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Truth about heroic characters AAsFollow

#27 Jun 03 2014 at 1:25 PM Rating: Excellent
701 posts
First off there no one here bows to Gbaji. Second it seems like a lot of people tried to offer help in a lot of different ways. Third I was merely pointing out some discrepancy in your language. You stated that you have been playing for 12 years then also said about the cool days of Verant which hasnt had any control over EQ in over 12 years. Just trying to figure out where you are coming from is all.

Also to bring up another point you said:

Sometime later in 2004, World of Warcraft (developed by Blizzard entertainment) came out and Sony Online Entertainment has been hemorrhaging since then because WoW was all original stuff

I got some more news for you. You dont hemorrhage for 10+ years then suddenly die. While I will agree obviously thier numbers have never been the same EQ isnt going anywhere soon. SOE will ride it into the sunset. Oh and thanks for pointing out that Blizzard made WOW.

anyone else get a zamwiki/varus vibe from this guy?
EQ acct
Rukkuss 71 Iksar SK 1.5 Epic
Mokkas 70 Halfling Druid 1.0 Epic
Turfidor 70 Barbarian Shaman 1.0 Epic
Simplid 71 chanter
Trembledon 72 ranger
Rumblesx 70 monk
Bertoxx server
#28 Jun 03 2014 at 1:45 PM Rating: Excellent
GBATE!! Never saw it coming
9,970 posts
Rukkuss wrote:
anyone else get a zamwiki/varus vibe from this guy?
More like shadomen, although the wall-o-text makes me think he wants to be the next gbaji.Smiley: laugh
remorajunbao wrote:
One day I'm going to fly to Canada and open the curtains in your office.

#29 Jun 03 2014 at 3:01 PM Rating: Excellent
3,033 posts
Man, we need a more interesting thread---and quickly! I'm serious here, I log into allakhazam forums to read some intriguing or entertaining posts and that just ain't happening here! Bending the knew to gbaji is fun only for so long! I propose derailing this thread as follows:

Gbaji, how in The Name of All that is Holy do you make 31,118 posts?? I mean I have a motormouth myself when it comes to forums on topics I'm interested in and I don't think I've posted 30k times in ALL the forums for which I have accounts!

Do you have a life?! Smiley: eek

Edited, Jun 3rd 2014 5:02pm by Sippin
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
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#30 Jun 03 2014 at 3:22 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
curiousjeff wrote:
... I thought you were a standup guy, now I see you bend at the knee to someone named gbaji...

Hahahahaha.... Hahahahaha.... Hahahahaha... <inhales> Hahahahaha... Hahahaha... <gasp> <dies>.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#31 Jun 03 2014 at 3:23 PM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
Much worse though. I read most of gbaji posts and if not, I get the point in the first paragraph and I just feel to rushed at times to read the entire post. They are however well written and informative, and more particularly to a point you easily find. Not just incoherent ramblings more focused on trying to convert others through confusion and sympathy than trying to see the whole picture. Look at it from all sides. See what can be done and not dismiss every suggestion, whether valid or not.

I started to reply ealier, but couldn't find the words that wouldn't inflame the OP more. But they seem oblivious to any contrary to what they already believe. I know we all hope that a mass of people telling him the same thing will convince him to try to be understanding, rather than expecting everyone to bend to his fixed viewpoint.

And next to me, I find Hexeez one of the most compassionate, level-headed, attempting to answer without inflaming. But clearly, you are so fueled that it didn't get through, assuming that one comment was not what he felt the entire thread, but finally had to say something, 'cause his earlier points weren't getting through.

Don't play if you think you're being ripped off. But wait, you're paid for only 1 item, or set of items by making assumptions and think you got ripped off and want refunded? Well take that up SOE, 'cause the community already discusses the problem widely and as I can see it, it is worded badly, but legally makes sense. It just plays on peoples assumptions. So don't play, and don't come to a place where people want to help, and then dismiss any and all that say, you're exactly correct. You don't get the truth from Yes-men answers.

Yther Ore.
#32 Jun 03 2014 at 3:53 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
Ok. Now that I've got that out of my system:

curiousjeff wrote:
The purpose of this thread isn't actually for you to "get" anything.

Then why bother with typing all those characters on the screen? Surely you didn't just type them to see them? Usually, you want people to "get" what you're writing. Else, it's just random squiggles, right? I mean, if your intent isn't for people to understand what the hell you're trying to say, you could just randomly hit keys and hit "send" and be done with it.

It's not a rant or bug report/gm complaint. It's a social experience that says, “I’m having a problem and I think others are as well” and that kind of acts as an ice breaker to get people to share what their experiences have been on this or other problems because really, none of us really have the power to do anything other than share what our experiences have been as players both now and in the past so as to validate our readers position (with similar experiences on this or other issues).

