare (Seventh Hammer!)
#13 Nov 28 2015 at 4:57 PM Rating: Good
snailish wrote:
[quote=amastropolo]*neither of my revamp scenarios cover what they did with Freeport... I'm fine with zones being combined (when original design was clunky... look at Kaladim it does not need to be 2 zones) as long as it is like we took the original zones and stuck them together for size & layout.

I never really had a problem with the Freeport revamp. I know a lot of people hated it with a passion but to me, it feels so much more majestic and city like.
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