Hard to have a social/shared experience when you're unwilling to actually share with the rest of the society. WTH did you expect from your post(s)?

My copying and pasting my bug report and/or bug reports of my friends isn't going to make interesting reading because it doesn't reflect the complexity of the human interaction at the keyboard.

Um... What the hell does that even mean? You came here complaining about a problem with HC and AA. It's right there in the damn title of the thread. It even sounds like your issue is a legitimate bug with the AA cap extension process. But when people have asked for more clarification, instead of providing it, you've gotten defensive. If you just wanted to say "EQ sucks!", then why not just start a thread with the title "EQ sucks", and then say that over and over. We could then give your thread precisely the amount and type of attention it deserves.

When you start a thread that appears to be about a specific problem with a specific game mechanic, you should expect people to want to discuss that specific problem with that specific game mechanic. What you seem to want to do is pull a bait and switch, starting off talking about something legitimate, but then insisting that we all drift away from that and into a broad "EQ sucks" discussion. I'm not sure how this fits into your whole "human interaction at the keyboard" bit, but where I come from, that's deceptive and dishonest.

Really what this is about is Sony taking away game choices from people.

Really? You don't say? It wasn't really about an AA bug? Color me shocked!

For example they've taken away the choice for silver membership . That's gone.

Huh? Don't you automatically get silver on any account that was originally subbed to gold? So before you had to pay to have a silver account, and now you just sub to gold *once*, and it'll remain silver for free forever from that point on, and that's them taking something away from you?

You're a "glass is half empty" kind of guy, aren't you?

That is precisely the case with the EverQuest AA cap increases. If you buy this product in (a f2p or silver account) as a character specific unlock it will not work for that heroic character you have specifically bought it for; so why sell an AA cap increases to f2p and silver account holders that don’t unlock AAs?

Again though, while it does seem to be a bug, this is a case of Sony giving you something for free. HCs start with maxed AAs. So they already far exceed the maximum you could extend the AA cap to. The issue isn't them taking something from you, but a buggy interaction between the "free" AAs they give HCs, and the way the AA cap extension process works for f2p and silver accounts.

For anyone like myself that's unhappy about that we're entitled to complain about this or any other issue and we're entitled to do so without being trolled and without having somebody parachute in and tell us we're stupid and/or illiterate for having invested ourselves in such a discussion which doesn't meet the troll's gold standard for descriptive writing.

It's pretty unreasonable to complain about an issue but then refuse to provide details about what you're complaining about when asked. If anyone is trolling here, it's you.

What I can say is some of my friends and I simply don't want to spend thousands of dollars *more* in subscriptions for multiple gold/all access accounts for a video game that's a decade and a half old that we will *never* be allowed to own and only ever be allowed access to. For us and I know this seems heresy to the UBER crowd, but the lower cost EQ option seems to make better sense and for the people who don't agree with that....they're free to keep paying for gold/all access all the time. Of course we're not allowed to really criticize that, are we? Because it would show we're not really serious players, how could we be playing crippled heroic characters in silver accounts.....or worse to play.

That's great. My response would be that you get what you pay for.

What I find strange though is that you're willing to pay money (SC, but if you are on silver that means you paid cash for it, right?) to extend the AA cap on a single character at a time, but are unwilling to pay for a gold sub for an entire account? This is the part that makes zero financial sense. The same "it's a game you don't own" argument applies in either case, but you get a hell of a lot more bang for your buck just paying for a gold sub than you do paying for AA cap increases.

I'm not saying that the AA cap thing isn't a bug and shouldn't be addressed. I am saying that the alternative option of paying for a gold sub is pretty reasonable and you shouldn't get upset when people suggest it.

The only bit of speculation left is, will they refund people for the AA cap unlocks on heroic characters or will they grant the AA unlock for people who already bought them and simply remove the product from the marketplace so in the future no one else can buy it?

Strange that you refuse to discuss this very issue though. Kinda hard to speculate about the best course of action when you aren't willing to explain precisely what you think should happen in contrast to what is happening. Do you see why this seems strange to the rest of us? You claim you want to talk about this issue, but then refuse to talk about it. Hmmm...

gbaji, I hope you'll forgive me for not giving a succinct bug report but you can't help me anyway. Bro, this is just a social forum but you're welcomed to please post again and give us your 2 cents worth. After all none of us have a crystal ball. All that we ask is that our posters keep it classy here please. (It's a social forum). Thanks for everyone who keeps posting and continuing to read.

Well, gee! Thanks for telling me what kind of forum this is. I would never have known without a veteran like yourself being so helpful and informative!
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#33 Jun 03 2014 at 4:10 PM Rating: Excellent
2,689 posts
Thanks for the synicism. It's making the newer post at least interesting to read.

Yther Ore.
#34 Jun 03 2014 at 5:09 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
Thanks for the praise Yther.

The only thing I regret is that I spent thousands of words and linked a thread etc.. trying to give options to someone that I really thought was asking for advice. But when I reread the last few sentences in the OP's opening post, in hindsight I should have known he was trolling earlier on. Smiley: oyvey Only later on did I realize that he really wanted to argue a point(s) rather than seek information or a solution to what I (and I'm sure many) thought was his gripe..

Well all is not lost as someone may Google/search subject matter to the thread and get some info they may need from the other posts ..But not the OP's Rosetta Stone wall.

I should have known..(last paragraph-first post):

curiousjeff wrote:
After a dozen years of playing EQ on and off, I'm here to tell you EQ is dying and probably heroic characters aren't going to save the game either. We had a good run for 15 years. I have been on board for 12 of them and its been a good ride but its nearly done. If you want to get on your secret heroic character and hide from your guildies and go out and have some stupid fun, I say go for it and enjoy the time that's left in the game because its winding down. I'm into marketing and sales, I understand bundling. If you can't sell something on its own because not enough people want to buy it anymore, bundle a bunch of things together that not enough people want to buy anymore for the same price you use to sale for one of them individually. Thats really what All Access membership is. I just know I really do that somebody is going to get on this thread and give us their pearls of wisdom by first announcing how many lvl 100 characters they have and how many AAs they have and we should therefore listen to them because their EQ uber gear gods. Truth is nobody knows where this is going. Therefore I hope we can respect the opinions of everyone that posts here mere mortals and EQ uber gear gods alike so no flaming please and no bumper stickers about let's "let the hate flow" either please. I therefore invite everyone in a mutual atmosphere of respect, ideas, thoughts, speculation and questions. Surely I don't have the answers that's why I am here. Hopefully to ask some good questions. Not necessarily to get answers because there may not be any but what there can be is an informed discussion. For anyone willing to extend themselves to participate in such a discussion I say thank you in advance. Please post away!

Edited, Jun 3rd 2014 7:32pm by hexeez
#35 Jun 03 2014 at 5:22 PM Rating: Excellent
35,568 posts
It's almost like the guy got pissed off because he didn't get flamed right out of the gate. I mean, how dare we actually address the issue he raised and try to suggest solutions and courses of action and whatnot? That's just crazy! We were supposed to tell him how wrong he is because we all have X number of level 100 characters and therefore know better than he does.
King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#36 Jun 03 2014 at 6:08 PM Rating: Excellent
756 posts
I literally fell asleep reading this thread (been a long day!), What were we discussing? Smiley: lol
#37 Jun 04 2014 at 7:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Liberal Conspiracy
Sippin wrote:
Gbaji, how in The Name of All that is Holy do you make 31,118 posts??

Yeah, really. Loser.
Belkira wrote:
Wow. Regular ol' Joph fan club in here.
#38 Jun 04 2014 at 12:00 PM Rating: Excellent
3,033 posts
I don't even wanna know how many is "TILT".
Sippin 115 DRU **** Firiona Vie ****Agnarr
FV: 115 WAR ENC CLE MAG WIZ SHD SHM Master Alchemist ROG Master Tinkerer & Poison-Maker
Master Artisan (300+) * Baker * Brewer * Fletcher * Jeweler * Potter * Researcher * Smith * Tailor
#39 Jun 04 2014 at 3:32 PM Rating: Good
35,568 posts
Sippin wrote:
I don't even wanna know how many is "TILT".

King Nobby wrote:
More words please
#40 Jun 05 2014 at 9:35 AM Rating: Excellent
902 posts
gbaji wrote:
Ok. Now that I've got that out of my system:

curiousjeff wrote:
The purpose of this thread isn't actually for you to "get" anything.

Then why bother with typing all those characters on the screen? Surely you didn't just type them to see them? Usually, you want people to "get" what you're writing. Else, it's just random squiggles, right? I mean, if your intent isn't for people to understand what the hell you're trying to say, you could just randomly hit keys and hit "send" and be done with it.

It's not a rant or bug report/gm complaint. It's a social experience that says, “I’m having a problem and I think others are as well” and that kind of acts as an ice breaker to get people to share what their experiences have been on this or other problems because really, none of us really have the power to do anything other than share what our experiences have been as players both now and in the past so as to validate our readers position (with similar experiences on this or other issues).

Hard to have a social/shared experience when you're unwilling to actually share with the rest of the society. WTH did you expect from your post(s)?

My copying and pasting my bug report and/or bug reports of my friends isn't going to make interesting reading because it doesn't reflect the complexity of the human interaction at the keyboard.

Um... What the hell does that even mean? You came here complaining about a problem with HC and AA. It's right there in the damn title of the thread. It even sounds like your issue is a legitimate bug with the AA cap extension process. But when people have asked for more clarification, instead of providing it, you've gotten defensive. If you just wanted to say "EQ sucks!", then why not just start a thread with the title "EQ sucks", and then say that over and over. We could then give your thread precisely the amount and type of attention it deserves.

When you start a thread that appears to be about a specific problem with a specific game mechanic, you should expect people to want to discuss that specific problem with that specific game mechanic. What you seem to want to do is pull a bait and switch, starting off talking about something legitimate, but then insisting that we all drift away from that and into a broad "EQ sucks" discussion. I'm not sure how this fits into your whole "human interaction at the keyboard" bit, but where I come from, that's deceptive and dishonest.

Really what this is about is Sony taking away game choices from people.

Really? You don't say? It wasn't really about an AA bug? Color me shocked!

For example they've taken away the choice for silver membership . That's gone.

Huh? Don't you automatically get silver on any account that was originally subbed to gold? So before you had to pay to have a silver account, and now you just sub to gold *once*, and it'll remain silver for free forever from that point on, and that's them taking something away from you?

You're a "glass is half empty" kind of guy, aren't you?

That is precisely the case with the EverQuest AA cap increases. If you buy this product in (a f2p or silver account) as a character specific unlock it will not work for that heroic character you have specifically bought it for; so why sell an AA cap increases to f2p and silver account holders that don’t unlock AAs?

Again though, while it does seem to be a bug, this is a case of Sony giving you something for free. HCs start with maxed AAs. So they already far exceed the maximum you could extend the AA cap to. The issue isn't them taking something from you, but a buggy interaction between the "free" AAs they give HCs, and the way the AA cap extension process works for f2p and silver accounts.

For anyone like myself that's unhappy about that we're entitled to complain about this or any other issue and we're entitled to do so without being trolled and without having somebody parachute in and tell us we're stupid and/or illiterate for having invested ourselves in such a discussion which doesn't meet the troll's gold standard for descriptive writing.

It's pretty unreasonable to complain about an issue but then refuse to provide details about what you're complaining about when asked. If anyone is trolling here, it's you.

What I can say is some of my friends and I simply don't want to spend thousands of dollars *more* in subscriptions for multiple gold/all access accounts for a video game that's a decade and a half old that we will *never* be allowed to own and only ever be allowed access to. For us and I know this seems heresy to the UBER crowd, but the lower cost EQ option seems to make better sense and for the people who don't agree with that....they're free to keep paying for gold/all access all the time. Of course we're not allowed to really criticize that, are we? Because it would show we're not really serious players, how could we be playing crippled heroic characters in silver accounts.....or worse to play.

That's great. My response would be that you get what you pay for.

What I find strange though is that you're willing to pay money (SC, but if you are on silver that means you paid cash for it, right?) to extend the AA cap on a single character at a time, but are unwilling to pay for a gold sub for an entire account? This is the part that makes zero financial sense. The same "it's a game you don't own" argument applies in either case, but you get a hell of a lot more bang for your buck just paying for a gold sub than you do paying for AA cap increases.

I'm not saying that the AA cap thing isn't a bug and shouldn't be addressed. I am saying that the alternative option of paying for a gold sub is pretty reasonable and you shouldn't get upset when people suggest it.

The only bit of speculation left is, will they refund people for the AA cap unlocks on heroic characters or will they grant the AA unlock for people who already bought them and simply remove the product from the marketplace so in the future no one else can buy it?

Strange that you refuse to discuss this very issue though. Kinda hard to speculate about the best course of action when you aren't willing to explain precisely what you think should happen in contrast to what is happening. Do you see why this seems strange to the rest of us? You claim you want to talk about this issue, but then refuse to talk about it. Hmmm...

gbaji, I hope you'll forgive me for not giving a succinct bug report but you can't help me anyway. Bro, this is just a social forum but you're welcomed to please post again and give us your 2 cents worth. After all none of us have a crystal ball. All that we ask is that our posters keep it classy here please. (It's a social forum). Thanks for everyone who keeps posting and continuing to read.

Well, gee! Thanks for telling me what kind of forum this is. I would never have known without a veteran like yourself being so helpful and informative!

This is how you get 31 billion posts...and I love how he dissects people, even when I don't agree with it...Smiley: lol Although in this case, he couldn't be any more on the money... Smiley: bowdown
#41 Jun 05 2014 at 12:15 PM Rating: Excellent
610 posts
It was a most timely intervention by Gbaji and it was earned by the OP. His guard was completely removed line item by line item...

Bows to gbaji (bent at the knees for one split second !) jk Haha Smiley: nod Smiley: grin Smiley: lol
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